Ask for Magic

Chapter 277 Because

The first day of real contact between Bai Su and Su Ming passed with the darkness of the sky and the appearance of the bright moon. On this day, Bai Su felt that she had won. She felt that she had done her best on this day. The success made Su Ming pay attention to herself, and even buried a faint trace in her heart.

If you don't win, how can you be in a trance for the first time? If you don't win, how can you come to the soft wind of separation?

Bai Su felt that she did win, especially her own behavior before separation, which undoubtedly revealed the arrogance and boldness of her character.

At this moment, she remembered that Bai Su still felt her heart beating faster. She sat cross-legged in the cave where the seventh peak belonged to her, looked at the bronze mirror in front of her, looked at herself in the mirror, and gradually showed a proud smile on her face.

"Su Ming, Su Ming, you must not have thought that I would do that later, hum." Bai Su wanted to think of that scene. In addition to the accelerated heartbeat, there was also a trace of fear.

She didn't know what was wrong with her. She finally did such a crazy thing, as if at that moment, as if she was not her, but someone else.

Looking at herself in the bronze mirror, there was a strangeness in front of Bai Su. In the mirror, the green silk was tied with red rope, with small braids on her shoulders, and some bright spots on her forehead. This look was that Bai Su had never dressed up before today.

She looked at herself, looking at...

"It's not bad like this..." Bai Su smiled, gradually closed her eyes, and immersed herself in meditation and vomiting. On this day, she did not go to Sima Xin, and even the three words of Sima Xin did not appear in her mind.

With a kind of happiness that she didn't even notice, with the pride of the corners of her mouth, she had the expectation for the next day.

On the ninth peak, there was silence in the dark night. Outside Su Ming's cave, the car stood respectfully. In front of him, there were more than ten fist-sized ice stones.

These ice stones emit a chill. Especially when the wind blows. The cold air fell on Su Ming's face with the wind, making his eyes. There is a flash.

"This stone will not melt when it is on fire. But it is not hard, and it can be condensed in various ways with cold air. Master, the time is short, and I can only find so much... But master, don't worry, I will continue to look for it. Give me a month, and I will collect more and more. Ziche opened his mouth respectfully. Seeing Su Ming nodding slightly, he retreated more than ten feet away. He sat down cross-legged and waited for Su Ming's order.

Su Ming looked at the more than ten ice stones. After picking up one, he immediately felt the weight of the stone. Just a fist-sized piece was comparable to a humanoid mountain. "Such a strange stone has fatal defects." As soon as Su Ming pinched his right hand, the ice stone immediately cracked, which split into several copies, but each piece exceeded its size.

After picking up those broken pieces one by one, Su Ming took out a thing from the storage bag with his left hand. The moment this thing appeared, the car in the distance immediately shrank its pupils.

That's a round bead, which is Su Ming's Lingsan!

As soon as this scattered, as if it had sucked away all the light around, it was dark, as if it had turned into an empty hole floating beside Su Ming.

If the eyes can penetrate the faint light outside and see the interior of the scattered stone, you can clearly see a wisp of smoke wrapped around it, slowly turning, in the center of the tobacco, there is a piece of ice huā, on the ice huā, there is a strange Eyes, in these eyes, there are two pupils!

Su Ming has no cold air to make the ice stone change its appearance and re-consolidate into the items he wants. Even if many people in this Hanzong cultivate it, most of them are mainly cold.

But Su Ming has a spiritual dispersion. What exists in this dispersion is a wisp of barbaric lines of the heavenly pride Sima Xin. With Su Ming's left hand pointing to the spiritual dispersion, the faint light on this dispersion suddenly dissipates, and it is replaced by the smoke on it, which is like a seal.

This huā revealed a cold air, wrapped around the left hand pointed by Su Ming. As Su Ming pressed on the ice stones, the cold air spread and enveloped him.

With the integration of the cold air, the more than ten ice stones gradually merged together, and shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye. After a piece of incense, when Su Ming raised his hand and dissipated the cold air, two bracelets composed of more than ten ice stones appeared in front of him.

These two bracelets are the usual size, very fragile and can be broken with force, but the weight they contain is no less than half a hill.

Su Ming picked up the pair of bracelets with a dignified look. It was very heavy, but it was not impossible to pick it up. However, if there were a few more pairs, Su Ming could not hold it unless he operated the [body] of the internal qi and blood power.

"I hope you can improve my speed." Su Ming's eyes flashed, put the two ice rings on his feet, stood up, and took a step forward.

At this step, his platform was slightly shaken.

