Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 32 Referring to Sang and Scolding Huai

In the evening, the wonderful man had so much fun that he had already fallen asleep on Qingzhu's back on the way back.

When he returned to the room, Qingzhu carefully put the wonderful man on the bed, took off his clothes and shoes, covered the quilt, and immediately prepared supper for Qin Zheng.

Not long, she has appeared in the kitchen and dining room, standing beside the cutting board in a daze. Qin Zheng is really too difficult to serve. No matter what he does, he can pick bones in the egg to find the thorns. How to deal with it tonight?

He doesn't feel tired of this prince's romantic appearance and loves to perform sowing in front of him every day? If you continue with such unrestrained indulgence, I'm afraid that you will be exhausted and die by this oriental woman in a few days. It seems that we still need to find a way to help him replenish his health.

While thinking, he heard the footsteps getting closer and closer. Qingzhu looked up and saw a group of servants in the palace dragging a heavy thing in, followed by a woman.

"Is that little maid blind? Come here quickly!" Mrs. Wang looked at Qingzhu and shouted arrogantly. She is now working in the dining room, which is more important for Qingxue's waiter. She was originally a high-looking villain, but now she is even more arrogant and rampant.

Qingzhu stepped forward when he heard the cry. It didn't matter. At first glance, he fainted and almost vomited.

It turned out that several servants pulled a dead dog. The dog's whole body was skinless and bruised all over. The blood flowed and had already died. It was dark and far away. Qingzhu did not see it clearly. When he walked in, he found that because he pulled its body, the road in the courtyard was full of blood stains. It looked like a river of blood and ferocious.

"The thousand concubines are auspicious!" The servants thought that those who worked in the dining room were bound to be the maidservant here, but when they found that it was the demoted mother, they all saluted and said hello.

Although Qingzhu suffers at present, after all, she is the prince's concubine and the daughter of the prime minister. In addition, she has always been kind to people, has no respect and inferiority, and is approachable. Most of the servants in the house still love her very much.

"Hey, who do I think I am? It turned out to be the Empress Qianfei. I'm sorry for being blind and didn't give you a gift!" Mrs. Wang's words were respectful but her eyes were full of computational light.

Others don't know that the Qianfei Niangniang is working in the dining room now. How can Mrs. Wang, as the deputy director of the kitchen and dining room, not know that she obviously didn't pay attention to Qingzhu? This dog-eyed snooked snook!

"It doesn't matter," Qingzhu was stunned, pointed his hand at the animal body on the ground, and smiled, "I won't see a blind dead dog like it!"

Hearing Qingzhu's words referring to the mulberry and scolding locust, the servants covered their lips and almost laughed. Mrs. Wang usually relied on Qingxue to bully people and dictate to the servants. She beat or scolded them. When did she suffer such a secret loss? Today, she is like a mute to eat yellow, and she can't say anything. That's the anger in my heart. Look at the people's puns and scolding themselves as dead dogs!

"What the Empress said is," Mrs. Wang nodded with a smile. "This is the dead dog that died of injury during dog fighting this morning. Qingxue's waiter knows that the Empress's cooking skills are superb, so let the old slave bring it to you to see if she can add a dish to the prince."

After saying that, Mrs. Wang turned around and retreated, leaving the servants and Qingzhu to look at a dead dog helplessly.

This unrepentant Qingxue, it seems that the "daily pull" that day has not taught you a lesson. If it falls into my hands on another day, I will have to deal with you well!

Qingzhu fixed his eyes and took a look. Isn't the animal lying on the ground one of the vicious dogs brought by the two brothers of Aoi? Unexpectedly, it became a meal on the human plate at night!

"Oh, why do you think this Dongying people are so heartless and love to watch such a bloody comparison?" A servant sighed, and his words were not without sadness.

"Who said no, but they liked it themselves. Why did the waiter pull the prince and let him enjoy the tragic scene?" Another subordinate also echoed.

"No, the prince was confused and was fascinated by the oriental woman. He was obedient and went to watch the dogfight, still admiring and clap his hands!" Chef Zhang Fang is honest and straightforward.

"Zhang Fang, what are you talking about!" The person next to him hurriedly hit him with his elbow, looked at Qingzhu and Zhang Fang again, and gave him a wink, "I think you are the one who is muddy. How can we subordinates comment on the master's matter? The thousand concubines will definitely not care about you as much about your kindness. If others listen to it, it will not be punished for your disrespect to the prince. At that time, your cheap life will be hard to protect!"

As soon as Zhang Fang heard this, he realized his broken words. At the next two tremblings, he almost knelt down and kowtowed. He looked at Qingzhu eagerly and said, "The thousand concubines spare my life, and I am cheap. I will punish you, but please don't tell the prince, otherwise I will die alone, but the mother of the family will be tired because of me!"

Qingzhu smiled and patted Zhang Fang on the shoulder, "Don't worry, I won't mention it to anyone. The prince is indeed confused!"

