Ask for Magic

Chapter 410 Refining the puppet

Su Ming raised his left hand and pressed the swirling door behind him. Immediately, a large amount of cold air vented directly from Su Ming's body, covering the door. The sound of click echoed, and the door of nothingness immediately turned into a huge ice.

After doing this, Su Ming laughed and looked at the little snake in the palm of his hand. Although he had not seen it for half a year, Su Ming felt that he had a lot of experience in the past six months. From leaving the Dongfu Mountains he had opened up to coming back, it seemed that it had been a long time.

The little snake hissed in the palm of Su Ming's hand and spit out the core. His cold eyes were replaced by joy at this moment, and he bowed his head a few times in Su Ming's hand.

Its body is too small, only its fingers are thick. Now it looks so cute.

Su Ming took a deep breath. Although he returned to the Dongfu Mountains, the cold air in his body [body] had not completely dissipated. At this moment, he spread out to the earth along his feet. He immediately took Su Ming as the center, and the ground within a radius of hundreds of feet suddenly became a frost, and a trace of white gas The temperature around suddenly dropped by more than half.

Not only that, a large number of water droplets appeared on Su Ming's body at this moment. These drops of water penetrated from his skin and looked like sweat, but in fact, Su Ming knew that this was the chill in his body.

His eyes flashed, and the pores of his whole body immediately closed. At the moment of closure, the scattered cold air calmed down, but still the faint silk spread out.

"The cold air in the body] can't be all dispersed, otherwise, if you go back to the glacier at the bottom of the Dead Sea, I'm afraid it will take a long time for the body to adapt." Su Ming thought about it. After holding the little snake in his right hand and putting it on his shoulder, the little snake immediately flew out and landed on Su Ming's shoulder. He climbed down there, looking lazy.

Looking at the familiar cave around... The excitement in Su Ming's eyes slowly dissipated. When his eyes fell on the two corpses on the ground, the cold light was revealed.

"Ji Yunhai..." Su Ming looked at the dry and thin body, and the scene of fighting with Mrs. Ji that day couldn't help but appear in his mind... He walked slowly to the side of Ji Yunhai's body.

Squat down, Su Ming put his hand on Ji Yunhai's body. After careful observation for a moment, he showed a sense of thought in his eyes, and then looked down at the large number of black beetles that were not dead but just asleep next to Ji Yunhai's body. The strength of these little insects... made Su Ming extremely impressed him How many years has it been refined into a puppet by Mrs. Ji? Now that Mrs. Ji is dead, if I can control this puppet, it can help me gain something in the land of the glacier!" Su Ming raised his fingers, pinched up a black beetle on the ground, and put it in front of him and looked carefully. "This worm... It's not a puppet... How did Mrs. Ji control it?" Su Ming stared at the little insect. After a long time, his eyes suddenly lit up and he looked at Ji Yunhai's body.

"Does it possible that these bugs are not controlled by Mrs. Ji... but controlled by Ji Yunhai. Even if Ji Yunhai becomes a puppet, these bugs are still affected by their instincts." Su Ming looked down at the red ring on his right finger. His eyes flashed. After a moment, he stood up and frowned and walked back and forth outside the Dongfu Mountains.

His face sometimes showed contemplation and sometimes joy, but in the end it was uncertain, as if something was difficult to decide.

After a sip of incense, Su Ming paused... He looked sideways not far from him, which made him return to the oval vortex door here, that is, the door of nothingness.

The door floated calmly there, and it was full of ice, which had become a huge piece of ice.

"Although I don't know how long I've been in a coma before, but look at the changes in the Dongfu Mountains... All the time together should not exceed one year... And the time after I woke up in the glacier, about three months..." Su Ming remembered that he was at the bottom of the suspected Dead Sea, in the black glacier world, Months of experience.

It took him half a month to get out of the glacier for the first time, but the moment he got out, he was immediately under the pressure of the black sea, and it was difficult to walk.

It took a month and a half to barely adapt to the pressure of the sea. He could walk out about a hundred feet, and every step fell. If he did not lift it quickly, his feet would immediately be frozen and spread by the glacier, which made it almost difficult for him to stop on the glacier, and he had to keep moving quickly at all times.

And the ice where he exists is more than 80 feet away, which is the glacier sealed one of the countless creatures closest to him when he checked before.

It was a big man with cyan scales all over his body and a ferocious look. The big man's body was six feet tall, and his muscles were swollen, which seemed to contain amazing power. He clenched his fist in his left hand and held a huge stick in his right hand. I don't know what the stick was made of. The Li's teeth, while giving people a kind of barbarism, can also feel a palpitations from this stick.

This huge tooth stick is obviously a treasure!

