Ask for Magic

Chapter 409 Portal

Volume III Famous Earthquake East Wasteland Chapter 409 Portal

In the Nanchen Continent, the land of the witch clan, in the remote area where the White Ox Department and the Black Crane Department are located, something happened during this period that made the White Ox Department and the Black Crane Department extremely panic.

The panic of the White Bull Department was caused by Su Ming. Although Su Ming left on that day, the White Bull Wu Gong's behavior aroused the inner resentment of his clan. The vast majority of the clan believed that it was a great shame to send out the women of their clan and let outsiders vent **. They would rather fight and kill than That's it.

Moreover, in the view of many people, if they fight together, it is not impossible to kill Su Ming, so they have doubts about their witch's behavior at that time.

Although the situation did not really happen, the resentment and doubt were buried like a seed. The old man with a sharp mouth and monkey's cheeks in the white cow knew this, but he could only be silent.

Unlike the cruel control of other tribes, for his own tribe, this old man is a heartfelt attachment. Fortunately, after this resentment and doubt existed for more than half a month, it gradually dissipated with the thing that made the whole White Bull panic.

The origin of this matter is that a member of the White Bull tribe went out alone. This is a young man with the blood and impulse that still exists at this age, and is also the companion of the three women who were sent out at the beginning, two of them.

He came to Su Ming's Dongfu Mountains alone, but here, he was stunned to find that the mountains... were gone!! Everything is gone. It turned out to be the place of the Dongfu Mountains. A flat river turned out to be a plain. There was no trace of destruction around, as if there were no mountains here...

As he returned to the tribe, and as the matter was known by the whole white cow, the sharp-billed old man personally took him to Su Ming's former cave. After careful inspection, the old man also showed confusion, but more, it was a fear of the unknown.

Not only the mountains are gone, but also their witch crystal veins are gone...

The old man with a sharp mouth looked at the empty earth. Somehow, he suddenly had a palpitation, as if there was a faint evil spirit in the calmness of the earth here, which made his mind tremble. He immediately took the clan back to the tribe. As a witch, he sealed the matter to all the people and banned anyone. Talk about this matter, violators will be severely punished!

He vaguely felt that the vision of heaven and earth that had happened in the witches during this period of time, especially the huge white sun appeared in the whole sky that day. This scene seemed to have some strange connection with here. He had no evidence of this matter, but just felt it.

Compared with the White Bull Department, the Black Crane Department also fell into fear. Their fear is a little different from the White Bull Department. The patriarch is missing, and Mrs. Ji never goes back. This kind of thing shows that the person who occupies the Wujing mine is by no means an idle person.

Even the witch of the Black Crane Department brought people here quietly to check it, but what he saw was the same as what the White Ox Department saw. It was empty, which was completely different from what he looked like in his memory.

Coupled with the seemingly evil spirit that existed here, the black crane witch also trembled and hurriedly left, informing the clansmen to turn this place into a forbidden place.

Because of the disappearance of the witch crystal vein, the Black Crane Department and the White Bull Department have no reason to fight with each other.

Time goes by little by...

A month later, a fiery red ape galloped from the earth in the distance. In this open place, it was stunned for a moment and looked for many circles around here...

Until it always saw it, it was empty. The former Dongfu Mountains disappeared, and the only person who used to be friendly to it also disappeared.

But it did not give up, but lived in these four weeks, and sometimes came back here to check, trying to find the entrance to enter here.

Everyone here doesn't know. In fact, the Dongfu Mountains have not disappeared. It is still there, but it has been used by Hongluo to hide it, so that people can't see, feel or touch it, as if it has become an isolated space from the world.

In this space, outside the Tofu Mountains, there are two corpses on the ground. In fact, to be precise, there should be three bodies, but Mrs. Ji's body has become pieces and no outline.

The remaining two bodies, one of which is Mrs. Ji's puppet, that is, her husband Ji Yunhai, and the other is the head of the black crane tribe who became the mummified corpse.

In addition, there are many black beetles on the ground. These bugs lie on the ground motionless, but there is no sign of death on them, such as sleeping.

The only thing that can gallop here is a black line. It is Su Ming's strange little snake. The snake flies back and forth here, sometimes hissing, as if looking for something, but it has never been found.

Finally, it flew not far away, next to a cyan sword in the grass, lying there, and sometimes hissing came out, as if calling.

In the mountain cave next to it, a huge medicine tripod in the secret room is placed there, and the power of heaven and earth around is still pouring in, so that the medicine in the tripod is slowly being sacrificed.

