Ask for Magic

Chapter 93 The fourth arrow!

In Su Ming's eyes, there was an amazing blood moon. This month exuded strangeness, which shocked all the people who saw it here. At this moment, Bitu, who was fighting with A bus in the red fog in the sky, suddenly had an indescribable irritability in his heart. This irritability breeds out Appearing in his body, he clearly remembers that once a few months ago, he also had this kind of restless courage.

It seems that his own qi and blood are not controlled, and he wants to leave his body and worship something.

Mo Sang, who was fighting with Bitu, was already exhausted, but his eyes flashed. He sensed the change of qi and blood in Bitu's body and suddenly stepped forward. The python beside him roared and took this opportunity to unfold the power of barbarism.

For a moment, the large blood mist in the sky rolled violently, as if Bitu was regressing.

This scene made the people on the earth not only shocked the blood moon in Su Ming's eyes, but also shocked the strongest battle on the scene.

"Ret!" Nansong's eyes flashed by, his big sleeves shook, and took the Wushan barbarians around him, and retreated quickly. When they retreated, the nine people in the Black Mountain Department suppressed their shock one after another, stopped looking at the sky, and rushed forward to chase.

When he stepped back, Nansong bit the tip of his tongue and spewed out a mouthful of blood. His blood suddenly turned into a huge blood-colored arm and waved at the nine people of the Black Mountain who were chasing him.

The roar echoed, and the earth seemed to be a violent shock. The huge blood-colored arm, the man who chased the Black Mountain, was blocked fifty feet away.

"I can feel that there are still some barbarians in the Black Mountain who are coming..." I want to use barbarism, you wait for the guardian to buy time for me!" Nan Song said, immediately sat on the ground cross-legged, closed his eyes, and the whole... human breath disappeared in an instant, but the blood line on his body seemed to form a pattern under the strange distortion.

Bei Ling carried his father behind his back. He had no combat strength, and even running seemed to be extremely difficult. As for his fat head and lost his legs, he forcibly did not let himself fall into a coma, but it seemed that he could not hold on.

Lei Chen struggled down from Su Ming's back. Compared with Bei Ling and others, although he was also the end of the crossbow, he could still fight and guard Nan Song.

In addition to Su Ming, there is also a man who is about thirty years old this year. His face is bloodless, and his left arm is blurred, but his right hand is holding a spear tightly. After looking at Su Ming, he stood in the front with Su Ming.

"Su Ming!" After Su Ming, there was a weak voice.

"This bow, here you are!" When Su Ming looked back, he looked at Su Ming and motioned Bei Ling to take down his bow, together with the remaining three arrows, and threw them at Su Minggong. "From then on, you are the head of my Wushan tribe! I've seen your arrow art, very good"... He smiled and slowly closed his eyes. He didn't die, but couldn't support the coma.

Su Ming took the bow and arrow. The bow was very heavy, and there was a sense of evil on it, and it was stained with a lot of blood. After being held by Su Ming, he silently put the quiver chair on his back, nodded to Bei Ling, and turned around and looked at the huge hand in front of him, which was transformed by

Time passes quickly. In a breath, from Nansong's body, an extremely terrible momentum is slowly brewing. It can be imagined that once he completes the process, the barbaric skill will be extremely amazing.

But at this moment, the huge bloody arm suddenly broke up, and all nine people from Montenegro rushed out and went straight to Su Ming and the people next to him.

Su Ming's eyes flashed, and his left hand holding the bow was suddenly raised. His right hand quickly took out an arrow on his back, and instantly pulled away the bow string. In the trembling sound, the bow string became the shape of a full moon. An unspeakable breath burst out from Su Ming. His blood line of his whole body In his hand, a sharp roar shocked the sky.

But he saw the arrow, with a desperate madness, as if to penetrate the void during the roar, and went straight to the front, and the Sha Gang was close to one of the nine people in the Black Mountain.

Su Ming knew that this fried could not waste even an arrow, so this arrow did not take the head of the Black Mountain clan, but Bi Su, but a Montenegrin person with cultivation on the fifth floor of the blood clotting.

An arrow was offline, and it turned into a dark light. In an instant, the chest of the Black Mountain tribe. He burst directly and was penetrated by an arrow. He was pulled back a few steps and suddenly fell down.

At the same time, just as Su Ming took out the second arrow and opened the bow, the remaining eight people in the Black Mountain were already approaching thirty feet. It seemed that the arrow would be approaching before it was fired.

But this concubine, the thirty-year-old man beside Su Ming, strode forward in laughter and rushed forward. In the vicinity, he did not hesitate, and his whole body emitted a dazzling red light, and the blood line on his body swelled. He wanted the blood line to explode!

