broken clouds

Chapter 313 War Crab

Sand crabs and sand scorpions, the two overlords in the desert fight against the top of the sandstorm.


is the bottom of the decisive battle against sandstorms.

The sand crab won a complete victory with its amazing paralysis bubbles, and smashed the sand scorpion.

Poyun just wanted to escape, but he didn't think that the sand crab was staring at himself viciously!

The sand crab roared, stretched out its giant pliers and came to the broken cloud.

The broken clouds were already unstable in the sandstorm. Seeing the giant pliers as high as a hill, they couldn't help but be anxious and struggled to retreat a few steps to avoid this blow.

However, there are strong winds in the sandstorm, which does not give the clouds a chance to stand firm.

The giant tongs of the sand crab have not arrived, and the broken clouds have been swept out by the strong wind.

When the sand crab saw the situation, the giant tongs changed their way halfway and swept through the clouds.

The broken cloud has no power in the air. It is impossible to dodge, so it has to resist the attack of sand crabs.

Hold the dragon sword horizontally in front of your chest and grit your teeth hard, hoping to resist the crazy pliers of the sand crab!

The sand crab giant pliers hit the chest heavily in front of the broken cloud, and the broken cloud was like a deflated ball. It slapped and flew straight out of the sandstorm!

The broken cloud was hit black in front of the sand crab, and the throat was sweet. He opened his mouth and blurted out a mouthful of blood!

"Fortunately, this old crab changed its strength halfway, and fortunately, the Panlong Sword is abnormally strong and resists the sand crab giant pliers. Otherwise, with such a huge force, it will be strange that he will not be hit into two pieces!"

He broke the clouds and fell heavily on the yellow sand outside the sandstorm. He raised his hand and saw that his palms were full of blood. Both hands and tiger's mouth were cracked by the brute force of the sand crab. He was extremely shocked by the strange power of the sand crab. He gasped and felt that the internal injury was not serious. With a sword to the ground, you'd better run quickly!

Suddenly, the earth trembled, and a roar resounded through the sky!

The cloud's heart trembled, and I won't chase it. Looking back, the sand crabs in the sandstorm can't be waving giant tongs!

Using the "delion sword style" in the air is much more physically than usual, and it has just been touched by the sand crab, and its body has trembled slightly. Now it is impossible to escape in the face of the rushing sand crabs.


The broken clouds were forced to hide, and they couldn't help but burst into flames.

If you are involved in a sandstorm again, you have no chance of winning, you might as well fight with it while you can be down-to-earth now!

The dragon sword in his hand suddenly soared by several feet!

A sharp and huge sword light rose to the sky, which was not inferior to the sandstorm!

The sword light gathered thicker and thicker, stopped in the air for a moment, and fell down to the sand crab like destruction!

"Nameless Seven!"

The broken clouds stimulated the breath of Nayuan, and the Panlong sword in his hand roared straight to the sand crab!

The sand crab saw the power, shouted strangely, and raised its pair of forceps to resist the sword light coming from the sky!

The sword light fell down!


Yellow sand flying!

See the sun!

Poyun stood in front of him, gasping heavily, and secretly said that such a powerful sword as "nameless seven" should be able to solve the sand crab. He thought about it, but he had no bottom in his heart. He only hoped that he could guess it this time.

All of a time!

A giant tong lightning attack in the flying yellow sand!

"What a cunning beast!"

The cloud cursed secretly, and he couldn't breathe any more. He rolled on the ground and dodged a few steps.

It turned out that the sand crab overlapped two giant pliers when the sword light fell, and the damaged giant pliers were on top, and the good one was below. The "nameless seven" huge attacks fell on the injured giant tongs above.

Although the giant pliers above were broken by the fierce sword light, the intact giant pliers below were hardly attacked. In this way, the sand crab can still have enough ability to kill the clouds!

The injured giant pliers of the sand crab can no longer be lifted, and the red blood can't help flowing, and the pale flesh and bones are mixed, giving people an indescribable sense of horror.

The sand crab roared up to the sky and had never suffered such a big loss in fighting with the scorpion boss. Now it is unreasonable to let an ant-like little thing damage its arm.

Raise the giant tongs of Optimus Prime and clamp it fiercely to break the clouds!

Breaking the cloud and scolding the sand crab. What kind of temper is this? They have killed their sworn scorpion. Why are they still so reluctant to part with themselves?

Stepping on Tianlongbu and drew a few steps, but watching the sandstorm around the sand crab hit again, he secretly said that this was not the best way. If you were involved in the sandstorm, you had to wait to die.

The awe-inning "nameless seven" is not ineffective, and it seems that this big guy is not invincible.

Breaking clouds licked his dry lips and spitting, but his physical strength is not as good as before. If he can't tell the winner, he will really become this guy's wine dish.

The "sword style" consumes too much physical strength, and a sword just now seems to have a bad effect on this guy. "Cut-off" is dominated by trouble, and the killing power is not as good as the "sword style", and the "nameless seven" has been invalid...

Breaking through the clouds, he secretly calculated his killer mace.

"It seems that we can only fight with it!"

Breaking clouds dare not fight with sand crabs, let alone dare not get close to sand crabs. If you are involved in the sandstorm, everything will be over. He stepped on the dragon step under his feet and ran back and forth around the sand crab.

Although the sand crab is huge and flexible, it grasps hard against the broken cloud. Fortunately, there is only one giant pliers left, otherwise the broken cloud may not be able to avoid it.

