Ask for Magic

Chapter 465 Six, Seven!

Volume III Famous Zhen Donghuang Chapter 465 Six, Seven!

The drop of sea marrow bursts out in Su Ming's body, and the heat flow turned into raged like magma. It exploded in Su Ming's body, and the strong force formed directly rushed to his five barbarian bones. After being absorbed by the barbarian bone at a very fast speed, it swelled outward!

Under this swelling, a long river suddenly turned into thousands of streams, which instantly permeated every position of his body in Su Ming's body, giving Su Ming a sense of endless power in his body.

The strength of the sea marrow made Su Ming's eyes flash, and his body stepped forward, bursting out of his strongest speed. At this speed, he did not need to unfold the rest of his magic power. His general armor, his Handan mountain clock, his body, and the blue light sword in front of him, are the best weapons!

Like an arrow, he only needs to have a strong impact, then he can... invincible!

roared all the way, but all the bones that blocked in front of Su Ming retreated under the violent impact of Su Ming. Their bodies collapsed one by one. Before they could re-illusion, Su Ming had already stepped over. As for the fog beasts, also in a sad scream, their bodies turned into carrion and splashed around. Come on.

And the crying white figure, crying sadly one by one. At Su Ming's extreme speed, they still rushed up, and the smoke disappeared in the roar. Su Ming's figure rushed hundreds of feet away in the channel at a very fast speed.

These hundreds of feet were his breath. This breath was all the power of the haemanth in his body. Now after rushing out, his face is pale, the corners of his mouth are overflowing with blood. The Handan clock outside his body has shrunk a lot, and the armor of the god general is also broken. Obviously, this impact is

His Yuan Ying is on the top of his head, and now his eyes are shining, controlling the blue light sword to sweep around.

In the body passage of the candle nine yin in front of him, there are still dense beasts that can't see the end. They are constantly born and metatomize, as if there is no end.

This feeling is enough to make people collapse, and it is difficult to rush out no matter what. After breathing for a few times, Su Ming immediately took out a small bottle of haemanth and drank another drop without hesitation. In this drop of entrance, the feeling of bursting in his body appeared in an instant. The blue veins on his face bulged, It means expansion, but the appearance looks as usual, as if this expansion is just an illusion.

With a low roar, blood appeared in Su Ming's eyes. He stepped forward and rushed forward fiercely. In an instant, he rushed out hundreds of feet again. All the fierce beasts in front of him all the way collapsed.

But here, Su Ming, after the drop of haemanth dissipated in his body, he spewed out a mouthful of blood, and the Handan clock outside his body shrank back. The god damaged a lot of armor. His face was pale, but his eyes were firm.

"The more you use these beasts of your body to block my way, the more it shows that you have died and you have some will left. In fact, you are afraid of my pursuit!

In this way, your current state is very fragile, so fragile that... Maybe once you are touched, your will will dissipate..." Su Ming gasped and said with a smile that he knew that in this Zhu Jiuyin's body, the remaining will of the other party's words must be heard.

There was no response from the sound of vicissitudes around, only those beasts of ferocious things, constantly rushing at Su Ming with more crazy actions.

Su Ming's eyes flashed, and his body stepped forward and took out the sea marrow again. This was the third time he drank this liquid here. When the feeling that his body was about to burst appeared, Su Ming let out a low roar, and his body rushed forward hundreds of feet again.

In the process of his impact, there was a crackling sound from his body, which appeared on his five barbarian bones. At the moment when the sound appeared, suddenly, Su Ming's seventh barbarian bone also emitted a golden light.

It's just that the golden light of the seventh barbarian bone is a little weak and can't be compared with the other five pieces, but it is indeed emitting light. The appearance of this light makes Su Ming's cultivation seem to break through the calm of the five barbarian bones and increase a lot in an instant.

Su Ming's eyes condensed. When he didn't drink the kelpeach before, after he broke out all the strength, he had a feeling of remaining strength. At that time, in the face of this endless beast of murderous objects, he had no time to think about it in detail. Then he drank the kelpeach three times, and each

Until now, this feeling of remaining strength, under the continuous accumulation, made his seventh barbarian bone emit a golden light. The appearance of this golden light represents that Su Ming's seventh barbarian bone is waking up.

If it accumulates a lot, after a long period of accumulation, with the help of the pressure of this place and the stimulation of the sea marrow, Su Ming's cultivation finally broke out in this fight!

The golden light of the seventh barbarian bone gradually brightens from weak. Although it can't be compared with the other five barbarian bones, it seems that it only needs another stimulus to make it completely explode.

