Killing Eight Wastes

Chapter 89 This lady's skin has been sold to you

Lai Liu did not work with Mu Rou and asked, "Why did you run all the way from the Black Xuan Empire to the Red Sky Empire? The Red Sky Empire is also big. Now your wooden gull has also been destroyed. Where are you going? How to do it?"

"You can't call me Miss Mu." Judo.

Lai Liu muttered, "I didn't call you to give you a lot of face, but you still have to show off..."

Lu Feng smiled gently and said, "Can I call you Rouer?"

Mu Rou blushed and said in a low voice, "No!"

"Okay." Lu Feng spread out his hands and said, "Miss Mu, tell me where you are going. Maybe we can guide you."

Mu Rou rubbed her eyebrows with her fingers and said, "Geyuan Town, right, right, Geyuan Town."

It's the same as their destination.

Lai Liu said, "What are you doing in Geyuan Town?"


Murou paused and said, "My brother came to Geyuan Town to play without me, so I came by myself."

Although Mu Rou is vague, it is true, but Lu Feng doesn't think so. He said to himself, "What's the fun of a small desert town? Is it worth flying from the eastern continent to the western continent alone? That's all. It doesn't matter if she doesn't want to tell each other frankly. They met by chance, and after parting, they are passers-by. Why do they need to know so much? At that moment, he said, "We are also going to Geyuan Town, and we can give you a ride." Murou was overjoyed, "That's great." After saying that, he said happily, "Well, you have made great contributions to escorting me. I'm happy. Tell me, what reward do you want?"

"Remuneration? What do you really think we want to eat?" Lai Liu couldn't help but want to get angry.

Mu Rouqi said, "Aren't you a begling?"

"I..." Lai Liu was going to get angry, but when he thought that he was a beggar, he couldn't get angry.

Lu Feng raised his hand to Lai Liu with a smile and said to Mu Judo: "We take you as friends, so we don't need to talk about this reward." After saying that, he got up and said, "Let's go and hurry up."

Mu Rou invited Lu Feng to ride together, but Lu Feng refused, saying that it was better to run. Murou couldn't hold on her face and said, "If you don't ride, I'll run to death." He scolded in his heart: "Miss, I showed great mercy and asked you to ride together, which has given you great face. Instead, you put on airs for me when you broke the flowers. Pooh, it seems that Miss Ben is same you." Riding a horse, he muttered and complained. He looked up and saw Lu Feng's figure running on the yellow sand during the day, and a strange feeling rose in his heart: "Why doesn't he ride a horse with me? Am I so annoying that even a begling hates me? Weird, what a weirdo. He doesn't ride a horse, but runs in heavy armor. I've never seen such a strange person, an idiot, a stupid donkey..."

I didn't stop and drove the road for an hour. People and horses were a little sleepy, so they got off the horse and walked slowly.

A while later, a carriage came ahead.

The carriage looks very huge from afar, three times that of their previous broken carriage, and is led by five horses.

As I approached, I saw that the carriage was also extremely gorgeous and noblely decorated. At first glance, it was a carriage that a rich family could afford.

The carriage is driven by a groom. This groom is an ordinary groom in his 40s, and he doesn't look special. There are no guards before and after the carriage. Normally, people with status from large families travel, especially in the desert, and are usually followed by servants. The desert is a dangerous place, and sometimes there are sand bandits, and no one can guarantee what will happen.

Lu Feng and Lai Liu didn't care about the carriage and just glanced over. Even if there was a lot of warbler and swallows and some **-swratic laughter in the car, they had no right to hear it.

Mu Rou followed and saw the annoying pair of annoying eyes of the driver glancing up and down on her body, and heard a strange sound from the car. Suddenly, her ears were hot and she scolded delicately, "What are you looking at? Look at your aunt picks out your eyeballs."

The groom smiled, but did not remove his eyes.

The mantle of the carriage was lifted at this time, and an old man with a smile on his face stretched out his head. The old man is in his fifties, with long hair and beard and a thin face. He looks quite a little fairy-like, but a **-smiling face has ruined his character.

As soon as the old man saw Mu Rou, his eyes suddenly lit up, touched his chin and said, "Good boy, there is such a bright girl." The voice is hoarse, but the words are like the words of a rich man in his twenties, which is obviously the kind of old **-stick that is disrespectful and wastes day and night in women.

Hearing the old man's words, Mu Rou was even more annoyed. She put her back and stretched out her hand and said, "You are immortal. Do you believe that your aunt will tear your mouth?"

Lai Liu looked back at Mu Rou and said with a shame in his heart, "This little girl is really bold. Everyone dares to curse. Alas, she must have been spoiled at home, and everyone is allowed to scold her casually. This old man dares not bring his entourage, and he takes a woman to the desert. He must have two brushes. Alas, this little girl is in trouble.

Lu Feng stood and looked at the old man who poked out his head. His nose twitched twice, and his face instantly became solemn.

He walked to Lai Liu, muttered for a while, and suddenly scolded Murou loudly, "Little girl, hurry up, when I get to Geyuan Town, I can still sell it at a good price, haha."

