broken clouds

Chapter 86 Tiger Array

Finally, Poyun and the thunder gate master of Fenzhou Hall were met.

With the help of the nameless four styles, the broken cloud hit Chen Batian, the angry master of Fenzhou.

In shock, the five tigers broke the clouds in a hurry. They saw that the clouds were gradually lost. They didn't want to break the clouds and suddenly captured the winged tiger as a shield, and suddenly turned the winged tiger into a hedgehog tiger.

The winged tiger was stabbed into a hedgehog tiger by the demon tiger and screamed and rolled all over the ground.

The demon tiger hurriedly took out an elixir and stuffed it into the mouth of the winged tiger. Seeing the winged tiger swallow its belly, its face softened slightly.

The bursting tiger, the hundred-faced tiger and the smiling tiger are in the middle, looking at the broken clouds with a guarded face.

Breaking the clouds, he breathed out in his heart and secretly said that he was lucky. If you don't catch the winged tiger, or if you catch the winged tiger, you don't use it as a shield. If Xiaowei said it, she would become a thorn stone, full of thorn stones.

The winged tiger trembled and let the demon tiger stand up. It seems that the toxicity on the demon tiger needle is no longer important. However, his body was full of needles like hedgehogs, and the painfully inserted the winged tiger with a runny nose and tears.

Po Yun looked at the winged tiger pulling out the needle on his body with a smile and said with a bad smile, "It seems that the feelings of your brothers are really good. You have to throw things to their own people."

The demon tiger's face changed, and the demon said angrily, "Wait! Look at my rain and won't let you become a sieve!" Raise your hand and take action.

The bursting tiger stopped the demon tiger with its dark face, stared at the broken cloud, and shouted in a low voice, "Arange!"

Although the bursting tiger has a hot chestnut temperament, it is very experienced in the world. Seeing that several people are not the opponents of this ugly boy, even if it is unpleasant, they should take over the battle and kill the boy as soon as possible.

The five tigers burst the tiger and horse for the first time, and immediately surrounded the broken clouds into five-pointed stars.

"Five tigers bound the divine array!"

The broken cloud's eyes contracted and finally came.

Five Tiger Binding God Array!

The five tiger binding array of the five tigers can be said to be the signboard of the five tigers. I don't know how many martial arts masters have been trapped.

Breaking the clouds and taking a deep breath, the five tigers set up the five tigers to bind the divine array, which is the real beginning!

"Li Sheng Kun, Qian Sheng Qian, Xun Qian!"

With the angry shout of the bursting tiger, the five tiger bondage array was officially launched.

The five tigers surrounded the broken clouds, stepped on the gossip, and each drew their own blades to attack the broken clouds.

In the middle of the broken cloud, I saw the figure flying, a sword was separated in the shadow, and a needle flew out in the shadow, and the broken cloud could not see anyone at all, and I didn't know where to attack was really a headache.

Breaking clouds has no idea about the formation, otherwise they would not be trapped in the fog forest. And the five tigers are bound to the god array is a deep array in the array. How can you understand the broken clouds? It's completely a trick, and you can't touch it at all.

"Gunsheng Qian, exchange the hurdle, dry and shake!"

The scene in front of the broken clouds suddenly changed, and the flying figures suddenly disappeared and turned into a vast white.

There is nothing in white.

Poyun was puzzled but suddenly felt very tired. He was so lazy that he didn't want to move and wanted to sit down and have a rest.

Just as the clouds wanted to sit down and have a rest, a stone table and chair suddenly appeared in the vast white, and a newly made Biluochun was placed on the table. Judging from the fragrance of tea, it must be the best tea.

Poyun sat down happily, picked up the teacup and smelled it carefully. It was indeed the best Biluochun.

The refreshing fragrance of tea floated into the nose of the clouds, and the cloud-breaking expression was refreshed. He picked up the teacup and gently took a sip of tea, and couldn't help shaking his head intoxication.

After drinking a cup of tea, Poyun stretched out contentedly and yawned, trying to find a place to lie down and take a nap.

The white in front of him was vast, and a large wooden bed appeared like a trick, and the wooden bed was large and wide with bedding.

Poyun was surprised, but he felt more and more sleepy. He walked to the bedside and sat down.

The wooden bed is very soft and comfortable to sit on, but the clouds always feel that something is wrong. After thinking for a long time, the sleepiness became stronger and stronger, and the eyelids of the broken clouds were as heavy as lead, and they were about to lie down in a daze. Suddenly, I stopped and thought of something. Po Yun shook his head and thought hard, but he couldn't think of anything.

Suddenly, an extremely dangerous feeling surged into the heart of the clouds.

Broken clouds' eyes contract, "I'm not Fighting with the Five Tigers! What's going on!" The scene just now suddenly came to my mind.

The vast white gradually fades into a layer of mist. Slowly, the mist gradually dissipated, and a long gun suddenly appeared in front of Poyun, and the tip of the gun was only two inches away from his heart!

The clouds were shocked. Without thinking, raise your hand to block it with moon marks!

"Dang!" With a soft sound, a piece of thing flew far away and fell to the ground, shining in the sun. The broken cloud fixed its eyes and looked at the short tip of the gun. Looking back, the bursting tiger was looking at the moonmark in his hand with a surprised face.

The broken cloud looked aside, and the scene in front of him finally became real.

