broken clouds

Chapter 286 Island Sinking

The broken cloud finally came out of the Qinglong Palace. When everyone was happy, they found that the Xuanying who went in with the broken cloud did not come out.

Unexpectedly, Xuanying has made up her mind to sink into the sea with the Green Dragon Palace!

" friends..."

The earth was trembling, and the house began to fall rocks, as if he couldn't bear to say goodbye to everyone, and it was more like sending Xuanying off.

"Little Eagle!"

Lianjing patted the door and cried bitterly.

"Go! This place is going to collapse!"

As soon as Yanghuashui's voice fell, the person was already at the upward steps, and then disappeared.

He broke the clouds and put away the dragon sword and pulled up the pity, "Let's go."

"No! I don't want to go! I want to save the little eagle!"

Lian Jing's voice was hoarse, and he slapped the door desperately. But how can the cold stone door respond at all?

Breaking the cloud felt a pain in his heart. He looked at Lianjing with pity and raised his hand gently behind Lianjing. Lianjing immediately collapsed and fainted.

The broken cloud turned his back and looked at the four eggs and said in a low voice, "Let's go!" Saying that, he ran to the exit!

Four eggs nodded and ran wildly with the clouds. When they didn't reach the top of the mountain, they heard a bang, and the crystal on the Qinglong Palace was completely broken!

The sea rushed into the Qinglong Palace, and then continued to chase through the clouds and four eggs!

When I broke the clouds and reached the top of the mountain, I couldn't help but take a breath of cold air when I looked around!

The island splits into two halves from the middle, and the island is slowly sinking into the sea!

I don't know when a boat appeared on the edge of the hill!

A figure is running quickly towards the boat!

It's yang water!

The broken cloud was shocked, Nayuan's breath ran all over his body, and the Tianlong stepped on it, and a breeze quickly drifted away to the boat.

The Yanghua water surface sank like water. Seeing that the boat was close in front of him, he couldn't help but breathe. Suddenly, the figure shook, and the broken clouds unexpectedly boarded the boat first!

Yanghuashui simply doesn't believe his eyes. Poyun is still carrying pity on his back, and he still has such a speed!

And looking through the clouds, my heart is not beating and breathing, with a casual and elegant expression, it's not like running away with my life, just like walking!

The earth was shaking more and more, and the sea began to cover the land next to the island. The animals on the island seemed to feel the crisis and fled to a high place desperately.

Four eggs screamed and fled from the top of the mountain. Seeing that the sea quickly flooded the island, there were still dozens of feet away from the boat. In a hurry, they had to jump into the sea and swim to the boat.

Breaking the cloud put down the pity, pulled out the dragon sword and said in a low voice, "Step on the tree trunk!" The hand shook slightly, and a light blue light flashed!

Several towering ancient trees closest to the four eggs suddenly turned into several pieces, falling scattered between the four eggs and the boat.

Four eggs were overjoyed and stepped on the trunk with light skills. After several ups and downs, although they were embarrassed, they finally landed safely on the ship.

Breaking the cloud took back the Panlong Sword and shouted in a low voice, "Sit down!" He suddenly pushed his palms in the direction of the island.

A huge palm wind pushed towards the island, and the boat flew like wings to the sea in the opposite direction of the island.

The boat glided far away in the blink of an eye, but the island slowly sank to the bottom of the sea.

In a short time, the whole island has disappeared on the sea, and even the highest mountain has sunk to the bottom of the sea, leaving a big whirlpool on the sea.

Slowly, the whirlpool disappeared, the sea became quiet and stable again, and the seabirds flew through the air as if nothing had happened.

Everything happens so fast that it makes people feel like they are in a dream.

Everyone escaped from death in shock, and the secretly frightened mechanism actually made the whole island sink to the bottom of the sea!

If it weren't for the fast-breaking eyes, the four eggs would have been trapped on the island, and the boat would have been attracted by the huge whirlpool, and finally a ship would have broken and died.

Looking at the smooth sea, the clouds were stunned. Thinking of Xuanying's last farewell, the words were hurting his heart, and his heart couldn't help but feel a tingling pain, and his eyes couldn't help becoming blurred.

The four eggs gasped. I don't know whether they were tired of running away or were scared by the thrilling situation just now.

Chundan muttered, "Good guy. I didn't even say anything about the island. The owner of this island is too domineering.

Xia Dan gasped and said, "The island is a backyard. If you don't want it, you don't want it. What's not domineering?"

"That can't be said to be sinking."

Qiu Dan was gasping for breath, but after hearing what Xia Dan said, he couldn't help saying, "I don't know if we are still on the island?! How can you say it's sinking! If I don't have quick hands and eyes, won't you and I be buried with Xiaodao!"


Chundan shouted, "Autumn Dan, you are so shameless! Obviously, the boss saved us. What did you do there? Why don't you run away with him?"

Qiu Dan knew that his cow was a little big, and he argued, "How can I follow you? Obviously, I'm leading you the way." Deliberately changing the topic, "Speaking of which, it's not right to be lonely. How can you say that it's sinking? The animals on this island are all his poultry, and they were martyred after saying that.

