The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 74 Suddenly moved

Out of Yuelou, Yu Meiren Nangong Fu took her hand and walked on the white snow. When she turned around, she could no longer suppress it and her tears remained.


Nangong Fu stretched out his hand and wiped the tears on her face. Yu Meiren raised her eyes and felt bitter when she touched the gentle sight. A piece of snow fell into her pupil and quickly melted. Her eyes were cold, but her heart was inexplicably warm. She couldn't help asking.

"Nang Gongfu, have you already designed all this?"

is designed, right? She knew what she was thinking from the beginning, but what did he do everything for? Did he want to attract her master?

Nangong Fu said nothing and opened the glazed box given to them by Yuelou. There was a bay of clear water in the box, floating a small hibiscus, not the seven colors imagined, but extremely transparent, as if it were the cleanest part of the pool, but glowed faintly.

Nangong Fu took out the hibiscus and pinned it between Yu Meiren's temples. For a moment, Yu Meiren seemed to see the lotus pool that day. The handsome and elegant man also planted flowers for her like this, just like the small beautiful peach blossoms she picked many years ago. She treasured it in the bottom of her heart for several years and never regretted it.

And the man in front of her, when his face overlapped with many years ago, she woke up in shock and took a step back. She continued to ask, "Nang Gongfu, aren't you afraid that your aunt will be sad if you do this?"

Nangong Fu smiled slightly, ignoring the burning eyes, and his thin lips showed a beautiful curvature.

Some people said in his previous life that the man with thin lips was the most ruthless. His husband in his previous life was two thin lips, and he was also an affectionate man.

"I said that as long as you want, even if you spend all the world."

The man's eyes, with a seemingly sincere persistence, slowly scorching snow-white eyes. Looking at the pair of eyes that once made her feel iron-hearted whether she was smiling or not, her heart moved slightly. Will such a man, a cold-blooded demon, know what love is? Or because she is a beauty of the Yu family, an unparalleled beautiful face. Yes, it must be her face. Even in her previous life, she will firmly bind her husband. She doesn't understand that there is a happy soul in her heart. If it is just a soul, will people in this world do it for her? The country is beautiful.

"I didn't look like this before."

Somehow, the words have been blurted out. Halfway through, she can't go on. Forget it. Even if he said it, Nangong Fu may not believe it. Maybe he will treat her as a madman. What's more, there is already a man who has brought her warmth when she was a child. Only he won't be because of her. Only her appearance will be good to her.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel relieved. My fingertips were a little cold and I held them hard, but my hands suddenly warmed up. I was wrapped in two big palms. The man's gentle and still smiled enchantingly, and there was a smile in his voice.

"It's cold."

Yu Meiren was stunned when she looked at the smile. I don't know when he seemed to be used to such a steady stream of internal force. She couldn't remember it. The feelings in her heart were a little strange. Suddenly, there was an impulse. She wanted to explore the man's heart more and more.

"Why, why are you so kind to me?"

Beauty Yu remembered the first time in Nangongbao, because of her words, the devil destroyed his beloved things. At that time, she only said that the man was too affectionate and didn't even care about destroying her beloved things. She just wanted to leave. At that time, she never thought of looking back at the other party's watch. Love.

When he was making tea, he grabbed her hands. She accused him of his moodiness in the bottom of her heart, but unexpectedly, he just wanted to see her moodiness.

On the day of the avalanche, she scolded him for pulling her on the horse cruelly, and his life was on the line, but he would rather be injured than let go. At that time, she couldn't remember what he said, but her heart became more and more painful.

Nangong Fu, this demon who will be frightened when the world sees it, why did he treat her so well?

Unconsciously, her face was warm again, and a tear remained before she could stop it.

"Are your tears for me?"

couldn't suppress the joy in his heart. Nangong Fu stretched out his hand and his fingertips to catch the dripping tears. His hot fingers warmed up. He reached out to his mouth and licked it, and then smiled happily.

"These tears are sweet."

"Nang Gongfu, did your aunt tell you about your background?"

Somehow, this sentence blurted out. Suddenly, Nangong Fu's body reminded her of the demon-like god general. She even wanted it at the bottom of her heart. Nangong Fu was really the baby baby in her baby, her master's child. In that case, did she have an excuse not to kill him?

