broken clouds

Chapter 248 Water Sky

Four eggs had to admit defeat because the winter egg was captured by Poyun. He promised not to kill anyone after Poyun. He even recognized Poyun as his boss, but Poyun just thought that the boss said it was a joke.

At this time...

The broken clouds were stunned and screamed, "This can't be true!"

The four eggs are very puzzled.

"What is not true?" Qiu Dan asked with his head tilted.

Lianjing bent down with a smile behind and said, "Breaking Yun doesn't believe that he can really be your boss! Po Yun is really flattered to have powerful and handsome men like you. Isn't that right, breaking the clouds? With that, he couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing again.

Poyun originally thought it would be enough to teach the four eggs a lesson. Who would have thought that the four eggs were stubborn, but they were very persistent in what they said to themselves and insisted on recognizing themselves as the boss. Seeing these four messy guys, I have a headache when I break the clouds. Do you still think they are the boss?

Breaking the cloud had some regrets about the comparison with the four eggs.

Four eggs couldn't help but be proud when they heard Lianjing praise.

Chundan looked proud and deliberately regretted, "I think my four brothers are magnificent and martial arts. It's a little difficult to be other people's subordinates."

"Then don't recognize me as the boss..." Po Yun sighed and muttered, "Speaking of which, I really don't deserve to be your boss. You'd better go..."

Xia Dan stared, "How can that work! Our brother made a promise. Now that we have conceded defeat, we will recognize you as the boss! This is a must!"

Sandan nodded at the same time. Although his face was regretful, he did not hesitate at all.

Po Yun sighed, and Lian Jing came over and laughed, "Don't you want to discipline them? This will give you a chance. I think although they are nonsense, they are still affectionate and righteous. Just agree.

"I'm afraid that the world will not be chaotic..." Po Yun shook his head gently. He also saw that the four eggs were affectionate and righteous, and they must do what they said. They acted openly. They turned to the four eggs and said solemnly, "I will be your boss, and you have to listen to me. In addition to what I just said, you should pay more attention to what you need to do in the future.

The four eggs sighed and sighed about the injustice of fate, which made the four people be bound by the broken clouds, but still nodded and agreed.

Suddenly, Dongdan said weakly, "You can't tear people... Occasionally tear a cow... OK?" With that, he peeked at the bloody cattle.


Breaking the clouds and saying angrily, "Everything in the world is spiritual! How can you do such a cruel thing!"

The four eggs sighed and sighed again that the broken clouds were old-fashioned. The four of them found an unauthentic boss.

Poyun shook his head with a wry smile and walked back to the restaurant. He saw the shopkeeper crying with tears and snot that his fate was unfair. Who was causing whom he was attracting? The little restaurant he worked hard to build was demolished by a group of plague gods.

Breaking the cloud sighed secretly, he took out a few ingots of silver and threw them to the shopkeeper, asked the shopkeeper to repair the restaurant, and by the way, he helped himself compensate the scalper. Walking out of the restaurant, I saw Sidan and Lianjing chatting happily.

The four eggs were in high spirits, and Lianjing smiled happily. When they broke the clouds, they couldn't help wondering when the four eggs and Lianjing became familiar with each other.

When Lianjing saw the broken cloud coming out, she greeted it with a smile and said, "Breaking the cloud. These four guys are so funny. In order to prove that he was more comfortable than a fish in the water, he was suffothed underwater for four or five days and was almost suffothed to death. Do you think it's funny or not?

Chundan said proudly, "The three guys can't do it, and finally I came to the surface."

Qiu Dan said angrily, "It's not you who secretly coquettize us! Dongdan drank a bellyful of water and was almost eaten by Wang Ba.

When the winter egg scandal was exposed, he was so angry that he shouted, "I'm proving that my stomach can hold more water than you!"

Xia Dan laughed and said, "I pretended to sink to the bottom of the water."

Dongdan was furious and was about to scold when he was stopped by Po Yun waved his hand.

Poyun only felt a headache and said in a low voice, "Are you sure you want to follow me? Even if you leave now, I won't embarrass you."

The four eggs showed disdain, and they knew that they would not leave by looking at their expressions.

The broken cloud sighed that it was pasted by these four dog skin plasters, and he couldn't get rid of it. He sighed, "Let's go quickly. You made a lot of noise here. Besides, I have something important to do when I go to the South China Sea.

When the four eggs heard that they went to the South China Sea, they couldn't help but show excitement, and their eyes were shining. They shouted and greeted Lianjing and rushed out of the village, and threw Poyun behind.

Breaking cloud kept asking himself why he was so unlucky and caught up with him.

In this way, a group of six people walked and stopped and headed for the South China Sea.

It's not that Poyun is afraid of exhausting everyone, but that the four eggs are too good at making trouble. Every time they encounter something strange, they must play for a while. What makes Poyun more depressed is that Lianjing also joins the ranks of the four eggs. Every day, she is naughty with the four eggs, which is even more able to make trouble than when she first met Poyun.

It's not true to break the clouds, and it's not true. Only bravely walking to the South China Sea, hoping that one day the four eggs will be fed up with their orders and sneak away, saving themselves from headaches.

