Ask for Magic

Chapter 92 Blood Moon!!

Su Ming's heart beat faster. He watched Grandpa leave and looked at Grandpa's eyes before he left, which contained a meaning that scared him.

"Moon wing... moon wing... fire barbaric art..." Su Ming looked at the body of the moon wing condensed out of the red fog in the sky. At the same time of fear, there seemed to be a vague idea in his mind, but this idea was a little confused. He had not yet cleared it, but he had a feeling that this chaotic idea Once it is clear, it is very likely that it will play a great role.

While the roar of the sky came, in the darkness of the jungle in the rear, a strange cry roared, and more than a dozen figures galloped closer. The more than a dozen people were the third wave of pursuers in the Black Mountain. The leader was the patriarch of the Black Mountain. After that, Su Ming saw the gloomy Bi Su!

Almost at the moment when the pursuers of these Black Mountain came, Su Ming did not hesitate to go straight to the back of the crowd, followed by Bei Ling, Lei Chen, Guan Shou and others.

The remaining Wushan barbarians, except for the patriarch and the three, all the rest rushed out at this moment! They want to be behind the people, and fight and retreat!

With tears in his eyes, the Wushan patriarch suddenly withdrew his eyes and looked behind him. With the clan, under the protection of the light of the barbaric statue, he continued to move forward. The clans were running, supporting each other, and not letting any of them fall. In addition to the patriarch, there was also Ula. Her cultivation was not high

The last one to stay next to the crowd migration team was the mountain trace. He did not choose to fight, but silently picked up a few tired children who could not walk outside the crowd and kept up with the tribe.

Su Ming did not look back, but with a murderous intention. In the silence, he rushed up and launched a bloody battle with more than ten people who came to the Black Mountain!

He held a spear in his hand, which was red and seemed to be constantly stained with blood. With Su Ming's pursuit of the enemy with the Black Mountain Department, life and death were vast!

The strongest in the pursuit of the Black Mountain is the Black Mountain patriarch. Nansong fought with him. His old face broke out with a strong power of qi and blood at this moment, fighting with the sky.

Su Ming's whole body rolled with qi and blood, and the 243 blood lines turned into one. With its murderous intention, with its amazing speed, the spear suddenly threw out and bombarded at a member of the Black Mountain. After blasting his whole body, Su Ming shook it and approached like a shadow. He grabbed the spear and turned around suddenly The bone knife that came later suddenly bumped into each other.

His whole body was shocked, his right hand was faintly numb, and his body took a step back. The Black Mountain man, whose knife was blocked by his spear, overflowed with blood from the corners of his mouth, and his body staggered back three steps.

Before his body stood firmly, Su Ming rushed out and didn't care about the injury in his body at all. He galloped closer, clenched his fist with his left hand, and bombarded it out.

The Black Mountain man had no time to dodge, so he could only use the bone knife in the front gear. The blade faced Su Ming, but Su Ming's left hand did not pause at all, and directly touched the bone knife. His fists were scattered with blood, but with a click, the bone knife could not withstand the strength from Su Ming. It collapsed , which made the Black Mountain man look stunned, and his mouth sprayed blood and his body retreated quickly.

But Su Ming's speed was faster and approaching fiercely. Under the murder of hatred, at the moment when he was about to kill this person, a strong crisis suddenly rose. His expression remained unchanged, and his body moved half a step aside at this moment. His chest hurt, and there seemed to be a strong force coming from behind. , turned into sharpness, penetrated his back, and sprayed blood from his right chest, a sharp arrow penetrated, as if to penetrate his body. With that force, he took his body and pushed it aside.

But just as the sharp arrow was about to penetrate, Su Ming's left hand grabbed half of the arrow from his right chest, and his left hand shook, which offset the power of the arrow and made it stay in his body.

Su Ming knows that the most serious wound of the arrow is penetration. Once there is a perforated wound, a large amount of blood will be lost. However, if the arrow is still in the body, it can play the role of blocking the wound, so that the blood does not flow out so much, so that he can continue to fight.

