Ask for Magic

Chapter 466 One sentence!

In the nine yin world, the candle nine yin corpse [body], Su Ming's whole body was thunderous, and the full outbreak of seven bones made his speed faster, and his cultivation also increased a lot. Now when he rushed out, he rushed out hundreds of feet in a row and drank the fourth drop of sea marrow again. There was not so When Su Ming searched for those herbs, he found that they had sold them, but the quantity was not large, and he spent some witch crystals to buy them.

In this way, he did not pause at all until he rushed out more than 700 feet. There was a bloody wind behind him, and everything he passed was wreckage.

But he also paid a heavy price for this. The blood spewed out, the collapse of the armor, the withdrawal of the Handan clock, and the rolling of blood all over his body made Su Ming pale, but he did not stop, but after the power of the marrow was exhausted, his Yuanying let out a sharp hiss.

In his hiss, Su Ming's Yuan Ying's whole body flashed. After wrapping Su Ming's body, with his Yuan Ying rushing forward, his figure immediately disappeared in an instant.

It turned out that his Yuanying unfolded the teleportation, and with his body, it appeared directly nearly a hundred feet away. After the appearance, Su Ming's Yuanying roared sharply again, teleporting again.

Seven times in a row, Su Ming appeared more than seven hundred feet away. Finally, those fierce beasts were born in front of him, but behind him, those fierce beasts were boundless and were chasing him.

Su Ming gasped, and his Yuan Ying had withered a lot at this moment. He returned to Su Ming's Dantian. Su Ming gritted his teeth and galloped away. His figure was like a long rainbow, and the speed was getting faster and faster in the body of the candle nine yin. After a moment, the roar of the beast could Obviously, it has been pulled far away.

But Su Ming couldn't relax at all, because of the feeling of being sucked out behind him. Not only did it not disappear. On the contrary, it became stronger and stronger, and the murmur in his ear led Su Ming to look back many times.

But he remembers the words of the Yinling Han, and must not look at the eyes of Zhu Jiuyin!

Su Ming did not look back. He galloped all the time, and even drank a drop of sea marrow again on the way. After the rapid recovery of its cultivation, the speed is even faster and indescribable.

As he kept going deep into the body of Candle Jiuyin, he kept thinking about his head approaching. Gradually. The sultry heat around has also reached the extreme, and even breathing will make the [body] send out the burning pain.

Even the meat wall around it is already red, and there is a large amount of ** flowing along the surrounding meat wall. When it spreads to the ground, it will make a sizzling sound.

These**. Obviously, it has an extremely strong corrosive power, that kind of hot feeling. The stuffy feeling made Su Ming short of breath and made his heart irritable.

A lot of sweat leaked from Su Ming's body, but as soon as the sweat appeared, it immediately turned into white gas, making Su Ming look like his whole body was surrounded by a white fog when he moved forward.

If someone else is changed, it may be unbearable when he is here, which has little to do with cultivation. This is the ability to resist the fire, but Su Ming still maintains the extremely strong speed here. Although these heats make him very uncomfortable, it is not the first time for him to have such a similar experience.

As early as when he was a teenager, there was this kind of fire in the cave he made himself, and he once went deep into the cave, saw the moon wings, and saw the rolling magma.

In addition, he has practiced the art of fire barbarism, and has not even given up. The art of fire barbarism can make Su Ming's control of fire much better than others.

Therefore, he can run like the wind in the hot place in the candle nine yin [body], and the speed has not decreased at all.

Time gradually passed, and I don't know how long it has passed. In Su Ming's consciousness, the connection with the little snake always exists. He can feel that in the distance, the little snake is galloping away.

He called many times, but the little snake didn't pay attention to it at all, but Su Ming could feel through his connection with the little snake that in the little snake's body, there was a strange power that seemed to influence its mind.

With this induction, Su Ming never paused and kept chasing him until he came to the area that even he could not bear, which seemed to be able to burn all substances!

At the moment he stepped into the range of thousands of feet, Su Ming's whole body was a sudden pain, which was the pain of burning. He saw green light in the Qianzhang area in front of him. The ground was green like a swamp, which was empty, and there were no bones around him.

The large amount of heat is scattered from this green swamp.

Su Ming just took a few steps, and the feeling that his whole body was going to be burned to ashes was extremely strong. If he didn't do anything and kept walking like this, he believed that if he could not take three steps, his legs would burn. At that time, the only thing waiting for him was death.

