The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 175 The Death of Magic Sound

At the end of the spring of the first year of Beiqiu Ruihe, the Beiqiu imperial army was defeated, and Beiqiu Yin, the young new emperor of the Beiqiu imperial dynasty, was captured alive.

On the same day of the same year, Nangong Fu, the owner of Nangong Palace, became emperor in Luoyang City and changed his national name to Yu.

The news of the capture of the emperor of Beiqiu was soon spread to various places. The people in the imperial palace of Beiqiu were panicked, and those who were loyal to the country were still sticking to the imperial city, and all the treacherous sycophants took the opportunity to join the whole family or defected to the emperor of Yu.

For this kind of minister who may insert two knives into the master at any time, Nangong Fu ordered all of them to kill and hang their heads high on the tower to serve as an example.

On the day the emperor of Beiqiu was captured, Luoyang City was full of fireworks and lively. Nangong Fu proclaimed himself emperor and held a banquet for the heroes.

At the celebration banquet, Yu Meiren was dressed in a group of golden semi-penetrating sleeves flowing immortals, decorated with more than a few dark peonies, with big red gauze clothes inside, nine phoenixes spread their wings to fly, and her cuffs fell with broken beads and jade. The long hair is slowly twisted and fluffy, with a delicate phoenix crown at the upper end, set off by the queen's imperial hairpin on each side, the arms are gently hanging around the golden yarn, and a good jade pendant hanging around the waist, falling with a concentric knot.

Beauty Yu's face is white and clean, her lips are bright red and natural, and her smile is more beautiful than lead, her eyes are flowing, and she has all kinds of amorous feelings out of thin air, and her eyebrows are half stained with hibiscus marks, which is particularly enchanting. This dress is already extremely luxurious. The woman walked into the hall barefoot without shoes on her feet, but she is also casual. She is dragging her bare hands. On a tray, there is only a pot of wine and an empty wine glass. She is elegant and soft, talented and eye-catching.

The beauty of the palace owner's wife has been heard of for a long time, but they don't expect to see more rumors that the woman is as beautiful as a dream, especially her eyes, which are even more colorful and make people can't help but be greedy.

Beauty Yu walked all the way to the hall and felt the eyes of the people around her, but she didn't pay attention to it. Her hands gradually oozed a little sweat. She was nervous, bit her lower lip tightly, and then waited for the moment she went to the hall to smile.

"Madam came slowly, but her beauty is unparalleled in the world."

When others become emperors, they are all yellow, but this man is still dressed in red and blood.

I don't know how much he said, but it came from Nangong Fu's mouth, which made her happy and relieved some tension.


Her smile gradually deepened and seemed to be a little smelly: "Is it possible that I am just a lady in your eyes? Now that you have become an emperor, shouldn't you make me queen? Is it possible that there are other women in your heart?

The woman's strange tone made his heart crisp. With the feeling of crispness, Nangong Fu suddenly realized that Yu Meiren's dress really had Queen Fengyi, but he was used to calling her wife, and it was difficult to change his words for a while, as if he always forgot to call himself "I".

"Madam's queen is the queen in the eyes of others. In my heart, you will always be my wife."

"Then let's have a toast to your husband for your wife today."


Yu Meiren knelt on the ground, picked up the wine pot with a smile, put the tray on the table, and raised and pressed the lid with the other hand. Just for a moment, the pill sandwiched between the two fingers fell into the glass and melted immediately with **'s injection.

Her movements were accurate and fast, and her eyes did not leave Nangong Fu. Her eyes were facing each other, and her eyebrows were spreading, but her heart was extremely worried. She put down the wine pot, raised her glass with her jade fingers, raised her hands in front of Nangong Fu, and then smiled: "I wished the emperor long live and long live the emperor. ."


Nangong Fu laughed loudly and stretched out his hand to take the glass, but he heard a woman's voice, which was a little fierce in his charm.


Beauty Yu was shocked and raised her head. The woman in red walked up to the hall from one side. She was charming and affectionate, but she just glanced coldly. She reached out and grabbed the wine glass in her hand and drank it when she didn't have time to stop.

Her heart suddenly hurt. She wanted to jump on it to stop it, but it was too late. She could only stare at the glass crackling on the ground.

"Magic sound, what are you doing?"

Nangong Fu did not change, but Xue Feizi made a voice anxiously. The magic sound ignored it. He just looked at the pale beauty with a sarcastic voice: "Madam, are you afraid that your face is so ugly?"

"Are you crazy?"

Beauty Yu got up. It was difficult to describe the current feeling. She could only bite her lower lip and then look at the woman's face, as if she wanted to see a hole in her body, as if all the hopes were in vain at this moment.

The body trembled uncontrollably, and the ignorant and ridiculous woman just mocked her.

"Madam, do you really want me to tell everyone? The reason why you care so much about this glass of wine is that you poisoned it.

As soon as the voice of the magic sound fell, the people present immediately talked about it. Some of them rushed out, but they were stopped.

It's ridiculous. Yu Mei felt a little astringent in her throat, and there was a feeling that she was uncomfortable but couldn't speak. She wanted to poison Nangong Fu, but the poison was already in his body, and when she finally sacrificed her life to detoxify others, she was actually regarded as if she wanted to poison. What's more sadly, she cared. It was the man who could acquiesce to the magic sound.

He doubted her, or he didn't trust her at all.

Beauty Yu smiled. She really wanted to laugh out loud now. The laughter was as crisp as a bell, but it was hoarse, which made the magic sound slightly stunned.

