The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 236 Matters

"What instead?"

"It's a little annoying, and I can't say why I hate it. It's just a feeling."

Ling Yue suddenly laughed and laughed: "I hate you, you hate her. It's really funny. So, you just like Murong Lingyue. Haha, you just like Murong Lingyue's appearance, that's all, that's all..."

"Ling Yue, what the hell are you talking about?"

Ling Yue stopped laughing, but her expression became indescribably cold: "If I tell you that the dean and I are the same person, do you believe it?"

"Are you... the same person as the dean? This is impossible. The dean is now under house arrest, and you..."

"Su Rou, this is the real name of the dean, and it is also mine." Ling Yue said slowly, "I still remember that in the Rosefinch Hall of Cang, the real Murong Lingyue was strangled by Emperor Cang at that time. At that time, I happened to die, but I didn't die. When I woke up, I became Murong Lingyue."

"You mean, you have changed from the dean to Murong Lingyue? So, who is the dean?

"I'm afraid you can't understand." Ling Yue had a headache, and she didn't know how to deal with Xia Kang. She could only say it as carefully as possible. "You don't understand. Anyway, as long as you know, I'm her and she is me."

"You said, I can think about it slowly."

Ling Yue sighed and said, "This matter is too complicated to say. Since you want to listen, I will say it slowly. Do you know something like time? If you go back to a year ago in some way, what will happen?

"Two me existed a year ago."

"Good reaction, that's all. The dean is who used to be me, and I came from the future and exist in this time and space. Can you understand me?

Xia Kang nodded as if he didn't understand, and then asked, "Assuming that I go back to a year ago, then this person doesn't exist now, right?"

"This is the case in theory."

"If so, isn't that strange?" Xia Kang frowned and said.

"What's strange about it?"

"Because I am now, and I go back to a year ago. Assuming that both of them have lived successfully until now, that is to say, there are two me. Assuming that both of them live smoothly, then at this moment, there will still be me in the future, right?"

"Yes, what's the problem?" Ling Yue asked.

"Of course there is a problem." Xia Kang said, "If as I just said, I go back to a year ago, and there were two me a year ago, then at the same time, because now I go back to a year ago, so if I take the present as the point, there will be no me in the future. But the same, if two of me a year ago have successfully lived to the present and have not died, then there will be two of mine in the future. Isn't this a contradiction?"

Ling Yue held her forehead. She didn't expect Xia Kang to think so deeply, but she had also thought about this question, but the truth was beyond her ability to answer, so Ling Yue said slowly, "Well, you can think that there are countless times, and there are countless different things we are going through, this kind of As a result, it only exists in this period of time.

"Countless of us?"

"That's probably what it means. In short, it's countless." Ling Yue said, "Apart from your strange theory, what I want to tell you now is that Su Rou is who I used to be. You just need to remember this. It's like you in the future, going back to a year ago and meeting yourself, but you look different.

"It's still a little strange."

"Of course, it's strange. I don't even believe it myself, so you said you like me, but you just said you hate Su Rou. I must tell you that the one you saw in the secret room is my real appearance, so since you don't like her, that is to say, you like Murong Lingyue, not me."

Xia Kang was silent for a while and said, "You are you. Even if she used to be you, you have said that there are countless of us, so you are different from her."

Ling Yue was stunned and smiled, "It's good to hear you say that. I told you the biggest secret, so you can't betray me. This is also the reason why I don't want Wuchen to ascend the throne, because I know that when he ascends the throne in the future, all I get is a glass of poisoned wine. Therefore, I would rather be the one who sits on the throne.

A trace of sadness flashed in Xia Kang's eyes: "Because you don't love me and have no feelings for me, so if I give you poisoned wine, you can accept it and won't hurt your heart, but if it were him, you can't, because you love her, you can't bear his betrayal, right?"

"Half right, half wrong." Ling Yue said slowly, "I really can't bear Wuchen's betrayal of me, but in the final analysis, there is only half of the reason, and the other half... I will tell you after you ascend the throne."

"Can't you tell me now?"

"I can't."

"Why?" Xia Kang asked, "Oh, I really want to know now."

"Because someone is coming." Ling Yue's eyes fell not far away, and Xia Wuchen wore a white gown, which was more elegant in the moonlight.

Xia Wuchen did not walk to Ling Yue, but stood far away and looked at the two people with a smile. Standing for a while, Xia Wuchen slowly turned around and left leisurely.

"Do you know why he didn't come here?" Ling Yue asked.

"Of course I don't know if you ask me that."

"Actually, I don't know." Ling Yue said with a smile, "If everything investigates the reason, isn't it too boring?"

"You are open-minded. If you let him know that you secretly supported me to ascend the throne, then..."

"Maybe he already knew." Ling Yueyou said, "Or he doesn't know, in fact, it doesn't matter whether he knows or not, because I'm ready to do something rebellious."

"Great rebellion?"

"Yes, I'm going to...sle the king."

Kill Jun, these two words were deeply branded in Xia Kang's heart like a soldering iron. He was surprised and said, "Ling Yue, you..."

"Don't be so surprised. If you come to kill the king, it is equivalent to killing your father. But if it is done by my hand, even if it is revenge for the Cang Kingdom, so that it can be just right. In the future, historians will not fall on you when they comment. Isn't it killing two birds with one stone? Ling Yue said, "The emperor's thoughts are too difficult to guess, so the best way is to let him return to heaven."

"No, this kind of thing is to destroy the nine races."

Ling Yue smiled and said, "Exterminate the nine races? Ha ha, can the emperor destroy my nine clans? Then go to another world to destroy it. As Ling Yue, my nine clans have long been destroyed by him. What else is there to be afraid of? Even if things are discovered, I still have a night. What's there to be afraid of? Ling Yue said, "Go back and think about it. I believe you will put the overall situation first."

"No." Xia Kang said resolutely.

"Why? Is it possible that you have a father-son affection for him?



"Even after you have been a king, I can't ascend the throne."

"So that's it. Don't worry, I will arrange everything before the emperor dies, but you just need to make some sacrifices."

"What?" Xia Kang thought for a moment and suddenly asked, "Wait, do you want to join hands with Jin Guo?"

Ling Yue clapped her hands and praised: "Smart, really smart. It's not in vain that I chose you."

"Ling Yue, do you have an opponent?"

"A rival? Why do you ask?"

"If you have an opponent, do you know if your opponent knows your plan?" Xia Kang asked.

"This..." Jiang Mozhu's figure appeared in Ling Yue's mind. Yes, how did Jiang Mozhu forget what role Jiang Mozhu played in this matter. Jiang Mozhu is on his opposite side. Similarly, he is also a military division of the State of Jin. If so, then the alliance between Xia Kang and the State of Jin will not be realized at all. "Let me think about it."

"Ling Yue, this kind of thing must be thoughtful. If it's really so simple, why should I put up with it for so many years, don't you think?"

Ling Yue raised her head and said, "So, you agree to the king's death, but this method is not safe, is that right?"

Xia Kang nodded and said nothing. After all, it is still a little difficult for him to say the words of king-sling himself. So he can only be silent and explain everything with silence. And Ling Yue also understood that although Xia Kang supported it, this matter was too important to make a mistake, otherwise there would be no place to die.