Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 31 Wishing Lamp

Qin Zheng looked at Qingzhu with a stunned face, his face was white and blue, and his lips were red and purple with anger. It doesn't matter if this woman is shameless and has no shame. How can she instill such evil thoughts in young children?

Qingzhu looked back at the malicious eyes of the people around her. She knew that no matter how she could distinguish and explain, it was futile. The notoriety of the lustful girl was like a shitty basin on her head.

At present, she no longer argues. In the prince's heart, she is also in a position. She was beaten into the cold room and became an abandoned concubine. Now she is so trapped. Where can she go in the future?

Although the wonderful person is childish, the meaning of all the women in her words is clear. The women look at each other, and their eyes can almost be eaten. Dongying's women rely on this kind of fox charming spring technique to seduce the prince. No wonder they have long lost their favor. This kind of ** routine of women in the Northern Qin No, I don't think I can get close to the prince in the future.

Qin Zheng's face was gray, and he calmed down for a long time. He breathed his chest and said, "It seems that Qianfei is extremely idle and boring. Tonight, the waiter is still sleeping in my royal house. My concubine will send us some snacks!"

Don't you like to see us get in love? Just watch it.

Qingzhu snorted helplessly. It seems that he is deliberately going to perform the program, which is lively and intuitively exciting. This real picture is more exciting than when he peeking at the film before. I'm afraid he should bring more toilet paper to prevent nosebleeds from splashing.

"Your Majesty, eating this is good for your health." Cangjing showed a proud smile. He grabbed a piece of venison with his snow-white fingers and sent it into Qin Zheng's mouth. "Your Majesty, don't be angry and pay attention to your body. I still have something to please!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she gave her hands high-fives, and after the crisp applause, two alien men dressed in waitresses, led two huge hounds and bowed their heads to enter, "Lord!"

Everyone was also full of suspicion, secretly saying that they didn't know what trick this Dongying bitch would play to please the prince!

Qin Zhengjian frowned slightly, "Raise your head!" I always have an inexplicable feeling that they have met nowhere.

The second servant raised his eyes, held his fist and said politely, "Okasaka and Yokoki pay a visit to the prince!"

I went there! Who was I at that time? It turned out to be Dongying bitches. They were injured by Qin Zheng that day. After a few months of recuperation, they were more energetic than before. At this moment, they are standing with their brilliant bare hands.

Aoi said with a flattering face, "Your Majesty, this is Dongying's large hound - Shiba Inu and Akita Dog. They have sharp mouths, strong bodies, agile movements and strong strength, which are most suitable for fighting with each other for viewing!"

Qingzhu felt uncomfortable after hearing this. She used to love police dogs when she was a policewoman, but these Japanese bitches are really gangsters with fierce methods. How can they be so cruel that they love to watch such a bloody game? Thinking of what the two bitches insulted the Northern Qin people when they were in Southern Qi, a mass of anger rolled in his chest and immediately said coldly, "I thought it was sacred. It turned out to be two Japanese dogs!"

Okasaka is a solid-eyed rectum. He was ignorant and thought that she was talking about these two big dogs. He immediately answered, "This lady is auspicious. This is a Dongying hound, not a Japanese dog!"

Okasaka is a foreigner. He speaks with a knot in tongue and can't speak clearly. He actually connects the word "mother". At first glance, he thought it was the word "mother".

"You don't need to call me mother, just call me sister," Qingzhu smiled kindly. "Japanese dogs are Dongying dogs, and Dongying dogs are Japanese dogs, which means!" Anyway, you two are dogs!

"Japanese dog? What is Japan? Okasaka felt as if he had heard such a name somewhere.

"Japan?" Qin Zhengjin's nose muttered, "I seem to have always heard this name recently!"

Hengmu thought about it for a long time. How awkward it is to hear this, but after all, Qingzhu is the prince's concubine. Naturally, he dares not neglect his words. He immediately changed the topic and said, "Your Majesty, we have built a dogfighting arena in the royal palace in the past few days. If it is convenient for you, you can visit it."

The two vicious dogs kept walking around the house and barking from time to time, which spared everyone's hearts and scared the wonderful man into Qingzhu's arms and cried in a low voice.

"Why don't you get out with the dog? Don't be afraid to scare the princess!" When Concubine Lan saw the wonderful man crying, she had a lot of opinions and was very disgusted with Cangjing. She immediately gave orders in a fierce and cold tone, so that she could kill the arrogance of Cangjing, and second, she could set an example of protecting her sister in front of the prince.

The waiters also said bad words to each other, so they kicked Okasaka and Yokoki out. Although these women usually fight secretly, once they meet an alien race and catch fire, they will work together to resist foreign aggression.

The two Okasaka were twisted out and rolled up their faces. Originally, a morning banquet for the princess was attended by two Japanese dogs, which ended hastily.

After the morning banquet, a storm subsided. Before the tears in his eyes could be wiped dry, the wonderful man pestered Qingzhu to ask questions, and his words were always inseparable from the wishing lamp.