But although the four eggs are stubborn, they value what they have said. They have never left the meaning of breaking the cloud, and they have always complied with the requirements of breaking the cloud.

Moreover, Sidan and Lianjing have the meaning of meeting late. How can they be willing to give up such a good playmate? Along the way, I didn't feel depressed at all.

After more than ten days of travel, a big city is hidden.

Breaking the clouds and sighing, the largest town in the South China Sea is about to arrive. It should also be a little closer to the Qinglong Hall of the lonely predecessors.

This city is called Shuitian City.

It is said that when the sea is at high tide, it is only one step away from the city to see the sea and the sky in the city.

Shuitian City is very large, the size of Fengzhou City, surrounded by the sea on three sides, and facing the land. There are countless people in the town, including the three religion and nine streams, peddlers, and people from south to north. It is the largest city connected to the South China Sea and the Central Plains.

Although the sinking iron in the South China Sea is almost extinct now, and many people come to try their luck, in such a mixed place, all people and forces are at peace.

The reason is very simple.

This is the southernmost and most sea-side force in the Yangmen.

Before the annexation of Shuiyinmen, the Xue family, a martial arts giant in the southern Central Plains, coveted the rich business opportunities of Shuitian City and invaded Shuitian City.

The Yangmen did not talk to the Xue family directly at all, or did not pay attention to the Xue family's invasion at all, but took the initiative to give up Shuitian City.

However, on the second day of occupying Shuitian City, Xue Yuexing, the head of the Xue family, disappeared in his room!

The biological brother of Xue Yuexing, the second head and the big head, Xue Yueji, was found hanged on the gate outside Shuitian City!

The Xue family hurriedly withdrew from Shuitian City, but three days later, more than 200 members of the family died inexplicably on the way to escape.

No one has scars on his body, no one has no expression on his face, all of which are extremely frightened and frightened. From sixty-year-olds to three-year-olds, there are no one!

Since then, no one in Shuitian City has dared to move, and no one has dared to make trouble. That's why Shuitian City is more prosperous than ordinary cities.

Here, as long as you have the ability to make money and the ability to make money, you don't have to be afraid that someone will steal. Everyone is equal, or there are people who dare to make trouble, and they will disappear inexplicably. No one knows whether it is the means of the blazing sun or not.

Residents of Shuitian City live and work in peace and do not close their houses at night.

Some people even call Shuitian City Tianfu City. A happy and beautiful city given by God.

As soon as you enter the city gate, you will feel that the city is majestic but warm. People who come and go have happy smiles on their faces. I was secretly surprised that it was incredible to satisfy such a big town and so many people.

Looking back, Lianjing has run into the market with four eggs. After a while, everyone ran back with a tiger hat on his head and a pony whip in his hand, chasing a group of three-year-old children at the meeting. Same hand with a pony whip. It seems that Lianjing, the four eggs fought with the children and were chased out by the children.

The clouds sighed and pretended not to see them. But the four eggs quickly ran to the broken clouds.

Chundan shouted, " boss! We are hungry!"

"I'm also a little thirsty!" Xia Dan frowned and said, "It should be better to drink some wine."

"There is a shortage of wine and rice in my stomach! Boss!" Qiu Dan shouted, "Go to dinner quickly!"

"Yes!" Dongdan said, "I'm hungry. Let's go!"

Breaking the clouds was furious and scolded, "You guys! Drinking and eating all the way! And every time I clean up the mess! Are you the boss or am I the boss?"

"You are the boss!" The four eggs looked at the broken clouds with a strange expression.

"I don't know who the boss is. He is so young and has such a bad memory." The spring egg muttered.

"That's it. You are not the boss. Are we the boss? We are the boss, and we have gone far away a long time ago. Xia Dan also muttered in a low voice.

"What else did you say to clean up the mess? What a mess? We just entered the city and didn't break the stalls. Qiu Dan looked confused and couldn't understand why Po Yun suddenly got angry.

"Not bad, not bad. I think the boss must have worked hard all the way, and his head is a little shaggy. Dongdan's original expression made Sandan agree and nodded.

Lianjing smiled brightly, and her bright smile formed a huge contrast with the confused face of the four eggs.

Poyun sighed deeply, like a defeated rooster, and muttered helplessly, "Let's go to dinner."

Four eggs cheered and quickly rushed into the nearest and largest restaurant.

"Just know how to eat!" Poyun muttered viciously, "If you eat so much, you won't be afraid of choked to death!"

Lianjing smiled, pulled the broken clouds to the restaurant and said, "Who told you to compare with others and be the boss of others. OK, let's go. It's too late to go in. I don't know what the four guys will do.

Poyun nodded with a wry smile and suddenly felt a trace of strange behind him. Looking back, there was only the stream of people, and there was nothing unusual.

Lianjing looked at the broken cloud doubtfully. The broken cloud smiled, shook his head, and pulled Lianjing into the restaurant.

The figure of broken clouds and pity has just disappeared at the door of the restaurant, but a figure suddenly appeared in the darkness of the street corner.

A cold light flashed in the shadow's eyes and disappeared into the noisy crowd in an instant.