The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 75 Sunset

The new moon has given birth to birds, and the sunset is more in the sunset.

When Yu Mei climbed to the top of the mountain with Nangong Fu, half of the sky had already shown an orange-gold light, and the warm color slowly blended into the crystal of white snow, glowing like a dreamlike light.

Yu Meiren looked at the slightly warm mountain and couldn't help smiling: "Why, let me accompany you to watch the sunset."

"Have you seen it with anyone before?"

With five fingers folded and slightly force, Yu Meiren shook her head: "I don't remember to see it myself. How could I think of letting others accompany me?"

"So, I'm the first one. Even if you watch the sunset with others in the future, you will still think of me."

Beauty Yu closed her eyes, still kept her previous smile on her lips, loosened the other party's hand, opened her arms, and suddenly outlined the memory of her previous life.

Piano dance music, luxurious lighting, should have been an encounter between a knight and a princess. Yu Yue is a flower in the college dance department. She is beautiful and has an excellent figure.

Yu Yue appeared at this school ballroom dance and soon became the focus of the crowd. Mu Chenxi, the boy with a sunny smile, didn't know what kind of courage he used to confess to her, a glass of sake and sprinkled herself all over.

The cute and exaggerated confession was embarrassing to avoid, but Yu Yue was moved by the smiling boy. The relationship between the princess and the knight soon triggered the jealousy of the prince who saw the princess at the dance. The prince's design stained the princess's purity.

Yu Yue, she finally changed from an arrogant princess to a woman who was planning to seize the Peng family's property. On the surface, she maintained Mrs. Peng's elegant and noble identity, but behind her back, she put pressure on the women who coveted her husband.

Because of the fate of being designed, she gave up her original beloved dance and changed her psychology. She learned psychology and tried her best to design the women around her husband. It was not until she lost her husband's love that she found that she had never loved her.

A carefully interpreted suicide, she finally gambled on her life.

At the moment of death, the picture she saw, the beautiful and touching interpretation of the piano dance music, the beautiful and romantic encounter on the lighting stage, and the sunny and shy smile on the big boy's face. She desperately wanted to grasp the flashing picture. The love that had passed away before she began, the happiness she could have had, finally It's just a gorgeous dream.

Beauty Yu slowly opened her eyes, and the light left by the sunset made her heart slightly painful.

"Do you know why I desperately want to exchange the man's promised Feng Guanxiapi for me?"

Nangong Fu turned his head when he heard the words. The woman's quiet smile softened the afterglow of the sunset, and the beauty made people dare not dare to blasphage.


"Because I'm afraid of pain and I'm afraid of regretting, I won't regret it. One of the things I regret most was to give up the opportunity to be with the person I love. In my life, I can choose many ways to live. In the past, for a purpose that did not come out of my heart, I did everything, and in the end it was just a Nightmare, woke up, I finally knew what I wanted, so I swear that if I meet someone I like, I will definitely work hard to strive for my happiness. If I don't go against my heart, I won't regret it.

"What were you before?"

Beauty Yu was stunned for a moment. Unconsciously, she almost told the story of her previous life and immediately changed her words: "It's my dream. I dreamed of my life. I'm afraid that the dream will become a reality, so even if it's a moth to the fire, I will try to chase that person. But then again, are you really want to let me go?"

Yu Meiren turned her head and looked at Nangong Fu.

"You can go now."

Nangong Fu turned sideways, with the smile in his eyes still, and the smile on his lips was evil and arrogant: "But I believe you will be back soon."

When Nangong Fu said this, the shining light in his eyes made Yu Meiren suspicious. She couldn't help but tighten her eyebrows and asked doubtfully, "Why?"

"Although I try to assume that I am you, after all, I'm not you, Yu Meiren, if you don't leave, when I repent, you can't leave even if you want to."

Nangong Fu said, and the evil and cold light in his eyes made Yu Meiren's heart jump, so she stopped asking. She couldn't look twice and immediately turned around.

This devil is right. She knows more or less about Nangong Fu's temperament during this period. This person is uncertain. Who knows when he will be happy and let him go. Maybe if he is unhappy the next second, he will grab him back, just like breaking her finger that day and using some precious drugs she used. Her fingers I still can't be as flexible as before. I don't know how long it will take to get better.

What's more, she lied to him for so long, how could he rest assured to keep her by his side? If she had no internal strength again, she really had nothing to do. So what's the point of staying by his side? It's better to go back to the earthworm first. If Nangong Fu really cares about the world, she can still find a way. Protect him.

Thinking of the earthworm, Yu Meiren couldn't help but feel warm in her heart. How long has it been? I'm afraid she will soon wait for the spring flowers to bloom. Has he ever thought about her like her and when she will realize what she said? She doesn't really want the phoenix crown, but he named her love has always been that Such a name, just like her so-called all over the world, is just a substitute for the "I love you" she has always wanted to say in the way he wanted.

Yes, he should be the same as her, just like the devil, and only used one sentence for me to lose and express such feelings. Thinking of this step, she couldn't help but stagnate. Yu Meiren turned around and looked from afar. The red shadow turned her back to her, and the whole snow color between heaven and earth seemed that nothing could take away the red body. The brilliance.

Suddenly, she laughed and turned around. An idea suddenly appeared in her heart. If she could, she hoped that she would never see him again in this life.

Nangong Fu, no matter what the devil's heart is, whether the devil has any purpose or not, she doesn't want to see him again, because after meeting, she and he will be a mortal battle, just like the original ** assassination and countless confrontations of solitude, she will slowly Forget that from now on, there will be no such a beautiful red shadow in life.

What Beauty Yu didn't know was that when she walked far away, there was only a red dot left. Nangong Fu turned around and the wind messed his long hair. His enchanting face was as cold as a sculpture. At the top of the last cold wind in winter, there was only a cold warm color.