abandoned and turned over

Chapter 158 Preliminary Start

Chapter Summary: The State of Wu and the State of Yue first subdued the State of Zhao and Shu. On the way to the State of Wu, Fu Wei and Xianxian met the Vietnamese army that was conquering the State of Shu. However, will they still meet the Wu army after entering the State of Zhao? What interesting thing will happen?

With the passage of time, the more people I went to the border of Shu to Zhao, the more people I saw. Later, there were basically many people in the mountain villages and towns I passed by every time. Some old people told us that it was because the Vietnamese army came so suddenly that they didn't have time to escape, but the Vietnamese army did not hurt them. Even when they couldn't do something, the Vietnamese army would come out to help.

Many villagers are talking about the good words of the Vietnamese army, saying that if it is really unified, the people of Vietnam will still be so good, the world will be peaceful, and the people can enjoy wealth.

I know that this is a means for Yue to buy people's hearts, so that everyone returns to their hearts. When the remaining two powerful countries fight to the death, it basically has nothing to do with the State of Zhao of Shu.

The State of Zhao is adjacent to the State of Shu, and I don't have to cross the State of Yue to return to the State of Zhao. Therefore, I crossed the border between Shu and Zhao to go to the State of Wu. I have to go back to my father. Only by his side can I stand in a favorable place.

Of course, if Xiaoyu has no task, he should also be in Kunlun Mountain, which is why Xianxian is so hard and insists on following me.

Although Zhao is not big, we walked forward, and the time was infinitely extended. Counting the time, at this time, the army of Yue has been close to the capital of Shu. It seems that it will take less than ten days and a half months, and only a month at the longest, the two countries of Shu and Zhao will completely disappear from history, and the history of the two countries will also come to an end.

The initial beginning of the unification of the four countries!

Time flies! It may be that the war has not yet affected the south. In addition, it is summer and the weather is very hot. It must be because of the war, Zhao, a water town in the south of the Yangtze River, has also become a rare drought. The more people move forward, the more difficult it is for people to drink water.

xian xian, like me, is also the first time I have seen this situation. Fortunately, I have seen the world, so I have not lost my temper. We exchanged a pot of water and ten golden beads for two thin horses, and the foot journey accelerated a lot.

When approaching the capital of Zhao, the drought finally eased, but only slightly eased. Just three days ago, our two horses finally died. I exchanged two dying horses for five golden beads to see if I could buy two more horses after entering the capital.

I don't know if I can get out of the State of Zhao, but as long as I can meet the army of the State of Wu, as long as it is not a person from Yue, it is good.

When I saw the capital of Zhao from afar, the black army scared me and Xianxian. Although they were far away, they were still driven by the bloody momentum of the army.

The capital has basically been surrounded. Looking at the posture of the Wu army, I'm afraid it has only arrived in the past few days. The manpower is increasing, and it has never taken the capital of the State of Zhao. When I looked at the army in a daze, some people in the army also found us, and two young generals came towards us.

The current people of the State of Zhao can basically go as far as they can from the capital, because the purpose of the Wu army is only to take the capital of the State of Zhao. As long as they control the capital, they will basically control the whole State of Zhao, and then gather troops to deal with the State of Yue.

So, when he saw two dirty girls standing and staring at them not far away, Wu Jun felt very strange.

The two young men walked very fast. When they came over, they seemed to smell the disgusting blood. I took a deep breath, wiped my slightly dusty face with my sleeves, and walked towards them with a smile.

Seeing me taking the initiative to come over, many people's faces changed slightly, but they are more like watching the lively expressions. They don't know how a little woman like us has the courage to face the army.

"Who is coming? The capital is now tightly sealed. If you want to go in, it's not impossible. However, when the army arrives to attack the city, nine out of ten people in it will die. The two young generals are obviously kind-hearted. Although their faces are solemn, they still kindly remind them of the danger ahead.

Slim pulled my sleeve and whispered, "Sister Fu, do you want to see the general?"

Although her voice was very small, the two young generals were both skillful people and clearly heard it. One of the young generals clenched his fist and asked, "Are you two going to the city?" He pretended not to hear, but asked if he could enter the city.

I rolled my eyes. He said that going to the city was a fatal situation. Am I a fool going to the city at this time? I looked up at Wu Jun, who was boundless. There was no expression on his cold face, and there was no fear of seeing the army at the beginning. There was only a faint elegance. Even if his clothes were ragged and his face was dirty, his natural momentum as a superior was unstoppable.