"What did you say?" Murou didn't expect that Lu Feng didn't say such a thing. For a moment, she couldn't say a word with Lu Feng, and her whole body trembled with anger.

"I asked you to come here, do you hear me, your grandmother's?"

Running to Mu Rou in a few steps, Lu Feng patted his horse's buttocks and said to Lai Liu, "Take good care of this little girl." After saying that, he scolded and said, "Damn it, I'm going to sell you to a brothel. If you dare to splash like this, watch those men don't suck your mouth..."

"Bastard, shameless, I'm going to..."

Lu Feng ignored Mu Rou and smiled at the old man who poked his head at the window of the carriage and said, "Sorry, I'm sorry, this little girl's skin is unobstructed and really bad. Don't be angry." The old man pinched his beard and smiled, "Are you going to sell this girl? If you want to sell it for a lot of money, you might as well sell it to me. Lu Feng was overjoyed and said, "Do you really want to buy it? Great, this really helps us a lot. This little girl wants to slip all the way. We are so worried. If you always buy it, we will kowtow to you. The old man laughed and said, "Say it, make a price."

Lu Feng smiled and said, "This...this..., you can always see that this girl is excellent. If she wants to sell it, she will definitely sell it at a good price. Hey, hey, hey..." He smiled and glanced at the inside of the carriage, and unexpectedly caught a glimpse of four untidy clothes, jade body exposed, charming. The woman, when his face turned red, wiped his mouth and said, "You are old, you really enjoy it."

"Haha." The old man seemed to like to listen to this very much and laughed and said, "Let's make an offer. I will give you a good price."

"This...this..., I can't make the decision alone. How about letting me discuss it with my brother?"

The old man was a little impatient and said, "It's really troublesome. 100 gold coins are sky-high." With that, he threw out a cloth bag and said, "There's only a lot more. Take it and bring the girl here to me."

Lu Feng took the cloth bag, opened his mouth and looked at it. He was greedy and said with trembling hands, "You are so rich. I, I, have never seen so many gold coins." Then he waved to Lai Liu and said, "This old man gave 100 gold coins and brought the little girl's belt quickly."

Lai Liu's dagger touched Murou's waist, clamped his legs, and drove his horse over and said, "Lu Feng, Lu Feng Guiren, this gentleman, we will give this girl to you. Master, you have to be careful. This little woman is fierce and not easy to train."

"Hahaha, I like to have a strong nature. The more I am, the more vigorous I am." The old man laughed and looked quite proud, as if the women in the world were not as ordinary as he could handle.

"Bastards, you bastards, your aunt is going to kill you and kill you..." Murou was put on her waist with a dagger and dared not move, so she could only scold.

Lu Feng shook the bag full of gold coins and smiled, "Little girl, follow this uncle to take care of your delicious food and enjoy endless wealth, don't be enlightened." Suddenly, his hand trembled, the cloth bag in his hand fell to the ground, and the gold coins suddenly spread all over the ground.

"Oh, gold coins, my gold coins, pick up gold coins."

He shouted and bowed down to pick it up. Several gold coins rolled under the carriage, and he got into the carriage to pick them up.

Lai Liu was anxious and picked it up and scolded, "Damn, I can't even hold a gold coin. What's the food?"

The two were busy picking up gold coins, so no one cares about Mu Rou. Mu Rou seized the opportunity, clamped her legs, and the horse hissed and ran away.

"Nie, girl, you two idiots."

When the old man saw Mu Rou running away from the horse, he immediately scolded him. However, he didn't get off his horse to chase. In this vast desert, the girl couldn't run anywhere.

"Damn it, this little girl ran away. Hurry up and grab it back."

Lai Liu shouted, got out of the carriage, turned over his horse and went after it.

Lu Feng drilled out and stuffed the cloth bag into the old man's hand and said, "Sir, wait, we'll get the little girl back."

The old man took the cloth bag, put a cushion, looked at Lu Feng's figure running away, squinted and said with a smile, "It's quite sensible."

Suddenly, he frowned, shrugged his nose and sniffed.

He smelled a faint smell of gunpowder. Where does the smell of gunpowder come from? He sniffed left and right, and finally looked at the cloth bag in his hand. Strangely, how could the cloth bag containing gold coins smell like gunpowder? He picked up the cloth bag and put it in front of his nose to smell...

As soon as he smelled it, his face suddenly changed greatly. As soon as he raised his hand, he was about to throw the cloth bag out, but at this moment, the cloth bag exploded with a "bang".

In the deafening explosion, in the distance, Lu Feng, Lai Liu and Murou looked back at the flames, sand waves and the carriage that could not even find fragments, with extremely happy smiles on their faces.

Mu Rou relieved her hatred and was very happy.

Lai Liu felt the pleasure of killing people again, and naturally felt very good.

Lu Feng was in a better mood because he killed an enemy.

Although he has never seen the old man, the old man's breath is exactly the same as the breath he stored. He concluded that the old man was someone who had participated in the capture of the moon spirit beads, so he was murderous.

He doesn't need to know who the old man is, he just needs to know that this man is his enemy.