The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 258 Epidome

In the fifteenth year of Ruihe, the coldest winter of the Beiqiu Empire, the emperor of Beiqiu died and the crown prince ascended the throne.

On the day of ascending the throne, the young new emperor was dressed in a dragon robe, and the Taihe Hall looked down at the courtiers, and there was also some imperial majesty.

Yu Meiren stands on the main hall. Now, she stands in the high hall as a shadow general, but she is not as submissing as last time.

For a long time, she untied the ghost face on her face, revealing the peerless face of the country, and staring at her son's new emperor in the hall with a smile. Beiqiu Shuo couldn't help but be slightly moved, and even the courtiers couldn't help looking at each other.

This is the first time that she saw people with her true face and her true face. The silver armor guard was behind her. She turned around and stood in the hall. Before the courtiers knelt to the ground in awe, she shouted loudly: "This palace is the shadow general of the Northern Qiu Dynasty. The shadow once said that in this life I will not give in to the imperial power and only beg for the world. At that time, I knelt down with a woman's heart, but from now on, if I wear gold armor and put on a ghost face, it will only be a shadow, only for the world. If the emperor is virtuous, the palace will still wear golden armor and ghost face to beg for the world.

There is her son above the hall, and there are civil and military officials under the hall. Her words are like vows, full of iron bones, resounding through the Taihe Hall.

Some people once said that the beauty of the Yu family is beautiful, and can be beautiful in the world and unparalleled in the world.

Some people once said that the shadow general is not afraid of imperial power, only for the world.

Some people once said that the imperial concubines of the Beiqiu Dynasty were worried about the world.

When the legend turned into reality one day, she stood alone in the hall and made the last vow of her life about the world.

After the emperor ascended the throne, he ordered an amnesty to the world, and his mother Yu and the former empress Lan were the empress dowager.

For the first time in history, the precedent of the empress dowager of the two palaces has been established. According to the ancestral motto, if the emperor succeeds with a concubine's son, he will take his biological mother as the empress dowager. If his mother is also there, he will be the empress dowager, and the empress dowager is usually above the biological mother of the empress dowager. However, the birth mother's status is too low to be called the empress dowager, at most She can only be respected as the imperial concubine.

Yu was born as a noble and a meritorious minister protecting the country. The people highly support the mother of the emperor, while the Nalan family came from a low background, but it was hindered by the ancestral teachings, so the status of the empress dowager of the two palaces is in no particular order.

On the day of the canonization, the two empresses dida stepped on the steps of the canonation side by side. Unexpectedly, just halfway through, Lan pulled out the phoenix hairpin and stabbed Yu like crazy.

Although Yu Meiren avoided it, she almost fell down the steps because of her heavy body. Fortunately, Xinyu, her close maid of honor, stopped her in time to avoid the danger.

Yu Meiren was also shocked. She turned around and saw that Lan was suppressed by the bodyguard, but she seemed to be unwilling and stared at her desperately, as if she wanted to dig her heart.

"I have no grievances against you. Why do you hate me so much?"

Beauty Yu was a little puzzled, but she heard the other party's laughter, which seemed to be crazy, completely different from the person she usually knew.

"Beauty Yu, I hate you so much. In this world, the person I hate most is you!"

Beauty Yu frowned and thought that the other party hated her so much. It was the death of the second prince at the beginning. She always thought it was her.

"If it's because of the second prince, I have never been sorry for you, and your son is not harmed by me."

"Second Prince?" Lan Shi snorted coldly, "Of course I know that you didn't kill that evil son."

Lan actually called her son an evil son. Hearing this, Yu Meiren couldn't help but feel a little cold. Since she knew that the second prince was not killed by her, there was a deep hatred between them.

"You know, the two people I hate most in the world are you and Beiqiu Yin. I can't wait for you to die. The medicine to poison Huier was personally laid by me. I originally wanted to poison your son, but I accidentally saw the jade pendant on the emperor's body and the dream words he said. In a moment, I changed my mind. Your The son should be the prince, and the person I want to deal with is you!"

"Now Beiqiu Yin is dead, leaving only you. As long as you die, I will have the meaning of living."

"Why? Why did you do this?" Yu Meiren was only shocked. Although she had thought about who would poison the second prince in the harem, she also thought about whether it was Lan who killed her son for the throne, but unexpectedly, Lan Shi killed her child herself.

How can a mother do such cruelty?

"Why?" Lan's smile was a little bleak: "I also want to know why the palace owner loves you. I love him so much. For him, I don't hesitate to enter the harem and compete with you for him. If it hadn't been for the jade pendant, your son would have died long ago. You should thank the palace owner. I killed so many people. I killed Yunfei's children and killed them. My son, now the palace owner is dead, and Beiqiu Yin is dead. Why, why are you still alive? I have been waiting for this day for a long time. Why, let go of this palace, I want to kill her and kill this bitch!"

Lan struggled as if she was going to kill her. Yu Meiren looked at the woman who hated her to the bone and remembered the fresh and flexible girl many years ago. It turned out that all this was not a coincidence, but intentional. Fortunately, she did not use her sincerity in this relationship too much.

Suddenly, she felt sorry for the other party. If she had designed her like this, she would have taken her life, but now, she is also a woman in this world who loves Nangong Fu deeply.

Trapped by love, it seems that it will always be a woman's fate. She looked up at the teenager in a dragon robe above and looked at her with a panicked face, full of worry.

