Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 36 Shishiku's old wife

The text opened his eyes in disbelief. For a long time, his handsome face seemed to be wrapped in endless sadness and comforting him, "A man's three wives and four concubines are human nature. Don't be too sad because Fang Ze's feelings are not single-minded."

"Humph..." Qingzhu looked at him coldly and said angrily, "Three wives and four concubines, that's your place. Such a thing is not allowed in China. We are all monogamous!"

"One husband and one wife?" He raised his eyes with a smile, "Is a man only allowed to marry two women? A lady, a wife?"

"What are you thinking about?" She was so angry that she abducted him with her elbow, "A man can only have a wife!" This is also the real reason why I have been trying to go back. I hope my love is unique in the world!"

"Oh," he moaned in pain, "what if we marry more?"

"Catch them all..."

"What do you do when you catch it?"

"Catch it and cut off all the small parts. It's accurate with the sharpest knife. Do you want to try it?"

While talking, she felt a young man's lower body tremble greatly behind her buttocks, which seemed to be frightened.

"Actually, if you really love a woman, how can you let others go in your heart? You won't show mercy and steal jade and fragrance at all." The text tightened her slender arms and continued, " However, I always feel that Fang Ze really loves you. There may be some misunderstanding between you, as he said, 'Sometimes what you see is not necessarily the truth!' Same. Maybe it's not necessarily because of something that he can't say.

"Why do you think so? Do you have telepathy?"

"I don't know either. Maybe it's really as telepathic as you said!"

"So if you have a true love woman, will you touch her best friend and kill her together?"

"No way, I will kill myself!"

There was a spring in Qingzhu's heart. When she looked back at the text, he was already asleep. A few days of fatigue have exhausted the two people, and the sleepy text is falling asleep sweetly. In the dream, it seems that I saw the smile of my heart, just like the bright morning sunshine in the warm spring.

The mountains are high and the road is far away, and the ground is frozen and the weather is cold. Many days of rush has exhausted the two of them, and finally came to the foot of the Dengyun Mountains three days later. Thousands of mountains and birds flew away, and thousands of people disappeared. As soon as I entered the foot of the mountain, I was so shaken by the white snow that I could hardly open my eyes. Snow all over the sky, frost all over the ground, the wind roared, and the horse's hoof was difficult to walk.

There are still several families at the entrance of Xuegu, but if they go further in, there are few hitchers and no people. The two of them have already looked refreshed. In addition, it was getting late. Seeing that there was a family not far ahead, they wanted to stay in it.

This is a cottage made of various granites. It is simple and elegant. Although the stone house is not big, the light through the window seems to feel the warmth and warmth of the house. In the light projection, an old woman is busy, picking up and cleaning as if she were about to receive distinguished guests returning from afar. It was a full and busy day.

"Is anyone there?" He shouted, but no one answered, "Is there anyone in the room?" Then there was another sound.

The rhythmic footsteps came from inside, and the door creaked open. An elderly woman pushed the door and said, "Didn't you say that you would come back in a few days? Why did you come back so early this time?"

Qingzhu and the text looked up at the same time, and saw an old woman about 60 years old, wearing a blue thick cloth plaid skirt and a carved wooden hairpin on her head. She was slightly fat, her clothes were dirty and old, her hair was white and fluffy, which showed that she was tidying up the housework.

"You are..." When she saw the people coming clearly, the old man couldn't help asking with some disappointment.

"Ah, mother-in-law, our two brothers went on the road into the valley. My brother is not in good health, but he happened to meet you. I don't know if he can beg for tea. If it's convenient, I want to stay overnight."

The old girl is also a kind-hearted person. Seeing that Qingzhu was ugly and yellow and thin, she couldn't help but feel distressed and said, "Then come in quickly. Be careful to freeze your body outside."

Several people came in together. This is a two-bedroom small stone house. The room is old and messy. The brown-red wooden table is very rough, and there is a book under the corner of one table. I think it is because the four legs are uneven. The iron-black oil lamp glowed with a dark yellow light at night. Qingzhu held the text and did not take a few steps. She almost tripped over something under her feet. When she bent down and picked it up, she found that it was actually a shovel for cooking. Hey, the environment can only be described as dirty and messy.

The old woman grabbed the shovel she was holding and said with some embarrassment, "Let the two little brothers laugh. The old woman's eyes are not very good. By the way, what do you call the two little brothers? You haven't had dinner yet, why don't you have some together?" After saying that, he turned around and directly opened the shovel with shoe marks in his hand to stir-fry the dishes, regardless of their expressions.

"My brother's surname is Zheng and my surname is Xia. It's embarrassing for us to disturb you so late, let alone delay your meal!"

