The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 257 Xuanyue

The question of life and death seemed to resonate with something. Her fingertips couldn't help reaching to her lower abdomen and felt the warmth inside, as if she had settled down.

How cruel she abandoned that child in the first place.

Raising her head, her voice sobbed a little: "The imperial doctor said that the child could not live at all. The imperial doctor said that I was weak but emotionally fierce. The child was only two months and was still unstable. The imperial doctor said that even if the child was born, it would be a stillborn. You think I'm as cruel as you. If there is still a chance, how can I not give birth to him?

"Excuse." The Empress Dowager interrupted her coldly: "Your heart is still unwilling, just like the mourning family. Isn't you giving up this child to deal with the mourning family? If you really can't bear it, even if he may not live for a full month, you should have born him. Don't forget that you have the blood of mourning in your body, and your essence is the same as that of mourning.

"I'm different from you." Yu Meiren's voice was rough and hoarse, and tried her best to veto each other's words: "I never want this world, and I will never try my best to plan a world to kill my daughter and kill my son for an unworthy love like you. Now I have to plan my descendants, the Empress Dowager, the Empress Dowager. I used to respect you because you were a loving old man, but now I only feel sorry for you. Maybe I really have a little shadow of you, but now that you have chosen me, I will make my own choices from now on.

After saying that, Yu Meiren helped Wei Fanger walk out of the tunnel.

Out of the tunnel, all the people of Yinjiawei have gathered in the hall. Xinyu also came to help her nervously. Seeing that she was unscathed, she sighed.

Yu Meiren stood in the hall, and the secret organs had been closed. After enduring her emotions for a long time, she finally suppressed her.

"In the words of this palace, the empress dowager was crazy. She just wanted to hurt this palace. Lord Fan came over. Without the edict of this palace, no one is allowed to enter and exit the palace casually."

Yu Meiren said and strode out of the palace. Xinyu immediately chased her, put on fox fur for her, and heard a soft cry behind her: "Beauty..."

Beauty Yu's footsteps stagnated and her heart trembled. After the words of the Empress Dowager, she no longer knew how to face Wei Fanger, or Zhe Zhe.

Over the years, she has known that her master is looking for her own child, but she actually joined hands with the Empress Dowager, and now how can she forgive her?

"Good life to settle Mrs. Youcheng."

When the words fell, she didn't stay. She knew in her heart that the case of Youcheng Mansion would soon be overturned, and she would soon have her own place.

Now, what she wants to do most is to meet that person.

I'm afraid that there is no room for her in the world except him. Even her identity and her so-called family affection can't be grasped. At least, he is still a dream she once had. How can she let him leave like this?

She walked quickly in the ice and snow, and her feet slipped and almost fell a big heel. Fortunately, Xinyu helped her in time.

"Mother, no matter what happens, don't forget the child in your womb."

This sentence woke her up. Yes, she has lost a child. Now, how can she lose another child?

"Xinyu, you support me, I must take this road steadily."

After Yu Meiren finished speaking, Xinyu said "alas", reached out to help her, and walked step by step towards Qianxi Palace.

The eunuch of Qianxi Palace seemed to have been waiting for a long time. When he saw her, he immediately greeted her and said respectfully, "Your Majesty, the emperor has woken up."

Are you awake? Beauty Yu couldn't help leaning into the hall. She waited for so many days, which was the best news she had heard.

From the beginning, she thought she was a pawn on his chessboard. Unexpectedly, in the end, they were just chess on other people's chess, and his value was to achieve her world.

It's really ridiculous. For a long time, she thought that she was fighting the world for him, and she became an abandoned son. In the end, she has been fighting the world for herself, and he is the beginning of her world.

Why is there a world apart between her and him from beginning to end?

Yu Meiren walked into the hall, and Beiqiu Yin was painting. The woman in the painting was a little familiar, but the affection in her eyes was far from her now.

It seemed that he heard footsteps. Beiqiu Yin raised his head and saw her. He was slightly stunned before putting down the pen.

"Here you are."

"Aren't you asking me how the Empress Dowager is?"

Yu Meiren stretched out her hand and picked up the painting made by the other party. She couldn't help sighing, what a girl's mood.

"I know that you will not disappoint yourself."

Beiqiu Yin's words made her heart tremble. He said that she would not live up to her heart, but only for him and that person, she had failed the choice in her heart.

"Your Majesty, are you afraid of the cold?"

Beauty Yu put down the painting in her hand and looked at the man opposite. Rarely, he retreated from the bright yellow and now dressed in white.

Beiqiu Yin shook his head. In fact, standing like this, he already felt cold, but he finally came to the spirit today. He wanted to draw a picture so much that he always wanted to keep something in his life. On the one hand, time passed too fast that he could no longer.

"Don't be afraid."

Hearing such an answer, Yu Meiren couldn't help feeling warm in the bottom of her heart, but after the warmth, there was only a bottomless emptiness. She looked at him, as if she had seen all his life and then took his hand.

At the moment of five-finger interlocking, she could feel that his hand was warm, but her hand was slightly cool.

