The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 76 The Truth is Only One Step away

Imperial City

At this time, it was the end of winter, and there was a slight warmth in the cold wind. The soldiers on the tower and the silver light at the top of the long gun made people's eyes a little painful.

Beauty Yu raised her head and danced in the wind in her white robe. Her eyes, which were originally as cool as the wind, as elegant as water and full of pride, showed infinite remembrance at this moment.

Is this? In the place where Fengjiuge met the god general for the first time, has the favored son of heaven really never been touched by the strong fire-like woman? How can he distinguish two identical faces?

The man who existed like a god once again aroused the awe of the beauty of Yu countless times. In the second life, she grew up listening to the story that belonged to him until she really became a shadow general. When she heard that the world compared her with the god general, there was a kind of silent pride in her heart. The man praised by history books, afraid that the existence of the shadow general could not match him. The glory.

If such a man is Feng Jiuge, in the face of the marriage that almost became a laughing stock, she can't guarantee that she will not destroy the original kindness like Feng Jiuge. Maybe she will do it more thoroughly than the woman named Feng Jiuge, or she won't do anything. After all, she has never met. After all, she is not Feng Jiuge. No one can be sure what the result will be until the last step.

The difference of one thought is just one thought.

It's just a pity that the legend of the hero and beauty can't be interpreted.

The truth of the nine sons' seizure of the throne, in the name of beauty, covered up the original ugly heart of human nature. She had to say that this chess player was so smart that an ambitious battlefield was covered up by the word "Qing the country.

Feng Jiuge didn't expect that she finally jumped a mirror. The Empress Dowager's birthday banquet without the seventh prince Beiqiu could only become a permanent pain in her heart.

It's very painful. Beauty Yu can almost empathize with her. The fact is always more tragic than the interpretation in the novel. I'm afraid that until the end, Beiqiu will not know that the fire that took his wife's life came from his brother. Fortunately, he did not participate in it. This is the only thing that Yu Meiren feels lucky at this moment. .

The faint warm sun was covered by clouds, and the dark clouds suddenly shrank into a ball and wrapped in a thick pile. With a "boom" sound, the sky was about to change.

Beauty Yu looked at the sky, her eyebrows were tight, and a drop of cool ** fell on her forehead. Such sudden rain made her more and more compassionate.

Although people are ruthless and there are tears in the sky, I'm afraid that God is also sad about the past. Maybe it is the resonance in her heart that makes the sky remember this past.

Turning around, a drop of warm tears, silently lowered, with a feeling of speechless feeling, buried in the dust.

It's easy to enter the imperial city, but it's difficult for the palace to ascend to the sky. Beauty Yu doesn't have a token to enter the palace, and she can't appear as the daughter of the Yu family and a beautiful princess. What's more, she is dressed as a man at this moment and has been robbed. Maybe it will bring trouble to the Yu family to Beiqiu Yin. She is hungry and thirsty, so she has to find a restaurant first. Rest.

Beiqiu Yin did live up to what she thought. The imperial city was more prosperous than Beiqiu Rui when he was alive.

Beiqiu Rui, the man who calculated everything, died in the hands of the son who wanted to be the crown prince most, and died in the poison under the hands of her beauty. It is impossible to tell who designed whom.

It's just that Beauty Yu hasn't figured out how to tell her master the story that Feng Jiuge told her. If so, according to Xuan Xiyue's nature, whether you believe it or not. She will no longer have any hope for Beiqiu Yin, but if she doesn't say it, her master will continue to have doubts about the divine general, thinking that he also sacrificed her and her children for his brother. They have loved them hard enough. Do they have to continue to misunderstand?

With a bang, she interrupted all the thoughts of Beauty Yu. Beauty raised her head. She was a ragged beggar. Her hair spread out and could not see her face clearly. The dirt all over her body was dirty and smelly. A pool of wine and fragments of wine pots on the ground were probably drunk and staggered in.

The shopkeeper was driving away people, and there was nothing to look at. Beauty Yu lowered her head, but raised it again at the moment she lowered her. The beggar was tall and held something in her hand, covered with dirt. It was the long sword that Yu Beauty saw at the colorful hibiscus conference that day.

She must have got up. Unexpectedly, the beggar fell to her feet with a bang, as if she was really drunk.

I couldn't help raising my eyebrows, and the shopkeeper had ordered someone to lift him up and throw him out.

"Wait a minute."

Yu Meiren said, stretched out her hand and threw out an ingot of silver. The silver turned around in the air and laboriously fell back into Yu Meiren's hand. She patted the table and said, "Go and help this person prepare a room, make hot water for him and wash it."

After Yu Meiren finished speaking, she reached out and took out an ingot of silver and put it on the table. She looked sideways: "This is my meal money. Remember, don't touch this person's sword. If there is anything missing in this person, don't blame me for being ruthless."