It doesn't matter. It's just that your brother's popularity is extraordinary. Unlike the children of ordinary people, they must be the children of rich families. They can't get used to my hard-to-eat coarse grain. There are still some cooked peanuts on the kang in the house. It's also delicious food in poor people like us. It's still hot. If you don't Disliked, I went to taste my wife's craftsmanship.

Qingzhu and the two were indeed very hungry. They only ate some cold dry food and snow water along the way. As soon as they heard that there were freshly cooked peanuts, their eyes were shining and said, "In this case, my two brothers will thank my mother-in-law first!"

The small fire pit in the inner room was burning, and the air rushed to his face when he entered the door. Qingzhu had the intention to help the text take off his cotton-padded clothes, but he was already so hungry that his eyes were green, and he ran directly to the two plates of peanuts on the kang. One large plate is steaming hot, but the other small plate is slightly cold. The text picked up the peanuts of the small plate and devoured them. They almost swallowed all the dates. As they stuffed, they kept saying, "It's really beautiful, but it seems to be a little lighter, ugly girl, don't you eat it?"

Qingzhu also wanted to taste it, but when he saw him look like a wolf and a tiger, he shook his head. He was simply a dog's food protection. He had no previous demeanor at all. He couldn't help thinking about how he could grab food with patients!

"Zhengzi, Mr. Xia, there is also a bowl of grain porridge here. If you don't mind, come and try it." The old girl was coming in with a dirty old bowl and was about to be handed over.

Qingzhu saw that the edge of the bowl was full of black greasy fingerprints, and the thumb of plaster in the old lady's nails had reached into the porridge. He almost vomited out. The corners of his eyes twitched and hurriedly pushed away, "Mother-in-law, be careful not to burn it. Your finger is in the porridge! I'm not hungry, you'd better keep it for yourself!"

"It doesn't matter, I'm not hot," the old woman said with a faint smile on her mother's face. "It's still Mr. Xia will love people and will definitely be a good father-in-law in the future! This porridge is not a rare thing, but the rest of the night before yesterday. I've been hot again for a while. Don't be polite. If you want to shirk it, you will look down on our farmers!"

Seeing that Qingzhu couldn't stop it and still didn't eat it, he really couldn't say it. He gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and swallowed the bad porridge that had been two days apart. Looking back, he was even more angry when he saw that the text was trembling and almost had cerebral palsy.

"Mother-in-law, I don't know what to call you?" In order to force herself to stop thinking about what happened just now, she casually found a word and went away.

"My wife's surname is Xue, and my wife has passed away a long time ago, and she has only one son..."

When Grandma Xue was talking, she saw the empty plate. She was so shocked that she opened her eyes in an instant and stood there in a daze.

For a long time, she stammered, "Which prince ate the peanuts in my small plate?"

"My mother-in-law wants to regret not letting others eat it," the text immediately said jokingly, "It's a pity that it's too late. It has long been in my stomach. The taste is extremely delicious, but next time Grandma Xue must add more salt when she cooks this dish!" After saying that, I didn't forget to pat my bulging stomach with my right hand, and I looked like a scoundrel that I had already eaten.

The old woman was speechless for half a day, and then smiled extremely awkwardly, revealing her loose yellow teeth and said, "That's not true. It's just that I really admire you young men. To tell you the truth, I, an elderly man, have bad teeth and can't chew the boiled peanuts on the plate, so I will have a salty taste on it. After repeated gnating, I tasted it and put it in the small plate..."

"What?" For a moment, his mind was like a thunder axe, and he was still thinking about the meaning of her words. After he was angry, he woke up with exhilaration, and suddenly there was an impulse to take a few steps up and slap the person in front of him to death.

"Puff..." Qingzhu couldn't help but finally return all the grain porridge!

(Spinach: It's disgusting!)

This night, holding a big foot basin in the text's arms, vomiting and vomiting endlessly. When you think about it, you will vomit. After vomiting, you will think about it again. After thinking about it, you will vomit. It's really a thousand times!

That night, the text poured out the universe in his stomach. By dawn, there was almost a pair of empty skin bags left in addition to the heart, liver, spleen, stomach and kidneys. There was really nothing to spit, so he fell asleep tired and hungry. Qingzhu sat by the kang for a night and took care of it.

The next morning, Qingzhu was woken up by dog barking and chicken barking. He hurriedly cleaned up the mess last night and was busy helping Grandma Xue make breakfast together.

"Grandma Xue, I heard that there is an old magic doctor in Xuegu, who has excellent medical skills. Do you know where he lives? My brother is seriously injured and wants to ask him to help treat him." Qingzhu worked diligently while making a statement...