The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 256 Truth 2

"Beauty, you can't kill her!"

Wei Fanger's voice was weak, as if begging, and she kept shaking her head.


Beauty Yu is a little puzzled. Now her enemy is in front of her. She can't wait to kill her with her own hands to relieve her hatred, but it is her mother who stops her.

"Mother, it's the Youcheng Mansion she framed and Ji'er who killed. She still has to deal with her daughter and wants to rebel. She was just slandering her father and mother. Why did she stop her daughter?"

Yu Mei's voice was like catharsis. The last sentence almost roared out. As soon as her voice fell, she was about to get up again, but she was firmly hugged by Wei Fanger's calf.

"Beauty, listen to your mother, don't kill her." Wei Fanger burst into tears and looked at the empress dowager: "Empress dowager, the past has passed, and I have begun to regret it. The grudges of the previous generation have nothing to do with the children. Just let us go!"

Beauty Yu looked at Wei Fanger in disbelief. She just clearly heard that she was begging the Empress Dowager for mercy. What did they do wrong? If she wanted that woman to beg for mercy, she had won. Now she wants to kill her easily. Why did her mother stop her?

"What a deep love between mother and daughter." The Empress Dowager ridiculed, and it seemed that they were the people who were about to die.

Beauty Yu can't figure out why that woman is still beautiful in the end, and she still has to face such a her, but she can't even revenge.

"The reason why the mourning family has lived until now is for this day, in order to cultivate this child into a real person who can replace the mourning family." The Empress Dowager said and stretched out her finger to her.

The facts were getting closer and closer to the truth, and she suddenly began to tremble for fear that those words would come out of her mouth.

"I still remember that when the mourning family entered the palace for the first time, someone told me that the most trustworthy thing in this world is the emperor's favor. If a woman wants to win, she will be beautiful, and more wisdom. Ai family will tell you a story and a secret about you."

For ten years, the most favored concubine of the Beiqiu Dynasty was the current empress dowager. The empress dowager was originally named Shuwan, which was taken from Xianshu Wenwan. Although she came from a humble background, she was deeply favored by the emperor and wanted to be the queen several times. However, he was obstructed because of his origin.

Fortunately, the empress dowager happened to be pregnant at that time. When the empress dowager Xiaoren, the emperor's biological mother, saw her ghost, she had to give an edict saying that if the noble concubine was a boy, she could be named queen, and if not, she would be named queen.

The noble concubine Shuwan was originally gentle and did not like to argue with others. Her heart was on the emperor, and the other party was also tender and treated her wholeheartedly. With such a concubine, she doesn't care about the position of the queen or not the queen. She just wants a good man to treat her like this all her life.

Unexpectedly, the world is always unpredictable, and I don't know that the emperor inadvertently witnessed the appearance of the world's first beauty Wei, but he never forgets it. He drank all day to see the paintings and slowly forgot her and the child in his womb.

Originally, she thought that single-minded love could not match the beauty of another woman after all. How could she be willing? Fortunately, she still had a child in her womb, and she was a smart woman. After a period of grief, she made up her mind to become her queen. A hundred years later, she was still the only one who could bury with him.

After making up her mind, she tried to raise the child in her belly. When she was close to giving birth, she didn't know who said that the fate of the world must be related to the first beauty that day. The emperor was originally a superfluous person by nature, but now he has fulfilled his wish and gave two cities to exchange it for one. A slave.

Although her status is low, she absolutely can't stand it if she wants a slave, whether it is love or low, to climb on her head.

If the child in her womb is a daughter, she can no longer turn over.

So she tried her best to get the newborn baby boy from her cousin's house. On the day of delivery, she held one ten thousandth of the possibility, but she really gave birth to a female voice.

She surged for the civet cat for the prince. Originally, she wanted to send her daughter away, but the baby kept crying. The emperor guarded the door and was about to enter the hall. With cruelty, she killed the little baby with her own hands and ordered someone to send it out overnight.

No one can imagine how painful it was when she killed her first child, like ten thousand arrows piercing her heart, but she swallowed the pain abruptly.

The noble concubine Shuwan gave birth to the third son of the emperor and was soon named queen. How could she take the queen's position in exchange for the life of her own daughter? How could she not hold it in the palm of her hand like a treasure, and how could she be easily taken away by others?

After thinking about it, she designed to make Wei a painter. The painter was selected and trained by her. He first took the heart of the beauty. When she gave birth to her second child, she also heard the news that Wei was pregnant with the painter's child. She thought that she had broken the emperor's mind since then. She didn't expect the emperor to be furious and insisted on Take the beauty Wei.

