abandoned and turned over

Chapter 159 The Mission is arduous

Chapter Summary: There was finally a thrilling all the way. Fu did not meet Wu Jun, a little girl, what will she do? General Fu's aura, will it shine or take it off...

"Is there any way for the princess to delay the attack time?"

"Why delay it?" I suddenly turned my head and looked at the staff who was speaking. Seeing me ask this, General Chen, who had a look of hope on his face before, suddenly sank. If the attack time is not delayed, the brothers will be very tired, and the soldiers of the State of Zhao are not weak to be bullied.

"I know this." I rolled my eyes. The State of Zhao has been the king alone for so many years. If there was no background, people would not be the first to appear and take me away.

"You little doll, I respect you, but you regard yourself as a character!" Seeing that I gave him a white eye, General Chen got angry, patted the table and stood up, staring at me angrily. The young general outside heard the sound in the tent and rushed in a lot of them.

I raised my head and looked at him coldly and said in a low voice, "General Chen, I just respect you as an elder. I have never let go of your position as a general." After saying that, I stood up, patted the dust on my body, and turned back to his staff and said, "This war has nothing to do with me. Xiuyuan asked you to send troops whenever you want!" Just be careful..." I pondered for a moment and smiled, "In this battle, only 20 of the brothers who can go back!" After saying that, I turned around and left.

Hearing me say that the probability of 20% is so low, the faces of those staff suddenly changed greatly, 20%? Don't you say that there are only tens of thousands left in the 300,000 troops! Thinking of the sudden reduction in the number of people and the subsequent life-and-death war between Wu and Yue, the cold sweat on the foreheads of the staff suddenly fell down.

They dare not believe me, because I am the daughter of General Fu, who used to be a god of war. If my father fights in this battle, there will be 70% or 80% of the number of people left. War? Naturally, there will be sacrifices, but the number of people is very small. Even for me, I can only barely leave fifty or sixty. If it weren't for the rush of time, there would have been more left.

It's just that it's too late. Even if you rush to deliver letters to Kunlun Mountain at this time, it will take three or five days. When you come back, the war is over and there are few people left.

Originally, it was not my little girl's turn to speak in the war. After all, I was the fuse of this battle and my identity **, but at this time, General Chen did not dare to gamble for those brothers who were born and died, because he and Wu Guo could not afford to gamble.

I'm the same! He is also a person who can't afford to gamble. What's more, a person who can't look at human life is so cheap. If he can reduce his sins, he can reduce some!

"Wait for a minute." Just as I reached the door, General Chen finally compromised. I didn't want to leave, just to scare him, but because of my identity, he believed it was inevitable. So, at this time, I turned around leisurely. When the dark yellow sunlight hit me, it cast a long shadow on the ground.

"What are you doing!" This answer is a little rude, but it also proves that I am angry because of their contempt. Anyone who is kindly wants to propose a solution, you look down on others, and you can't control people's anger!

General Chen came to me and bowed, "Don't be surprised. She will be reckless. If so many brothers don't have a good rest, they would have been worried that they have little chance of winning.

How to say this, I blinked my eyes. The total population of the State of Zhao is only hundreds of thousands, including old, weak women and children, as well as those scholars and farmers who have no power to bind chickens. There are even fewer people who can go to the battlefield. Wu has gathered so many troops in the State of Zhao this time, isn't it also an abacus to win by the number of people?

seemed to see my puzzlement. General Chen made a gesture of invitation and asked the young generals who had just rushed in to withdraw. When we sat down again, a staff member whispered, "Although the emperor has given us 300,000 troops, most of them are straw bags without the power to bind chickens!" The real combat power is less than 50%!" General Chen also looked a little bad when he heard it.

And I opened my mouth and looked at him unbelievably, what! Doesn't that mean that most of the people outside are used to strengthen their momentum, just to scare people? What a fool! As soon as people are careful to check, they can easily see the loopholes in the army.

No wonder General Chen said that the time must be delayed. Almost half of those people have just arrived without combat power. They have traveled such a long way day and night and have been exhausted along the way. At this time, it is not easy to rest. Naturally, they have to have a good rest, so that they can have more opportunities to live and their fighting power can Play to the maximum.