After Su Ming checked the number◆ and confirmed that the frozen man had lost his vitality, he spent half a month trying to break the ice in various ways, but in the end he could only break a few inches, and once it stopped, the ice would heal automatically.

With his cultivation, a few inches is already the limit, and Su Ming is also puzzled about this. After all, he can break the ice he is in, but why is it so hard for him to break the ice where the big man is in?

Su Ming was groping for this matter, and there was also a [answer] case. This [answer] case is the time to be frozen!

According to the characteristics of being frozen when stepping on the glacier here, Su Ming's ice cube is obviously not frozen for a long time, so he can break it, but I don't know how many years the ice cube where the big man is located has existed.

If you want to open the ice where the big man is located, you need Su Ming to have stronger cultivation. With hesitation, it only took Su Ming half a month to dig out the gate of the void from the ice. After some research, he returned to the Dongfu Mountains through this door.

Staring at the door of nothingness, Su Ming frowned.

"According to the immortal system, I am now in the early days of Yuanying. Compared with the barbarians here, although I don't know what level it is equivalent to... But under my feelings, it is similar to my current strength.................. It's just that the power of the immortals is long and good at magic.................

In this way, it can also be a slight judgment. Su Ming withdrew his eyes looking at the door of nothingness and thought about it.

"In the early stage of Yuanying, it is comparable to the extent of my four barbarian bones at this time... If it is in the middle stage, it will almost reach more than ten pieces? If this guess can be confirmed, then the later stage of Yuanying is more than 20 yuan, and the transformation god in the fairy clan is the early stage of the barbarian soul..................

It should be like this. The immortalization of the god needs to be enlightened. If it is transformed into a yuan god, it is beyond the existence of Yuanying. Here, once you step into the barbarian soul realm, you can condense your own barbarian image. In contrast, one is the [body] inner yuan god, and the other

As for the infant change above the immortal god, it is... the middle of the barbarian soul! In the cultivation system of the immortals, the peak of the first step is the later stage of the barbarian god.

In the immortal system, between the first and second steps, there is the realm of yin, yin and yang. In this way, yin, yin and yang is the complete perfection of the barbarian soul realm. If it can break through, it will be like the immortal system, and it will really step into the second step!

Unfortunately, in my barbarian cultivation system, it has been interrupted since the barbarian soul, but I believe that there must be a second step in the barbarian, a realm similar to that of the immortals!" Su Ming closed his eyes and suddenly opened it after a long time.

"I am now an immortal fellow monk... But unfortunately, these two forces cannot be integrated. When the skills of the immortals are used, the power of the barbarians will be silent, and when the power of the barbarians is used, the magic power of the immortals cannot be used... Except for the divine consciousness as usual, it is difficult to unfold.

But even so, under my alternating display, my current combat strength is much stronger than half a year ago!" Su Ming clenched his fists, and after sweeping his eyes on the ground, he fell on the dry body of the black crane tribe in the same place.

Walking slowly, Su Ming looked coldly next to the body and finally stared at the man's right leg, where there were obvious signs of unhealing, but there was also a huge dead centipede.

"This person is the person who was hurt by me in the black crane department." There was a flash of cold light in Su Ming's eyes. He was a little confused in those years. The obvious murderous intention of Mrs. Ji's arrival was obviously himself.

The White Bull Department and the Black Crane Department are both objects of suspicion, but in his heart, Su Ming has more doubts about the Black Crane Department. At this moment, when he saw the body of the black Crane tribal chief, he sneered at the corners of his mouth.

The appearance of Mrs. Ji made Su Ming experience a lot of things in the past six months, good and bad, but how could Su Ming let go of the black crane department that instructed Mrs. Ji to come like this!

Su Ming looked cold. With a big sleeve, he rolled up Ji Yunhai's body and the sleeping black beetle, together with the blue light sword that automatically flew to him at this moment, roaring, and returned to the cave of the mountains.

After returning to the cave, Su Ming immediately went to the stone room where the medicine tripod was located. After seeing everything as usual, he was relieved and went to the stone room where the barbarian old man was located. After seeing that the old man was dark and his body was full of tooth marks, Su Ming was stunned. The little snake on his shoulder immediately raised Ask for credit.

Su Ming smiled and glanced at the barbarian old man, revealing a strange light.

"I'm not a dementor witch. It's very difficult to refine the dementor puppet... But now with the cultivation of my immortals, there are several kinds of puppet magic power that the monk Yuanying can use in the inheritance of Hongluo..." Su Ming touched his chin and turned to his shoulder. A wisp of god came out of the little snake. The little snake immediately flew out and went straight to the cave. It floated in mid-air and looked around warily to protect Su Ming.