Ask for Magic

Chapter 464 Infinite

Here in Su Ming, he galloped in this dark flesh and blood road. The rotten smell around him was disgusting. After breathing for a long time, he felt more drowsy.

Su Ming bit the tip of his tongue to keep himself awake. At the same time, the speed is faster. After all, this candle Jiuyin is dead, which is far less than what it was before. The degree of danger has been reduced by most of it, but Su Ming is still very cautious. If he hadn't been able to watch the little snake being swallow The ground.

galloping all the way, Su Ming even saw some rotting corpses that had survived here for many years. Those corpses, like this candle Jiuyin, were not completely ulcerated. The terrible appearance made people inevitably shocked after reading it.

And from the staggered position of these bodies, it seems that there has never been any movement. Thinking of the difficulty of entering the body of the candle Jiuyin, Su Ming's eyes condensed.

"After the death of this candle, no one has ever come to its body..."

There was silence all around. Except for Su Ming's footsteps, there was no sound at all, not even the wind. Even Su Ming's speed was very fast, it was difficult to set off a weak wind.

This strange state made Su Ming more cautious, and it was very sultry here, which made Su Ming's body gradually sweat. With his long time in the glacier land, there was actually a lot of coldness in his body.

This cold made Su Ming feel that he hadn't sweated for a long time, but here, the cold kept dissipating, and the sweat also came out.

galloped quickly all the way. In addition to the rotting corpses, Su Ming also saw a lot of white bones. Most of those bones melted a lot. What was left behind was dark. It seemed that it did not belong to human beings, but belonged to fierce beasts.

Even Su Ming saw that some things that seemed to be magic weapons were scattered around, but now he is anxious to check carefully, but he just took away those he met on the way.

"How many years has this candle Jiuyin died..." Su Ming galloped, sensing the position of the little snake, and had a guess in his heart.

As he was galloping, suddenly a crisis in his heart suddenly appeared. He forcibly retreated back and immediately withdrew a few steps. Almost at the moment when his body retreated, a black bone thorn suddenly stabbed directly from the meat wall in front of him.

After the bone spur gray appeared again, it caused the fluctuation of the meat wall on the ground and turned into a gray villain with only knee height. This little man was the bone evil formed by the bone of the candle nine yin that Su Ming had seen outside!

The bone man opened his mouth to Su Ming and let out a low roar. His eyes flashed faint light and went straight to Su Ming. At the same time, on the meat walls around Su Ming, there were faces that protruded one by one. After emerging, he let out a sharp roar, as if to rush out of Su. Mingsheng is devouring ordinary.

These faces do not look like human beings, but strangely shaped beasts. They are transformed by the flesh and blood of candles, and the beasts that previously existed outside in the fog.

In the same way, in front of Su Ming, sharp thorns stabbed out gray bone blades from the meat wall one after another, and then transformed. Farther away, there was a sudden cry at this time, and the white resentment appeared out of thin air!

Immediately behind Su Ming, there was a whisper, looming, but hundreds of feet behind Su Ming, an eyeball more than ten feet in size was formed from the illusion. The edge of the eyeball was white, and the middle was a vertical brown and yellow pupil.

At this moment, there seems to be a gap in the pupil, which is slowly opening.

A strange suction power kept coming from behind Su Ming. The mumbling sound seemed to be calling. Su Ming was shocked, and he had the illusion that he wanted to look back.

But at this moment, with a sudden bite of the tip of his tongue, he immediately woke up, so that he knew that he must not look back. In fact, although he did not look back, he could guess that what appeared behind him must be the second eye of the candle Jiuyin.

Now in the [body] of the candle, there are no one around. Su Ming doesn't have to think about exposing his identity as a barbarian. At the moment when the gray villain came, Su Ming's eyes flashed cold. He had four bones in his [body], plus the fifth barbarian bone transformed by the wind inheritance, burst The power was instantly poured into every corner of Su Ming's body. The strong feeling of the body made Su Ming have not seen for a long time.

Since he came to the witch clan, except for the land of the glacier, he has never burst out the power of the barbarians in the fight. At this moment, the sound of cracks immediately came from his god.

At the same time, on Su Ming's face, the barbaric lines of Wushan appeared, and the Wushan tribe appeared on his chest under his clothes. This kind of barbarian power was fully unfolded, so that the marks of his barbarian clan also appeared.

"Get out of here!" Su Ming roared in a low voice, clenched his fist in his right hand, and punched the gray little man who rushed at him. With this punch, the five bones on Su Ming's spine emitted a dazzling golden light. The golden light spread in his [body]. Even behind him, he could see that the golden light penetrated the spine of Su Ming's

The power of the barbarian bones in its [body] was fully unfolded, following Su Ming's punch, and then all his strength.