Seeing that my face was a little bad, General Chen's face was even more bitter. When the staff saw me show this expression, a trace of disappointment flashed in their eyes. After all, the method I just said is for the normal 300,000 troops. But now, even if there is that method, the chance of winning with such a straw army may not be great!

I took the expression and thought about it. Seeing that I was silent, General Chen and others waited for a moment, and finally couldn't help asking, "But is there a countermeasure?" It seems that they have put hope on me.

I sighed gently in my heart. Time is too fast. Even if there is a way, it will have little effect. Let me think about it." I waved my hand tiredly and wanted them to give me the main account. I had to calm down alone, carefully study the terrain, and then think about the method.

General Chen and others saw my serious expression and knew that I was not joking. They looked at each other and retreated quietly.

I sat there motionless, staring at the map without blinking. Because the map was too scribbled, I didn't know much about the terrain around the capital of Zhao. When I was only a child, I heard from my father that most of the locations of the capital were easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it took a lot of people to seize the city.

The night gradually deepened, and a young general came in to add some lamp oil, and then quietly retreated. It's rare that Xianxian didn't come to me. She must be really tired recently. After finally settling down, she wanted to have a good sleep.

I raised my hand to adjust the position of the map, took a sip of tea to moisten my dry throat, and kept drawing on the paper with a pen in the other hand. There was a dense pile on it, but there was a big fork in the middle, which was casually discarded. This was a trick that I denied, and I drew another fork. I stroked my swollen head tiredly, got up and walked out of the camp.

One night, I went through all the military knowledge that my father instilled in me since I was a child, and finally found two feasible methods, but I still couldn't save so many people. Xiuyuan, Xiuyuan, do you know that I will come? Unexpectedly, such a big problem was lost to me.

This is the first time I've grown up in a camp in the army, and in a few days, these people will really go to fight on the battlefield. What I saw today, maybe three days later, goodbye is just a white bone, and I don't even remember my face.

There was laughter not far away, but it was very low, and the bitterness in their words and the last indulgence of life could be clearly heard. Since they came to the battlefield, most of them know their ultimate fate. It is also an honor to be able to shrap a corpse! But how many people will be buried in this land without even leaving their names?

I raised my hand and put it in front of my eyes. Through the moonlight, I looked at the five fingers that looked white and transparent in the moonlight. They were slender and elegant as girls.

"These hands carry the lives of too many brothers!" There was a voice coming from behind me. His voice was so loud that it almost shouted, as if everyone could hear it.

I was not surprised at all. General Chen and his staff observed my behavior. They just left temporarily, but they kept paying attention to my movements. Naturally, no one would let go of such a preaching opportunity when they saw me come out at this time.

I'm a woman! Women's hearts are soft and kind. Just like my current mood, I have never wanted to have a war and want to save everyone's lives.

As soon as the man's words fell, the noisy camp was silent. I could almost feel that everyone who heard that sentence looked at me in an instant, some were surprised, some were hopeful, and some were disdainful.

They are surprised by a woman. How can they determine their life and death? How can it carry the lives of so many people?

"Mr. is overreputed! I'm just a little girl, just a little person in the world. No matter how much pressure you put on me, what I can do will not be as perfect as you think. I shook my head and smiled bitterly. I still know how many pounds I have.

"Don't forget who you are!" The person who came was a staff surnamed Jiang beside General Chen, who was very shrewd and good at calculating. Previously, when General Chen and others opposed me, he was the only one who was silent and observed my every move. Later, General Chen stopped me, which was also his instruction.

Who am I? I pointed to myself and was a little puzzled. Jiang's staff nodded, and his star-like eyes lit up with excitement. He shouted, "You are the direct daughter of General Fu of the God of War, and you will inherit the best fighting talent; you are still the woman the emperor likes. He launched a world war for a woman and proved that you are worth it! You let the monarch of Yue devote three lives and two lifetimes, and now it is related to the pattern of the world. Do you think you have carried too many lives?

As his words fell, the previous distrustful and disdainful eyes suddenly changed, and more people looked at me. Their eyes gradually became hot, the temperature of the whole camp was changing, everyone's eyes were burning with hope, and the rolling morale suddenly increased.

The staff member surnamed Jiang looked at me with shining eyes and came to me and bowed deeply to me with both hands.

I looked at him faintly, and my heart was a little angry. They did this to cheer me up. In this way, wouldn't it push me to the front, but how much effect does it have?