Killing Eight Wastes

Chapter 88 Murou, Miss Mu

"Come on, stop it."

Lu Feng couldn't stand it anymore. He reached out and pushed Lai Liu away and said to the girl in pink, "Get up. He's teasing you."

Lai Liu walked away and muttered, "His grandmother, good people let this boy do it."

Lu Feng ignored Lai Liu and picked up the girl in pink.

The girl in pink stared at Lai Liu's back, suddenly jumped back and said harshly, "Scream, I'm going to kill you~" Her palms moved, and the light blue water attribute began to condense again.

"Little girl, I know."

Lai Liushun turned around, and the arrow was aimed at the head of the girl in pink.

"Alas." Lu Feng sighed and stood between the two and said, "It's been a night. It's almost dawn. Take a break and go on your way later."

Lai Liu's long bow put away and said, "Don't mess with me again, and shoot you with another arrow."

The girl in pink said, "Come on, come on, shoot Miss Ben to have a look."

Lu Feng stretched out his palm and shook it in front of the pink girl and said, "This is all against me. If I hadn't been hit by your 'Muyuan', he wouldn't have been like this."

The girl in pink thought, "Obviously, my Muyuan hit him. I should apologize to him. How can he apologize to me?" She was a little embarrassed and wanted to apologize, but it was not her style to apologize. For a moment, she couldn't help muttering, "Who let you stand under my wooden kite..."

Lu Feng smiled, took out a piece of beef and a water bag and handed it over, "Let's eat something and have a rest." The girl in pink took a look and said, "It's so dirty. I don't want to call anything fancy." Lu Feng wanted to ask questions, but the pink girl's words made him very disgusted. For a moment, he was completely out of interest, so he closed the things and said, "Whatever." He turned around and walked to Lai Liu and sat down to eat meat and drink with her back to the girl in pink.

The girl in pink stood still for a while, muttered casually, took out a white blanket from the spiritual ring and spread it on the ground, bent down and sat down.

Lu and Lai sat down, lay on their backs on the sand and fell asleep.

The girl in pink stared at Lai Liu, who was curled up like a skin dog, bit her lips and wanted to quietly throw a few snakes several times, but finally she resisted.

The sandstorm gradually decreased, and the sandstorm did not know when it had passed, and a round of red sun rose in the east.

Lu and Lai are still sleeping, snoring like thunder, as if they were playing a symphony.

The girl in pink has been sitting like that, covering her ears. She has been almost crazy by the snoring of the two. She wanted to go, but she didn't know where to go, so she had to endure it. At this time, the red sun rose, and she finally couldn't help walking forward, stretching out her foot to kick Lu Feng and saying, "Get up, get up, you can't go, I can go if you don't go." There is no movement. She kicked her feet again, suddenly covered her mouth and laughed secretly. She took out two bottles and said, "If you don't get up, I'll put the scorpion."

"How dare you!"

A carp from Lai Liu stood up and stared at the girl in pink.

"Gig, coward."

The girl in pink smiled and put the celadon bottle into the spiritual ring.

Lu Feng also stood up. In fact, he had already woken up, and he woke up as soon as the girl in pink came to him.

Lai Liu brought the horse and gave it to Lu Feng and said, "Let's go."

Lu Feng nodded, took the reins, and hugged the pink girl and said, "Girl, goodbye." After saying that, he turned over the horse, pulled the reins, turned the horse's head, gently put his legs on his legs, and rode slowly.

The girl in pink stood still, and suddenly tears surged in her eyes and shouted, "Are you men? How can you do this? I... Wow..." Her voice choked and actually wiped her eyes with her hands and cried.

Lu Feng and Lai Liu looked at each other and smiled, drove the horse back to the girl in pink and said, "Why is the girl crying?"

"Wow~you are not good people. I don't want to pay attention to you. You two beglings dare to bully Miss Ben like this. Wow~ Sooner or later, Miss Ben will smash you into ten thousand pieces, wow~"

The girl in pink cried and scolded. The more she cried, the more sad she became, and her tears kept flowing.

Lu Feng was deliberately challenging the psychological limit of the pink girl. When the pink girl cried like this, he was a little at a loss and jumped off the horse and said, "If you have something to say, why cry?" The girl in pink choked and said, "What I eat and drink is on the wood gull, and the wood gull is also burned. What should I do if you leave me in this desert? Wow, why didn't anyone secretly follow me to protect me this time? Why? Wow~”

"Let's get on the horse." Lu Feng patted the pink girl on the shoulder.

The girl in pink raised her crying red cheeks, looked at the horse led by Lu Feng, and said with a red face, "I... I don't want to ride a horse with you."

Lai Liu made his debut with a smile: "Little girl, are you going to ride with me? Haha”

The girl in pink stared at Lai Liu and said to Lu Feng, "You... can you ride one with him and let me ride one alone?"

Lu Feng smiled and said, "I'm not going to ride a horse." He gave the reins in his hand to the girl in pink, and he put on armor and strode.

Lai Liu shook his head with a smile and drove his horse away with Lu Feng.