The sudden change in temperament made the two young generals suddenly feel a sense of pressure, that is, they don't know when they will quietly release their hands holding my sleeves.

The two young generals looked at each other and hugged their fists and said, "Dare to ask the girl, there is something wrong with coming at this time!"

I took a faint look at them and said casually, "Let your general come to see my princess." There is no need to introduce my identity. At this time, I am the only one in the world who can call myself a princess.

The two young generals were slightly stunned. One of them reacted quickly. He immediately hugged his fist and then left quickly. The remaining one bowed and said, "Please come with the little man."

The Wu soldiers who were watching the bustle not far away looked at us in front of us in surprise, and saw that the attitude of the two young generals was suddenly extremely respectful and noisy. In a moment, the general came to greet him with the deputy general of the military division and other people.

I know the generals and others on this expedition, and those people naturally recognize me. I saluted their bodies and raised a faint smile: "I've seen all the generals." Although I am a junior and my identity is also the princess of Yue, no matter where I am, my status is also higher than theirs.

"Princess Feng! Please." General Chen looked at me with a wry smile with kind eyes. How can it be like this?" He glanced at the fiber in his eyes and finally fell on me. I know that the two of us are very embarrassed now, just like the people we met on this road without any difference. They are driving against the sun continuously. The original white little face is already dark at this time, and it is not as beautiful as before.

"I escaped from Shu." I followed the generals towards the tent, and my tone was a little weak. I have been busy on the road, like a tight string, worried about safety and worried about people seeking money, but I was worried along the way.

"You go to groom and rest first. I'll ask the soldiers to find two new clothes for you. If you march outside, everything will be simple." General Chen's eyes have been looking at the capital not far away, arranging us.

I agreed randomly, and with the young general who led the way, I went into the tent prepared for us.

After grooming, General Chen has sent someone to prepare food for us. I left Xianxian alone to rest in the camp, so I asked the young general to take me to General Chen. I need to understand the current situation. When I was in the bamboo forest in Shu, although the man also told me what was going on outside, I was delayed for a month on the road and didn't know what was going on in the world!

Seeing me coming, General Chen and his staff were not surprised at all. After seeing me come in, they waved to me. This armor is worn on you, which adds a sense of murder to you, but it is too weak.

"Yes! I am a woman. Compared with men, I must be weak. I sat opposite General Chen with a smile, and my eyes fell on the military map in front of him.

Seeing that I stared at the map and didn't say anything, General Chen and his staff did not disturb. For a long time, I raised my head. General Chen asked in a low voice, "What does the princess think?" In their eyes, even if Xiuyuan likes me no matter how much I am, even if I am the daughter of my father, I am now the princess of Yue.

It's just a name, and there's nothing to worry about.

"When is the general going to attack the capital?" I took the tea handed over by the young general and drank it all, pointing to the red dot in the capital of Zhao. Basically, the places marked with red dots have been covered with blue dots, which shows that they can easily take down those cities.

"Tomorrow, the army will all meet and take a rest, but only three days." That's right, but General Chen frowned and obviously felt that it was a little hasty.

I raised my eyebrows and asked doubtfully, "Xuyuan's order?" For calling me the emperor's name like this, General Chen and his staff jumped blue veins on their foreheads and did not open their mouths to correct them. They should have nodded.

"It's a little too urgent!" I dropped the map to me, which may be my father's daughter. Although I came here through time, I have a talent for fighting. Combined with what I saw and the layout on the map, I found the pros and cons at once.

Hearing me say this, General Chen's eyes lit up, but the staff had interested expressions on their faces. Obviously, they also felt that Xiuyuan was in a hurry to do so. I bowed my head and calculated. According to my step, the army of Yue has also surrounded the capital of Shu.

At present, the sooner the two countries win against the two countries, the greater the possibility of winning in the end. No wonder Xiuyuan is eager.

It's not that there's nothing we can do! I exhaled for a long time, but I didn't know if the words of the thin man on that day would spread. If everyone thought so, no matter how many guarantees there were, it would be useless. However, even if the emperor of Xiuyuan Yue really has the idea of grading, it will not be now.

Thinking about this, my eyes lit up. Those people were shocked when they saw me and looked forward to it. However, I ignored them and lowered my head to continue to study the map.

"How far is it from the capital of Zhao?"

"Twenty miles."

Twenty miles! I muttered and looked up at the outside of the tent. The sky was already a little gloomy. The sunset slowly sank, and the pale red afterglow crossed a large area of the wilderness. The color was warm like a painting of many years, and it was stained with a bloody beauty.