broken clouds

Chapter 249 Ribs

Breaking clouds, Lianjing and four eggs, a group of six finally came to Shuitian City, the largest city in the South China Sea.

As soon as he entered the city, the four eggs couldn't help but say that they wanted to feed their stomachs, and the wronged head, Po Yun, had to follow him.

The room is bright, but the atmosphere is a little gloomy.

The yang water surface sank like water. He lowered his head and meditated. He slowly stared up at the man in blue opposite him and said in a low voice, "Are you sure it's them!"

The man in blue nodded and said respectfully, "The doorkeeper, you can't be wrong. Although my subordinates are not very familiar with breaking clouds, they have a deep impression of the four eggs in spring, summer, autumn and winter. That is, they can't be wrong.

"There is another woman?" Yang Huashui frowned slightly and thought, "Breaking clouds come from the Chen family, is it Chen Lianjing..." He took a deep breath and muttered, "Breaking clouds... Chen Lianjing... Spring and Autumn Four Eggs... It's really a little tricky." He said to the man in blue, "Go down. Prepare two good rooms, which will be used in these two days.

The people in blue did not dare to ask more questions and nodded and retreated.

Yang Huashui sighed softly and really didn't understand why the leader let himself come to Shuitian City at this time. Although the leader said that he had his own intention, Yang Huashui was still puzzled.

A few days after the renovation of Yanghua Water, he received a letter from the leader, saying that Poyun set out for the South China Sea, and the largest city in the South China Sea was Shuitian City, and Poyun would definitely go to Shuitian City. Shuitian City is exactly the sphere of influence of the Yangmen. Of course, the action of the Yangmen is like a fish in water, allowing Yanghua Water to take people to Shuitian City to stand by.

Yanghuashui knew that Poyun was looking for the lonely Qinglong Palace of the master in his previous life, but before breaking the clouds, countless people had been in and out of the South China Sea, and no one had seen any palace.

The leader did not know why he was convinced that breaking the clouds were different. Most of the time he would find the Qinglong Palace in this trip, so that Yanghuashui could act quickly.

After the Battle of the Yangmen, hundreds of wastes are waiting to flourish.

Yanghuashui said that he didn't want to leave the Qiyang Gate, but the leader's order was unquestionable. Yanghuashui could only leave the Qiyang Gate to go to Shuitian City, and he did not talk to the thread girl about going to Shuitian City. He didn't want the thread girl to worry and follow him.

When he arrived at Shuitian City, he found that he was not breaking the clouds. Such a group of six people still knew that it was impossible to deal with the six people. On the one hand, he sent a letter to the leader, and on the other hand, he sent a letter to the blazing Yangmen, so that he could annihilate Yan Luo and the snake and scorpion Langjun to help him.

In the battle of Shuiyinmen, the left palm was blown into ashes by thunder and fire bombs. His martial arts skills are not as good as before. Yanghuashui is not because the snake and scorpion Langjun still has some poisonous skills, and he has already driven the snake and scorpion Langjun out.

To treat useless people, pity is the biggest mistake. This is the style of Yanghuashui.

The annihilation of Yan Luo is different.

He made outstanding achievements in the battle of Shuiyinmen, and a pair of judges' pens were really rare masters.

It's just that the annihilation of Yan Luo is indifferent and doesn't look good to anyone. Yang Huashui didn't care too much about the superb martial arts of destroying Yan Luo, but secretly felt that it was a little similar to the spirit of the leader. He even secretly investigated whether he was the leader of the annihilation of Yan Luo, and finally found that he was just a suspicious ghost.

With the help of these two people, Yang Huashui has a little more confidence in himself. But all this can only be acted by the order of the leader. Not only can he not find the Qinglong Palace, but also startle the snake.

Yanghuashui suddenly felt a burst of fatigue and came out. After doing so many things, it can no longer be simply measured by right or wrong. Yang Huashui doesn't want to prove whether he is right or wrong in his heart, but he just wants to escape from this. Even if he is just farming, he is much more leisurely than he is now.

Of course, Yang Huashui knows that this idea is just a microcosm in his heart. It may not be impossible to achieve it... Suddenly, it flashes in his eyes, but the most important thing is to do the current thing well!

The broken cloud picked up a piece of lung and put it into his mouth and chewed it slowly. When he was squinting his eyes and slowly tasting the delicate lung slices, suddenly a black shadow flew over. The broken cloud didn't even look at it and reached out to catch it.

is a plate with half a piece of braised pork ribs on the plate.

"Big Boss! That's mine!" Qiu Dan shouted to grab the plate in Yun's hand.

"Bulls!" Chundan was furious, "You beat my plate away, and the contents are yours?"

"Who said the whole plate of ribs is yours!" Xia Dan said angrily, "I was taken away by you as soon as I ate one piece. It's so despicable!"

Dongdan quietly rubbed against the broken clouds and whispered, " boss, they bite the dog. Give me the ribs."

The broken cloud sword frowned, and the blue veins on his forehead were hidden. He only felt a mass of anger in his heart as if he was about to blurt out. He tried his best to hold it down and heard the sound of breaking the wind, and the spring egg clamped his chopsticks to the ribs.

Breaking the clouds shook their hands to block the spring eggs, but the summer eggs and autumn eggs took the opportunity to clip the ribs.

