broken clouds

Chapter 314 Revisit

Breaking the clouds and fiercely fought back against the Jedi in the pursuit of sand crabs, and defeated the sand crabs in one fell swoop with the extremely powerful "break and killing".

Now is the time to share the fruits of the battle.

The cold light flashed down.

The sand crab's body was divided into two, and a fist-sized inner elixir rolled out.

Neidan is light red, smooth and round, without a trace of blood, shining charmingly in the sun, as if it did not grow out of flesh and blood.

The broken clouds were in my hand, and a cool feeling came from my hand, and I felt a trace of coolness in such hot weather.

The broken cloud sighed that the sand crab is worthy of the crab boss. Neidan is really extraordinary. There are still sand scorpions when I miss it, and the sand scorpion Neidan can't be wasted.

The fall of the sand scorpion is not far away, and its miserable condition is comparable to that of sand crabs.

A few swords broke through the clouds, and a slightly dark red inner elixir rolled out.

I want to be slightly larger than Sand Crab Neidan and Sand Scorpion Neidan, and the color is more knowledgeable. There is almost no difference between others. It is generally smooth and round, as if it is a pearl in a clam.

Look at the sand scorpion through the clouds, look at the sand crab, touch the hungry cooing stomach, and mutter, "Don't care, the scorpion is poisonous. Eat crabs."

At present, no matter how many times I pulled out a few pieces of crab meat and put them into my mouth to chew. I felt that the crab meat was not as fishy as I thought, and it was quite delicate. I ate nearly a giant crab meat in one breath.

With food in his stomach, the clouds gradually became energetic. He looked up and looked around and found that a group of sandworms, sand crabs and sand scorpions in the distance were far away. They secretly looked this way, but they dared not come over. They couldn't help wondering and didn't know what was going on.

Looking back, I couldn't help but be happy, and the oasis appeared faintly in the desert.

I didn't expect that I was led by the sand crab and the sand scorpion to the vicinity of the unique forest.

Poyun hurriedly carried his work for two weeks, and felt that his power had recovered to 50% or 60%. He stopped and went straight to the oasis.

Only when you have a goal can you have the strength to catch up.

Within little time, the broken clouds penetrated into the desert oasis - the unique forest.

The oasis is full of vitality, with birds singing and flowers. The beast is idle and quiet.

Breaking clouds has the feeling of revisiting the old place.

However, this feeling did not last long. He walked to the lake in the middle of the unique forest, observed for half a sound, and found that the horrible beast of Sharon did not come out to bask in the sun, and then gently lay down by the lake to drink a few sips of water.

Last time I learned about Sharon's power, I really don't want to have any conflict with it.


There are ripples on the calm lake! It seems that something is coming to the surface!

The broken cloud was so scared that he twisted himself and ran away. A walking beast next to him was also frightened and ran away with the broken cloud.

If the sand crab and the sand scorpion are the overlord of the desert, the Sharon in the lake is the ancestor of the overlord!

Breaking the clouds secretly, there is no power to fight against Sharon. Thirty-six tricks are the best, and it's better to run fast.

Breaking the clouds and running all the way, I didn't dare to see if Sharon was chasing me. I kept running for half a while, and I felt that there was no movement behind me before I dared to stop and take a breath.

The beast who fled for his life next to him also stood still and tilted his head to look at the broken clouds.

The clouds were secretly sulking. I was scared away by the guy Sharon. There was no place to vent my anger. How dare you follow me!

I couldn't help staring at it.

The guy next to him is two feet long, snow-white, and beautiful with black lines. A pair of bright big eyes can't take his eyes off the broken clouds.


Breaking the cloud laughed and said, "It turned out to be you. I thought the unlucky beast was about to teach it a lesson.

This beast, which is shaped like a big cat, is the white tiger that Poyun met here last time.

The last time I broke the cloud came for nothing, so I have a very deep memory of this guy. Now it seems that it is the big fat cat who was greedy last time. I couldn't help getting close to him, reached out and stroked the top of the white head, laughing, "You are disobedient and dare to go to the salon to play."

White took a step back, his teeth roared, and his eyes were quite scrupulous about breaking the clouds.

"Oh, you white-eyed wolf. Forget that you ate all my roasted rabbits last time." Po Yun laughed and scolded, and reached out again to touch the top of his white head.

The doubts in his white eyes gradually faded, as if he remembered this roast rabbit guy.

Suddenly, a shocking roar came, making the branches tremble.

The clouds were shocked, "It's not good! Sharon is furious! Run!" With that, he turned around and ran away.

Running in vain is a little faster than breaking clouds.

The broken cloud followed behind, turned left and right, ran for half a sound, and a stone house came into sight.

The broken cloud suspended heart was finally put into his stomach. At such a long distance, it was impossible for Sharon to catch it. He saw that he could not come out of the stone house.

The broken cloud was secretly funny, but he found that his clothes were torn and there was no need to sort them out. He smiled bitterly and walked to the stone house.

"Senior Jiu, the younger generation is looking for a meeting!"

The wooden door opened with a creak, and a woman appeared in front of the door.