The laughter stopped, and Yu Meiren looked at Xue Feizi and Ying Hong standing aside, and then glanced sharply at the face of the woman in red, as if questioning, more like mocking.

"How did you tell that I was poisoned?"

The magic sound was stunned by that look and soon returned to normal. She only said that the woman's scheme was very deep, and now she still wanted to reverse black and white to get out.

"I heard your conversation with Feizi that day, and you poisoned the palace owner."

"It's ridiculous."

"What did you say?"

Yu Meiren snorted coldly and repeated again: "I said you are ridiculous. You are not telling everyone that Xue Feizi wants to conspire with me and murder the palace owner."

There was another discussion under the hall, and the woman couldn't help but say harshly, "Nonsense, you obviously misinterpret my meaning."

"Is it necessary for me to distort the facts now? You are the best proof of what the truth is, but I want to tell you that you will regret what you have done today.

"Actually, the truth is no longer important to me."

Yu Meiren turned around and turned to Nangong Fu: "What I just want to know is, do you think so?"

"Of course I want to believe you."

Nangong Fu slowly stood up from his seat and raised the corners of his eyes slightly: "It's just that I heard your conversation with your good sister by your window that day. You said it yourself. If you don't love me, you also said it yourself. You chose him instead of me. You won't deny this."

So, Yu Meiren staggered back.

"So what you have done these days is fake, right?"

"No, everything I do is my own sincerity, but I can't let you betray me."

is sincere, but the good thing is sincere. Beauty Yu smiled crazily, but her thoughts became more and more bitter. She opened her mouth and said, "Do you remember what I said on the wedding day? I said that one day, no matter what I do wrong, you will forgive me and won't leave me, do you remember?"

"I remember."

Nangong Fu's answer was straightforward: "So even if you really want to poison me this time, I will forgive you."

Real? Yu Meiren laughed at herself and then nodded: "Okay, I'll tell you what the truth is."



The voices of Ying Hong and Xue Feizi sounded at the same time, as if they wanted to stop her. Yu Meiren smiled a little desperately.

"Actually, that glass of wine just now is not poisoned wine, but an antidote. Nangong Fu, you were poisoned. It was under my own body, and only men and women had sex. he, then it will be transferred to the man. The name of this poison is Furongshang.

The unparalleled Furongshang, this poison is like its name. It only withers for one day. The poison of Furongshang is extremely poisonous. The poisoned person has no medicine and will be tortured to death by three stages of pain. If the poison is transferred to the man's body through the woman's body, it will become a chronic poison, no matter how high the martial arts are. People, when they are poisoned, they will also lose their skills, and their legs can't do it. They are like useless people. They need the following poisonous woman's blood to be refined into an antidote for the introduction and given to the man within the prescribed time limit.

Such poison, which has never been heard and seen before, has reappeared in the hall today.

"There is only one antidote, but it's a pity..."

Before the voice fell, Yu Meiren had seen an unprecedented shock on Nangong Fu's face, and the same shock also appeared on Moyin's face, even unbelievable fear.

How is it possible? It's impossible."

Moyin shook her head and retreated, and then fell to the ground.

"You actually poisoned me like this."

Nangong Fu's voice was much more fierce than usual. Yu Meiren couldn't help trembling and took a step back. Unexpectedly, the other party pressed up step by step. The softness on her face was a little fierce, and the color of her pupils gradually deepened.

"Beauty Yu, you are so cruel."

The deep pupil was dark, and Nangong Fu suddenly took action. In an instant, she didn't have time to avoid it at all.

"Be careful."

Someone blocked her with his body, moaning, and the body of the man in white gradually slipped to the ground.

"Eunzi Xue."

Ying Hong couldn't care about being reserved, rushed to the man, and then hugged the man who was about to fall to the ground.

Beauty Yu was stunned on the spot for a moment, but saw Xue Feizi's handsome face, just smiled at him, and then closed her eyes.

Suddenly, a large piece seemed to be torn in my heart, and the nose wings indirectly surged with a sour feeling. Beauty Yu raised her head, with a trace of disbelief in surprise, and her voice choking: "You killed him."

"He died for you. He dares to deceive me with you. He is worthy of death."

Nangong Fu came out of his palm again while talking. He was enchanted and had no more ruthlessness. His palm was fierce, and the beauty almost avoided it and withdrew a few steps, but Nangong Fu took a step faster than her and turned his hand to split her spiritual cover.

I slowly closed my eyes and heard the sound of the broken skull, but I didn't feel any pain. I slowly opened my eyes and stood in front of her, which turned out to be the magic sound that had been against her.

"Do you even want to betray me?"

Without a trace of emotional questioning, Moyin's face looked very painful, and blood kept pouring out of his nose and mouth, and the corners of his eyes slowly shed tears: "Yes, I'm sorry."

Yu Meiren reached out and hugged her slippery body, and there was a feeling of suffocation. She looked at the woman who was gradually losing vitality in her arms and vented her inexplicable emotions.

"Why? Why did you save me?"

"Well, I don't know either."

The business of Moyin sounded a little difficult. She gasped, and blood kept pouring out of her mouth and nose, staining half of her beautiful face.

"Red clothes for clothes, flowers for Rong, Lingbo, immortals, fairies, Fu Xianghun."

Yu Meiren nodded desperately. The magic sound took something out of her arms and raised it to her tremblingly. Yu Meiren reached out to take it. When she saw the big-headed doll, she couldn't help crying.

"If there is an afterlife, I, I will definitely live for myself, well, well, well, well, once..."

The magic sound became weaker and weaker. Suddenly, his arms drooped, his eyes closed, and his head suddenly tilted to one side.