Desp, the clouds are still very embarrassed.

After all, the broken clouds have been walking in the desert for several days, and their physical strength has been consumed a lot. Then they were pulled into the air by the sandstorm and swaying. There are signs of fainting directly. Then they are involved in the fight between the sand crab and the sand scorpion, and the two giants, and finally they are hit by the sand crab. The physical strength has been consumed too much.

It's not that the cloud gritted his teeth and insisted. He has long wanted to lie on the ground and take a breath.

Gradually, the body of the broken cloud began to slow down.

The sand crab saw the clue, and a giant pliers waved more quickly and wanted to kill the clouds in an instant.

Suddenly, the sand crab's mouth gurgled, and a huge bubble came out of the mouth and went straight to break the clouds.

Poyun's heart sank. If he was trapped by this, it would be over. He quickly dodged, but the giant tongs of the sand crab did not stop at all and still chased the broken cloud.

In a blink of an eye, the sand crabs are surrounded by bubbles, and the broken clouds have reached an inescapable level.

Breaking the clouds and secretly biting steel teeth, there is still one side missing! There is still one side left, and the "broken killing" can be launched!

Breaking and killing requires five-way positioning, and then annihilate the enemy from it in one fell swoop.

The use of breaking clouds is not familiar, and it can only be launched by one side. When fighting with the Emperor of Heaven, it was the "broken killing" launched when the emperor of heaven was careless.

Now in the face of such a huge sand crab, it is not easy to launch five parties around it.

A sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded!

The sand crab pliers arrived quietly!

Breaking the clouds and looking at the bubbles around him, and then looking at the giant pliers in front of him, he couldn't help but roared fiercely.

"Unnamed Four!"

Breaking the clouds and holding the dragon sword, he rowed straight for a meteor!

It's just that the end of the meteor is not a sand crab!

It's the south behind the sand crab!

The last party that needs to be positioned!

The sharp sword light finally passed through the bubble.

A rare smile appeared on the corners of the mouth, "stinky crab! You're going to have bad luck!"

The five-point sword light around the sand crab is five elements and five stars, and the broken cloud is standing on a star!

These five stars actually emit invisible power and gradually restrain the actions of sand crabs!

And now the broken clouds and the sword flashed, and the other four stars seemed to be sensed, and at the same time, they suddenly burst into the sky!

The five top rays of light go straight to the clouds and converge into one, covering the clouds and the sun, dyeing the sky into a blood-red color! The violent sandstorm became ecstasy in an instant!

Gradually, a huge golden sword tip appeared in the clouds, and lightning and thunder around the tip slowly fell to the sand crab!

"The universe is condensed! Cut off your breath and kill!"

Break the clouds and roar! Panlong Sword waved fiercely!

At this moment, the broken cloud has merged with the Panlong Sword!

People are swords, and swords are human beings!


The sword light fell down! Mixed with the roar of sand crabs!

The broken cloud was swept away by the powerful wind, and I only felt that my whole body was out of control. The only feeling was to hold the dragon sword tightly.

The last thought is that you must never give up your partner who kills the enemy with your own blood!

"Can't you find a cool place to rest..."

The broken clouds opened their eyes in a daze, and the firing sunlight made their eyes sting.

The broken cloud's eyes suddenly opened, and he sat up and looked around in surprise.

Where's the big crab?!

Ten feet away from the broken clouds, the desert suddenly disappeared and a large bunker appeared.

I don't know when the raging sandstorm will stop.

Breaking the cloud and spitting, standing up with all his strength, staggering to walk to the sand pit.

The bunker has a radius of more than 15 feet and is five or six feet deep, and extremely hard blue rocks appear at the bottom of the pit.

The huge body of the sand crab is fragmented, and the bottom of the pit is covered with the red flesh and blood of the sand crab. Finally, the proud giant pliers have left the shackles of the body and can't help twitching next to it.

A pair of water tank-like eyes of sand crabs have become pale and there is no trace of anger.

Breaking the clouds and grinning

"It seems that you are far worse than the Emperor of Heaven..."

Before the words fell, the broken clouds fell to the ground again...

A burst of soreness came from the bones of the limbs, and the clouds moaned and opened their eyes.

A ray of dawn quietly poked out of its head from the east, and the earth slowly became bright.


Poyun couldn't help moaning and tried his best to sit up and find that the surroundings were the same as when they woke up last time, but the blood stains at the bottom of the pit had dried up and turned dark brown, and the sand crab had died and could not die.

Breaking the cloud runs the "nayuan breath", and a cool meaning disperses to the limbs. It feels much better than before. Trying the skill, I can't help smiling bitterly, and there is only about 30% left.

However, these three successes can already make themselves take action.

Breaking clouds stood up and found that his palm was still holding the dragon sword tightly. He couldn't help laughing. Suddenly, the light flashed. The sand crab and the sand scorpion were about to become monsters. This inner elixir should be indispensable. He was so embarrassed that he could not waste it and jumped down the deep pit with pain.

The bottom of the pit is covered with cyan blue rocks, and the blue rocks are already full of cracks. This makes the broken cloud more satisfied with the power of "break and kill".

Looking closely at the dark brown blood around, the broken clouds suddenly felt uncomfortable. Take two quick steps to the front of the sand crab body.

The cold light flashed down.

The sand crab's body was divided into two, and a fist-sized inner elixir rolled out.