"It's still not enough." Su Ming walked back and forth a few steps. Without too much discomfort, he stopped thinking about it, but sat down cross-legged again, facing the moonlight, looking at the moon in the sky, and thinking in his eyes.

"The speed can be improved with this ice stone, but this is only the body. If you are flying, you can't increase the speed...

That part that no longer belongs to the body, but belongs to some kind of magic..." Su Ming looked at the moon in the sky, and a picture gradually appeared in his eyes.

In that picture, there is a little golden light at the end of heaven and earth. The golden light is thousands of miles in an instant, setting off a strong wind and roaring, approaching, turning into a golden roc of thousands of feet in size.

"This is the fastest speed I've ever seen!" Su Ming muttered and closed his eyes. When he opened it for a moment, he took out the drawing board, and his right hand outlined a few strokes on it. Immediately on the drawing board, in Su Ming's eyes, a Jin Peng appeared.

"In terms of speed, the body is quenched with ice stone, so that my body can withstand the pressure brought by faster speed, so that my body speed can be faster!

Similarly, in terms of speed, to copy the moment when Jinpeng spreads its wings, as the second type of my painting, so as to make my speed completely improved. Su Ming had a decision in his eyes.

"As for the power of protection, you can try it after the third brother sends those formations." Su Ming meditated for a moment, then calmed down and copied it on the drawing board again and again.

His expression was focused and ignored everything around him. All his mind was on the drawing board. Under the drawing of that time, only one appeared on the Jinpeng galloping sky.

Every flap of Jin Peng's wings, every change of feathers, and every change of body are constantly appearing under Su Ming's fingers, gradually in different strokes.

Just like when he copied Sima Xin's sword at the beginning, he looked for his own creation in the continuous copying.

When the morning came, Chuyang just looked up at the distant sky, and Bai Su's figure appeared on the ninth peak again.

She was still dressed, showing the smiles of two little tiger teeth. At the same time, she walked by the car and walked to Su Ming. She looked at Su Ming sitting there cross-leggedly, facing the light of the first sun and drawing a stroke on the drawing board.

Bai Su looked aside for a long time and only saw Su Ming's hand scratching on the drawing board, but she couldn't see what was painted. When she looked, the drawing board was blank.

After waiting for a while, Bai Su became impatient.

"Hey, I've been here for a long time. Don't pretend not to see it!"

Su Ming turned a deaf ear and was still painting there. When the car in the distance saw this scene, he turned his head with a wry smile and stopped looking at it. He didn't understand Su Ming's behavior in his heart. If he hated this woman, why let her come? If he didn't hate her, why didn't he see her

What kind of mystery exists in it? The car doesn't understand.

Seeing that Su Mingru didn't hear his words, Bai Su hummed and was about to go forward to take Su Ming's drawing board, but when she was about to take action, she didn't know why. After seeing Su Ming's concentration at this moment, she stretched out her hand slightly.

As if he hesitated, Bai Su's hand still grabbed the drawing board. At the moment she touched the drawing board, her hair suddenly floated up, and the red rope tied with green silk immediately broke, making the long hair flutter, including the clothes she was wearing, like a strong wind sweeping and fluttering violently.

Bai Su's face was pale in an instant. She was in a trance in front of her eyes, as if she had lost her soul. She was sucked in by the drawing board and appeared in a strange world.

In that world, she saw a golden light passing by in an instant on the dark sky. After this golden light passed, another one appeared.

I don't know how long it has been, and there are countless golden lights that Bai Su has seen.

Until she seemed to be completely lost in herself, a blank moment in her mind, an indifferent voice seemed to echo in this vague world.

"This is a lesson. Don't interrupt my practice."

With the appearance of this sound, Bai Su had a kind of soul in place, and her body regained the feeling of control. When her body shook, the world in front of her was fragmented. After being reorganized, she saw Su Ming's eyes.

In those eyes, there is calmness, but in that calmness, there is a kind of majesty that makes Bai Su's heart tremble. Sima Xin doesn't have these majestic eyes.

Under that look, Bai Su's whole body was full of indescribable fatigue and weakness. He staggered back a few steps and fell to the ground in front of him.

The reason why she is in a coma is that she does not have the divine consciousness of Su Ming, which is more than the vast majority of barbarians. With her fragile mind, she can't stand the light of Jin Peng outlined by Su Ming's brush.

"Send her down the mountain, we can be quiet for a few days." Su Ming opened his mouth gently and continued to immerse himself in the copying.

The car came quickly, shook its big sleeve, rolled up Bai Su and left the ninth peak.