"Let's go to see the sunset."

On the coldest day of the whole winter, the sun could still be seen. Yu Meiren pulled Beiqiu Yin and slowly walked outside the hall. The snow stopped, but the weather became colder and colder.

The father-in-law, who was originally staying outside the hall, was shocked when he saw them coming out. He immediately returned to the hall and found a cloak for Beiqiu Yin, and then retreated aside with Xinyu.

Yu Meiren slowly climbed to the roof with Beiqiu Yin. The father-in-law of Qianxi Palace looked aside and felt relieved. Fortunately, although Beiqiu Yin was a little clumsy, he still climbed up safely.

Her hands and feet were cold. Yu Mei held each other's hand. Xinyu handed over two cotton pads. She threw herself on the roof and let Beiqiu Yin sit down.

"It's so cold." She sighed and didn't know how long the other party could hold on, but she saw Beiqiu Yin only looking at her and smiling quietly.

Suddenly, the coldness faded. Yu Meiren let go of the other party's hand and smiled: " earthworm, do you remember that day when I jumped for you?"

Luoyang City dances, which is really unparalleled in the world. People say that it is difficult to see such a dance posture in this life. It is difficult for such a magnificent woman to have a second in the world.

"I remember all the dance you danced."

Beiqiu Yin said, with a stuffy pain in his chest, as if it was difficult to breathe, but he endured it and stared on the woman's face: "In fact, there is one thing I didn't tell you. The real owner of Yue Lou is also me."

As the other party's words came out, Beauty Yu swallowed her saliva and laughed for a long time: "No wonder I always feel that I have heard your flute. In fact, the most beautiful dance I have ever seen is the Xuanyue that my master skipped. It has long been above the country and is the purest dance I have ever seen."

Yu Meiren turned her back and said softly, "Can I jump to show you?"

The weather was cold, and she stood in such a high place. After saying this, Beauty Yu was not only Beiqiu Yin, but also Xinyu and her father-in-law who were standing below were shocked.

Beauty Yu raised her head. At this time, it should be the sunset, but the winter sun does not seem to be as magnificent. After a while, when the full moon rises, she will be able to dance the last dance of her life for him.

"Do you know? I once swore that a dance in Luoyang City was the last dance I danced in my life, but today I will definitely dance with the snow.

In this way, she had made up her mind. Beiqiu Yin felt soft and a little unbearable, but she understood what the other party meant.

They have had too many regrets in their life, and so far, they will only leave more regrets. If he can't make her happy, perhaps today is her last dream, just like his.

He believes that when this dream wakes up, she will really achieve Phoenix Nirvana as he imagined.

In fact, she was originally a real phoenix, and only he was the "civet cat" who changed the prince.

Now, he only needs to wait for the woman he loves to really see through the grief and grow up.

Take off the fox coat cloak, and Yu Meiren ran gently at her feet and ran to the other end of the roof. She was white and snowy, and suddenly jumped high in the snow.

The woman's dance steps were light, and at that moment, it was like a feather return. Looking back, it was a flexible and gentle smile.

The long white satin waved in the air, and the woman's figure was suspended in the air. The snow was like a petal rain, falling on the fingertips of her hair. Suddenly, it rotated like a pure white snow lotus blooming in the air.

Yu Meiren fell steadily on the ground, with long sleeves and dancing with a light posture. Her purple dance was like a fairy, which attracted many palace people and marveled that there was such a wonderful dance posture in the world and such a peerless beauty.

Yu Meiren danced a little selflessly and almost poured all her feelings into it. She thought that she could no longer dance as fiercely as the country, but she didn't expect that there was a kind of purity that had already above the country.

Let's dance. The sky has darkened. I don't know when the gathered palace people gradually left, as if they had discussed, leaving only the two of them.

Beauty Yu slowly approached Beiqiu Yin and saw that he was always staring on her, but she couldn't hide her tiredness.

She didn't say anything, just leaned against him and sat down, then reached out and clasped his fingers. Her hands were slightly cold and his hands were cold.

"Are you tired?"

She didn't look back. She leaned her head on his shoulder and heard his whisper in her ear: "Look at you dancing, you're not tired."

Knowing that he was always staring on her face, she just smiled and slowly narrowed her eyes. The picture under the peach blossom tree many years ago appeared in her mind, as if she was intoxicated and like another world.

I don't know how long it took, she opened her eyes and opened her lips slightly: " earthworm, Yun'er, he is your son."

After waiting for a long time, the other party still did not answer, and there was no reason in her heart. She turned her head and saw that the man closed his eyes at some point, as if he had fallen asleep, and the corners of his mouth seemed to be a touch of bright red, tinging her eyes.

Tears couldn't help falling slowly. Her fingertips scratched his warm face, and it seemed that she could still feel his weak breathing.

"I'm sorry."

She spoke softly, as if she had precipitated thousands of years of feelings, which were replaced by this sentence.

At this moment, her fingertips were warm, and his fingertips were as cold as a piece of ice. She held them tightly and did not want to let go in her life.