Use the self-explosion of the body to hold the Ministry of Montenegro and buy the maximum time for Su Ming's arrow. Su Ming was silent and sacrificed to the Gan people. He used his actions to express his inner sadness and anger. When the second arrow shot, he heard a roar, which was the death of the clan.

The thirty-year-old man is not without nostalgia for life, but compared with the clan, he chose the safety of the clan. With his self-detonation, the roar of the eight people of Montenegro blocked the three breaths of time!

In these three breaths, Su Ming's second arrow roared away and penetrated from the mouth of a Black Mountain people again, making the man spit out blood and die.

At the same time, Su Ming's third arrow was shot in the weak self-explosion power of that clan!

The arrow left the string. Su Ming did not look at the result, but carried the bow on his back and rushed forward without hesitation. On his right hand, the blood flashed, and the scaled spear appeared directly and was held in his hand.

Su Ming, who learned to be silent, did not roar, but galloped forward without hesitation. Behind him was Nan Song, who was brewing powerful barbarians, Lei Chen, who did not have much combat power, and the seriously injured Beiling and the unconscious fat head. Now he is the only one who can fight.

He can't retreat, he can only move forward! There was a blur in front of his eyes, and the arrow on his chest was still penetrated. He did not dare to pull it out. Once it was pulled out, the injury might be more serious, and the hidden danger of forcibly improving his cultivation before also appeared.

In his direction, he rushed alone. In front of him, the Black Mountain Department wrapped his patriarch, and there were still six people left! Although all six people were injured, the concubine was approaching crazily.

Lei Chen clenched his fist, but he knew that he was the last line of defense, and he would die even if he died. He took a few steps, stood in front of Nansong, and watched Su Ming in the battle, and his tears flowed.

"Su Ming, you said, I can't witch first. I'm going to die. Let's close our eyes together..." I will! ... Without a strong roar, Su Ming seemed to be a mute, but his action was more than he could have this year. The spear in his hand, fought with the head of the Black Mountain tribe!

The patriarch of the Black Mountain Department is a strong man in the eighth layer of blood clotting, even stronger than Ye Wang. Although he is injured, he is by no means able to resist Su Ming. At the moment of contact with each other, the corners of Su Ming's mouth overflowed blood and abruptly with his body to withstand a punch of He The target of the sweep was another person next to him.

It was a barbarian on the sixth level of the blood coagulation realm. He was following his patriarch. He was laughing ferociously. He seemed to see that Su Ming's body would be blown up next, but he could not see this scene. The scale-blooded spear suddenly roared close. In this man's daze, it penetrate At the same time, Su Ming's body spewed blood, rolled back and fell to the ground. The remaining five people in the Black Mountain were about to speed over, but Su Ming stood up in silence and stretched out his arms in a tragic smile. The moonlight of the sky fell outside his body, surrounded by silk threads. As soon as he shook it, the silk threads went straight to the five people.

The murderous intention flashed in the eyes of the Montenegrin tribe. He raised a pile of Bi Su with his right hand and pushed Bi Su away, making him jump up and rush to Lei Chen with the murderous intention.

And the head of the Black Mountain tribe himself roared in a low voice. While the red blood light burst out all over his body, a blood-colored bear of more than ten text-sized suddenly appeared behind him, which was transformed by the barbaric lines he did not solidify. As soon as he came out, he roared and blocked the moonlight silk .

But he underestimated Su Ming's unique skill, especially today's moon. Although it was not full, it was already similar. The power of the moonlight penetrated into the moment it touched the blood bear, causing the blood bear to roar sadly, but the Black Mountain patriarch's eyes flashed, but he saw the blood bear burst out. With the power of its explosion, while smashing those moonlight filaments, a further impact swept around and fell on Su Ming's body, making his blood spew out and his body thrown into the air.

In the air, Su Ming's mind was unclear. He saw that in the jungle, there were more than a dozen figures of the Black Mountain Department, galloping in. He saw Lei Chen in front of Nansong, roaring and rushing out. His enemy was the cruel Bi Su.

"Is it over..." But I..." I can still fight..." I still have an arrow!" Everything in his eyes seemed to slow down in this frying. He could not hear any sound in his ears, but his eyes were staring at Bi Su, who was close to Lei Chen. His body was shrouded in the moonlight. Su Ming grabbed the bow in his left hand, grabbed the arrow in his chest with his right hand, and pulled it violently, and the When the blood was scattered, he put the blood-stained arrow on the bow and shot a fierce arrow at the Bi Su!

The first update will be sent, and the second update will be soon. Demons, fans, do you have the monthly ticket in your hand?