broken clouds

Chapter 287 Results

The Qinglong Palace sank to the bottom of the sea with the island, and there is no longer a lonely treasure of the top masters in the world.

The most important thing for Breaking Clouds and others at this time is how to get out of this endless sea of fog.

The boat has been rowing in the fog for two days, and it is still foggy and can't see the edge.

There is no food and water in the boat. Everyone knows that in a few days, if you can't see the shore, you don't have to look at the shore, and you will starve to death on the vast sea.

The broken cloud looked helplessly at the eagle leading the way overhead, and I didn't know whether it was really leading the way for everyone. Maybe you want to trap the boat in the fog.

came from a huge whirlpool into this sea.

The goshawk leads everyone to the island from beginning to end, indicating that there is a sea that can directly reach the coast when it comes. However, there is no way to know why you have to go through the whirlpool when you come. As for going back, no one knows whether it can drive directly from the sea to the land.

Fortunately, in the past two days, although they were marching in the fog, there were no other accidents, and there were no sea beasts that chased and intercepted a few people last time. This is the biggest gain in two days.

The worst thing in the past two days is not pity, but Yanghua water.

Although Xuanying has warned everyone not to bring out the secrets of martial arts collected alone, Yang Huashui still secretly installed a few books. After all, everyone will be moved when they see so many unheard of martial arts, but everyone has listened to Xuanying's advice, and Yang Huashui was disobedient.

However, after the boat walked smoothly on the sea for a day, Yanghuashui's face suddenly changed greatly.

It turned out that Yang Huashui was worried about the martial arts secrets secretly brought out from the Qinglong Palace and secretly took them out to watch. I didn't want to take it out and find that the handwriting of the volume disappeared, leaving only the deep brown paper roll.

Yanghuashui was shocked. Despite being found by everyone, he watched it over and over again. Each of the secrets brought out became a wordless scripture, and before long, the dark brown paper rolls suddenly became thin and brittle, and were blown away with the sea breeze.

Yanghuashui panicked and caught the scattered paper, but the paper in his hand had become ashes and shattered as soon as he bought it. There was only a wordless cover and back cover left in the last volume, and all the paper in it flew away.

Several secrets of peerless martial arts completely disappeared from the world, and Yanghua was so angry that he almost vomited blood. Lianjing and four eggs were of course very happy. The ridiculing Yanghua water made you not listen to Xuanying's words and secretly brought out the secret of martial arts. In the end, the bamboo basket was empty.

Although Poyun didn't say anything, he had guessed that Yanghuashui would definitely steal the secrets of martial arts.

If Yanghua Water can return to the land this time, the biggest enemy is himself, and the other is the leader of the night shadow.

No matter which opponent, he needs to improve his strength. Of course, the secret of the lonely predecessor is the best choice.

In two days, Po Yun also had a general understanding of everyone's learning martial arts.

Yang Huashui said that half a year was too short. He only learned a set of swordsmanship and a set of palm skills. He didn't have time to learn other martial arts, so he took his brain to bring it out.

Yang Huashui's excuse is also afraid of breaking clouds to investigate the secret of stealing lonely secrets out of the island. After all, breaking clouds is the person invited to the island. Compared with himself, breaking clouds is undoubtedly much closer to loneliness.

Breaking the clouds is too lazy to deal with the small actions of Yanghuashui, and he knows that Yanghuashui is lying to himself. With the ingenuity of Yanghuashui, at least you have to learn more than four kinds of martial arts in half a year, but no matter how many are, you don't bother to think about it. You are still very confident in the breath and cutting of Nayuan left by the lonely predecessors. What's more, there is also a powerful sword style. After using Nayuan's breath, the power must multiply. Long.

Compared with Yanghua Water, Lianjing and Four Eggs certainly have no reservations about breaking clouds.

Lianjing learned a set of footwork 'shadow protection step' that four eggs learned first. This set of footwork is somewhat similar to Tianlongbu. It is mainly used to dodge and is used as if running after your own shadow.

In addition to a set of 'shadow protection steps', Lianjing also learned a set of martial arts to attack with a dagger, which is also lonely. Because my wife loves daggers. In the dilemma, the dagger martial arts are very rich. Lianjing picked and jumped, chose and chose, and learned a set of martial arts called 'stretwing and flying butterflies'.

Of course, Lian Jing chose this martial arts, which is not the most powerful martial arts among many martial arts. In so many martial arts, each secret has its own strengths, and no one dares to say who is the best.

The reason why Lianjing chose it is actually very simple, because the name sounds good.

Although the cloud was a little helpless, I couldn't help but be shocked when I heard Lianjing's simple words, sighing that the lonely predecessor did not have a martial arts book.

This set of 16 sets of 'butterfly flying' has a common feature, that is, the sword road is strange and changeable, really like a flying butterfly, light dancing but makes people unable to see through the flying route.

In addition to these two sets, Lianjing also learned a throwing technique that she thought to restrain the yang water, "stars in the night sky".