With a loud bang, Su Ming [body] came with a crackling sound again. The gray little man trembled and took a few steps back. His body burst and turned into a bone and threw it back. But in the air, the bone flashed gray, and turned into a villain again and continued to rush.

Su Ming has been suppressing the cultivation of the barbarians for a long time. At this moment, under this full-scale outbreak, after the punch with all his strength, he suddenly has a sense that this is not all the strength. It seems that he can also wear out his strength in the [body].

His eyes flashed, and the muttering sound behind him was getting closer and closer. At this moment, he didn't have time to think much. He strode forward and rushed forward.

In front of him, many gray villains roared, many white figures came in sharp crying, and countless fog beasts came out of the surrounding meat wall and went straight to Su Ming from all directions.

Su Ming roared, and the god outside his body illusoryly brought out the armor. He had not unfolded the armor for a long time. At this moment, after unfolding, the aerosol arrangement formed a formation, making the illusory armor reach a certain degree of toughness.

At the same time, in Su Ming's step forward, his body [body] Inner Yuanying suddenly opened his eyes and flew directly from Su Ming's heavenly spirit, floating above his head. His Yuanying's whole body overflowed. After his appearance, he opened and spit out thunderous words. The blue light sword turned into a little sword and swept forward.

At the same time, Su Ming's Yuanying pinched the formula with both hands, spit out a mouthful of Yuanying's breath, and pushed outwardly. This mouthful of Yuanying's breath turned into a fist and pushed outward.

"The brave who meet on the narrow road wins!" Su Ming did not retreat half a step, and he could not retreat at this moment. Even now he has a feeling that he has returned to the witch battlefield.

During the step, he suddenly raised his right hand and waved at the beasts transformed by the bodies of Candle Jiuyin in front of him. Under this stroke, the surroundings seemed to be still, and Man Shang reappeared!!

With a sweep, the roar echoed. The fog beasts in front of Su Ming immediately turned into large pieces of rotten flesh and blood and scattered all over the ground in the sad screams.

These fog beasts are not strong, but are only equivalent to the central witch, but their number has not been exhausted. At this moment, they are still emerging from the surrounding meat walls.

Those bone evils are not too strong, but they are immortal. Even under the barbarian, although they collapse, they will soon be reillusioned.

What is really strong is the white figure, the crying spirit, every crying spirit, is comparable to the top of the central witch! But if compared with the eyes of Zhu Jiuyin behind Su Ming, these are obviously worse.

After all, Zhu Jiuyin is dead, and it is only the remaining will.

But with the action, Su Ming had a shocking discovery. He noticed that the murderous things transformed by the death of Zhu Jiuyin were faintly stronger than when they were in the fog outside...

The white figure is more substantial, and the crying voice is more sad. There is a small tail behind the bone evil, and there are even a few ancient evils. The tail has grown a lot longer. Such a bone evil is much stronger than others.

And those fog beasts, their claws are much sharper, and their bodies are a small circle bigger than when they encounter them in the fog.

"The seal has been opened..."

"The body of Candle Jiuyin began to give birth to those murderous objects..."

"In those years, your witch people broke the seal, and then turned to my Yinling clan for help to seal it again... But the seal is very fragile..."

Su Ming's mind echoed in the words of the yin spirit man, and he suddenly understood! The reason why these candles are transformed into corpses is not too strong.

"These murderers have just been born, so they are not extremely strong, but with the passage of time, they will become stronger one by one in a very short time. At that time, they are really murderous objects born from the candle nine yin corpse"!"

At this moment, when a bone was transformed again after collapsing, its original short tail grew several times and dragged directly to the ground. It looked up to the sky and roared, and the momentum emitted from its body was comparable to the virtual shadow in white!

Su Ming's eyes flashed, and the feeling of withdrawal behind him became clearer and clearer. Obviously, the eyeball was also approaching quickly. Similarly, perhaps for the eyeball, it was also growing rapidly!

Without any hesitation, Su Ming immediately took out a small bottle from the storage bag. It contained the haemanth that could restore all his cultivation in an instant. After drinking a drop, the haemanth exploded in Su Ming's [body] and turned into a large number of hot streams. Su Ming's eyes flashed, and his body rushed forward After creating a self-created man, the extreme speed is like a streamer.

There is no wind here, but at the beginning of the wind in Su Ming's [body], now the wind is running rapidly, making Su Ming's speed comparable to teleportation, straight to the front, and the Handan clock appeared outside his body. With the strength of this clock and the strength of the armor of the divine The road, rush farther as soon as possible!