Ask for Magic

Chapter 328 What's behind it!

"Speaking of which, thanks to those people from your Witch Bat Department, otherwise, we will not be able to escape from the Tianlan barrier at all." The big man put the tomahawk aside, took out some ointment and applied it to the wound on his body. There were many blood stains on his body.

"You are really cruel. You have died hundreds of people, in exchange for such a small opportunity." The big man smiled.

"In the disaster of the Eastern Wilderness, if you don't enter the barbarians, you will definitely die. In order to survive, what is this? It's better than pretending to be dead to escape." The man with a bat in the face snorted coldly.

"We should be the first to escape with this method in this battle, but we can regret it." This method is very risky, and at most three or five people will come in at a time. Otherwise, you can also get a lot of rewards by dedicating this method to the Witch Temple." The big man frowned and avoided the topic just now.

"It's useless to dedicate it to the Witch Temple. Do you think they don't know this method, and the horror and power of Tianlan City must have known this fw for a long time, but it is still not sealed. The reason is very deep." The bat thorny man sneered.

"Oh? I thought this method was first found by Wu Duo. He has disappeared for more than ten years and has been living in the barbarians. I don't know how he is now. The big man lowered his head and his eyes flashed.

In this conversation, the two carefully observe the surroundings from time to time. If there is a slightest wind and grass, they will take action immediately. After all, in their feelings, this is a barbarian. Here, it can be said that any one is their enemy.

With their cultivation comparable to the early backbone of the barbarians, they dare not go too deep into the barbarians. It is also a great sacrifice to enter here. The witches can't go back. Now they just want to find a small barbarian tribe to hide their identity. With the migration of the tribe, it is finally more likely to live under I don't want to die in battle.

At this moment, about 2,000 feet away from them, there is a silent shadow. This extreme speed is caused by the woman who went out to patrol in No. 3 Middle School. She kept wandering and exploring. Gradually, the difference from Su Ming's position is less than 3,000 feet. According to her speed, even if it is a circular patrol. Luo, it doesn't take a cup of incense, and you will find Su Ming.

Once Su Ming, a barbarian, is found, it will be a life-and-death battle before they can hide the characteristics of the witch.

Su Ming leaned against the big tree, closed his eyes, and his expression contained reminiscence. He held the bones in both hands and played the silent curse. If you look carefully, you can vaguely see that there were circles of looming ripples around Su Ming, which spread around and echoed within dozens of feet.

"There is a soul, so there is a song... What is played is the wind, but what can't be dissipated is the sound of the soul..." Su Ming muttered, opened his eyes and looked at the bones in his hand. For a long time, when he closed his eyes again, he was immersed in the silent song again.

Gradually, after forgetting everything on the way, here, under the big tree in the middle of the night, he forgot the bone damage in his hand, and did not pursue whether the death could make a sound, but looked for a feeling of home in the loss in his memory.

The pattern of Wushan gradually appeared on his face. The grass and trees of the Wushan tribe gradually appeared on his chest under his clothes. Even around the tribe, there were slowly falling snowflakes, making his closed right eye gradually turn red.

The ripples around him became more and more violent, which distorted Su Ming's more than ten feet, and his breath seemed to be hidden.

Like Su Ming, it doesn't exist.

He was immersed in the mor, immersed in the memory, leaning against the tree, motionless.

Time passed slowly, and soon a light of incense passed. Three hundred feet away from the place where Su Ming was, a shadow flashed, revealing the petite body. The witch woman appeared there. After sweeping around, her eyes flashed away.

The passage of time, without Su Ming himself was aware of it. The ripples around him twisted like waves. In the echo, it began to spread from a range of more than ten feet, and gradually reached nearly fifty feet. Suddenly, in the silence of the night, the sound of whimpering and bending suddenly came out, suddenly , appear!

The sound of the song was a little weak at the beginning, like the baby's first cry, but it soon calmed down and turned into a sob, containing an endless sadness, wrapped around it and passed it farther away.

Su Ming still closed his eyes, leaned against the big tree, held it in his mouth, motionless. But just as the damage song suddenly came out of the first voice that could be heard by outsiders at this moment, a white storage bag tied to his clothes suddenly flashed red, but the red light inside him flew directly out. In front of Su Ming, in this large number of ripple distortions, the fire ape appeared.

It squatted there, looked strange, and stared at Su Ming. In fact, this storage bag could not trap it. It could come out of it at any time. This was what Su Ming promised, so he never sealed it tightly.

At this moment, he looked at Su Ming in a stunned way, and the sad voice came from his ear, which made him feel uncomfortable after listening to it. He squatted there and listened silently.