The woman's willow leaves bent her eyebrows, bright eyes and teeth, and looked at the broken clouds in surprise.

"Who are you?"

The broken cloud secretly sighed that the predecessor Jiu was really skillful. He not only had a permanent appearance, but also his voice was so sweet.

"The junior broke the clouds, the man who came to catch Bai Bai last time." Saying that, he scratched his head with embarrassment.

"Is that you?"

The dove looked up and down in surprise and said with a smile, "It seems that the old ghost hand has restored your appearance for you. I said how to see that you have a familiar feeling. Come on, come in and sit down."

The stone house is the same as last time, and Bai Bai still stared at the broken clouds in the small basket.

The dove poured a cup of clear spring on the broken cloud and smiled, "Last time you said it was Shiyu, and this time it was called broken cloud. Can't you even change your name when you restore your appearance?

Poyun smiled awkwardly, "Last time it was the younger generation, I lied to the senior Jiu. In fact, the younger generation is Wu by nature and is famous. Don't blame the seniors."

The dove smiled and said, "Since Bai Bai can lead you here, I can know that you are not a villain." Turning around and smiling, "This little guy is very good at distinguishing between good and bad."

Po Yun laughed, "The younger generation only knows that he is greedy for nothing, but I didn't expect to have such a ability."

The dove smiled when he heard the words, and the atmosphere in the room unconsciously became very harmonious.

"There is something to ask Elder Jiu this time." Breaking the clouds restrained his smile and said solemnly.

The dove's eyes flashed slightly and smiled, "Oh? What's the matter?"

Poyun calmed down and fought against the Emperor of Heaven. He was defeated by the North. Emperor Kun rescued him and talked about the three emperors of heaven and earth he knew.

"Senior Jiu is the emperor." The broken clouds couldn't take their eyes off the dove.

The dove frowned slightly and sighed, "I didn't expect him to look like this." Zhan Yan smiled and said, "Yes, I am the emperor. However, that was a long time ago.

Poyun nodded gently and took out the sand crab from his arms. The sand scorpion Neidan was placed on the table and said respectfully, "There is nothing that the younger generation can give to the seniors. These two inner elixirs will be filial to the seniors. Seniors, please." After a pause, he continued, "Please tell me the secrets of the lonely predecessor and the whereabouts of Panlong's scabbard."

The dove looked at the two inner elixirs on the table and said in surprise, "Have you met the crab king and the scorpion king?"

The cloud touched his head, "Well... I don't know if the seniors are talking about the big crabs and scorpions that the younger generation met. However, the two guys I met were really amazing. The younger generation also escaped from death by chance.

"Don't call me seniors, am I old?"

The dove frowned, "Since it's your eldest brother, you can call me Sister Bo Liao." After a pause, he said, "You must meet the Scorpion King, the Crab King." He muttered to himself, "I was wondering why you didn't encounter a sandstorm. It turns out that those two guys were defeated..."

"No, no, no..."

Poyun smiled awkwardly and said, "I didn't defeat them. I don't have that ability." With that, he recounted the story.

The dove nodded.

"That manic sandstorm was made by those two guys."

The dove looked at the broken cloud with a surprised face and laughed, "Didn't you notice that the sandstorm disappeared after the two of them died?"

Breaking the clouds suddenly realized that it was so. I was still wondering why the sandstorm didn't take me away even if I killed the sand crab.

It turned out to be like this.

"The crab king and the scorpion king usually fight for the chassis of the desert."

The dove smiled and said, "I didn't expect to win or lose this time, and both souls returned to their hometown."

"Now you are the hegemon of the desert. Don't worry about other beasts attacking you."


Breaking the clouds opened their eyes wide, and they didn't understand the meaning of the dove.

"Didn't you say that sandworms, sand crabs and sand scorpions all dare not approach them from afar?"

The dove gently took a breath of a clear spring and said, "That's because you defeated their leaders and were afraid of you. They have regarded you as their leader, and you will not be attacked again in the desert.


Poyun smiled bitterly and became the lord of the desert. He sighed that his overlord was papery, and the real overlord was Sharon who lived in the lake.

"You put away these two internal pills."

The dove said slowly, "I'll tell you what you want to know. You don't need to do this."

"No. This is the younger generation... Er... This is the younger brother's filial piety to his sister. Please accept it!"

Poyun suddenly changed his words under the fierce eyes of the dove, and kept shouting luck in his heart. If he angered the woman, who knew what would happen.

The dove was very satisfied with the change of the cloud and smiled gently, "In this case, I will leave one, and the remaining one will be refined by you." With that, he picked up the sand scorpion Neidan.

"The Scorpion King's elixir is highly poisonous and dangerous to refine. But Baibai is exactly the nemesis of the sand scorpion, which is just right for her to refine. Take the inner elixir of this crab king and refine it.

Breaking the cloud insisted, "Take it with Sister Bodhisattva. Broken clouds are already very resistant to medicinal properties and will not make much progress. On the contrary, Sister Bodhisattva refines one, which is also good for longevity.

The dove smiled, and his smile was a little mysterious.

"I don't need Neidan anymore. It's you..."

"...You will feel that you need Neidan to improve your strength!"