"Why do you think so?"

Nang Gong Fu shook his head with a smile, but Yu Meiren urgently grabbed the other party's hand.

"No, think about it, Feng Jiuge told me that she changed my master's child, and you grew up with her. Have you never thought about your life?"

"You think too much."

Nangong Fu held her hand and looked into her eyes: "I know that you still have another wish to find your master's child. You can rest assured that I will help you, but I often hear my aunt say that past. According to the time, the child should be only 17 or 18 years old. Look at my age, this It doesn't make sense, not to mention that only the descendants of the lord of the Nangong Palace can inherit the position of the palace lord.

As soon as Nangong Fu's words fell, Yu Meiren suddenly pulled back and turned her back.

Nangong Fu's words are correct. That child should be about the same age as her. Her master has been speculating about which prince in the palace is her flesh and blood. Unfortunately, the age of those princes could not be the baby at all, but where did she go to find it? Beiqiu Rui died, and Feng Jiuge did not know. The only clue is broken.

By the way, and Zhe Zhe, the little maid who was once her master's most trusted and sister, as long as she is still alive, she will definitely find her.

Turning around and looking at the devil's eyes, his heart was astringent and inexplicably soft, but he avoided that look and walked straight forward.

Just as she passed by, her wrist was suddenly grabbed, and Yu Meiren turned around and bumped into a gentle color.

"Didn't you just ask me why I'm so good to you?"

I just wanted to struggle, but when I heard the man's words, my fingers were a little loose, waiting silently, and my heart beat faster and faster.

"Can you tell me why you can fight with your life and pour the world for that person without being afraid of the world's first demon lord Nangong Palace."

Nangong Fu's words made Yu Meiren's heart tremble. She should have been shocked, because she did not know the purpose of the devil's question, or just like that day, she was excited when she heard the news of the person in her heart, or she could avoid answering to avoid a possible crisis.

However, when she looked into the man's eyes and heard the questions he raised, her heart was strangely lingering and smiled softly.

"My love has always had a name, Feng Guanxiapi. Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

That's the secret hidden in her heart. In addition to the man who told her in person, there was also the expression that she had to say to her father. At this moment, she had been saying it to the devil, and the broken stones in her heart that had been accumulated suddenly cracked, as if there was something to see the sun again and could breathe freely. .

"It's a beautiful name. I think only such a name can match you."

Beauty Yu looked at the other party in astonishment. Nangong Fu's words surprised her. The love she had been chasing was just a man's promise in the name of Feng Guanxia. If she told the world, it would only make the world laugh in vain. The biggest joke about love was the only thing they could achieve love in her heart. The way of love, it was not until Nangong Fu's words that all the efforts she made had a trace of shallow warmth.

"Thank you, thank you."

The beauty smiled. Except for the pure white and flawless color behind her, the sun and the moon were shining, and everything was lost.

Nang Gongfu looked at the heartfelt smile, softly bumped into the bottom of his heart, hesitated, but sighed.

"Beauty Yu, I lost, but I have to admit that I lost to you."

Yu Meiren was burned by the sight and couldn't help avoiding it. In a trance, she suddenly realized something, raised her head, hesitated, and couldn't help asking.

"Why did you tell me?"

"I willingly want you to know why I lost. When I destroyed all the peach blossoms for you, Feizi told me that you didn't love the enchanting peach blossoms and only loved the precociousness of Hibiscus. He said that you were a proud but stubborn woman. What you identified could no longer be changed by others. He told me not to try. To change you, as long as I accept you, treat myself as another you, and understand you, I will understand the pain in your heart. I didn't understand. I am the owner of the Nangong Palace, and I want nothing I can't get, but just after watching you dance, I understand what kind of person Yu Mei is.

When Nangong Fu spoke, Yu Meiren felt a little pain and surged out. The fine and lingering pain seemed to have a touching name. When she remembered her previous life, the delicate feelings described in the book were called touching.

"Won't you regret letting me go?"

"Nonzi said that people in this world will regret it, but you and beauty will not. I am jealous that he knows you so well and want to know you better than him. I will not regret thinking of myself as you. At that time and now, you have to do something with me."

"What's the matter?"

Beauty Yu looked at the other party doubtfully, but saw the other party smiling mysteriously. She took her hand and turned around and ran.