Ask for Magic

Chapter 278 Dream

In the world of barbarians, there is a long-standing rumor, which is said to have been left from this generation of barbarian gods.

This rumor says that before those ancient years, before the barbarian land turned into five parts, there was a butterfly called mulberry phase in the far south. This kind of butterfly is not big, only human hands. It has all the colors in the world, each of which is different.

She flew in the sky, which ordinary people can't see, because the heaven and earth that belongs to her is on the nine heavens full of hurricanes.

Rumor has it that although she is a butterfly and has beautiful wings, her wings will only incite three times in her life. Except for these three times, she is all in the wind, fluttering in the wind.

The first time she flapped her wings was when she flew to the nine heavens after the earth was born.

The second time she flapped her wings at the peak of her life, she flapped her wings and danced out the gorgeous colors. She wanted to find her companions, but she often couldn't find them.

And the last time she flapped her wings was at the end of her life. In order to leave traces, she tried her best. At the moment after the wings flapped, its body would also turn into a little light, like seeds, sprinkled on the earth with the wind. These seeds can turn into cocoons, but only one can become a butterfly.

This rumor refers to a series of legends brought about by the three flaps of the wings of the mulberry phase. Legend has it that the first time she flapped her wings will respond to the land in the east, causing a change in a landslide.

The second time you flap your wings, you will bow up to the western land, and groups of dead bodies with gray eyes will appear.

Flapping the wings for the third time will make the ice and snow in the north appear in the dark night for decades.

This is a legend.

Su Ming has never heard of this legend, but Bai Su has heard of it.

On the night of the day, the unconscious Bai Su woke up from her dream. She looked blankly at this strange world. A lonely person stood there, looking confused.

She knew that she was dreaming and that everything she saw in front of her was illusory and non-existent.

But she can't really wake up in this dream and let the dream dissipate.

In her eyes, there is snow on the earth, the sky is dark, there are snowflakes, and the surroundings are very quiet. From afar, there are mountains in only one direction, and the other places are plains.

In the place where the mountains exist, there is a vague mountain covered in the wind and snow. This mountain, she vaguely feels that she has seen it before. It is a mountain towering into the clouds, like a person's five fingers sticking out from the earth to the sky!

"Where is this......" Bai Su muttered, her [Baidu Seeking Demon Bar Quick Hand Update, Ear Root Book Fan Official YY: 3943]'s eyes were more confused.

In this confusion, she slowly walked forward. The snowy road under her feet, as if it contained years, made her every step of walking, as if she had crossed spring, summer, autumn and winter. As she walked, she walked to a jungle. In this jungle, after she didn't know how long she had walked, suddenly heard a noise in her ear. Sound.

The sound came from a distance, which made Bai Su's footsteps stop and subconsciously walked to the place where the sound came.

Gradually, she walked through the mountain forest and saw a scene...

It is a land without mountains and forests. There are many leather tents on it, and there are many strong barbarians patrolling with indifferent eyes. There are many people walking back and forth between the tents. This is a small tribal market.

In many places in the land of Nanchen, there are such workshops to facilitate the transactions between small tribes.

Bai Su looked at those strange faces, and the noise in her ear was very real, but she could see these people, but these people could not see her. Even a patrolman directly penetrated Bai Su's body and walked over.

"This is..." Bai Su became more and more confused.

But at the moment when she was confused, she suddenly shook her body. She saw the jungle not far away, and at this moment, two figures came quickly.

One of the two figures is very strong and has a simple face. The person next to him is also a teenager, but he is very thin, with clear eyebrows and clear eyes.

He was wearing a animal leather shirt with a tender face on his face, but Bai Su was shocked at the moment he saw the teenager.

"Su...Su Ming!" Bai Su was short of breath. She never thought that she had dreamed of Su Ming in her dream!

Su Ming in her eyes is still a young teenager. His thin appearance is the same as Su Ming in Bai Su's memory, but more is completely different.

But at this moment, a scolding suddenly came.

"Lei Chen!"

Bai Su's eyes subconsciously looked. After she saw the woman talking, there was a roar in Bai Su's mind. She saw a woman wearing a small mink fur shirt, with long hair tied with a red straw rope, small braids on her shoulders, and several highlights on her forehead. Her eyes were angry and frowned. Looking at the companion beside Su Ming.

Her appearance made Bai Su in a trance.

That's a girl who is the same as her.