As the queen, Shuwan began to feel uneasy. Although she was already the queen, she lost the love she wanted most. Losing the love of the emperor was equivalent to losing what she could rely on.

What made people angry was that the painter she trained herself really fell in love with a slave. In the atmosphere, she coerced them to flee for several years. When their two daughters grew up, the emperor had not given up. After a thought, she buried a killer on the way to escape, but unexpectedly, she only captured the painter and tortured them severely. The other party is unwilling to tell the whereabouts of the woman.

She cruelly killed the painter and spread the news of the death of Wei, the world's first beauty. The emperor was sad for several days. She suffered outside the hall for several days. Every day, she remembered the heartache at that time, until he finally hurt the death of a woman.

He will never get better. She told herself that a heartless man would never get anything from him, and even her heart was empty. The only thing she could get was his world.

Fortunately, she still has a son, her biological son, the seventh prince of the Beiqiu Dynasty. She watched him grow up little by little. She gave him all her love, just like she loved her husband. She loved her son very much.

She hopes that the child can grow up faster, and then his father will give him the best.

Her son really lived up to her expectations and became a shadow general feared by everyone in the Beiqiu Dynasty, and the emperor also loved this son deeply.

I thought that her dream was about to be close to reality. Unexpectedly, her cousin told this secret to the emperor because she couldn't stand her eagerness, and Beauty Wei was also saved by a painter.

In this way, her husband regarded her as an enemy and cruelly gave the world to his son who was not his blood at all.

What she didn't expect was that the son she raised had already known this secret and did not hesitate to perform a nine-son seizure, causing her to lose her own son step by step.

She did everything, but lost her son. Fortunately, she had already planned, the crown prince of the civet cat. This time, she changed it thoroughly. She not only used the good sisters of her own son's woman to change the children of the harem concubines who she didn't know who she was having an affair with, but also exchanged Beiqiu Rui's ninth son and tampered with her bloodline. Later, she replaced a baby boy for her own son's daughter.

She only took a look at the baby girl and fell in love with it. She gave her the best identity just to let her dominate the world in the future.

She vowed again that she would experience this girl, give this girl the best things in the world, and wait for her day of Phoenix Nirvana.

I don't know if God intended to help her. Her granddaughter actually fell in love with the ninth son of the Beiqiu Dynasty, the newly frustrated prince. If she told him now that his real life, how would he would deal with himself?

As she expected, the child began to plan a world dream after knowing his background, and she also became his pawn.

She sighed again that a man's heart is really evil, but she has already arranged everything, and the name of the person she arranged next to Beiqiu Yin is Yin Hong.

The old minister of the previous dynasty, she kept him for his life in order to let him work for her.

She has calculated everything in her life, and everything is under her control, including the so-called abandoned prince, including a dance in Luoyang City. If a woman wants to be ruthless, she can do anything.

And the only thing that can make a woman cruel is love.

If there is any other accident, it is the most ruthless Nangong demon that day. If it hadn't been for his intervention, the woman she cultivated would have become the most tragic poison in the world.

She thought that things would change, and even began to be worried. She didn't expect that the devil actually helped her and made Yu Meiren's heart more desperate for the man. That's the best.

Until the child killed her child with her own hands, she knew that her goal was about to be achieved.

Unfortunately, she was not happy, because she never expected that she would kill her child like her at the beginning. How desperate she would be.

For decades, she has been waiting for decades. In addition to revenge, she also wants to maintain the pure bloodline of the Beiqiu Dynasty. After all, it is still for the man and for her so-called desperate love.

Even if she knew it was wrong, and even if she knew that it would hurt many people, she still did so. This is her love, her so-called heart of the world. From the beginning to the end of this game of chess, the only relief she was her success.

"Don't you regret it?"

After listening to the story for so long, Yu Meiren finally couldn't help opening her mouth. She looked at the empress dowager's face and suddenly felt that the other party was much older, not because her temples were white, but because this paragraph called love is really the way to revenge. She finally saw those sad things in this woman's eyes.


The Empress Dowager laughed foolishly: "The only thing that the mourning family regrets is not protecting the son of the mourning family."

"Don't you feel guilty about that daughter, the daughter who was strangled by you as soon as she was born? She is your child, but a life."

Beauty Yu's heartache was almost suffocated. From her knowing that she was her master's daughter who had been chasing for so many years, she knew that the woman she wanted to die turned out to be her own grandmother, all of which was a human tragedy.

She really couldn't figure out why a woman was so cruel that she killed her child with her own hands.

For a long time, the other party actually raised his eyes, fixed his eyes on her, and asked, "So what about you? Why did you kill your child?"