When the servants heard her say this, they took a breath and fell to the ground with a big stone in their hearts.

"The prince is confused, why don't others stop him from persuading him?" Qingzhu asked confusedly. None of these concubines, waiters, Feng Yang and Xiaoquanzi in the house said a few words of advice.

"How dare you! The waiter is now favored, and no one is in the limelight. Other concubines and waitresses restrain their sharpness and bide their time. No one wants to offend this red man in the house!"

"Exactly, people say that the pillow wind is the most murderous and invisible. I heard that Qiu Ting's waiter was quite dissatisfied with the Cang waiter behind his back. His words spread to the prince's ears. He has been reprimanded by people in public and demoted to the cold room." Zhang Fang said with an uneven face.

I think that Qingzhu has lived in Lilac Garden in the past few days, and I don't ask much about the outside world. It turns out that people don't know that her house has been occupied. In a few days, the wonderful person will return to the palace. Where will he live?

"This is not a gift from the Dongying woman. In order to win the favor, it's enough for women to fight with each other. But how can she rely on the prince's doting and make fun of these slaves? She also said that today's dog fighting will fight another day?"

"Fighting people?" Qingzhu heard that the crowd was full of doubts, "What is a fighter?"

Zhang Fang thought for a moment and said, "The Empress didn't know anything. Today, the two Dongying Shiba dogs and the Akita dogs are fighting to the death. The prince and the Cang waiter were very happy. In the end, the Shiba Inu was defeated and died. The Cang waiters threatened to put the servants in the house in the dog arena the next day to see if it was the Dongying dog or we from the Northern Qin people. Harm!"

"What?" Qingzhu blushed angrily, "This Japanese bitch actually compares Chinese people with Japanese dogs, which is obviously an insult to us!"

Japan? China? Where is this? The servants were sad. People said that Qianfei was a fairy-like figure, but it was a pity that her brain was not very smart, but it was a pity that this skin.

Qingzhu did not understand the strange eyes of others and said boldly, "Don't be afraid of the Japanese. Sooner or later, there will be retribution, * waiting for them!

"What is *?"

"I don't know, hehe, it's just an egg laid by a chicken called an atom!"

"I've never heard of it either!"

"How can these servants compare with ladies like the Empress? It's natural that we have no knowledge."

Everyone was smart to talk about it with Qingzhu, completely without the difference between the master and servant when they first saw her just now.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Zhang Fang shouted loudly to stop the noise like mosquitoes and flies, "Mother, it's important. At present, we still need to prepare for supper. I heard that the waiter is in the prince's room again, and they are still waiting to eat your tonic!"

The noise was immediately stopped, and the servants looked at Qingzhu with sympathy on their faces. Everyone knew what happened to her bridal night, and they didn't know how to save the beauty in front of them.

Prince? Cang waiter? Supplements? Qingzhu's heart was full of such words. Suddenly, his mind flashed, and a strange smile floated on his cheek, "Zhang Fang, don't gossip, help me do it now. Let's do it now!"

Qingzhu Ping retreated a group of servants and was busy working in the dining room with Zhang Fang. Soon a bowl of steaming soup was ready, put into exquisite porcelain, put on a tray, and sent to Qin Zheng's house.

"Qianfei, are you sure this won't annoy the prince and the waiter?" Zhang Fangyu couldn't stand the soft voice.

"Don't worry, Zhang Fang, if I am punished, I will definitely take all the responsibility. You can rest assured that I won't confess you!"

A trace of unspeakable guilt and shame flashed in Qingzhu's eyes. The hateful prince has always been moody. After investigating this matter, he was fearless and was afraid of implicating this filial cook and being punished because of himself.

Dingxiangyuan, outside the door of Qin Zheng's wing.

Feng Yang stood proudly in the night in the wind. When he saw Qingzhu in a chef's costume, he suppressed his smile, and then bowed politely and said, "Thank you for your hard work. I asked you to send a midnight snack for the prince so late. Thank you!"

Qingzhu has met him many times and has not chatted. When he saw the handsome man in front of him, he suddenly had a good impression, smiling like a spring breeze, and sweetly said, "The wind guard is even harder. It's hard for you to stand guard for the prince at this late. Thank you!"

After saying that, the two couldn't help smiling.

"Wind guard, the night is as cool as water. You have to add a few more clothes, or go back to your room to rest!" Qingzhu said a few words of enthusiastic concern. In the government palace, he suffered from enemies and made a lot of enemies. If he could take care of everything, he could live a better life.

"Thank you for the kindness of the Empress Qianfei, the prince has an order to guard it, and the last general dares not disove!" Feng Yang shook his head with a smile on his face.

"Oh, I know, the prince must be afraid that people will disturb his good deeds and make villains in the room!" He bumped into them several times, but Qingzhu swore that it was absolutely not intentional. Whoever asked them to do things would never cut in!