The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 235 First Look

All people are fighting for the throne. In other words, everything is just a tribute to power. Under the shining throne, how tired and white bones. However, Ling Yue never felt that it was cruel to compete for the throne. Most people in the world only felt sad when they saw the brothers and sisters of the princes, but they never thought that in the final analysis, it was just a family's problem. Those few people died.

However, only war is a matter that affects the whole body. Once a war is launched, the bones will be everywhere, and tens of thousands of lives will die. So compared with the war, what is the small battle for the throne? But it's just a boring farce. However, if he is outside the whirlpool, it may be possible to say so, but at this moment, Ling Yue is also involved in this strange battle for the throne.

Xia Wuchen, Xia Kang and Xia Chen are only three candidates at present. It seems that everyone thinks that Xia Wuchen, as the crown prince, will definitely be able to ascend the throne, but how can the arrogant Xia Kang give up his hand to the country? As for Xia Chen, it is an existence that no one can understand, and perhaps it seems that there is no need for it. Ling Yue understood all this clearly in her heart. If Jiang Mozhu hadn't said to her at that time, maybe she would have supported Xia Wuchen to ascend the throne. But the prophecy told him clearly. Once Xia Wuchen ascends the throne, all that awaits her in the future will be a glass of poisoned wine.

Someone may say that since you know the ending, you just have to escape on the day of the ending. Escape, the only thing that can't escape in this game is Ling Yue. Ling Yue knows this better than anyone. Instead of waiting until the moment when the matter comes, it is better to stop it completely before it happens. Therefore, only King Kang can inherit the throne, so that they can contain each other.

If, if the emperor dies.

An idea slowly rose in Ling Yue's heart. If King Kang is allowed to obtain most of the military power and let the emperor dies, then King Kang can naturally ascend to the throne. In this way, no matter what Su Rou or Jiang Mozhu does, it will be of no use. After all, military power is the most important thing in this world. But how can Xia Kang gain military power? Wait, didn't Su Rou mobilize the whole world's troops overnight? In this case, why can't she borrow the troops of other countries to deal with Xia?

Jin Guo, that's right. As expected, the Kim Congress raised troops against Xia Guo. At that time, Xia will definitely let King Kang go to fight. If the two secretly reach an agreement, what will happen? What Jin Yan hates is Xia Wuchen and Xia Di. As for King Kang, even if he is not used to it, he is not enough to hate it. Therefore, it is also possible for the two to reach an alliance.

In the State of Shu, this Lingyue does not know much about Lingyue. The reason is that Liuye is the prince of the State of Shu. However, since there is this relationship, perhaps it should also meet the Shu Emperor who has just been known as the new emperor. Ye Liufeng is right. If Jin sent troops to attack Xia, then Chu's attitude is the most critical. In other words, Shu's attitude will affect the whole war situation to a large extent, so it is necessary to thoroughly understand what Shu is thinking.

"Why don't you sleep?" I don't know when a deep and caring voice sounded in my ears.

Ling Yue turned her head and saw Xia Kang looking at herself with a smile: "Aren't you not asleep?"

"Why, the moonlight doesn't seem to be very good tonight. I just saw you standing here for a long time. What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing, I'm just thinking about when Jin will send troops to attack Xia."

"According to the situation, it should be soon."

Ling Yue asked curiously, "What, do you know this?"

Xia Kang took a deep breath and said, "Actually, this doesn't mean that I know, but in return, the State of Jin has been living and training troops recently, and at the same time, there are court ministers who frequently come and go to Shu. If this can't be seen, isn't it a battle for so many years in vain?"

"That's right, but maybe it's just a measure made by the enemy." Ling Yue didn't know why she said so. Perhaps from the bottom of her heart, she didn't want a war to happen, so she would rather be just groundless.

"Oh? Why, it doesn't seem like it was from your mouth.

"Why doesn't it seem to come from my mouth?" Ling Yue asked, "So, what kind of words seem to come from my mouth?"

"Of course, it's not like what you said. If you are usual, you will definitely ask me if I have any good strategies to resist the enemy, and how can you doubt whether it is a scheme tried by the enemy? In fact, as the president of the Supervision Institute, you have known in your heart that this news is not groundless, which shows that you would rather not have War." Xia Kang said, "Ling Yue, you can be ruthless, but you can't bear to see the whole world suffer. What a contradiction."

"Is it contradictory?" Ling Yue raised her eyebrows and asked, "Where am I ruthless?"

"Isn't it ruthless to the prince like that?"

"You mean that I'm secretly ready to support you to ascend the throne, which is ruthless to Wuchen, isn't it?"

Xia Kang nodded and waited for Ling Yue to continue.

"Is the throne really that good? There is always a death. Why should you tie yourself to that throne? It's too heavy. Ling Yueyou said, "The world thinks that the throne is good, but I think the people on it are just puppets. Sooner or later, we will find that everything is just a dream.

"Desolate, desolate."


"I said your mood was so desolate that you didn't seem to believe anything."

Ling Yue smiled bitterly and said, "Yes, my mood is too desolate. If you were me and the country was destroyed, how could it not be desolate? Ling Yue casually found an excuse to prevaricate, but she didn't expect Xia Kang to look disbelief.

"Don't you have lost your memory? Why do you feel this way?"

"I heard that it's okay." Ling Yue said, "The bastard..."

Xia Kang frowned and said, "Why did you even laugh at me when you said this?"

Ling Yue shook her head and said, "No, what about the direct out, what about the common out, but it's just a boring identity restriction. Buddha also said that all sentient beings are equal, but when he comes to people, he has to distinguish three or six or nine. In fact, it is not only here, even there, there will be three or six or nine degrees. Therefore, as a human being, it is pathetic and pitiful.

"Where are you talking about?"

"Just say it."

Xia Kang took a few steps closer and looked at Ling Yue with deep eyes: "If I became emperor, what would you think?"

"How about what?"

"You know how much I feel about you. If I become an emperor, I will definitely..."

"Needless to say, the person in my heart is dustless." Ling Yue said without hesitation, "So, even if you become the emperor, nothing will change, and..."

"What's more?"

The corners of Ling Yue's mouth raised gently, with a little chill in her eyes: "Have you ever seen the dean?"


"According to the detective's report, if you guess correctly, Li Rongrong is the dean, and the dean met you secretly. Although I don't know what you two said, it should be the dean who is ready to support you to ascend the throne. However, I advise you to die with this heart. The dean will never be on your side.

"Are you spying on me?"

"If I say no, do you believe it? It's just monitoring the whole palace and accidentally monitoring you by the way. Ling Yue said resolutely, "Your Majesty, we are fighting against the facts, so if we want to change the facts, we must be aware of it."

"I don't understand what you're talking about."

"I know, back to the topic just now, since you have met the dean, let me ask you, do you like her?"

Xia Kang was stunned and didn't know why Ling Yue asked this question. Then he shook his head and said, "I don't like it, not only how, but... instead..."