The girl in pink was stunned, turned over on her horse, and asked Lu Feng, "Why don't you ride a horse?" Lu Feng said, "Didn't I ride it for you?" The girl in pink was stunned, bit her red lips gently, and her cheeks were red and said, "You... come up." Her voice is so small that she can hardly hear it herself.

Lu Feng stopped and turned his head and looked at the girl in pink.

Seeing Lu Feng's strange smile, the girl in pink couldn't help regret saying what she had just said, but the words were not easy to take back. For a moment, she was a little entangled and stammed, "No... but don't touch me, otherwise..." Lu Feng smiled and said, "Otherwise?" The girl in pink suddenly darkened her face and said harshly, "Otherwise, I will kill you."

"Haha~" Lai Liu laughed twice and shouted, "He hugged me and shouted for pleasure. Do you think he will touch you? Haha, you'd better kill him."

When the girl in pink thought that when Lai Liu took Lu Feng out of the sea of fire last night, Lu Feng held Lai Liu tightly and said... saying that, a feeling of nausea rose in her heart for a moment and waved to Lu Feng repeatedly, "You'd better walk." Lu Feng nodded and said, "I think so too." With that, he shouted, "Speed up." Two feet for a meal and galloped.


Lai Liushou slapped his hands on the flattery, and the horse had already rushed out.

The girl in pink said urgently, "Wait for me." Hurry up to keep up.

All morning, Lu Feng has been running fast and never stopped.

Without the carriage, their travel speed has improved a lot.

The girl in pink saw Lu Feng running all morning and thought she was angry with her. She wanted to talk to Lu Feng several times, but Lu Feng was so fast that she didn't give her a chance to talk at all.

In the daytime, Lu Feng stopped and gasped.

The girl in pink hurriedly drove her horse and said, "You'd better come up."

Lu Feng felt that this girl was a little interesting and said, "Do you want me to ride or not?"

The girl in pink whispered, "Yes, but..."

"But what?"

"But don't touch me."

Lu Feng said with a smile: "It's inevitable that two people will touch each other on the same horse. Forget it, I'd better run."

"Why are you... what's wrong with you?" The girl in pink stared again and said to herself, "You stinky beggar, you idiot. Do you still want me to touch it and touch it?"

Lu Feng smiled, straightened up and said, "Feed the horse and eat."

The girl in pink took out a white blanket and spread it on the ground and said, "Sit down."

Lu Feng took out beef, wine, water, put it on it, and said, "Eat it." The girl in pink hesitated and picked up a piece of beef. Lai Liu nibbled the beef and said, "Miss, don't you think it's dirty?" Lu Feng stared at him and said, "There are many words."

After eating for a while, Lu Feng took a sip of wine and asked the girl in pink, "What's your name?" Where did you come from?" The girl in pink said, "My name is Murou. I came from the Heixuan Empire.

"Black Xuan Empire? Are you not from the Red Empire?"

Lu Feng and Lai Liu shouted at the same time, and it was the first time they heard of the Heixuan Empire.

Mu Rou was so surprised when she saw that they were so surprised, "Have you never heard of them? Our Heixuan Empire is the largest empire on the mainland. Lu Feng said, "Where is the Heixuan Empire?" Mu Judo: "The eastern continent is far away in the east of Warcraft Valley." Lai Liu said, "You flew all the way here from the Black Xuan Empire in that broken 'wood kite'?" Mu Ju: "No, where can I fly by Muyuan? I flew from the eastern continent to the western continent by airship, and then I took the wooden Yuan. If it is Muyuan, it will take half a year to fly here."

Lu Feng and Lai Liu didn't say anything. At this time, they knew that the Manling Continent was really big, bigger than they thought. This continent not only had wooden gulies like airplanes, but also airships like spaceships...

"What's wrong with you?" Mu Rou was a little puzzled when she saw that the two of them didn't talk.

Lu Feng turned around and said, "How did your wooden kite fall from the sky? It was a tornado?"

As soon as Mu Rou heard Lu Feng ask how it fell from the sky, she said angrily, "Don't mention it, I'm really angry. I was enjoying the beautiful tornado in the sky last night. Unexpectedly, a carriage suddenly flew below and hit my wooden kite directly. As a result..."


Lu Feng and Lai Liu looked at each other. Suddenly, the two of them burst out laughing, leaning forward and backward, and even burst into tears.

Mu Rou thought that the two of them made fun of her being knocked down from the sky, so she said meaninglessly, "What's funny? Is it funny? I think it's funny that Miss Ben's Muyuan just hit someone underneath, giggle, giggle." With that, she laughed by herself.

She smiled for a while. Seeing that the two were still laughing, she was a little angry and said, "Don't laugh." Suddenly, he felt strange, and his eyes turned around. He looked at the two horses eating grass on the side. Suddenly, he stood up and opened his eyes and said, "Is it your carriage that smashed me down?"

"Well, haha, that, the tornado swept our carriage into the sky. Well, we didn't know that we would... smash you down, haha." Lu Feng couldn't help laughing. He thought it was too dramatic.

"Well, it's really you. If it hadn't been for my preparation, I would have fallen from the sky and died. You... gurg~" said, Mu Rou also felt extremely funny and couldn't help laughing. With this smile, the distance between the three people was invisibly getting closer.