While speaking, Qianyu's hand had taken a chopstick. In the blink of an eye, the chopstick had wiped the side face of the hotel shopkeeper and plunged into the pillar on one side, like a sharp sword swayed, slightly shifting, and saw blood sealing the throat.

The shopkeeper was so scared that his knees were weak in an instant, and he almost climbed directly on the ground, shaking like a sheep.

Beauty Yu was too lazy to pay attention and walked straight out. When she passed the beggar on the ground, the other party suddenly stretched out her hand and suddenly grabbed her ankle. Beauty Yu was shocked by the sudden behavior, and there was a faint cold light in her eyes.

"Attack on the moon."

with a very light sigh, as if trying to grasp the strength of something, Yu Meiren looked at the drunken man in astonishment. Half of his face was faintly visible, covered with beards. The outline of his face and the arcs between his eyebrows were extremely beautiful. The man relied on drunkenness, let go of his hand and grabbed her hair twice randomly. The hair quickly blocked the face of the beauty who had not yet seen clearly, and said in her mouth, "A city, for you..."

I'm afraid that she was more careful. Yu Meiren shook her head and settled her mind. The seven-foot man was addicted to alcohol all day and made herself dirty. How could it have anything to do with her master? I guess she heard it wrong.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but speed up my pace and couldn't help turning back halfway. The shopkeeper lifted the beggar up from the ground as promised. The long sword held tightly in his hand inadvertently hit a corner of the table and knocked down a piece of soil, revealing a little silver and gold intertwined light, unexpectedly In a flash, she closed her eyes in an instant.

When she opened her eyes again, Beauty Yu looked carefully again. The sword was still the original sword. It climbed up to the mud and covered with copper rust. There was no dazzling vision. I'm afraid she was dazzled again.

What's going on? In the past few days, I have been immersed in the story of Fengjiu's song, and I have remembered a lot of previous memories and made myself nervous.

With a sigh, the fish beauty turned around and walked towards the palace.

The night is as cool as water, and the light of several stars in the sky cuts through the silence of the long night. A round of half a month sings hazy songs like water, and the silver glow is like bright symbols, covering the whole earth.

When it finally got through the evening, Yu Meiren showed her light skills and easily jumped into the palace.

For good, in her past and present life, she had a strange attachment to dance, which made her light kung fu reach a magical level. It is estimated that no one imagined that there is a kind of light kung fu in this world that allows people to dance at a height of about ten meters.

Fengjiu Ge, the first dancer in the world, can't do it, and Xuanxiyue can't do it. She can't do it. Her light skills can definitely walk alone in the world.

The garrison of the palace is strict, and the beauty can't float in mid-air, causing a period of palace ghostism. It may be caught and be accused of an assassin, and the Yu family is implicated by it. Even if she is lucky enough to escape, it will make people panic.

When the imperial guard patrolled, Yu Mei came out and quickly swept away in the direction of Qianxi Palace.

When she arrived at Qianxi Palace, Yu Meiren was not in a hurry to walk in, but slightly opened the window on one side and looked in.

Beiqiu Yin was sitting in front of the desk, dressed in a bright yellow dragon robe, still the face of the warm and handsome man, looking at the position of the desk. At this time, his eyes were as gentle as a pool of lake, with faint warm ripples.

What is he looking at? Yu Meiren tried to stretch her neck, but her eyes were not sharp enough to see anything at all. She was afraid that those patrol guys would appear again at this time, so she had to close the window, look around, make sure that there was no one, and then quickly walked in from the main hall.

Fortunately, the little eunuch who used to stay outside the hall was not there. This time, the earthworm really listened to her and sent the little eunuch early, otherwise it would be really troublesome.

I couldn't help but feel happy. When I got close, Beiqiu Yin's eyes were still focused, so she had to say first, "What are you looking at?"

The woman's light and pleasant voice suddenly sounded in the hall. Beiqiu Yin was awakened by the sound, and suddenly, a heart pounded.

The appearance of Beauty Yu at this time was completely beyond his expectation. In panic, he had been cruel and touched the corner of the scroll on the table with his hand hidden in his sleeve. Even if he couldn't bear it, he used his strength little by little.


When Beiqiu Yin spoke, he had raised his head and looked at the stunning color that could only be touched countless times in a dream. In a trance, his fingers had rolled up the picture scroll, and there was a smile on his face: "Why are you here?"

When Yu Meiren looked at Beiqiu Yin's behavior, she couldn't help but feel a little strange, especially the picture scroll rolled up in the other party's hand, could it be...

Move gently a few steps, Beauty Yu has taken a quick action, grabbed the scroll in Beiqiu Yin's hand, raised her chin, and smiled, "What is so mysterious? Let me see."

While talking, his bare hands had shaken the scroll. Looking back, his pupils contracted quickly, and his smile froze on his face in an instant. He only heard a "h" sound. Yu Meiren's frightened fingers loosened, and the scroll slowly fell to the ground.