broken clouds

Chapter 311 Flying Camel

The broken cloud healed the scar and forgot the pain, forgot the suffering he suffered in the desert last time, and went into the desert alone. Not long after, he lost his way and was even involved in the sandstorm.

The clouds knew that they were unable to get out of the sandstorm. When they were helpless, they had no choice but to wait for death, but they were shocked by a strange sound.

What on earth can make the broken clouds waiting for death so surprised!


A camel, much higher than the broken clouds, suddenly rushed straight down the strong wind!

Before the broken clouds figured out what was going on, the camel clucked twice and was blown away by the strong wind.

After breaking his mind, he couldn't help shaking his head and smiled bitterly. He secretly said that the unlucky wild camel was swept up by the devastating sandstorm attack. He sighed that the world also said that the camel could predict the arrival of the sandstorm and fly in the air like himself?

In such a difficult situation, you can still think nonsense. I'm afraid that few people can do it except breaking the clouds.

The broken clouds flew back and forth in the sandstorm with the strong wind. It didn't take long for me to feel dizzy. I sighed that it was really uncomfortable to die like this, and it was difficult to faint alive.


In the dark wind, two giants faintly appeared!

The two giants are more than ten feet tall and amazing. They are not affected by the sandstorm at all. They stay firmly on the ground, and the waves of abnormal noises are emitted from between the two things.

The broken cloud turned dizzy in the strong wind, thinking that he had misread it, wiped his eyes hard, and squinted hard, but it was still ordinary.

What the hell is this! Unexpectedly, it was as stable and flat in the sandstorm, not chaotic at all, and it was two!

All of a sudden, the mind of breaking clouds and waiting for death immediately turned into curiosity.

I tried to turn over in the air, twisted for half a sound, and finally turned down my face. Po Yun couldn't help smiling bitterly in his heart. He couldn't say that he was the top of martial arts, but he was also a first-class master. Now it was so difficult to turn over. He couldn't help but be shocked!

These two giants are actually moving!

If you look closely again, you can't help but inhale the cold air!

These two giants are actually alive!

is a huge sand scorpion and a sand crab almost the same size!

Scorpions and sand crabs are as stable as rocks in the sandstorm, and there is no mess in the strong wind. Instead, they are fighting fiercely together.

The two big guys flew around, splashing yellow sand and bringing a gust of wind!

The huge claws of the sand scorpion tightly grasped the sand crab, and the huge poisonous tail shone red, fiercely stabbing the sand crab.

However, the sand crab is covered with copper steel armor, and the poisonous tail of the sand scorpion can't penetrate the huge shell of the sand crab, but it leaves some white marks on the crab shell of the sand crab.

The sand crab is unwilling to go down. The claws of the sand crab are entangled with the sand scorpion's claws. The two huge crab pliers are constantly clamped together towards the sand scorpion. The place where the giant pliers pass is full of tigers. The sand scorpion is caught with white marks around the sand crab giant pliers. Although it is not injured, if such a huge crab claws are caught in the poisonous tail of the sand scorpion, it must not be better. Of.

The two giants come and go, and are not disturbed by the wind around them at all, and the sand and dust around them are scattered. Only then did they break through the clouds and have a huge shock at the foot, which is caused by the two giants fighting with each other.

Breaking the clouds struggled to stay away from these two guys in the air. There is no power in the air. In case they come, even if they come casually, they will not be able to stand it.

I didn't expect anything to be afraid of.

The poisonous tail of the sand scorpion stabbed the sand crab, and a big pliers of the sand crab suddenly caught it. The sand scorpion was so knowledgeable that it did not dare to hold on. It immediately withdrew the poisoned tail, and the broken cloud happened to be blown behind the sand scorpion by the strong wind.

The retreating giant tail rushed to the broken clouds fiercely!

The broken clouds are shocked, and the body is in the air, and there is no power around. How can you avoid the damn tail of this poisonous scorpion! In a hurry, as if he were in the water, he swam with his hands and legs, swinging around and trying his best to avoid this blow.

If there is someone next to you, you will definitely be amused by the embarrassing posture of breaking clouds, but how ugly your posture is? As long as you can save your life, there is nothing to worry about.

God may be moved by the appearance of breaking the clouds to survive, or maybe he is happy to be teased by the broken clouds. He is in a good mood, and the broken clouds really moved half in the air.

The giant tail of the sand scorpion roared past the broken clouds with a strong wind!

Breaking the clouds made him sweat coldly and secretly said that God opened his eyes and came back to pick up his life.

I didn't think this sighed a little early. The cold sweat didn't wait to fall, and the retreating poison tail stabbed the sand crab again.

And the broken cloud is between the scorpion tail and the sand crab! If the poisonous tail of the sand scorpion does not pierce the sand crab, it must pierce the broken clouds first!

The broken cloud couldn't help but look at the sudden scorpion tail.

It's lucky to reluctantly avoid a blow. It's not easy to move your body in such an impossible air. You don't have wings. Now the poisonous tail is running like lightning, how can you avoid it!

Poyun only felt that his body was hit hard, his heart was cold, and the poisonous tail had stabbed his body.

Unexpectedly, the impact has not stopped, and there is still a slight roar in it.

Breaking the clouds and secretly wondering, no matter how good the sand scorpion is, its tail can't roar, and it can't help but stare at it.

I don't know when there was another sandworm in the windy sandstorm.

