Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 35 Deeply Informed

That woman once said, "Wherever I go, I will take you!" But now, the warm vows are still lingering in my ears, but they have gone empty and disappeared! It seems that women are so fickle that yesterday's sweet words can become invisible cold arrows.

"Ugly girl, don't leave me, ugly girl, ugly girl..." The text called repeatedly, as if she had exhausted her whole life. She must be idle and I was a useless burden and left alone.

Maybe she was awakened by this repeated shouting, Qingzhu opened her eyes and rubbed her sleepy eyes with her hand. She was so tired that she couldn't resist falling asleep. In the afternoon, when she saw that the text entered the dreamland was very sweet, she took out all the dirty clothes and straw mats and washed them in the river. When she took the jade pendant in her hand, she was stunned. This ingenious ancient jade was surprisingly similar to the piece of her previous life, except for the different colors. Is it really a coincidence?

In the evening, for fear of his loud movements, he disturbed the man who was sleeping as a baby, so he lit another fire outside the cave, filled the fruit plate with river water, and put the herring cleaned up in the morning to cook fish soup for him.

The body is too weak to eat, and it is not easy to eat meat, so fish soup is the best tonic. When she sat by the fire and looked at the heat of the soup, maybe the flame was too warm, or maybe she was too sleepy to fall asleep unconsciously. If he hadn't shouted so loudly, I'm afraid that this delicious fish soup would have turned into grilled fish fillets.

Seeing that the fish soup was cooked, she hurriedly wrapped the basin with a cloth towel and put it into the hole. Suddenly, she saw the man sitting on the big stone, waving his hands as if he were trying to grab something. Looking at the hole and shouting, there seemed to be a wave of autumn water in his eyes.

Qingzhu quickly put down the soup, came to him, lowered his body and said, "What's wrong with you, text..." As soon as he said this, he was pulled into his arms, hugged tightly and even wanted to rub the person in front of him into bone and blood, mixed into one.

Feeling the iron wall-like shackles of his copper wall, Qingzhu even wanted to be angry for no reason, which made her try her to push away, but the strength of the text was amazing, as if she wanted to embed her in her body.

"Ugly girl, where have you been?" Although he tried his best to suppress the joy of recovery, there was still a slight tremor in his voice, knocking on Qingzhu's heart word by word. "I thought you were gone. I thought you abandoned me too. Please don't leave me alone. As long as you don't leave me, I promise you everything, and I promise you everything!"

Even though her angry heart softened a corner in an instant, her eyebrows gently frowned, looked at the trembling body in front of her, and said gently, "Don't worry if I don't leave. I promised you that I will take you wherever I go. Have you forgotten?"

He smiled, like a big boy who received a candy reward. He nodded his head fiercely to her, and his eyes were already shining. "No matter what I have, I can give it to you without reservation, and I promise you!"

She will also smile from the bottom of her heart and from the bottom of her heart, "Well, you promise me one thing now, drink the soup while it's hot, and keep your body well, so that we can go on the road together."

Qingzhu brought the fruit plate full of fish soup in front of the text and blew away the heat on it with his mouth. "You are injured now. It's important to mend your body. Now there is no other delicious food. Let's make do with it first. When you can move, let's go to the market to buy more good things tonic."

The text felt that the woman beside her exhaled like an orchid, and her eyes were as clear as mountains and springs under the firelight, which made people's hearts ripple. "Then don't you eat some?" The words are also a little more concerned than in the past.

"You eat first, I'm not hungry!" Qingzhu smiled, with a trace of excitement on his face, and was moved by his rare warmth. In fact, she is also hungry now, but at present, there is only one "cooking tool" and can only be used first.

The text nodded slightly, took a few mouthfuls of soup, and inadvertently saw her hands holding the soup and said, "What's wrong with your hands?"

The ten fingers of the bamboo are red and swollen, and there are mostly small mouths criscrossed on it. I remember that on that rainy night, she pulled the grass rope wrapped in the grass mat and was pierced by the rough thorns on it. When she was washing clothes just now, she was frozen by the cold and boney river. Now the ten jade fingers are as red and swollen as small carrots, making people look at it. I feel pity in my heart.

The text wrapped Qingzhu's little hand with his big hand to warm the frozen fingers and warm her frozen heart. "Come on, you can also take a sip. It tastes delicious. Be careful not to burn it!" He pushed the fruit plate to her lips, blew her breath, and fed the fish soup into her sandalwood mouth.

"Hmm..." Qingzhu tasted the delicious soup and also tasted sincere sincerity.

