The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 174 Lunch Together

When Yu Meiren woke up again, it was the morning of the third day. Because Xue Feizi's diagnosis and treatment confirmed that it was windy cold, she was able to lie in the house safely for two days and two nights.

However, Nangong Fu has also been busy fighting in the past two days, and he will only come to see her at night.

Two days of rest can only restore some vitality. Fortunately, her injury is not too heavy, and there is internal force to protect the body. The position of her chest is a very thin scab. Although it is only a surface, Xue Feizi told her that her injured skin will recover as before in the shortest time, which will also reassure her.

The days of eating and sleeping made Yu Meiren look much more lazy. To be honest, she still hates to worry about the situation of the Beiqiu imperial army. After all, she has worked so hard before, and there is also that person's situation. If she can, she really hope that he is just an ordinary person and sleeps with the woman he loves.

One day before the agreed date, Yu Meiren is more nervous about whether Xue Feizi can make the antidote in such a short time. If there is no antidote, then she and Nangong Fu can only be doomed.

With the hurried footsteps, Ying Hong came in from the outside. Yu Meiren turned around, pulled the wound on her chest slightly, and said anxiously, "How's it going?"

Ying Hong shook her head: "I don't know yet, but Mr. Xue said that the antidote will definitely be made tomorrow, but..."

"But what is it?"

"But the antidote of Furong Shang tastes a little heavy. How to let him take it is important."

Yes, Nangong Fu's martial arts are so high that he can more or less smell others poison him. As Ying Hong said, if Furong Shang's antidote smells heavy, Nangong Fu will definitely smell it.

"I thought of something that can dissolve the smell of the antidote."


It seems that Ying Hong has reached a consensus with her. Yu Meiren nodded with a sharp pain in her chest, which could affect her nerves, except for a cold sweat.

How's it going? Does it still hurt? I'll go to see Mr. Xue.

After Yinghong turned around, Yu Meiren still had time to open her mouth to stop her. She was just as she saw Nangong Fu walking into the hall. Ying Hong stopped. She didn't expect Nangong Fu to appear at this time. She was stunned for a moment before she opened her and said, "The owner of Nangong Palace came in time. I was about to prepare lunch for my young lady. Just in time, do you want to join us? "

"It seems that this palace is blessed again today."

Ying Hong smiled and walked out. After saying that, Nangong Fu went straight to Yu Meiren, reached out to help her, and asked softly, "Do you still feel uncomfortable?" Why is your face not ruddy?"

"What's wrong?"

Yu Meiren was a little nervous for fear that Nangong Fu would see something.

"I'm just recovering from a serious illness. Earlier, I made you toss a lot, branded some sick roots, and my body was more afraid of cold than before, so I got a cold. What's the matter, do you think I'm not as sick as before, not as before, which is in the way of your eyes?"

Beauty Yu is rare and mean. Hearing Nangong Fu's ear, she only felt laughing and quickly said, "Why does Madam think of me so much? I think so superficially. I'm just worried about you. As you said, it's because I've branded some roots, and I have to let Feizi show you a good life.

"Forget it, let him see that he should take more of those medicines. I still remember the taste of those medicines, which makes me lose my appetite."

The medicine Xue Feizi prescribed for her was either extremely bitter or fishy. She only felt nauseous when she drank it. If she was not used to traditional Chinese medicine before, she could only swallow those western pills with water. She suffered a lot in this life.

"Well, if you don't like it, forget it. It's cold outside. Your illness is just right, and it's safe to go to the inner hall."

Nangfu did not force her and helped her sit at the table in the inner hall. Her chest was stuffy and painful, but she could only hold back. Fortunately, the temperature is now. It's so wet that sweat won't penetrate the clothes.

"Why did you come to me if you didn't take your world today?"

"It's not today, but I want to come every day. Two days ago, I was just afraid that you would have grievances and didn't want to see me. I didn't know that you were really seriously ill, but this cold was also strange. I always thought you were a very strong woman. These minor diseases are not your opponents. Who knows that you can't afford to get sick."

"So it's because I shouldn't blame you. The genius punished me for being terminally ill. Fortunately, I was lost and I was able to recover slowly."

Beauty Yu followed Nangong Fu's words and made Nangong Fu laugh and cry.

"Well, is it me who blames you, or do you want to vent your dissatisfaction?"

Beauty Yu pouted and pouted in her usual mood, but Nangong Fu felt particularly cute. He couldn't help stretching out his hand and scraping her nose and laughing, "Yes, it's my fault. The third of the four virtues. My wife should endure it when she loses her temper. The first one, what his wife said is always right. Second, even if what my wife said is wrong, please follow the first article.