At this point, the picture was fixed in Bai Su's eyes and gradually disappeared. She suddenly opened her eyes, and there was a lot of sweat on her forehead. She looked around, and it was in her cave.

It was very quiet outside, and there was no sound.

Bai Su looked forward in a sway, with no focus in her eyes, and there was always a picture in a dream in her mind.

For a long time, Bai Su put on a shirt and pushed open the door of the cave. The sky was dark and a cold wind blew, which made Bai Su feel a little cold.

She stood outside the cave and looked at the dark sky. Under the moonlight, her eyes finally fell on the ninth peak. Looking there, Bai Su's eyes were confused and complicated.

"Why did you have this dream... Is everything in that dream true or teaching..." Bai Su muttered.

Also on this night, Su Ming was constantly copying Jin Peng. At the moment when he didn't know which finger was drawn, his fingers stopped, and a dream-like picture appeared in his mind.

In that picture, there was a windy and snowy world. The wind was very strong, and the snow fluttered, covering the sight. He couldn't see too far. He saw a seven- or eight-year-old girl running forward in tears.

In front of the girl, there is a woman's back, which is gradually fading away.

"Mom, don't go...Mom, don't you have any elements..."

The woman's figure paused, but did not look back. She still walked quickly. In the wind and snow, only the girl's crying existed until she could not chase, until she fell to the ground, but she still struggled to get up, crying, wanted to continue to run forward, to pull Hold her mother's hand and let her mother not go.

But the woman gradually faded away, and she could not see her figure in the wind and snow. In the little girl was crying, she seemed to have used up her weak body. All her strength fell into the wind and snow and did not move.

The wind and snow were very strong, blowing on her body, which made the little girl hold her body together, closed her eyes, and muttered to her mother, unconscious.

The little index finger of her right hand gradually became cyan, which was the color of flesh and blood...

Su Ming looked at all this and was silent.

Until a man came out of the wind and snow, the man Su Ming could only see the blur and could not see her face clearly. He walked to the girl's side, squatted down gently and picked her up, and turned to the distance.

"Susu, go home with Dad..."

This scene was fixed in Su Ming's eyes. While it gradually dissipated, his body shook and returned soberly. He looked at the pause of his right index finger on the drawing board. After a short period of confusion in his eyes, he suddenly looked at the corner of the drawing board.

There is the place where Bai Su encountered during the day.

Su Ming was stunned for a moment. He raised his right hand to the corner of the drawing board. He touched the place where Bai Su touched, and there was a meditation in his eyes.

"Why is it like this... I have never dreamed since I opened the dust, and even the voice in the dream has never appeared again." But in the copying just now, there was a trance." Su Ming frowned.

"This dream is not like a fake, and it can't be born in vain. There must be a reason!" Su Ming was silent and thought for a long time until the dawn of the sky was about to disperse, and the light of the dawn was faintly revealed. Su Ming suddenly had a flash of thunder in his mind.

"Is it... The moment Bai Su touched the drawing board yesterday, and the consciousness that I was absorbed in for a moment, it was equivalent to the memory between me and her, and there was also a brief connection at that moment...

As a result, I just had a dream here!

The power of divine knowledge, can you see the memory of the other party? Su Ming took a deep breath and flashed his eyes. When the dawn was approaching, he turned into a long rainbow and left the ninth peak and went straight to the bottom of the mountain.

Inside and outside the endless ice outside the Tianhan Sect, there are many creatures that like the cold. Perhaps because of the climate, most of these creatures have the ability to attack animals.

On an ice field, Su Ming has been here for almost an hour. At this moment, the sky is already bright. Next to Su Ming, there are seven or eight bodies of ice wolves.

At this moment, his right hand was placed on the head of a still alive ice wolf. Su Ming closed his eyes. When he opened it for a moment, the ice wolf trembled and fell to the ground and died.

Su Ming had a strange light in his eyes. After a moment of silence, he turned into a long rainbow and left here and returned to the ninth peak.

But at the moment he stepped on the ninth peak and stood on the platform outside his cave, he saw Bai Su coming again. At the moment he saw Bai Su, there was a sense of familiarity beyond yesterday, which was clearly revealed from Bai Su's dress and expression.

Beast leather boots, black mink coat, tall posture, and the hair tied by red grass rope and the angry and frowned eyebrows in his eyes.

At this moment, Bai Su, under his deliberate dress, after witnessing the woman's clothes and expression in the dream, made it look like a god!

On the second day of the third update, there is another update.