The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 205 Maybe not bad

Lingzi stood at the door, but she didn't know which direction to chase Chu Xuan. After a moment, Lingzi ran out without hesitation. The puppy threw away the book in Lingzi's hand at the moment she ran out and also ran out. Lin Feng saw that both of them ran out, and he also ran out. Lingzi ran to find Chu Xuan, and the puppy ran to catch up with Lingzi. What did she run for? Lin Feng thought while running. Finally, he felt that the reason why he also ran out was that his legs wanted to run with Lingzi and the puppy, so he didn't listen to the call and followed him out.

"Lingzi, wait, don't run away." After all, it was a boy. As soon as he ran out for a while, the puppy caught up with Lingzi.

Lingzi turned her head: "Go away, leave me alone."

"If you can't find her, Lingzi, don't be silly." The puppy said, "Let's go home."

"Puppy, leave her alone and let her run wherever she likes to go." Lin Feng, who caught up with the two, is the fastest running child in the village. At this moment, he has already run in front of them. "Dog, let's go to the mountain to catch the hare. The hare made by my mother is delicious."

"Lin Feng, you are persuading Lingzi." When the puppy saw that Lingzi didn't listen to him, he wanted Lin Feng to help him.

"Cut, the legs grow on others, which is not something we can control. I said, Lingzi, can you run faster? No matter how slow your keys are, I don't think you will find Chu Xuan in your life." Lin Feng said gloatingly, "Well, no wonder who made you a girl? They don't want to take you away."

"Get out of here." Lingzi's face was full of anger, but because Lin Feng was thrown in front of her, she ran in another direction at a slightly oblique angle. In fact, even Lingzi herself didn't know where to run. She knew that she couldn't find Chu Xuan, but in her heart, she didn't want to give up the only hope left. She wanted to leave the village and leave the village with nothing.

The puppy and Lin Feng followed Lingzi closely and ran for about half an hour. Lingzi finally ran, but she still did not stop and used the way to walk. I didn't pay attention to Lin Feng's sarcasm and the puppy's words to persuade her to go back, so she kept walking. The three children walked all the way to the twilight. Seeing that the sky was getting dark, but Lingzi had no intention of going back. Although Lin Feng is naughty, he is a child who knows filial piety. He is afraid that his mother will worry about him, so he is ready to go home several times, but he is worried about the puppy and Lingzi.

Lin Feng felt that Lingzi was crazy, and the puppy would definitely go crazy with Lingzi. How could he let the two crazy people walk around at night? But he was afraid that his mother was worried about his late return, which made Lin Feng a little miserable.

"Puppy, Lingzi, let's go back. Parents will be worried." Lin Feng looked at the night that had come and said, "Don't forget that we have wolves here, and Lingzi. Can't you look for them tomorrow? In case the wolf is eaten, it won't be good."

The puppy echoed, "Yes, Lingzi, let's go back."

Reiko didn't say anything and still walked slowly. Seeing Lingzi being so stubborn, Lin Feng said angrily, "You two go crazy here. I'll go home first." After saying that, Lin Feng turned around and walked towards his home.

The wind at night was a trace of coolness, and the sound of beasts could be heard from the mountains not far away, and the puppy subconsciously shrank its neck. It would be great if Lingzi could not be so stubborn, but the puppy knows Lingzi, and as long as it is what Lingzi determines, it will never change easily.

"Reiko, don't look for it. Look, it's so dark." The puppy whispered, "Let's look for it tomorrow, okay?" You must be hungry. I still have half a pancake for you. The puppy took out half of the pancake from the small cloth bag around his waist and handed it to Lingzi. Lingzi looked at the half of the pancake and suddenly stopped.

The puppy saw Lingzi stop and said happily, "Come on, eat quickly."

Lingzi took the half of the pancake, squatted on the ground, covered her face and cried. This cry scared the puppy, but no matter what the puppy asked, Lingzi just didn't say anything, but buried her head between her knees and kept crying.

How much sadness and despair have been carried in the vast night sky. Seeing that Lingzi had no intention of getting up for a while, the puppy stood quietly and waited for Lingzi. During this period, he raised his head and looked up at the vast sky. Compared with it, people were so small, but at the same time, they were also great. The puppy doesn't know why he has such an idea in his heart. He really wants to be as powerful as the sky, so that he can always protect the girl who squats on the ground and cries in front of him.