Looking at the moon mark in his hand, cold sweat soaked through the skirt of the clouds. There was no moon mark. This shot had already killed him.

The burst tiger roared, and the five tigers began to launch a formation again.

Breaking clouds finally knows what it is to bind the god. Trapped in the array, not only can't escape, but also the ecstasy of the five tigers bind the god array. Just now, I broke the clouds and unconsciously said. Fortunately, I woke up early, otherwise blood would have been sprinkled with loess.

This time, the broken cloud was prepared, and the mind was secretly reassured. The operation of the refreshing formula was very strong, and the psychedelic fog finally did not appear again.

When it comes to breaking the clouds, why don't you feel shocked when it comes to the five tigers?

The Five Tigers Binding God Array is a formation that the Five Tigers inadvertently obtained in their early years. This array is extensive and profound, and its psychedelic effect is very deep. Anyone who enters the battle will have hallucinations according to their own thoughts, and then follow the hallucinations, and the five tigers will take the opportunity to kill them.

Just now burst the tiger's eyes and saw that there was no God in the cloud's eyes, and his body gradually slowed down. He knew that it was the formation that worked. He raised the gun to break the cloud. He didn't think it was just a little bit. The broken cloud suddenly woke up and sharpened his gun.

The bursting tiger's heart is strong enough to break through the clouds, and it is even more surprised by the moonmark on the broken cloud's hand. Although his black iron gun is not a divine object like sinking iron and burning iron in the South China Sea, it is also made of precious black iron. When it meets other people's dagger prime minister, it is simply that tofu meets a knife, which does not surprise the bursting tiger.

The five tigers bound the divine array launched the extreme again, and the cloud-breaking moment kept its mind free of distractions. Although it was dangerous, it was not defeated, and the five tigers became a state of confrontation.

There is no good way for the five tigers to start a formation. The six people fought together and blinked for half a day.

Even the girl who watched the battle showed impatience, but the two sides were evenly matched and could not tell the winner for a while.

The girl was very clear that she was not the opponent of the five tigers. Seeing that the five tigers cooperated seamlessly, she could only become a burden for the five tigers to participate in the war, and the broken cloud seemed to have something to do with Manman. She did not know whether this broken cloud had anything to do with Manman and Shuiyinmen. With a sigh, I could only look at a few people sigh.

The broken cloud ran left and right in the binding array, and the binding array walked left and right with the broken cloud. The broken cloud could never find a way to break the array, and he couldn't help but feel anxious. Here, people are lonely. If they don't solve it quickly, it will be bad to come back to the Thunder Gate's helper later.

The cloud was anxious, and his hands and feet couldn't help slowing down. He was immediately cut off a sleeve by the steel knife of a hundred-faced tiger. Poyun was shocked and immediately dared not think about it. He focused on the five tigers in front of him and did not dare to relax a little.

The burst tiger's hot temper was also fed up with the toughness of breaking the clouds and shouted, "Kan Shengxun, Kan go dry, exchange the Kun!"

In an in an ast moment, the five tigers bound the divine array changed again.

The shadow of the gun, the sword, the blade, the cold light of the dagger, and the strange embroidery needles rolled into the clouds like a storm.

Breaking the cloud has been bitterly supported in the binding array. The binding array changed again, and breaking the cloud immediately fell into an extremely passive place.

The four, five and six types of the nameless seven types are taken one after another, but they are of no help to the current predicament.

With the increasingly heavy sword and sword shadow, he secretly made a decision in his heart. We can only use the unnamed seven!"

The unnamed seven formula is not the same as other formulas.

The first three types are used for sneak attack and assassination. It's useless when facing the enemy head-on.

The nameless four-five-six is a domineering move against the enemy. It has been used several times just now. Obviously, it can't do any harm to the five tigers. Then there is only the unnamed seventh type left. However, the nameless seventh form is a desperate move, which needs to be used to condense the power of the whole body. After use, it will cause great side effects on the body.

The current physical limit of breaking clouds can only be used twice, and it is when you are energetic. Now the clouds have been fighting with the five tigers all afternoon. Although they have a clear heart to provide internal strength, their bodies are still very tired. In such a state, you will be exhausted if you use the nameless seven.

There is also a thread girl who didn't take action, staring at her and a wry smile appeared on the corners of her mouth. It seems that it can't be good today. At present, we have to plan to defeat the five tigers first.

In fact, the five tigers are as anxious as breaking the clouds. Although the five tigers binding array of the five tigers need five tigers to launch, in any case, the five-person battle with one person is an iron fact, which can't be concealed.

The Five Tigers are now well-known figures in the world. Everyone has the ability to fight against the world. In the Thunder Gate, it can be said that there are 10,000 people below one person. Even the elders of the Thunder Gate dare not say a word to the Five Tigers, relying on their strong martial arts.

Now, five people have been forced to go together by a young man of about 20, and even set up a five tiger-binding array. If this is introduced into the world, how can the face of the five tigers be hung up? So the five tigers have tried their best to kill them as soon as possible.

Five tigers roared and rushed to the broken cloud, seeing that the broken cloud had nowhere to hide.

Breaking the clouds took a deep breath, and the cold light in my eyes was shining. Since I can't avoid it, I won't hide anymore!

The moon mark in his hand suddenly rushed out of the air, and the sword light paused for a moment and cut straight down!

"Nameless Seven!"