broken clouds

Chapter 310 Sandstorm

Breaking the clouds and Wang Qi sympathize with each other, knowing that he may become an unwined enemy in the future, but they still drink and get drunk together.

Maybe... Both of them are worried that they will not have a chance to get drunk in the future.

In the morning.

The shopkeeper stretched out and felt sore all over his body. He rubbed his eyes and found himself asleep on the counter. Only then did he think of the two plague gods who came in the middle of the night yesterday.

The pub is quiet, with two ingots of silver lying quietly on the counter.

At the table in the pub, except for those crooked wine jars, it seems that no one has ever been here.

The shopkeeper picked up the silver in a stunned way, and there were bursts of coolness from the silver, which made the shopkeeper feel that it was real and not dreaming.

A few years later, this tavern became famous for breaking clouds and Wang Qi drinking together.

Of course, Poyun and Wang Qi will not care about this kind of thing.

Wang Qi has returned to his life.

Where is the broken cloud?

The broken clouds are surrounded by a group of sandworms.

After separating from Wang Qi, the broken clouds no longer stopped and went straight to the desert oasis. Who knew that the monster-like master of the Emperor of Heaven would not suddenly come to trouble him.

The Emperor of Heaven did not come, and the sandworm came.

Not long after entering the desert, the quiet desert boiled.

Looking at the sandworms that were churning and ready to move around, I couldn't help smiling bitterly in my heart. I'm afraid that these guys can't eat a few meals all year round. They are usually so hungry and dizzy. Now they finally smell the smell of fresh flesh and blood, so they immediately look for them.

First of all, a sandworm couldn't hold back, roared, opened its huge mouth, and brought a gust of evil wind to break through the clouds.

The sandworm's huge mouth suddenly closed!

This bite is so fierce!

I wish I could break the clouds and grow taller and eat a lot of meat.

Unexpectedly, when the huge mouth closed, the traces of breaking clouds disappeared, and the mouths were full of sharp teeth biting together, and the painful sandworms looked up to the sky and howled miserably.

The broken cloud quietly appeared next to the sandworm, and the dragon in his hand reflected the light blue color of the ocean under the scorching sun.

The sandworm failed to hit and suffered a hidden loss. I couldn't help but be furious. I looked up to the sky and roared, and the sandworms around me broke through the clouds at the same time!

A smile appeared on the corners of his mouth, and the situation of being chased by sandworms came to his mind.

But now I won't run away anymore. It's the sandworm that wants to escape!

The blade is light and dexterous, and the light of the orchid is like a cool and pleasant sea, but it brings deep death!

The roar of sandworms, and the sound of howling came one after another. After a while, there was no sound between heaven and earth.

The broken cloud was surrounded by stench sandworm corpses.

Poyun frowned slightly and muttered, "I have changed so much, but this group of guys have not changed at all. They are still stinky." He raised his hand to cover his nose, and even Neidan disdained to dig again, and quickly walked to the depths of the desert.

In the next journey, I don't know if the sandworm exchanged signals, saying that the king of death was coming.

Breaking the clouds all the way, I never met a fierce beast again.

I didn't even meet the sand scorpions and crabs I met last time.

After breaking the clouds, there was no doubt, but enjoyed walking in the desert under the scorching sun.

This visit is simply not the same as the last time.

Last time I came here as a stone rain. At that time, because of the poison of the sun, the broken clouds became ugly. It was the ghost-handed magic doctor who ordered to come to the desert oasis to find the spirit tiger.

Now his appearance is convinced, and his martial arts skills are several times higher than at that time. Several times may be a little exaggerated, but at least it won't be chased away by sandworms.

And after entering the desert, it will take a few days to reach the oasis.

From the moment you enter the desert, you should not be blocked by the Emperor of Heaven.

This change of mood makes it very comfortable to break the clouds and walk in the desert.

But the comfort didn't last long.

In the boundless desert, the most important thing is to identify the direction, followed by water and physical strength.

Without direction, I don't know where to go anymore. Maybe it's a circle in one place.

On such a circular journey, water and physical strength are constantly lost. Even if you are a martial arts master like Poyun now, it is impossible not to drink water and eat.

If you don't eat the fireworks of the world, won't you become a thing of the underworld?

Breaking clouds still has vitality. Of course, it is not a thing of the underworld, but I don't know how long this vitality can last.

Only then did I vaguely remember that the last time I came to the desert, I was very embarrassed. My heart scolded that I was scared by the Emperor of Heaven, which made me enter the desert unprepared again.

After walking for a while, the broken cloud sat in the shade under a sand dune, reached out and wiped the sweat on his forehead, looked at the dazzling sun, and couldn't help muttering viciously, "This guy doesn't even know it's tired! It's so sun that I'm going to become a corpse, but he is still so poisonous!"

I don't know how many dead bones are buried in the yellow sand, but several people can speak like broken clouds.

Breaking the cloud twisted his body to make his body more comfortable. He stretched out his tongue to lick his cracked lips, swallowed his saliva without foam, and tried to make his dry and angry throat feel better, but it didn't actually improved at all.

Break the clouds and laugh bitterly.

What else can I do but smile bitterly?

Three days after entering the desert, I never saw a living thing except for a group of sandworms on the first day.

If it goes on like this, it is impossible to support the oasis.

What's more, the broken clouds don't know which direction they are going.

Where is the oasis? I'm afraid the clouds have never thought about it.

The broken cloud licked his cracked lips again, and felt that the moment he stretched out his lips, even his tongue would be roasted by the scorching sun. The broken clouds are not good. If you can't find an oasis, I'm afraid there will be another dead bone covered by yellow sand.

