broken clouds

Chapter 315 Crab Dan

After struggling to break the clouds, I finally came to the desert oasis - the unique forest.

It should be a surprise to visit the old place again, but as soon as Poyun came, he was defeated by Sharon.

The feeling of revisiting the old place is really hard to mention.

The human emperor smiled mysteriously.

"You will feel that you need Neidan to improve your strength!"

Breaking the cloud was stunned, and suddenly felt a bad feeling. He asked timidly, "... can you tell me... why..."

The Emperor was amused by the appearance of broken clouds and said, "I feel that you are not timid. Why do you look like this?"

"Sister Bodhisattva doesn't know..."

Poyun said with a bitter face, "Nothing has been done at will these days. I have been shocked."

The emperor's smile gradually faded and said solemnly, "It's best if you have some awareness. Because..."

"What you want is in the salon's nest!"

The broken cloud was shocked and lost his voice, " the salon!!"

The emperor nodded and said slowly, "By chance, I found something dazzling in the old nest of the salon. According to you, the lonely predecessor put the secrets in the desert. And the middle of the desert is here, and the middle here is Sharon's old nest.

"Although I don't know if Sharon's nest is what you want, I guess it should be inseparable."

The emperor smiled and said, "If it had been decades ago, maybe I would have explored it myself. But now..." With a sigh, a trace of melancholy flashed in his eyes, "I'm not curious about these anymore."

Breaking the cloud did not hear the helplessness of the human emperor and muttered, "How can...what should I do... Sharon..."

"Well, I scared you like this before I tried. Although Sharon is a god, he is also a flesh and blood body. There must be a way.

Breaking the cloud nodded.

Not bad.

There are heavens outside the sky, and there are mountains outside the mountains. No matter how powerful the guy is, he can't be without weaknesses and can't always be victorious.

"Do you know that you need to refine the internal elixir?" The emperor smiled and said, "Let's refine this scorpion king together."

With a broken cloud smile, he has regained his former self-confidence and said, "The sand crab Neidan is enough. The inner elixir of the Scorpion King is poisonous, and my stomach is not good. Let's leave it for nothing.

Since what has been given out, how can it be returned? Even if Poyun is more confident in his body, he is embarrassed to ask for the inner elixir of the Scorpion king.

"Good. I'll thank you for Baibai." The emperor smiled and said, "If you don't mind, there is a room that has been empty. It's good to leave it for you to refine your luck."

Breaking the clouds arched his hand and smiled, "Thank you, sister Bodhisattva. It's not too late. I'll refine this inner elixir first.

When the emperor saw that Poyun was so impatient and laughed secretly, he got up and led the way to a room behind the stone house.

This room is behind the stone house, which is made of a separate building made of stones.

The small stone house is not big.

The interior is very ordinary, with a stone bed, a stone pier round stool, and not even a table.

Despite the good design of the stone house, the stone house is very bright and full of grass, with a faint fragrance like the earth.

"This room was used for my practice." The emperor smiled and said, "I haven't practiced for a long time, so I've been empty. What do you think?"

"Okay! Great!"

Breaking the clouds smiled and said, "Thank you, Sister Bodhisattva!" Sing funnyly.

The emperor has lived alone for a long time and has been with beasts all year round. Now when he encounters a broken cloud that can speak well, he can't help but be happy and smiles, "If you need anything, tell me directly. I won't disturb you."

With that, the emperor walked out of the door and closed the door by the way.

He sat cross-legged at the head of the bed, took out the crystal-like inner elixir of the sand crab, and suddenly sighed.

Although the human emperor did not say it directly, the ghost-handed magic doctor is undoubtedly the emperor of heaven.

In those years, the ghost hand saved his life and restored his kindness, but now he has poisoned himself, mercilessly, and does not remember the past at all.

The world changes so fast that I can't help sighing.

Anyway, let's refine the inner elixir of the sand crab as soon as possible.

The broken cloud's hand was slightly exerted, and the sand crab elixir was pinched into a few pieces. He looked and casually put two pieces in the entrance.

The mouth of Sand Crab Neidan felt a little fishy, and it turned into nothing in an instant.

Breaking cloud frowned slightly, looked at the remaining internal elixir in his hand, and simply stuffed it into his mouth.

After Neidan entered his abdomen, Poyun hurriedly meditated.

I can work for a week, and I don't feel it at all, as if I haven't eaten Neidan.

Breaking the clouds, I was secretly puzzled that my physique was fed too well by the spiritual herb elixir, and I couldn't feel it at all.

Besides, this sand crab is so huge that it is not even a rival to the vicious sand scorpion. It should be more powerful than the worm. Neidan should be very powerful.

How can there be no reaction at all?

The broken cloud once again stimulated the "Nayuan breath" to flow all over the body, but still did not find the effect of Neidan.

Is it true that the inner elixir has eaten too much? Can't provide any skills?


A coldness emanates from the heart!

Breaking the clouds was unprepared, and his whole body trembled with coldness. He was shocked. Is this the effect of sand crab inner elixir? He hurriedly turned to "the breath of the abyss" to relieve this cold chill.