To put it bluntly, this throwing method is to throw hidden weapons. Poyun was very surprised why Lianjing didn't learn so much martial arts, but chose a set of throwing martial arts.

It is very simple to explain in pitiful words.

Yanghua hydrology is the palm method. The palm method requires internal force to exert its power. Compared with internal force, there is a big gap between Lianjing and Yanghua water. It is not that Lianjing is more lazy than Yanghua water. On the way of internal force cultivation, men are more likely to practice than women.

Since you can't take advantage of internal force, throw things in the distance, no matter what internal strength is. Once you use your 'stars in the night sky' technique, it's like a flood of flowers and rain, and you will be exhausted.

Poyun smiled bitterly, and the throwing technique can be said to be the simplest martial arts.

It's really not cost-effective to put such a good time and optically a set of the least practical things, but seeing Lianjing's proud expression, he sighed that as long as Lianjing likes it, it doesn't matter, as long as he doesn't use this 'star showering the night sky' to deal with himself in the future.

Four eggs are active by nature, and they can read books in the first few days, and then they can't read them at all.

So that in half a year, except for the 'shadow protection step' that all four people learned, each person only learned one set of martial arts, and all four people learned martial arts that made Poyun cry and laugh.

Chundan learned a set of martial arts called 'Shennong'.

It is said to be martial arts, but it is actually refining medicine.

is to use the simplest herbs to refine the most effective elixir, restore physical strength, improve internal strength, improve light power and so on. Of course, the improvement is temporary, and the time limit will not exceed a cup of tea.

Xia Dan learned martial arts called 'fishing fish'.

The so-called 'fish' is how to fish.


Autumn eggs are even more outrageous, learning 'cooking'.

As the name implies, learn some cooking methods.

How to improve food, it should not be wrong to learn this.

Winter egg learning makes the clouds speechless.

'Fake's Eve'.

A martial arts similar to a turtle's fake death.

Because of the different learning of the four eggs, you can play freely on the island.

The excuse is to take medicine.

Play freely in the water because you are familiar with fish.

Free hunting and greedy, in order to learn 'cooking'.

Free sleep is because of the 'fake sleep' of martial arts.

Poyun was simply stunned by the four guys, but at this point, no matter how much he complained, it would not help. He could only secretly tell himself that if the four eggs really studied a set of useful martial arts, maybe several people would be seriously ill and fainted with fever.

Of course, people are also very curious about what they learned.

The two sheathless swords on the waist of the broken clouds made the four eggs shout that they always wanted to play secretly.

The broken clouds did not keep it, and told everyone everything in the Qinglong Palace.

After listening to the lonely story, everyone sighed and was a wonder at the good luck of breaking the clouds.

Breaking clouds is just a simple talk about internal skills and sword moves, and there is nothing more to say about others. Yang Huashui was more curious about the internal power and sword style of breaking clouds. After several roundabout inquiries, he stopped asking.

However, the broken cloud showed the power of the Panlong Sword.

Breaking the clouds and using the dragon sword to split a bottomless rift on the sea. Countless fish and shrimps were stunned by the death, and the waves of seawater rushing back to the trench almost overturned the boat.

Everyone was shocked and dared not let the broken clouds show their moves again.

This is not long after the boat has just entered the sea of fog. Now two days later, let the broken clouds be displayed, and the broken clouds will not be so idle.

Hunger and thirst are going to occupy the whole body, and there is no mood to perform.

Food and drinking water are closely related. After eating food, most of them will feel thirsty. Therefore, it is impossible to catch the fish in the sea, but this drinking water is as insurmountable as a poor mountain.

Lianjing, four eggs and Yanghua water are better, and there is at least enough food and drinking water outside the Qinglong Palace.

And breaking the clouds is even worse. I have been hungry in the Qinglong Palace for a few days. Unexpectedly, as soon as I left the Qinglong Palace, I began to die and have been in a shy state in my stomach, which made the clouds really depressed. I couldn't help complaining that the white-haired bird was too anxious, at least it was not too late to let myself have a meal and then let the island sink.

However, after thinking about it, I didn't dare to say these words, so that Lianjing heard it and didn't lift herself off the boat.

If you don't eat it at that time, it will become the fish's belly food.

In this way, they followed the eagle on the sea for another three days, and everyone was almost to the limit of their bodies.

After all, the flesh and blood need to be supplied with water and food. In the end, three of the four eggs are poured to the ground and no longer row.

The remaining winter eggs use the 'fake' magic skills directly when rowing.

In desperation, he had to row the four eggs by connecting the broken cloud and yanghua water.

Looking at the endless misty seaside, everyone's heart is heavy. At least the three people who can think about broken clouds, pity and yang water think so.

Poyun looked at the situation of the crowd and sighed secretly. It was secretly calculated that there would be another three or two days. At that time, even the sea water would be scooped up and drunk. Even if it was salty, it would be better than thirsty.