Breaking the clouds with a long sigh, it is useless to consume any more. It's better to find a way out earlier, have no choice but to get up and continue to march aimlessly.

Not far out, suddenly the sky in the distance became cloudy.

Then, a gust of wind swept the yellow sand to my face. The sky and the earth became dim and yellow, and the earth trembled faintly.

The broken cloud blinked his eyes and let the sand brought by the strong wind hit his face fiercely. He stared straight at the approaching dark sky and muttered, "Isn't it so lucky... Is this... the legendary sandstorm?"

The desert is the most difficult place to live for everything in the world.

The strongest sunlight in the day can burn everything in the desert.

In the raging heat, people and livestock can be roasted to death!

However, the desert at night will become cold and piercing, cold and abnormal, and weak and sick people will freeze to death!

The most deadly thing is not these, but the rapidly changing sky!

In the desert, the weather changes much faster than in June.

Obviously, the sky is clear, and there may be a downpour in a moment, and the rain is salty and difficult to enter, and falling on the body is even more corrodable and incurable. It is extremely dangerous.

For good, heavy rain in the desert is very rare, but another kind of weather visits much more often than heavy rain.

That's a sandstorm.

When the desert is clear, there is no wind at all, only the hot sun is burning the earth, but just like a sudden falling rain, there will be a howling wind in a blink of an eye!

The wind swept the sand and gravel unscrupulously, and the world changed color and was boundless wherever it went.

Sand dunes, which are several feet high and close to a radius, will be razed to the ground in an instant.

There is no trace that all large sand dunes can be destroyed, and it is even more difficult for humans and animals to escape from strong winds.

After being involved in sandstorms, humans and animals often throw away a few miles away, with incomplete skin, broken bones and tendons. No matter how strong you are, you can't defeat such a destructive power.

Experienced desert herdsmen often find weather changes before sandstorms form, so as to quickly evacuate the scope of sandstorms.

It is said that the elderly camel can also predict the arrival of the sandstorm. If they are not prepared in advance and are directly involved in the sandstorm, they can only wait to die.

Breaking clouds is not a desert herdsman. He doesn't know the prediction of desert weather, and there is no camel's help, but he won't be stupid to die.

There is only one way left.



Seeing the rapid arrival of yellow sand, the darkness between heaven and earth came closer.

Po Yun didn't even have time to scold his bad luck, so he turned his head and ran away.

The wind around is coming so fast!

More and more sand grains are like small arrows, hitting the broken clouds fiercely.

The broken cloud only felt a huge wind behind him, as if to drag himself in. His heart was extremely shocked. Nayuan's breath flowed all over his body. Tianlong's footwork ran two steps, so he didn't care to continue to use it, but ran away with all his strength.

The dragon footwork is an exquisite footwork to meet the enemy. It is really not suitable to use it when running for life. This is something that broke the clouds have been realized a long time ago.

No matter how hard you try to escape, the wind or roar behind is getting closer and closer!

There is a feeling that two legs are not enough. Look back at the black world.

The sky was mixed with darkness, and a huge wind stood upright from the dark sky and connected straight to the ground, rolling up countless yellow sand!

The gods are roaring! The sky is roaring!

The body around the broken clouds became darker and darker, and the wind was like a dragon, roaring and rushing from behind! Breaking the clouds, he turned to the side and fled, trying to escape from the range of the strong wind.

Unexpectedly, the range of the strong wind in Qingtian was amazing. Although he turned to the side and fled, he still did not escape from the range swept by the strong wind, and how could he feel that this damn sandstorm seemed to turn to chase him!

In fact, after the formation of the sandstorm, there is no fixed route. It just collides westward in the desert, and will not only run in one direction, let alone just stare at the broken clouds.

Breaking the clouds is just in danger, nervous, and feel that the sandstorm is chasing me.

Anyway, the edge of the sandstorm has devoured the corners of the broken clouds!

Breaking clouds secretly screamed bitterly, only feeling that the suction behind him was getting bigger and bigger, like a lover's affectionate slender hand. He wanted to pull the broken cloud into his arms, but this lover was not a hand, but thousands of small hands, with amazingly great power, and regardless of the death of breaking the clouds, he just wanted to pull him into the sandstorm.

The mouth of the cloud is full of sand in the middle of the nose, the eyes narrowed into a line are still constantly attacked by the yellow sand, and the ears are full of sand fury. The face and exposed skin are beaten by the sand. I feel that it is getting harder and harder to move, but the strong wind behind it is getting bigger and bigger!

A helpless feeling arises spontaneously, which is really helpless like a dragonfly shaking pillar.

This feeling of helplessness has not appeared for a long time, and even when the clouds were defeated by the emperor of heaven has never been so helpless.

Poyun has always believed that no matter how strong the Emperor of Heaven is, he is a flesh-and-blood person. As long as he works hard, he may surpass the Emperor of Heaven in a day, but the current sandstorm... can't be surpassed anyway!

The sandstorm finally swept through the clouds. The clouds only felt that the huge suction of the strong wind made his feet lose their foundation. He sighed in his heart, and his heart was like dead ashes. He withdrew his strength and relaxed all over, allowing the wind to involve his body in it.

In an hour, the broken clouds were swept into the air by the dim sandstorm, and they sighed helplessly. These lovers' hands finally captured themselves, but they were very sorry that they were not pitiful and slender hands.

In my imagination, my body has been completely swept into the depths of the sandstorm. I sighed through the clouds. If there is an afterlife, I must grasp it well. At least I can't have such a strong hand to find a lover.

Suddenly, there was a strange noise around, and I couldn't help but be shocked when I looked back at the clouds!