In this cold cave, two equally lonely strangers held hands and shared a plate of cold soup, but their hearts were full of spring flowers and dark flowers. It was not until the bonfire was completely extinguished that they snuggled to each other to welcome another new dawn.

A few years later, the two were separated by events. The text came to this cave many times and recalled this night... Whenever he thought of the woman who sheltered him from the wind and rain and shared joys and sorrows with him, his heart was cut like a knife and pain. She was sincere to him and did not lie. If he could repent, he I will pour out the world, stain the country with blood, and even if I chase her to the edge of the sea, I will find her at all costs and stay with her. Whether it is her people or her heart, the imprisonment of life will never exceed...

In the east of Jinwu, the jade rabbit returns to the west. The days passed in a hurry.

The text was in its prime. Although the body was originally a chicken bone bed, after Qingzhu's careful care in the past few days, he can gradually walk around, but Qingzhu still tried his best to serve and take care of him for fear that he would be hungry and frozen. The text also wanted to help her in everything, but she said that he had not recovered and could not be overworked.

While recovering from his injury, Qingzhu went to the market and bought a lot of dry food for the road and heavy cotton-padded clothes for the winter with little silver left.

After a few days of rest, in the autumn afternoon, the sun is not as hot as the Spring Festival, nor as cool as winter. The two rode together, tied the debris to the back of the saddle, and embarked on the journey of seeking medical treatment in Snow Valley together.

Above the jujube red tall steed, she is in the front and he is in the back. It's really strange. Maybe the herring cultivated without pollution is nutritious and fat, and the text is much better than a few days ago. Because he is still surprisingly ugly, after putting on his mask, he returned to his former majestic and proud style. He put his sharp jaw on the willow shoulder of the bamboo, wrapped his hands around her waist, and all his strength depended on her. He talked and laughed all the way. This was the most harmonious time they had known each other.

"Ugly girl, is your whole family really ruined?" The text suddenly smiled and said doubtfully.

"Lazy brother, how dare you ask me," Qingzhu pretended to be annoidly, "If it weren't for saving you, how could I be in today's poor and poor situation? It's really hard for 30 years, and I will return to the pre-liberation in a blink of an eye." After saying that, he couldn't help sighing and complaining.

Originally, with those wealth, she could live a life of rice worms with carefree food and effort, but who let herself provoke this big troublemaker? It's ridiculous that she was very secret. The idea of planning to be isolated from the world and living in seclusion could not be realized. On the premise of getting money, everything It's empty words.

"So where did you steal these cotton-padded clothes?" If you don't believe the text, you can make fun of it.

"Well, lazy brother, I said, don't blame me," Qingzhu pretended to be anxious. "Actually, I fooled your jade pendant when I was in the last episode that day!"

"What? You..." She felt his body shaking in the wind like a broken wicker. "You..."

Qingzhu turned around, and their eyes met. Seeing that his dark eyes were as quiet as water, there was a faint wave, and his lips trembled unstoppable. Thinking about his few jokes a few days ago, he could make him angry and spit blood. He couldn't help but jump and said gently, "Lazy brother, don't be angry. I'm playing with you. !" While speaking, he put his left hand deep into his arms, took out the jade pendant and stuffed it into the palm of the text.

The text was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth, "It turned out that with you, I thought I had been robbed by those people in black!" The slender fingers attached the texture of the round jade pendant, slowly and did not miss every corner above. The exhaustion of these days has turned into foam and flew into the Tianhe River...

( spinach: If I had known that he thought so, I would have taken it out!)

"Why do you want to enrich your own pocket?" His heart was suddenly filled with great joy, "Do you think it is precious or because it is beautiful?" This is the only thing that the woman left him, otherwise he would not regard it as a treasure.

"Not anymore, in fact," she hesitated, but finally made up her mind to tell him the truth, "Do you still remember the China I mentioned to you?"

"Is that the one you said is fishing & fish & island owner?"

"Good memory, I can come here from China because of a piece of jade pendant. Except for the color, my piece is exactly the same as yours and style, so I want to play it carefully to see if it is mine or not!"

"Absolutely not, this is the only piece of this thing in the world." He spoke decisively and firmly. This is what the woman brought to her childhood. How can it be this ugly girl? It's just a coincidence.

"But what kind of place is China?" He was still curious and couldn't stop asking.

"China is another time and space, where civilization is developed. Theoretically, I should be your descendant."

"Oh? Then how did you get here?"

So, Qingzhu told him everything from emotional betrayal to being killed by his rival...