"Wow, you remember."

Beauty Yu sighed and made a sound.

"So dare to ask my wife, can I forget it?"

He asked rhetorically, and she immediately stopped: "Resolute, no."

"Fool, I didn't trust you that day. I know that even if you chose me, you can't put down anything before immediately. The reason why I stunned you is that I don't want you to have too many troubles. I want to deal with everything when you are in a coma, but I still made a mistake. Are you still blaming me?"

"So, why did you hurt them?"

She continued to ask about the topic of that day, but this time, he did not show such an expression.

"Because of jealousy, I am jealous of him, make you infatuated, jealous of him, make you worry, more jealous of him, and make you worry. Who told him to take advantage of you, bully you, and abandon you? I couldn't control myself, and then I was magical. I forgot what you said, and the shadow was injured together. Do you believe what I said?

When Nangong Fu spoke, he always looked into her eyes, without indifference, guilty, and no false elements. As if looking at her like this, he could see the bottom of her heart.

"Actually, I didn't blame you."

Will he believe what she said?

She has always been entangled and whether she should let go of everything and choose him, but when she chose him, her heart still couldn't let go of everything, especially the poison in his body. She didn't want him to know and let him have a grudge against her.

was indeed angry that day, but more to make him feel that she was complaining about him, and then she could close the door to hide the truth of her injury.

But at this moment, she still wanted to tell him her sincerity.

"I believe you."

Since she said it, he believed it no matter what he ever thought.

Yu Meiren smiled. Such an answer was indeed very warm. Such a man was not like the devil she imagined.

"Nangong Fu, do you know? You are really warm in front of this woman named Beauty Yu, but also cruel. I'm afraid of you, and I'm also greedy for the warmth in you. I can't bear to leave you and choose that person.

"If this is a love story, it should be the worst love story I've ever heard, but it's very real and warm."

"Thank you."

Beauty Yu showed a real smile. Now her body even feels painful to breathe, but she can't show it in front of this man.

She doesn't know how long such a disguise can last. Maybe it won't be long before Nangong Fu will find out, but as long as she can relieve the poison on his body, she can find thousands of reasons to clarify how the scar on her body came from.

With a slight sound of footsteps, Ying Hong came in from the outside, put the tray on the table, and said, "Miss's illness is just right. It's a little lighter. The owner of the Nangong Palace will endure it."

"It doesn't matter. It's all the same."

Her fingertips were a little stiff. Yu Mei raised her head and looked at Ying Hong. Nangong Fu's "is the same" was particularly harsh in her ears. Ying Hong might not know, but it reminded her of those days in the dungeon. The man almost sucked her body's blood, and that day in Nangong Fu's hall. She clearly smelled the smell of blood.

If he didn't say anything, she wouldn't ask, but the suspicion in her heart always seemed to be a thorn, which could deceive others and herself.

"His taste is relatively light, unlike me. His taste is heavy. I should be the one who is patient."

Such an explanation is clearly self-deception, and Nangong Fu has put the dishes into her bowl.

Beauty Yu smiled back, but she was still a little guilty. She had to pull out the meal and swallow the vegetables. The action was a little bigger, and the wound began to hurt. She also endured it. Ying Hong stood in her eyes and could only worry at the bottom of her heart.

Rarely, she and Nangong Fu finished a harmonious meal. Ying Hong cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks and went out of the hall, leaving only her and Nangong Fu. When it was quiet, the other party suddenly opened his mouth.

"Tomorrow, it can't be over."

In a short sentence, Yu Meiren only felt frightened. Is it over? Does it mean that the earthworm is going to lose? So how will Nangong Fu deal with them?

"I want to tell you in advance, so that you don't think nonsense. I can only catch them and can't let them go."

Nangong Fu paused for a moment and then said, "But don't worry, I will only imprison them and won't hurt them. There is only one thing. If you want to see him, you must be accompanied by me."

Who does that "he" refer to? Beauty Yu is very clear that this may be the biggest step Nangong Fu can make, but can that earthworm accept it? Is he really willing to be a prisoner of the other party with such an arrangement of fate?

The indescribable bitterness in his heart, such a proud and natural, will the warm man become a prisoner? In the end, she just smiled softly.

"If you catch him, don't give him a comfortable room and beautiful clothes. It's better to lock him up and isolate him from the world, so that I can only hate him."

Some Renxin's words, with the woman's serious expression, Nangong Fu's chest seemed to be full of something. He couldn't help nodding and responding with a smile.