Su Ming suddenly picked up the vial of haemantle. After drinking another drop, his eyes were red, his hair was windless and automatic, and there was a loud roar in his body, and the golden light penetrated through the position of his back.

The sea marrow was boiling in Su Ming's body. This time, after pouring into Su Ming's barbarian bone, all its strength did not spread outward, but was completely absorbed by the seventh barbarian bone. With its absorption, a large amount of golden light surged. This seventh barbarian bone was the same as the other five, which was

Six brute bones made Su Ming's cultivation increase in a large range. The blue veins on his body bulged, and when he let out a low roar, he strode and punched forward with his right hand fiercely.

This punch was blown away, and the six barbarian bones operated with all its strength, making Su Ming's whole body feel like being concentrated on his arm. With the blow of that punch, a piece of ripple appeared out of thin air. Under the sudden dispersion in front of him, the fierce beasts in front of him suddenly retreated one by one,

Su Ming gasped, turned into a long rainbow and went straight ahead, but after galloping hundreds of feet, a large number of raised ferocious beast faces immediately appeared on the meat wall of the candle Jiuyin corpses in front of him, and a fog beast suddenly appeared. At the same time, a row of ribs on the ground penetrated, forming a , boundless...

It seems that there will never be an end. Su Ming stared at the depths of the candle Jiuyin body passage. Looking there, his expression showed decisiveness. Behind him, under the shirt, there was a bulge bone. This bone was usually hidden in the shirt. Outsiders could not see it, but only Su Ming could feel it.

Its location is the sixth barbarian bone. Now Su Ming can clearly see that after the five golden bones, the sixth one is dim, but the seventh one is the same golden light flashing, but they can't become a whole because of the dimness of the sixth one.

And sometimes in that position, there will be bursts of crispness. If the electric light is drilled inside, this piece of bone is Su Ming in the land of the glacier that day. With the cold air there, after freezing the flesh and blood, he opened up and stuffed half of the crystal of the thunder and barbarian inheritance into it!

He only absorbed the wind and barbarian inheritance in the land of the glacier that day. For the crystal of thunder and barbarian inheritance, there was no time to refine it. After all, a wind and barbarian inheritance has used a lot of Su Ming's energy.

Now, the crystal of the wind and barbarian inheritance has melted and merged with Su Ming's fifth barbarian bone. Su Ming planned to calm down and slowly refine the crystal of the thunder and barbarian inheritance, but at this moment, in the face of the crisis of the endless fierce beast in the candle Jiuyin body, Su Ming gritted his At the moment when the fierce beast rushed, he raised his right hand and slapped fiercely on the sixth raised bone of the younger generation.

Under this shot, Su Ming's whole body was shocked and painful. At the same time, half of the crystal of Lei Man's inheritance, hidden in the flesh and blood and hidden in the sixth bone of the spine, suddenly pierced into Su Ming's spine.

A strong lightning burst out of Su Ming's spine. The lightning rushed directly into the top and connected to Su Ming's feet. When the roar echoed, a large amount of electric light appeared out of thin air with Su Ming's body as the center. Then, the dust in his body was the original magic weapon, and the thunder on that day was also crazy Get up and go straight to the sixth bone in Su Ming's body, combined with it for a moment.

The severe pain spread all over Su Ming's body, making him look painful. At the same time, the crystal of the thunder and barbarian inheritance was forcibly fused with the barbarian bones in this extreme way.

With the flash of the lightning, with the roar of thunder, with the golden light of the sixth barbarian bone, Su Ming's spine, seven barbarian bones were connected into one, making him suddenly look up and rush forward.

It is almost the moment when Su Ming forcibly melted the crystal of the thunder and barbarian inheritance. Outside the nine yin world, on the periphery of the witch land, in the distance of the vast black sea, a boundless magnificent continent is coming towards the south morning at a very fast speed. The waves raised are so fast that they are constantly spreading The loud noise echoed in all directions.

On this continent, there is a mountain with nine lightnings falling from the sky for countless years, making this mountain surrounded by endless thunder all year round.

At this moment, on this peak, there is a red-haired old man sitting cross-legged cross-legged. The old man has an eagle hook nose and a gloomy appearance. He suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a huge murderous murderous and anger, and a trace of fear.

He is the Red Thunder of the Eastern Wilderness Continent! The real inheritor of the barbarian thunder and barbarian, but now he only has half of the thunder and barbarian inheritance crystal in his body, and the remaining half is the root of his anger and madness... I'm really sorry, because I participated in the author's salon, the updates in the past few days can only be updated every day, but I