Suddenly looking back, Su Ming saw that in the distance, on the battlefield just now, he wanted to kill the Wushan patriarch, and then fled to the black mountain lookout. Seeing that he was about to pull the bow again, he saw the head of the Wushan department approaching, and an arrow shot out. The two people who were good at using the bow unfolded

Su Ming withdrew his eyes. At this moment, although the moon in the sky was blocked by the blood fog, the moonlight still faintly penetrated and integrated into Su Ming's body without anyone's awareness. This is the moon night, night, which belongs to Su Ming. It's a pity that now the moon is covered by red fog.

He shook his body forward, and his left hand waved sharply in front of him, but saw a moonlight invisibly away. The Montenegrin man in front of him trembled and confused. There was a blood line in his neck. His head fell. Before he fell to the ground, he was kicked by Su Ming, who was caught up with him. Go straight not far away, and the Montenegrin people who were fighting with Lei Chen left.

At this moment, Lei Chen encountered his life-and-death crisis. His cultivation was not enough, and he was injured. At this moment, it was the end of a strong crossbow. The person who fought with him was an ugly and strong man with the sixth layer of blood clotting. The strong man sneered and punched Lei Chen's

With excitement, he was about to tear off Lei Chen's head. At this moment, the roaring sound suddenly left. The head kicked by Su Ming, containing the power of Su Ming's blood, came quickly. In the big man was stunned, he directly hit his body and bursting, making the big man stagger and spewing blood.

Lei Chen suddenly looked up and rushed up. The big man fell down, and the qi and blood in his body were disordered. He knew that his life was hanging at this moment. He bit the tip of his tongue in a panic and directly spewed out a blood arrow to Lei Chen. Lei Chen knew that he could not dodge. Once he missed this opportunity

He let the blood arrow approach, and his left hand raised a gear. His left arm immediately suffered from severe pain, and some of the splashed blood fell into his right eye, turning into unimaginable pain, making his right eye immediately blurred, and even shed black blood, but his body was close to the big man. In the man's fear of the Lei Chen's right fist hit the man's head, one punch, one punch, and his whole body were blown away.

In the tragic smile, Lei Chen's right eye looked dark, but he did not regret it. Even in the tragic smile, there was persistence.

At this moment, his left eye saw two Black Mountain tribesmen approaching. Lei Chen smiled ferociously, and there seemed to be a voice shouting in his heart.

"Near closer, closer, let me use the flesh and blood of my body to pull you not alone on the Huangquan Road!" At the moment when Lei Chen's bloodline self-exploded, a figure suddenly came from a distance at a very fast speed. That figure was Su Ming!

Su Ming's eyes were as red with blood. He wanted to save Lei Chen. He was so fast that he touched the wound. Under the blood, Su Ming's right hand suddenly waved forward, and immediately the moonlight was like silk. He went straight to a Black Mountain man next to Lei Chen. The man was about to cut off Lei Chen's head Crazy, I was shocked and was about to retreat, but my whole body suddenly had a sharp pain. My eyes were dark in an instant, and my body was torn apart.

At the moment of his death, Su Ming came. He did not pay attention to another Montenegrin who was crazily shocked and retreated by Lei Chen's eyes, but kicked Lei Chen's blood line swelling, which seemed to explode.

Su Ming's cultivation was higher than Lei Chen. He kicked out and immediately shook Lei Chen's anger and blood, making him stop self-exploding. In Lei Chen's stunned, Su Ming did not hesitate to pick him up, carried him on his body, and tied it to his back with the moonlight as a rope.


"Don't talk, die, let's close our eyes together!" Su Ming suddenly turned around and started to kill again.

Tears flowed from Lei Chen's eyes. He looked at Su Ming's side face. He didn't speak for a long time. A strange-looking bone horn was handed to him by Su Ming. After he held it, he fought with Su Ming!