I don't want the chill to be relieved at all. The clouds are shivering with cold, running the "Nayuan breath" to the extreme, and crazily driving the cold intention to disperse the limbs!

It's so cold in your heart that if you slow down a little, you won't freeze your heart to death. However, the chill spread to the limbs makes the body colder, and the limbs belong to the place where the effect of the power is weakened. If not, it will frostbite the veins and become disabled!

To measure the weight, the clouds had to harden their scalp to send cold to their limbs, and their hearts were full of horror.

Refining Neidan, it is the first time to encounter such a dangerous situation!

I don't know...

It's dangerous, but it's just the beginning!

The boundless luck of breaking clouds dissipates the chill, but the chill like falling into a thousand ice caves has not diminished at all!

Slowly, the chill emanating from the body of the broken clouds actually formed a thin frost on the clothes!

The calm face of the broken clouds began to tremble! Start twisting!

Do your best to endure the piercing chill!

The frost on the broken cloud clothes became thicker and thicker, and the whole person seemed to become an ice sculpture.

The chill in my heart is getting stronger and stronger, and the dark road is not good. Isn't there no death and no life if it goes like this! However, the strong "Nayuan breath" can't resolve this strong chill.

It's tragic to break the clouds. Is it really necessary to die here?


The chill in my heart suddenly disappeared, without any signs, completely disappeared!

Although I don't know what's going on, I dare not relax through the clouds, and I still run the "Nayuan breath" anxiously to send the chill to the limbs to resolve it.

At this moment, I suddenly lost my chill in my heart, and suddenly a strong heat flowed to my limbs!

Fire-like hot current!

Lava-like heat flow!

Like millions of run-out wild horses roaring out!

Breaking the clouds is terrible!

You should know that the veins of the limbs have just been completely frozen by the cold chill, and now they have become so hot that the veins and bones will not be blown away by the alternation of cold and heat!

This is like a cold winter, freezing like a popsicle outside, suddenly entering a very hot spring, and the blood will not be able to withstand the alternation of heat and cold and burst!

In this case, it is difficult for people to live.

This is the point, and there is no other way. The broken cloud had to run the "nayuan breath" to guide the limbs again to resolve this hot heat flow.

In fact, this alternation of cold and heat is the characteristic of sand crab Neidan.

Crabs can't get out of the water and are yin.

But sand crabs live in the desert and have mutated like ordinary crabs that need water to live, and their bodies are full of hot desert fanaticism.

Such a yin constitution has a lot of hot energy, and the inner elixir formed is the ice and fire inner elixir of sand crabs.

The Sand Crab King doesn't know that he has lived for decades and hundreds of years, and the internal elixir in his body has accumulated a lot of energy, so these two ice and fire forces are very powerful!

Breaking the clouds and crushing the inner elixir, filling the inner elixir with natural breath and relieving the time of Neidan's attack, but the relief is only time, not medicinal properties!

This devastating water and fire bipolar force has exploded, which is a boundless disaster for anyone!

If you want to resolve the sand crab Neidan, you need to be in a cold and hot environment at the same time. Although this environment is not easy to find, it is not without it.

Where do you know these things? The human emperor only knows the effect of ordinary sand crab internal elixir. Such a sand crab king's inner elixir has never been encountered, and of course there is no way to know.

In this way, the clouds were broken and fell into the trap of ice and fire!

The hot heat flow resolves the ice around the broken clouds, and the high temperature evaporates the ice water into hot air, covering around the broken clouds.

The broken clouds are red all over, and the face is as red as a drop of blood. He gritted his teeth and insisted on using the cold breath of "Nayuan breath" to resolve the hot heat flow!

The heat flow is getting hotter and hotter!

The heart of the broken cloud seems to be firmly suppressed by Qianjun boulder, and I feel irritable!

Suddenly, my throat was sweet, and I spit out a mouthful of blood!

The blood turns into a deep reddish brown because of the hot power!

The closed eyes of the broken clouds squeezed together in pain, the handsome face twisted in pain, and sweat gushed out like a fountain!

The clothes that have just been frozen together are now thoroughly washed by sweat.

The broken cloud was slightly dizzy by the hot current. I thought that I couldn't support it for long. I couldn't help but be decadent in my heart. It seemed that it was really difficult to escape this disaster.

Unexpectedly, the hot heat flow suddenly disappeared.

Breaking the cloud and gasping heavily, he only felt bloated and dizzy, and there was no strength all over his body. He barely continued to run the "Nayuan breath".

Is the sand crab's elixir been refined?

But every time you refine the inner elixir, you will immediately feel the improvement of power. Why do you only feel powerless now?

I broke the clouds and didn't think about it for a while, and I felt a cold and abnormal chill in my heart again!

Breaking clouds didn't even have the strength to greet the ancestors of sand crabs, but out of physical reflexes, there is still a "Nayuan breath", leading the cold intention to disperse the limbs.

As for whether such repeated cold and heat will leave an internal injury and persistent disease, there is no mental consideration for breaking the clouds.

When the clouds are shivering and can't support it, the chill disappears again, and then turns into a hot stream...

It has been repeated six times.

The broken clouds finally couldn't resist, my head was blank, and I didn't know anything...

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