The broken cloud was furious, and the plate in his hand was heavily placed on the table, cutting the summer egg and autumn egg veins with his palm. Xia Dan and Qiu Dan quickly withdrew their hands, but saw Dong Dan quietly reaching for the ribs.

The cloud picked up the chopsticks and inserted them heavily into the palm of the winter egg's hand. The winter egg was shocked, and the chopsticks were heavily inserted next to the winter egg's finger, which scared the winter egg immediately withdrew his hand.

Breaking the clouds said angrily, "You bastards! Did you starve to death in your last life? Every time I eat, I feel like a starving ghost! You've eaten all the way, haven't you had enough yet?"

Lianjing giggled and made Poyun swear. It could be seen that these guys were really difficult to deal with. They stretched out their slender hands and gently picked up the half of the ribs and deliberately said, "Is it just such a small piece of ribs? Who should I give them?" He smiled and peeked at the four eggs.

The four eggs were drunk by the clouds and became more honest. Seeing that Lianjing picked up the ribs, they couldn't help revealing their true faces. They were full of greedy eyes, staring at the ribs, and their saliva was about to flow down.

"Give it to me! "Pianjing little girl!"

"Give it to me! Pity!"

"Shut up! Spring eggs! You have eaten a plate! Give it to me! Little girl!"

"Give it to me! Beautiful Jing'er." Dongdan tried to make a magnetic sound in his voice, but in fact, it was not good, still like a broken gong.

Breaking the clouds sighed and complained, "Jinger, stop it. They are so unruly because you always speak for them.

Lianjing made a grimace and said viciously to the four eggs, "See, because of you, I've been told. Well, let's eat this piece for the clouds. He laughed and said, "I really don't dare to eat the ribs eaten by spring eggs..." He threw the ribs into the broken cloud bowl.

Along the way, the four eggs have figured out the temper of the broken clouds.

Breaking the cloud is also talking hard, and losing your temper is over, and there is nothing you can do about Lianjing. Seeing that the ribs were in the broken cloud bowl again, the eyes of the four eggs couldn't help but light up again.

Poyun looked at the four hungry wolf-like eggs, sighed and said helplessly, "If you like it, let's have another plate for Xiao Er. Don't be so promising." I was helpless, but I was glad that I directly found a private room for dinner. Otherwise, if you let outsiders see the appearance of the four eggs, I'm afraid that no matter how gentle you are, you will make people think that you are pretending.

Chundan's face turned whole and said righteously, "What the boss said was a big mistake! It's not a matter of eating another plate or not eating another plate. These guys are unruly! Originally, I ate well and had to compete with me. Isn't there any reason?"

The cloud is so angry that my nose is almost crooked. This guy even has to be reasonable. Who am I trying to provoke? He swallowed his anger all the way and didn't find anyone to vent his anger. He is not reasonable!

Qiu Dan shouted, " boss! Don't listen to Chundan's nonsense! I didn't like it. He occupied a plate to eat by himself, so I wanted to grab the plate and eat together!" Looking at the ribs and drooling, he said with a hippie smile, "But if you want to eat this, you have to give the greatest credit, that is, I will eat it."

Xia Dan scolded, "You bastards! I only ate one piece! This piece should belong to me!"

"They are bastards, and you and I will become bastards." Dongdan complained about Xia Dan in a low voice, turned his head and smiled at the broken clouds, " boss. I think I'll solve this problem for you." Sit up and say solemnly, "Give me the ribs, and the problem will be solved!"

"Hahahaha! Hahahaha!"

Lianjing smiled so much that she lay on the table and laughed until tears flowed down.

Poyun suddenly had an impulse to kill people and said angrily, "I know how to eat!" Don't eat!"


A dark shadow rushed out of the window!

The broken cloud was shocked and fixed his eyes. It turned out to be a little eagle.

It is said that it is a small eagle, and its wings are five or six feet long.

When breaking the clouds and wondering, who trained the eagle biography? Unexpectedly, the eagle flew into the room and flew out of the window in front of the broken clouds, with no intention of staying.

Suddenly, I heard the spring egg scream, "What a miscellaneous hair! It stole the ribs!"

Poyun looked down and saw that the ribs in the bowl were indeed gone. Then, the eagle grabbed the ribs!

"Bastard! Dare to steal my ribs!" Qiu Dan was furious and picked up the bowl in front of him and smashed the eagle!

"Ah--!" Lianjing exclaimed, "Don't hurt it!"

Qiu Dan was shocked when he heard Lianjing, and the flower bowl of blue and white porcelain flew past the belly of the eagle.

The eagle also seemed to be shocked, quacked twice, and its wings disappeared.

It's very easy to stop the goshawk next to the window, but he is curious that this hairy beast has such a hobby, just watching the goshawk escape into the sky.

The clouds are full of doubts. Why... and the eagle eating ribs...?! Looking at the four eggs, he immediately turned his head and scolded himself that he was really stupid. He actually wanted to see what the four eggs think.

The four eggs have no other feelings except scolding the eagle for being despicable and shameless and complaining about breaking the clouds and fat watering outsiders' fields.

The broken cloud turned his head and looked at Lianjing, which was also strange.

The two looked at each other and smiled. The first time they saw the eagle stealing ribs, it was really a big forest with all kinds of birds.

Looking at the four eggs of spring and autumn, the broken clouds and pity couldn't help smiling.

If there are characters like spring, summer, autumn and winter, why can't there be an eagle that steals ribs...