The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 204 Unbreakable

"Jiang Mozhu? That captured minister of Cang?" Yi Hengshi's face was obviously a little more disdainful.

"If you want to take it, you must break it first." Yi Chuguan said, "Brother, do you understand the meaning of this sentence?"

Yi Hengshi said, "Little sister, although your eldest brother and I don't read my book very well, I still know the meaning of this sentence. If you want to get it, you must first break it and don't break it."

"Yes, Jiang Mozhu was originally the Feiyu general of Cang. After the demise of Cang, he became a university scholar of Xia, but this university scholar took the military power of Kewu, the Marquis of Ning and the general of Zhenguo, and at the same time safely protected the prince from the Xia. This ability is not everyone. I heard that Jiang Mozhu's poison of bone penetration nails has been completely cured, and martial arts is even better than before. Nowadays, although the Cang Kingdom has been annexed, as the saying goes, the territory is easy to harvest, and people's hearts are difficult to return. If Jiang Mozhu shakes his arms, those insightful people who are dormant in the Cang Kingdom will definitely respond one after another. In this way, the destroyed Cang Kingdom will certainly also spear The head points to Xia, Cang and Jin, and they will raise troops to attack Xia, and the attitude of Shu and Chu is still unknown. Alas, I don't know what he thinks.

"Who?" Yi Hengshi asked.

"Oh, I'm talking about Jiang Mozhu." Yi Chuguan secretly reminded himself that he could never lose his mind for the second time.

"Who knows what he is thinking, little sister, the military division in the world is not Jiang Mozhu alone. We can find someone else."

"If Kirin is so easy to get, is it still Kirin?"

"What my little sister said is reasonable." Yi Hengshi nodded and sighed, "Well, what on earth is going on? We have neither the military power nor the military division that can plan the world. Are we just waiting to die?"

"Is there any other way but to wait for death?"

"Little sister, are you kidding?"

"Brother, do you think I'm joking?" Yi Chuguan said, "There is really no way now, so we can only expect the situation to change or hope. Therefore, you'd better not do anything during this period, or you can wait for me to clean it up. Do you understand?"

"I will obey the will of the Empress."

King Kang's Mansion, since Xia Wuchen met Su Rou in the secret room, has stayed in the palace almost every day. Even the early morning claimed that she was slightly ill. Li Rongrong naturally knew why Xia Kang was worried about it, but since she had shown her true face in front of Xia Kang, she did not need to pretend to be there again. Li Rongrong is an unreasonable man. Therefore, the maids of King Kang's Mansion are saying that the princess has changed her character, but they don't know that it is the real Li Rongrong.

During the period, when Wu came only once, Li Rongrong was still heartless before, but the rest of the time, Li Rongrong always looked indifferent and ignored anyone. It was not only Li Rongrong who changed her character, but also the prince's side concubine, Wu Xiang.

After seeing his daughter, Wu turned to the imperial uterus to visit Wu Xiang. Anyway, both of them are from the Wu family, and naturally they should be closer.

"Xiang'er, can you still adapt to life in the palace?" Wu picked up the teacup and took a sip.

"Adapt, Your Highness treats me well." Wu Xiang smiled and said, "Aun aunt, how are you recently?"

"Well, I was worried that you and Rongrong are the same. I'm really afraid that you can't adapt to the life in this palace." Wu said, "Now that you are fine, I'm relieved. However, Xianger, why did your nature suddenly become so quiet?"

Before, Wu has also heard that Wu Xiang often vents his anger on the maids of honor. That kind of capricious temperament can't be changed, and something must have happened.

Wu Xiang said with a smile, "His Royal Highness likes quietness, so he has to become quiet."

"So that's it." Wu said, "It's always right to marry a husband. Now I just hope that Xiang'er can give birth to a son, which is also a complete success."

"Hmm." Wu Xiang lowered her head shyly.

"What's so shy about this, you girl."