In fact, people in the village despise Lingzi, or even despise her. But Lingzi has a strong nature. In the insult and contempt of the village name, Lingzi spent an extremely gray childhood. As Lingzi became more and more beautiful, the contempt of those village names became greater and more. After giving birth to Lingzi, both of her parents died of an incurable disease. Later, Linzi was adopted by a childless couple in the village. In her childhood, Lingzi was not happy, because she was adopted as a daughter, but rather as being used as a slave. When Lingzi was 11 years old, her stepfather was drunk. After that, she did something indignantly to Lingzi. Lingzi's stepmother wanted to kill Lingzi several times, but she was afraid of killing her life, and finally drove Lingzi out. Lin Feng's father is the village head, so he gives money to Lingzi every month, which the villagers know.

But the more so, the more uncomfortable Lingzi felt. The nightmare at the age of 11 became a pain that she would never forget.

"Why, why, why?" Lingzi suddenly screamed hysterically and startled the puppy.

"What? What and why? Lingzi, what's wrong with you?

Lingzi raised her head, and the puppy found that the beautiful face was full of tears: "Why, why do you even have pity on me? What right do you have to pity me?"

"I, I didn't. I'm afraid you're hungry." The puppy said sadly, "Reiko, I really don't pity you, really." The puppy knows that Lingzi has a strong nature and can bear no matter how much grievances and difficulties she encounters, but she is only pitied, which makes her more uncomfortable than killing Lingzi. Therefore, when he is with Reiko, the puppy is always careful. He is afraid that if he accidentally says something wrong, it will make Reiko sad.

"Ah..." Lingzi looked up and shouted at the sky. No one understood her sadness, no one understood her pain, and why God treated her like this.

The puppy and Lingzi did not know that not far away, a well-dressed man was standing on the book looking at the two, while under the tree, there was a gray wolf sitting on the meat bunsquatting. After nibbling on the meat buns, the gray wolf roared at the full moon hanging in the night sky.

After hearing the wolf roar, the puppy subconsciously approached Lingzi a few steps, squatted down beside Lingzi, and said lightly in a tone of vicissitudes that did not match his age: "Reiko, I'll take you out of the village."

Lingzi turned her head and looked at the puppy in disbelief. At that moment, she didn't know why she felt that the puppy seemed to have changed and made her strange: "You, what are you talking about?"

"Take you out of the village." The puppy repeated, and then said slowly, "But not now, Lingzi, my mother said to do the right thing at the right time. I know it's right to get out of this village, but it shouldn't be now."

"Not now? When was that?" Lingzi wiped away her tears and asked.

"Lingzi, I want to marry you. I want to be a businessman with a lot of money, and then I will marry you back as my wife." The puppy said, "I know I'm not worthy of you, but I'm willing to give it to you as long as it's what Lingzi wants."

"What can you know about me, and what do you want?"

"I don't know, but as long as you say it's Reiko, I'm willing to do it."

Lizi does not doubt this, because the puppy has proved this not long ago, but for some reason, she just hates the puppy and hates it for no reason. Today, she finally understood why she hated the puppy. It was because of the puppy's obedience that she hated him. At any time, the puppy is like a grass that anyone can step on. She hates such people and even disgusts them.

"I hate your submissiveness." Lingzi said.

Unexpectedly, the puppy said lightly, "That's not submissive, it's not."

"What is it if it is not submissive?"

"As long as it has nothing to do with life and death, why care?" The puppy smiled, and the smile was so ethereal to Lingzi. Is he still a puppy? Lingzi is in a trance.

"Let's go back."

"Hmm?" The puppy was stunned and said with random joy, "Lizi, are you willing to go back?"

Lingzi nodded and was a little frustrated: "I know I can't find him, but I'm not reconciled. I'm just unwilling. Puppy, do you know that if a person has no money in his life, he must meet a nobleman. In this small village, there may not be a nobleman for decades. How can I be willing to let him go?

The puppy also nodded, but was silent.

"Sima Shuo, it's not bad to follow you." Lingzi got up and smiled sweetly.