Compared with Su Ming here, the battle between Nansong and the Black Mountain patriarch on the battlefield is even more amazing. Nansong, with his own strength, is not the Black Mountain patriarch alone, but the five people including Bi Su, who will not fall behind!

But in terms of the degree of tragedy, it is the battle between Montenegro and Wushan!

The roar of the arrow was fast and tragic. In the end, the two of them had already fired several arrows at the same time, and the father of Beiling was full of murder. He must kill the head of Montenegro. If this person is here, the threat to the tribe is too great!

In the end, the legs of the Wushan watchman were smashed, and at this cost, he got the black mountain watchman in exchange for an arrow pierced by his chest! At the moment of the other party's death, Wushan looked at the head, and the man smiled.

In this blocking battle, only for a moment, there were casualties. There were nine people in the Wushan Department, and now there are only six people left. These six people, led by Nansong, retreated while fighting.

Bei Ling was seriously injured. After seeing that his father had lost his legs, he also carried his father on his back and staggered to keep up with the team, but he himself was about to die.

The Black Mountain Department also left several bodies. Now there are only nine people. The Black Mountain patriarch was also injured, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood. Looking at Nansong, he didn't expect Nansong to be so strong!

But at this moment, we must kill them all. Under his leadership, we will chase them quickly. Among them, Bi Su's eyes flashed. He had noticed the existence of Su Ming, and he was even more shocked by his cultivation. He knew the Wushan Department, and among the juniors of the Wushan Department, there was no such person at all.

He watched Su Ming retreat with Lei Chen on his back and looked at his eyes. Suddenly, a sense of familiarity suddenly emerged. The persistence in the other party's eyes reminded him of a mysterious person who had not been investigated by the Black Mountain Department!

"Mosu!! You are Mo Su!!" Bi Su's eyes condensed abruptly and pointed to Su Ming and opened his mouth.

In his words, most of the people of the Black Mountain who chased him away did not have much reaction, but the patriarch who was injured in the battle between the Black Mountain and Nansong was stunned and suddenly looked at Su Ming, with a strong light in his eyes.

"Kill others, reward ten women of the Wushan ethnic group!" The head of the Montenegrin tribe suddenly opened his mouth. As soon as he said this, in an instant, these chasing clansmen suddenly condensed their eyes on Su Ming.

At this moment, the battle in the sky is still going on. The roar is earth-shattering, and the blood fog keeps rolling, but most of the moon in the sky is exposed.

The moon at this moment is the strongest time!

At the moment of its exposure, a large amount of moonlight suddenly fell on Su Ming's body, making his body recover rapidly at this moment. The moonlight wrapped around his body, making his eyes, at this moment, the shadow of the blood moon appeared!! It is not blurred, but extremely clear, replacing its pupils!

At the same time, the five peaks of Wushan seem to be shocked! Inside the mountain, countless moon wings roared and seemed to rush out crazily in excitement.

Especially today, although it is not a full moon, it is almost the same! At the moment of the moonlight, an indescribable momentum burst out from Su Ming's body.

The first thing I felt was Lei Chen. Then, everyone who retreated from the Wushan Department felt it clearly. At the same time, the people who stared at him in the Black Mountain Department were also shocked and saw the bloody moon in Su Ming's eyes.

"What's that...what's in his eyes!!"

"The moon... is the blood moon!!"

"There is a bloody moon in his eyes!!"


Before being put on the shelves, in the last chapter, there were two consecutive chapters in the early morning. I was writing, which was very intense, and the ear root wrote very well. Ask for a monthly ticket, brothers, sisters, Taoist friends, is the monthly ticket ready? Starting in the early morning, let's rush up!!!

This is the first monthly ticket battle for the demon. Ergen has wiped off the dust on the armor, put it back on, took out the sword that had been sealed for a long time, and lifted it up. April, fight!!

I will never be alone, because of you!