"Bright, aunt, why don't you go to see the Queen?" Wu Xiang had doubts. After learning that Wu had entered the palace, she thought that Wu would go to the Queen's Palace first, but she did not expect to go to Kang's Mansion. However, after all, Li Rongrong is Wu's daughter, and she also said it. However, after seeing her daughter, she must have gone to the Queen's Palace, but Wu went to visit the Empress's Palace. Wu Xiang is still puzzled about her distant relative, who is not too close.

"This... Oh, the Empress is weak. I'm afraid of disturbing the Empress's rest."

"Well, my aunt is really thoughtful." Wu Xiang said with a smile, "Aun aunt is hungry. I'll ask the maid to prepare some snacks."

"Don't bother. I'm leaving soon. Xianger, how dangerous the palace is. You have to be careful."

"Xiang'er knows, more aunts to remind you."

After Wu left King Kang's mansion, he wanted to go to the Queen's Hall, but I don't know why he didn't go in the end. Maybe it was a wrong move after all. If only two baby girls had been raised at the beginning, the idea suddenly came to Wu's mind that such a daughter married King Kang and the other daughter became the queen would not have to have such an embarrassing situation now. However, in the final analysis, Yi Chuguan is a detailed work of the State of Chu. From this point of view, the Li family and the queen should still be on the same boat.

In a small village a hundred miles away from Linyun, Chu Xuan has been staying for several days, from a meal to a small house. Lin Feng found that Chu Xuan is very interesting and often talks about things outside the village. However, although he is moved, Lin Feng knows that the world is too far away from him. Just listen to the story. The puppy is not interested in the world at all, so the puppy always holds a book and is fascinated by it, while Lingzi follows Lin Feng and Chu Xuan every day without talking, but it can be found that whenever Chu Xuan talks about the world, her eyes always shines with abnormally.

The puppy occasionally glances at Lingzi, and at the same time, he is secretly worried that Lingzi will be attracted by those things.

"Are these things true?" Lin Feng held his chin in both hands and said, "Is Jianghu really like this?"

"It's not far from ten, but I think the world is too dangerous, so the kitchen is better." Chu Xuan smiled and said, "It's better to kill pigs and cut vegetables than to kill people, don't you think?"

Lin Feng thought for a moment and said, "Just kill the bad guys."

"What is a good person and what is a bad person?" Chu Xuan asked.

"People who do good things are good people, and those who do bad things are bad people. You don't understand this truth. It's too stupid."

"But what is a good thing and what is a bad thing?" Chu Xuan continued.

"I said, why do you smoke like this? Good things are good things, and bad things are bad things. People you smoke like this must be bad people." Lin Feng said angrily, "You must have killed a lot of people."

Chu Xuan pondered, "It should have killed a lot of people. Why did you think of asking this?"

"Will you be afraid of killing people?"

"No." Chu Xuan said lightly.

Why don't you feel scared? That's a living life."

Chu Xuan asked, "Do you feel scared when you eat meat?"

Huh? What?"

"Chicken, duck and fish are delicious, but they are all life. Do you feel scared when you eat them?"

"That's different." Lin Feng said, "Those are all animals."

Chu Xuan's tone was a little cold: "Why, people's lives are lives. Isn't those chickens, ducks and fish's lives? To put it bluntly, it's just the law of the jungle, so what's the fear of killing? Don't you think so?"

"phistry." Lin Feng said, "I don't think you should be a cook, you should be a chef."

"Master? Well, you can think about this." Chu Xuan said very seriously, "Ah, it's terrible. I forgot a very important thing. I'm leaving. Take care, everyone. Ah, no, you have to live a good life."

Seeing that Chu Xuan was about to leave, Lingzi immediately followed him, but in a flash, Chu Xuan's figure disappeared.

The puppy hiding aside to read a book was secretly relieved, as if he was happy because of Chu Xuan's departure. He couldn't help asking, "Lin Feng, where has he been?"

"It should be a master."