Beauty Yu couldn't help shaking her head. Seeing him sit back in the dragon chair, she turned her head and looked at the woman who was constantly struggling: "The imperial edict, Queen Lan, who wants to assassinate the mourning family should be killed the nine clans, but she lost her beloved son in the early years, and now she suffers from heartache. She withdrew her queen's title and enters the cold palace."

After Yu Meiren finished speaking, she stopped looking at the crazy woman under the steps and walked up step by step.

I can't help but feel pain in my heart, and a word of madness can also determine their fate.

Walking in front of the emperor, Yu Meiren suddenly stroked Xinyu's hand and bowed, as if she was about to kneel down.

"Queen Mother." Beiqiu Shuo got up and supported her in time. Beauty Yu raised her eyes and stared at the young man's eyebrows, which was also a little warm. She couldn't help raising the corners of her mouth and said, "Your Majesty, I have something to ask for."

"If the mother has something to say, the children will be satisfied."

When Beauty Yu heard this, she shook her head: "Your Majesty, this is the first and last time I ask you. Now that you are the emperor, no matter how great the kindness of birth and raising can be. Remember, after today, you are the master of the world, and everything is for the world."

After Yu Meiren finished speaking, Beiqiu Shuo nodded solemnly, and she said at ease: "When the late emperor was in power, she had many times deliberately appointed a concubine as the queen. It was only because of the empress dowager that she set up the Lan family against her will. Although the late emperor had died, the palace still hopes to fulfill the wishes of the late emperor when she was in power."

"Queen Mother, how can it be a joke about the title of the Empress Dowager?"

Beiqiu Shuo was unwilling to make such a plea. Now that Yu Meiren is the empress dowager, she asks someone to share this honor with her. Doesn't she want to be buried with her father? Is she not unwilling at all? A hundred years later, there are other women to share the emperor's love for her.

"Shuo'er, your father has made a will to make the concubine the same as the empress dowager with this palace. Now if you want to violate it, where are you putting your father?"

Yu Meiren's voice was stunned, pushed away his hand and was about to kneel down.

"Queen Mother, I promise you." Beiqiu Shuo was anxious and said something against his wish.

It turns out that this is the emperor. In the past, he always wanted to learn from his father and be like him. Now that he has really become the emperor, he knows that many things can't be done. He can no longer do things according to his wishes as before. It turns out that the most unhappy person in the world is the ninety-five respect on the throne of Jinluan.

Beauty Yu smiled and stared at the increasingly familiar eyebrows. Seeing him turn around, there seemed to be a shadow of the man on her body.

"It is said that the former emperor once set up a book to seal Concubine Wan as the queen. Now the facts have been made out in the world, and the imperial concubine Yu and Concubine Wan are the empress dowager."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present was shocked, but they did not dare to question the authenticity of the will or speculate on the emperor's mind.

It's just that any woman in the world will not want anyone to share the title of empress dowager with her, not to mention asking for orders in person, which is probably a fact.

After the canonization ceremony, Yu Meiren moved to the palace where the empress dowager lived and changed her name to "Fenghua Hall".

In early spring, Yu Meiren stood in front of the hall and looked at the greenness of the branches outside the hall. She couldn't help sighing how time passed. Now as long as she gave birth to the fetus in her abdomen, she could do what she had always wanted to do.

"Mom, Empress Dowager." Shulan added a dress to her, and she couldn't change her words these days. It seemed that she had been thinking for a long time before she said, "Empress dowager, Shulan doesn't understand why you want that Concubine to be the empress dowager, obviously the Lan family..."

Beauty Yu turned around, with only one look, which had made her stop.

"My family owes her, and those things should always be exchanged for her."

"Does the master mean Zuo Cheng's matter?"

Shulan said, knowing that she was wrong and brought up the old things again.

A few months ago, the matter of the Empress Dowager involved the case of Youcheng. She had wanted Zuo Cheng to come forward, but now she has involved him in the case and put him on the charge of design and framed him.

"Master, you have mercy on Zuo Cheng's matter, but it's also bebenevolent and righteous to let Zuo Cheng dismiss him from office and let him enjoy his old age."

"Over the years, he has helped the mourning family, but unfortunately, his existence has always been a threat to Yun'er. However, the mourning family once promised that she would become the queen."

Shulan frowned and smiled sadly: "Master is a man of great promise."

Hearing this, Yu Meiren was stunned, but finally stopped talking.

In fact, she is not a person who has a heavy commitment, but in the end, she still owes Lu Wan Wan once.

But this time, she will never let her know, so she will have this dream for a longer time.

"Master, there is actually something. Shulan has been trying to ask you, but she doesn't know whether to ask."

Yu Meiren turned around with a smile. She might be able to guess the question Shulan wanted to ask. She took a deep breath and stretched her fingers to the position of her lower abdomen. She felt that it seemed to be a little throbbing there. She couldn't help laughing: "Do you want to ask Ai's family whether Yun'er is the son of the late emperor?"

Yu Mei's words surprised Shulan a little, but she quickly smiled. The other party was such a smart woman, and perhaps some things could be more transparent than her.

"Don't worry, the emperor will always be the son of the former emperor."

In the twelfth month of the first year of Chongde, Empress Dowager Xiaoren of Beiqiu gave birth to a little princess and gave her the name Ping An.

At the end of the spring of the same year, the Empress Dowager Xiaoren petitioned to go to Zhonghua Temple for Qingxiu. After the emperor's approval, the Empress Dowager Yu actually accompanied the little princess who was not yet young. Since then, she rarely returned to the palace.