Under Su Ming's body, the shadow reflected in the moonlight. At this moment, he had a riot. At the head of the shadow, a pair of red eyes were exposed, and there was confusion in those eyes.

It was almost the sound of the lost song. At the same time that it came out for the first time, two hundred feet away from the place where Su Ming was, the witch woman who had disappeared before suddenly came out of nothingness, and she looked wary, staring at Su Ming's location, that is, the place where the song came from.

His eyes showed murderousness, but he hesitated for a moment, did not act rashly, and gradually retreated.

The sound of the curs spread more and more, until it echoed within a few hundred feet of this circle for a long time, and even in this quiet night, it dispersed further away.

The sadness in this song contains a sense of sadness, which can make people feel up and downs after listening to it, as if the sound has some strange power and can move the soul.

In the jungle thousands of feet away, the two witches, who fell silent after a short conversation, looked up almost at the same time, showing vigilance.

"Did you hear that?" As soon as the thick man grasped the tomahawk in his hand, he had a murderous chance.

"The sound of damage." The man with a bat in the face stood up and looked solemn.

"This dark night is also a remote place in the eyes of the barbarians, and there are no barbarians near here, and suddenly there is a sound loss..." At the same time, the big man was also nervous.

"Can it be Wu Duo?" The big man hesitated for a moment and whispered.

Before the man with a bat in the face could speak, the voice of an indifferent woman came from the jungle beside him.

"No, this man is a barbarian." With the words, it was the witch woman who had just returned here 200 feet away from Su Ming.

"What cultivation?" The man with the bat on his face immediately asked.

"I can't feel too strong cultivation, except for this song, which is a little strange... This person's cultivation should not be sacrificed to the bone." The woman said coldly.

"You can't sacrifice the bones!" The man with the tomahawk breathed a sigh of relief, and then smiled grimly.

But the man with a bat on his face frowned and looked at the witch woman.

"If you don't sacrifice the bones, why don't you kill it directly?"

"This is a barbarian. If we want to do it together, I won't do it alone." The woman's words were still indifferent.

"Wu Duo is coming soon. Let's go. Let's quickly get to know this person together. In addition, after killing this person, we have to look around again to see if there are any other barbarians, so as not to make trouble." The man with a bat on his face flashed and went straight to the jungle.

The witch woman followed, and her figure was like smoke, looking a little ethereal.

"If you don't sacrifice the bones, then let the uncle peel off his skin and see if he can wear it on his body." The thick man licked his lips, showing his bloodthirsty and cruelty, and followed closely.

The three of them can be said to be extremely cautious. Even in the face of a person who has not opened the sacrificial bone, they have to take action at the same time. It can be seen that they have no sense of security in the barbarians.

"Fantasy, you are good at speed. You can take action first in a while, but don't kill this person and leave him alive. There is something wrong with this person. I have some questions to ask this barbarian." The man with a bat in the face whispered to the witch woman beside him in the sprint.

The speed of the three people is extremely fast. The distance of 5,000 feet is between the straight line. It won't be long before they are not far away, but as they approach, the sound of sobs and songs in their ears becomes clearer. In this quiet night, the song makes them feel extremely uneasy.

Hearing the other party's words, the illusion nodded, and she also felt that there seemed to be something wrong with the barbarian.

Three hundred feet, two hundred feet, one hundred feet, fifty feet, thirty feet... The three of them, like a long rainbow, set off a harsh roar, and unfolded at full speed from a distance of three hundred feet. When they appeared thirty feet next to Su Ming, they saw at a glance the speed leaning against the tree, motionless, and even more A fiery red ape.

Almost at the moment when the three people came, the fire ape suddenly turned around, grinned and looked at the three people. At the same time, the woman who was good at speed among the three people rushed violently and looked thirty feet away, but at the next breath, she appeared beside Su Ming. The woman's eyes were cold and her right hand was Seeing five black needles in his hand, he went straight to Su Mingtianling.

But almost the moment when the woman raised her right hand to put it down, she suddenly let out a sad scream, her body trembled, and she spewed out blood with a look of horror and disbelief.

"What's behind me!" The woman's voice was extremely frightened, but she saw the withering of her body visible to the naked eye, like flesh and blood being swallowed up in an instant.

The big man with the tomahawk opened his eyes wide at this moment, showing fear. The man who stabbed the bat next to him took a breath. He clearly saw that behind the illusion, there was a shadow like skin, close to his back, spreading rapidly, as if to wrap the woman's body.