Ask for Magic

Chapter 327 The deserter

For the old man in front of him, although Su Ming did not notice the slightest fluctuation of his cultivation on his body, and even as if the wind swept away, it would be like a extinguished candlelight, Su Ming's heart was full of respect.

He respects the old man, not because the evil son of heaven has to sit on the opposite side silently.

He respected the old man, not because of his mystery, because the evil son of heaven also wanted to change his clothes in front of him.

Su Ming respects this old man for only one reason. He repaired the ordinary bone for him. He inherited Su Ming's memory and repaired this kind of thing. For Su Ming, it was like kindness.

He thanked the old man, so he respected him from the bottom of his heart. No matter how high Su Ming's cultivation is, even if the old man is really just a mortal, he will never change.

"The kindness of the seniors, the younger generation will remember it for the rest of their lives!" Su Ming held his fist to the old man and bowed deeply.

The old man smiled, groped with his right hand on a straw mat beside him, and quickly took out the bone belonging to Su Ming from it.

"Some things are not kind. Since you believe that I, a blind man, can fix it and are willing to send it to me, it will be predestined to me, and you are also predestined to me.

This is fate, not grace. The old man held the bone in his right hand and gently rubbed it with his left hand.

"Come on, sit opposite me... The trauma of this dam is not the point. The point is that it has no soul. Did its previous owner disperse when he played the song?" The old man spoke softly.

Su Ming was silent and sat cross-legged in front of the old man, looking at the bone damage in the old man's hand. A trace of sadness flashed in Su Ming's eyes.

"It should be..." The old man sighed.

"It is not only the life of its previous owner, but also the soul that makes it unwilling to make a sound again, which is the point of its damage." The old man raised his hand and handed the bone damage to the front.

Only at this time can Su Ming see from the details that the old man is indeed blind.

"Can it... make a sound now?" Su Ming took over the bone damage. The place where there used to be cracks on this object has now turned into blood lines. It looks like it has been sewn up, and the weight is much more, and it is heavy in his hand.

"I can only fix its trauma. As for its soul, I don't want to bend it again. This matter can't be changed by my own power. Only you can change it." The old man spoke softly.

"I have always thought that there is a soul, and its voice sobs... If there is no soul, how can it carry people's mood, how can it make a sound and immerse people immersed in it.

It's just that some people can feel the soul, while others can't. The old man looked at Su Ming, but the godlessness in his eyes made people feel that the world he saw was different from others.

"Losing the soul" Su Ming muttered. He thought of how lonely the night was, he held this and silently blew out the song that only he could hear. The sadness of the music was like the moonlight, which made Su Ming count his memory again and again.

"This soul is dead... That kind of death is ethereal and inexplicable, but when I first saw it, I knew that its soul was no longer there.

If you want it to make a sound again, make a sound that belongs to you and what you want to hear, it needs you to add a new soul to it!" The old man's voice echoed in the house with vicissitudes of life. From time to time, the laughter of children playing outside seemed to be as far away, which made people listen and feel in a trance.

"How can I do this?" Su Ming raised his head and looked at the old man.

"Forget it." After a moment of silence, the old man closed his eyes.

Su Ming looked at the damage in his hand and was stunned for a long time. He got up and bowed deeply to the old man. When he turned around and was about to leave, he stopped.

"Senior, the land of Nanchen is plagued, especially the location of this tribe, which is not far from Tianlan City." If possible, let's move to the central part. The century-old battle may not be the same as before." Su Ming said softly, raised the door of the house and went out.

At the moment when he stepped out of the house with half his foot, the sound of the old man's vicissitudes came from behind him.

"There is no relatively safe place in the world. Similarly, there is no relatively dangerous place. Flowers and plants take root. Does it have a choice?"

Su Ming paused for a moment. The content contained in this sentence sounded a little incomprehensible to him. In silence, Su Ming walked out of the house and the small tribe.

Looking at the bright sky, Su Ming's expression was complicated, but his heart was firm. He knew that what he would face next would be this disaster that Nanchen had never happened before. He also knew that under this disaster, countless people might die.

He can choose to escape, find a place to retreat, wait for the disaster to come, and may be able to escape the crisis. But he can also not escape, but make himself stronger under the baptism of this natural disaster!