Qingzhu had nothing else to do at the time, so he began to prepare the materials and tools for the wishing lamp.

Wishing lamp, also known as Kong Ming lamp, sky lantern wish lamp and wind lamp, is said to be the invention of Zhuge Kongming during the Three Kingdoms period. At that time, Kong Ming was besieged in Yangping by Sima Yi and could not send troops out of the city for help. Kong Ming calculated the wind direction, made a floating paper lantern, and tied the message of asking for help. After that, he got out of danger, so later generations called this lantern Kong Ming lantern. Modern people often put wish lanterns for blessing. Men, women and children wrote their own wishes for blessings, symbolizing the success of the harvest and happy years.

Its production principle and floating principle are the same as that of hot air balloons, mainly using hot air and buoyancy to make the balloon float into the sky. Although the principle is simple, the production is very delicate and exquisite.

First of all, cut the bamboo into half an inch wide bamboo strips with a knife, and then surround the bamboo strips into a circle and fix them with fine wire. Then use red thin paper to cut pieces of paper of the same size, and stick them one by one until they are made into a hollow ball at both ends. Finally, cut a round thin paper to paste the round space on it. After it is dry, blow the balloon and use a wide and narrow bamboo strip to bend it into an arc to make the thin paper, but it must not It can make the balloon leak, and then tie the thin wire to the bamboo strip at the bottom, such a wish lamp that can fly into the sky has been released. In this way, she made two paper lamps.

Today is a sunny and windless night. Qingzhu and Miaoren found an empty venue in Lilac Garden, and the two joined hands to wish for the lamp.

"What kind of wishes do wonderful people have?" Qingzhu looked at Miaozhu, who had been staring at the wishing lamp and asked, "Your sister-in-law will write it down for you!"

"I hope the second brother can find true love!" The wonderful man blinked his dark eyes like midnight and said faintly, "The second brother has worked too hard. He has been left in Nanqi by a person since he was a child. He has no support. In fact, he has not found true love because he has been tossed himself like this now!"

Although Qin Miaoren is young, he is an adult, a big man, and he loves his brother very much. After learning from other people about the ups and downs of the second brother, he is even more concerned about him.

Qingzhu was also gloomy after hearing this. Recently, she has done some rough work as a slave and maidservant in the house, and also has a general understanding of Qin Zheng's life from the mouths of her servants, and now she has also moved her heart of compassion.

She wrote two wishes on two pieces of white paper and hung them on the lamp:

"May my brother Qin Zheng find true love!"

"Qingzhu may Qin Zheng find his heart!"

Then, she dipped the cotton ball with liquor, lit it, and released it.

Two red Kongming lanterns slowly rose, carrying the common wish of two beautiful women, rising little by little and flying to the vast night sky until the large and round lantern became as small as stars until it disappeared.

"Sister-in-law, look, they have flown to the sky!"

"Yes, this means that our wish will come true sooner or later!"

Two beautiful girls, one large and one small, jumped and laughed and cheered until they could no longer see the shadow of the lamp.

The joyous songs and laughter of the two people spread to the second floor of the attic of Dingxiangyuan. Qin Zheng was holding a desk in his hand, and his tall figure had been standing at the window for a long time. He almost bent his eyebrows when he saw a pair of beautiful women playing hand in hand. He had never laughed so sincerely for many years. He once laughed against his heart and once smiled hypocritically. After a bitter smile, I have never smiled as happily as tonight.

Feng Yang behind him was a little stunned when he saw the prince's appearance. It was ugly that he could see it wrong, this one. The ice face that has remained unchanged for ten thousand years also has a time when spring flowers bloom.

"Fengyang, what's the name of the lantern flying into the sky?"

"Your Majesty, when the Empress Qianfei was making it this afternoon, she called it a wishing lamp, as if to say that as long as the paper lantern can be released, you can achieve your wish."

"Wish, what can Qianfei have?" It's not going to be amphibious with the man who took her away!

Qin Zheng snorted coldly, picked up an inkstone on the table and cast it at the red dot in the air. "Feng Yang, go and bring me that broken lantern to me. I'd like to see what this woman's wish is?"

"Suddenly" the sound of the wind came out, and the black figure of the wind flashed, and several tossed in the air, grabbed the two lanterns, and returned to the attic in a blink of an eye.

He lowered his body and dedicated two wishing lamps to Qin Zheng, because the heavily deformed paper lamp appeared in front of him.

Gently took off the two slightly wrinkled old notes tied on it. In the eyes of the two lines of dignified and beautiful little regulars, Qin Zheng's upright figure suddenly shook unnaturally. Is this woman's wish to me?

The beautiful little character in front of him looked a little familiar. His heart, which had been frozen for several years, suddenly felt like the spring breeze blowing on his face, just like the most beautiful sunshine in March shining into his heart, and his cold heart was gradually dissolved by warmth until his whole body was full of spring.