Dongdan's breathing gradually became smooth. "That... is not lonely and sinking, but the island that the big bird sinks."

Before Sandan answered his mouth, he suddenly saw the broken cloud, who had been standing, reach out and patted Lianjing's acupuncture point. He turned around and said lightly, "Pianjing will wake up. Don't talk nonsense anymore. So that she won't be sad. The deep sadness in the faint tone made the four eggs speechless.

Pian Jing's delicate body shook slightly, with a squeak, her eyes slowly opened, and looked at the crowd confusedly.

"Pianjing, you're awake..."

Breaking the cloud said softly, "Let's see if there is any injury. I didn't pay attention to whether I touched you when I just left the island."

When the quiet and confused eyes heard the words 'leave the island', they immediately became transparent. They stood up and looked around and looked left and right, and said urgently, "Why am I here! Where is this? What to leave the island! Where's the little eagle!"

The clouds looked dark and said softly, "We have left the island. Lianjing, take a break first." In order not to worry Lianjing, he deliberately changed the topic.

How can poor Jing not ask, shake the broken clouds, and said urgently, "Where is the little eagle! Where is the little eagle!"

Breaking the cloud, he took a deep breath and said softly, "Pianjing, don't do this. The island and the green dragon palace of the lonely predecessors have sunk to the bottom of the sea, and Xuanying has also completed its mission.

"No! I don't want it!"

Lianjing burst into tears and cried, grabbed the broken cloud's shoulder and hissed, "Why! Why is it like this!"

The cloud-broken face was gloomy, gently hugged the pity in his arms, and muttered, "This is the path chosen by the white-haired bird itself, and we should respect its choice. Perhaps... the white-haired bird has always regarded the lonely predecessor as the closest relative. Being with the lonely predecessor is the final destination of the white-haired bird..."

"Aren't we relatives!"

The seabirds with hissing and heartbreaking crying flew away, "Why! Why the hell!"

The broken cloud gently patted Lianjing's back and said softly, "The white-haired bird has its own ideas, so let it go at ease. Don't do this anymore..."

"But I miss Kitty!!"

Pian quietly hugged the broken clouds and cried bitterly.

Lianjing cried drowsily and almost fainted several times. Fortunately, there were broken clouds to instill internal strength in Lianjing that she was safe.

After several repetitions, Lianjing finally stopped crying.

"How can we get out of here?" Yang Huashui looked at the broken cloud and said, "Brother Poyun, what can I do?"

Lianjing said angrily, "It's you who should be the damnest!" Why did God let the little eagle sink to the bottom of the sea for you!"

"Pity! Shut up!"

Breaking the clouds said, "Don't talk nonsense! At this point, we should work together and stop mentioning the past!"

Lianjing had never seen Poyun talking to herself so loudly, and her eyes couldn't help but turn red again. She turned her head and ran to the stern of the ship and sulked alone.

Poyun couldn't bear it, but at this time, he couldn't help but sighed with a wry smile and said, "To tell the truth, Brother Yang, I don't know how to get out of this place. Brother Yang also heard the last words of the white-haired bird. He just said it and knew how to leave the island. Now there is only this boat, and I don't know anything else."

Yang Huashui frowned slightly, "Didn't that bird say anything?"

Breaking the cloud shook his head, "It turned out that there was no mention of this at all." He smiled bitterly and continued, "If he had said this earlier, would I let him stay in the Green Dragon Palace?"

Yang Huashui frowned and said, "Then how can I get out of here?"

The broken cloud muttered, "I think the white-haired bird must have arrangements, otherwise how could things happen so suddenly?"


Summer egg pointed to the sky and shouted.

The broken cloud looked along Xia Dan's finger, and his eyes couldn't help but light up.

A big bird flew closer and closer in the sky and flew over the boat with uncontrollable chirping.

Isn't this the eagle that stole the ribs?

I suddenly understood what was going on in Poyun's heart.

Sure enough, the eagle chirped twice and slowly flew away into the thick fog in the sea.

"Paddle and chase it!"

Breaking the clouds and calling for four eggs to row quickly, he walked to the stern and pulled up the pity. "This is the eagle that brought us in. I think it's taking us back this time."

"What's the rare thing about going back!"

Lianjing was originally in a bad mood, but she was even more angry after being scolded by the cloud.

Breaking Yun scratched his head awkwardly, looked back, turned around and whispered, "Okay, Jinger, don't be angry. Now is not the time to play tricks. Now that you and I are in the vast sea, it is urgent to get out quickly.

Pianjing is not an unreasonable person. Although she is still worried about Xuanying, she also knows that there is nothing anyone can do. She immediately hummed and turned her head and shouted, "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stinky egg! You guys, hurry up! If you lose the eagle, I will throw you all off the boat!"

Four eggs were originally seasick. I don't know whether it was the practice in the past six months or forced by the calm momentum. Unexpectedly, they even nodded and said that the boat flew, and there was no feeling of seasickness.

After a while, the boat followed the eagle to the edge of the thick fog.

Breaking the clouds couldn't help looking back at the empty sea, looking down at the dragon sword at his waist. It felt like a dream, and I couldn't help sighing in my heart.