Normal practice will be slow in less than ten years. If you want to live better and make yourself stronger, you must have a fearless heart.

If there is no creation, then fight against creation. If there is no opportunity, kill the opportunity. If there is a bottleneck in cultivation, then solve it with blood. If there is a crisis in life, use the madness of life and death to walk out of your own way to live.

"There is no relatively safe place in the world, and there is no relatively dangerous place..." Su Ming muttered, going further and further, and his footsteps became more and more firm.

Su Ming walked like this. He did not expand his speed, and did not even run the slightest cultivation power in his body, including qi and blood, but with his body, like a mortal, he walked in this mountain and in this jungle.

Walk in the direction of Tianlan City.

His goal is Tianlan City, but the goal in his heart is Wushan. Although he is walking on this road, what comes to his mind is still Bird Mountain.

Walking on the way home, walking in his memory, like pursuing.

The ups and downs of the mountains, the dampness and swamps in the jungle did not let Su Ming stop for too long. Time spent three days in his walking.

Three days away, in fact, if Su Ming unfolds his speed, it will take only a moment to far exceed, but he has no choice.

At the beginning, he deliberately let himself forget his cultivation and everything, but slowly, as he walked through the mountains, jungles, plains and other places, when he could not see other people in this vast world, he gradually achieved a state similar to forgetting.

Forget your cultivation, forget yourself to walk on the land of Nanchen, forget your goal, forget a lot, until the fourth night came, in the jungle, Su Ming was tired.

He leaned tiredly against a big tree, looked up at the night sky, looked at the half-covered moon behind the many linings, and Su Ming took out the damage.

Putting this on his mouth, Su Ming closed his eyes and blew it gently, but for a long time, in this jungle, there was no sound coming out, and Su Ming's expression with reminiscence, as if immersed in the lost song in his memory.

In this silent, the edge of this jungle is a little far from Su Ming, but it is not far away. At this moment, three figures are galloping in the direction of Tianlan City.

These three figures are moving forward very cautiously. At present, one person closes his eyes. Within a radius of hundreds of feet around him, there is a layer of invisible ripples echoing. After the ripples touch the big lining, they will bounce back a little. Only when they touch some small beasts in the jungle will a large amount of

On this person's face, under the moonlight, you can see that his face is stabbed with a bat pattern, which is not a barbarian pattern. "That's a thorn!!

The thorn of the witch clan!

After this person, one of the two people who followed him was extremely burly, and it looked like it contained strong strength. The high bulging muscles made this person like a hill. Every step he took would make the earth tremble, but strangely, there was no sound.

This man carried a huge toma axe on his shoulder, and the blade of the axe was dark red brown, which was a trace of dry blood.

The other person is a short and thin figure. Through the curve of her posture, it can be seen that this person is a little woman. She is ordinary-looking, her face is slightly dark, and her eyes are like electricity. Among the three, this woman's speed is the most calm. It seems that for her, such a speed must be slowed down to Synchronization.

In this woman's face, there was a poisonous fly, which made her look ugly.

While the three people galloped, they stopped in the jungle for a short time. At this moment, the location of the three of them was only 5,000 feet away from Su Ming, but obviously, the three of them had not noticed the existence of Su Ming, and Su Ming was also immersed in the silent loss song. They did not know each other that there were two sides Once you meet, you will be the enemy of life and death.

"This is the place. According to the agreement, we have to wait for an extra hour. Just wait here, Fluorite, you are the fastest. Patrol the area with this place as the center to determine whether it is safe.

According to the map, there is no tribe here, and the nearest tribe also has some distance. There should be no barbarians, but you should be careful.

"If I don't come after an hour, I will leave." The woman of the three looked back at the speaker, shook her body and disappeared into the night.

"It's all about killing. If he doesn't come, I will leave." The big man carrying the tomahawk sat aside and looked coldly at the man with bats on his face.

"Don't worry, he needs the witch crystal we brought. It will definitely come. Once the transaction is successful, the three of us will not waste so many people to die before we can successfully enter the barbarians. Under his magic, we can incarnate into barbarians and avoid... the disaster of the eastern wilderness." The man with bats on his face opened his mouth in a low voice. When he talked about the four words of the disaster in the eastern wilderness, he was obviously short of breath.