The long body of the sandworm was winding and twisted in the air, desperately trying to return to the ground. It struggled and fell to the ground, but it happened to meet the broken clouds of the same disease.

suddenly hit the broken cloud, but the poisonous tail of the sand scorpion pierced the body of the sandworm fiercely!

The poisonous tail was not hindered by the body of the sandworm at all, and still stabbed the sand crab fiercely with the sandworm!

The sandworm's long body was pierced by the sand scorpion and had no power in the air. In addition to shouting loudly, it was still taken by the sand scorpion to the sand crab.

The broken cloud was knocked away to avoid a disaster, and he gasped heavily. Anyone could think of such a thrilling scene.

Who would have thought that the sandworms who bullied themselves in the desert this time would save their lives.

The poisonous tail of the sand scorpion is heavily pricked on the thick shell of the sand crab, leaving only a faint trace.

And the sandworm, like another tail of the sand scorpion, also hit the shell of the sand crab heavily.

This tail is obviously not as strong as the tail of the sand scorpion itself.

The sandworm didn't hum, and was smashed to pieces!

The broken body was swept away by the wind!

The yellow, green and green mucus scattered everywhere danced with the wind in the sandstorm, making the face full of clouds.

The broken clouds didn't have the heart to take care of these. I have been blown close to the two big guys again by the strong wind!

I broke the clouds and tried my best to swim in the air, but there was no water in the air. What's the use of swimming?

Before the heart beat through the clouds calmed down, it was close to the sand scorpion and the sand crab again. Helplessly looking at the two big guys getting closer and closer, Poyun gave up the resistance again.


The giant tongs of the sand crab roared past the broken cloud, and the broken cloud was thrown far away by the huge wind again. Not waiting for the broken cloud to escape the disaster, the wind once again swept the broken cloud back to the sand crab and sand scorpion.

So many times, every time I broke the cloud, I passed by the deadly claws of two big guys.

Poyun has greeted the 18 generations of the ancestors of sand scorpions and sand crabs, but they still can't change the current situation.

The internal organs have been swept away by the strong wind, and the head is more dizzy than fighting, and now it is under repeated death threats. Poyun's mind was tired, and he didn't even have the energy to scold secretly. In his heart, the idea of 'It's better to die earlier and save suffering'.

Suddenly, there was another cackle in my ears.

Looking over, I saw that the camel, which had been swept away, was blown back by the strong wind, and like the broken clouds, it couldn't help spinning around sand scorpions and sand crabs.

It's unlucky enough for the camel to wry bitterly. Originally, it was swept away from here. Although there is still no guarantee that there is a way to live from the strong wind, it is better than letting the two big guys, the sand crab and sand scorpions split up here.

When I miss it, the camel was swept close to sand crabs and sand scorpions by the wind.

The giant pliers of the sand crab stood tall and fiercely clamped to the claws in front of the sand scorpion.

The sand scorpion withdrew and waved its tail, and the scorpion tail swept across the sand crab.

The camel is within the range of this scorpion tail sweeping!

The broken cloud sighed secretly, and some couldn't bear to see the camel being smashed into pieces.

Unexpectedly, when the camel was about to sweep the scorpion's tail, it rushed up and empty, while the four hooves gently stepped on the scorpion's tail.

The scorpion tail swept violently, and the camel's four hoofs will step on the scorpion tail, not being blown away by the scorpion tail, but with the help of the scorpion tail. All of a sudden, he got out of the range of sand crabs and sand scorpions.

The broken cloud's eyes lit up, and it was not that he couldn't speak, and he couldn't help but praise it.

The camel's strength is skillfully tight. One more point, one less point can't get out of danger.

If you are more powerful, you will be broken by the scorpion tail. If you are less powerful, you will not be able to get out of danger, and you will still fall into pieces.

Looking at the camel dancing in the air, he couldn't help smiling at the corners of his mouth.

Even if you don't know whether the camel does it by nature or play in the face of danger, this clever step has left infinite enlightenment for breaking the clouds.

Unspeakable livestock will look for opportunities to escape in difficulties. Will his eight-foot man only listen to fate and wait for death silently?

Suddenly, Po Yun only felt a great spirit in his heart, and infinite confidence surged out from the depths of his heart.

At this moment, the heart that breaks through the clouds is like water, and the sand storm is no longer cruel! The wind is no longer strong!

The wind once again swept through the clouds and rushed to the battlefield of sand scorpions and sand crabs.

Breaking the clouds, taking a deep breath, recalling the situation of the camel 'flying', and constantly warning themselves that they must seize the opportunity and seize the opportunity.

And this is the best opportunity to get in touch with sand scorpions and sand crabs! And there is only one chance, unsuccessful...

There is only death!

The broken clouds are getting closer and closer to the sand crab and the sand scorpion, and in a blink of an eye, they are between the two guys.

The clouds smiled slightly and suddenly felt that their hearts were empty. Nothing could disturb their minds no longer, quietly waiting for the attack of the two wild beasts.

The sand crab did not disappoint the broken clouds.

Squeak! Giant pliers are raised high!

Breaking through the clouds, sand crabs are going to launch an attack!

Unexpectedly, the giant pliers raised by the sand crab did not fall, but twisted its body to make another move to kill!

The broken cloud couldn't help but feel cold all over, and a sense of powerlessness filled his chest again!