In another stone chamber, the old man of the barbarian lay there, his body did not move, but his eyelids were trembling, as if he was about to open his eyes and struggle to wake up.

But at the moment when he condensed all his strength and was about to open, the little snake on the grass outside the cave suddenly raised its head, spit out the core, and stared at its owner's cave. His body suddenly shook. While galloping in the grass, it immediately flew up. When it flew up, there were three scattered around it, which He went straight to the cave and shuttled all the way to the stone room where the old man's body was stored. The little snake made a sharp hiss and shook its body. The three scattered spirits immediately flew into the top of the old man's head and floated there according to their original trajectory.

At the moment when the spirit was scattered, the barbarian old man closed his eyes and struggled to open a gap, and a beast-like roar came from his mouth.

The little snake was above the old man. While the core spit out, its eyes showed a trace of coldness. It shook its body suddenly and went straight to the old man. It bit fiercely on his arm. Suddenly, a black gas immediately spread from the old man's arm. After directly covering his whole body, the old man roared unwillingly and his eyes Close it again.

The little snake observed for a while, and then flew out of the cave again, came to the side of the blue sword, looked up, and sometimes the hissing echoed...

This is its home, and it feels like this. Everything here needs to be kept as it was, waiting for the owner to return...

Before the master comes back, it will guard here until eternity.

And the existence of this cave mountain range, in the whole Nanchen land, as long as the power of divine consciousness does not exceed Hongluo, no one can find it, and in this southern morning land, there is almost no divine consciousness that can surpass Hongluo. As for the emperor, he has dispersed!

Although Hong Luo is dead, his ban is still there. Although it will slowly weaken, it will take hundreds of years to completely disappear.

Time passed again, in a blink of an eye, it has been half a year since Su Ming left until now...

In the past six months, most of the White Bull Department and the Black Crane Department no longer paid attention to the disappeared mountains and returned to calm. There was almost no fighting between the two tribes, but in the past six months, they were preparing to migrate.

If small tribes like them migrate alone, it is difficult not to encounter a crisis in this vast land of witches. Therefore, even if they migrate, most of them wait for some large tribes to pass by and join their ranks.

Although it will lose some, it can make more people survive, and that's the only way.

On this day of half a year, late at night.

A strong light suddenly appeared in the dark night sky, and the light only dissipated in an instant. Although it attracted the attention of many people, when I looked carefully, the light had disappeared.

At the same time as the light flashed, in the center of the White Bull Department and the Black Crane Department, in the disappeared Dongfu Mountains, the little snake suddenly raised its head, and its eyes flashed with vigilance. The core kept spitting out, staring at the open space hundreds of feet away in front of it.

There, at this time, a dark ball of light suddenly appeared. The appearance of this ball of light emitted a strong pressure, making the grass on the ground bend over, like a strong wind out of thin air.

Even more, a large amount of cold air is emitted from the dark light mass. The cold air merges with the wind, so that the ground around it instantly becomes cold and gradually spreads out.

The little snake lay silently on the grass and looked coldly at the faint light. This is where its owner's cave is located. Now that the owner has left, if an outsider breaks in, it must guard it.

In fact, in the past six months, it has done so. Almost every few days, it bites the barbarian old man fiercely, so that the man is always weak, but he does not die.

It remembers that this is the task assigned by the owner to the monkey, but now that the monkey is no longer there, it replaces it.

At this moment, the little snake's eyes are getting colder and colder. It is waiting to observe what this dark light mass is. Time passes slowly. After a stick of incense, the light of the light mass flashes fiercely, and its shape changes dramatically. It gradually becomes an oval from a circle, and the pressure of scattering is greater. At the same Sewing.

At the moment when the sound of click faintly came out, a figure suddenly came out of this oval aperture. At the moment when the figure came out, the cold suddenly became countless times stronger, making the surroundings directly like a severe cold!

The little snake moved violently and rushed away silently. His eyes flashed and opened his fangs. At the moment when it was about to die, it suddenly disappeared in its eyes. Instead, it was a surprise. The fangs put away, hissing and cheered, and the little snake went straight to that body. The shadow goes away.

This figure is Su Ming!!

He looked excited at this moment. He raised his right hand and flew directly to the palm of his hand and hissed at Su Ming's surprise. At the same time, the ground under Su Ming's feet, because of his appearance, seemed to contain an unimaginable cold air in his body. At this moment, it scattered into the earth, and immediately covered the ground with a thin layer of ice... Please push, ask for the moon... RQ