However, he couldn't think too much in time, and the feeling of suction and muttering behind him became stronger and stronger, so that he couldn't stop thinking about the perfect way.

At this critical moment, Su Ming's right hand suddenly raised, immediately bit his fingertips, and wiped it off the pupils of his eyes. At the moment when the blood was wiped away, the fire barbaric art suddenly ran on Su Ming's body. The moon could not be seen here, but at the moment when the blood was smeared ...The blood is burning!

At the moment when the blood and fire was burning, the heat of the place suddenly weakened a lot. Su Ming did not hesitate and rushed forward and turned into a long rainbow, a hundred feet, two hundred feet, three hundred feet... Until he flew out of six hundred feet, his legs immediately came with severe pain, and suddenly burned, with it. With the burning of his legs, the flame covered his whole body. At this time, Su Ming flew out of 800 feet.

The moment the flame covered his whole body and went straight to his head, he rushed to 900 feet, raised his burning right hand, and ignited the blood fire again.

In a hoarse roar, Su Ming's figure jumped directly over the thousand feet of this place in an instant and appeared in the candle nine yin body, at the other end of the green swamp.

stepped into the other end of his body, and with the moment of rushing forward a few steps with inertia, Su Ming's feet immediately heard a click, but he saw layers of ice covered in a blink of an eye. The process was only instantaneous, and Su Ming's body turned into an ice sculpture!

The ice sculpture maintains his previous steps. Stand there at this moment. Don't move.

In front of him, the passage of the candle Jiuyin corpse began the cold stage after experiencing the heat. At this moment, Su Ming suddenly came into contact with this extreme cold. His body turned into an ice sculpture.

Su Ming in the ice sculpture, after three breaths, suddenly flashed in his open eyes. At the same time. At Su Ming's spine, the electric light spread along the ice, and then a whirlwind from Su Ming's [body] spread. In the echo of crackling sound, the ice sculpture suddenly torn apart.

Su Ming stepped out. The cold air came to his face and passed into his body. Immediately with the previous hot impact, every time Su Ming breathed, there would be a sharp pain in the [body].

Just compared with these pains, the hissing and roar that always has been sucked and echoing in his ears behind him is what Su Ming cares about the most.

It's not that he hasn't thought about setting up some traps to block, but not to mention the difficulty of setting traps or formations here. You should know that those beasts of ferocious things were born from this corpse, and they came and went without a trace. Even before, Su Ming saw that the fog beast was moving in the flesh It is moving with bone spurs in the depths of the ground, so it is difficult to stop.

Su Ming's eyes flashed, stepped forward, unfolded his extreme speed again, faced the cold, and went straight to the front. He didn't know how far he had gone on this road, and he didn't know which part of the candle Jiuyin he was in at this moment.

All his routes and walks are in the direction of the snake that the little snake feels in his mind!

As he was moving forward, Su Ming suddenly stopped. What could make him stop in this gallop was on the cold meat wall on the right side in front of him. He saw a body frozen there.

This is a dry wreckage of the body, which can no longer be seen, but on his body, he is wearing a pair of purple armor, which emits a purple light, flashing and very conspicuous.

Around this meat wall, there are deep wounds. The traces of those wounds can be seen that it is the damage caused by this person before he died.

There is a wound, which seems to have been torn apart by life, which is shocking when people look at it.

If only this is the case, Su Ming will not stop. What really makes him stop is the appearance and breath of the armor, which makes him feel a strong familiarity at this moment.

This familiarity is not that he has seen this person, but that this armor and his barbarian armor are almost the same, except for the color!

Su Ming's armor is illusory. The real barbarian armor needs to be obtained by the Dayu Dynasty, and the existence of the Dayu Dynasty is still unknown, but now the armor in Su Ming's eyes, it... is [true] real!

At the moment he saw the armor, Su Ming was moved. This was the first thing he saw after he came to the candle Jiuyin [body] that made him excited.

At this moment, the sound of suction and muttering behind him became stronger and stronger, and the roar and low roar followed. Even on the walls around him and the wall in front of Su Ming, there were a large number of bulges squirming. Obviously, these beasts of ferocated after him!

Su Ming did not hesitate at all. After he stepped forward and came to the skeleton, he grabbed the purple armor, but at the moment when his hand touched the armor, the dead skeleton was checked by Su Ming. His right hand suddenly raised and grabbed Su. On Ming's wrist!!

At the same time, there was a faint light flash in his dry head and eyes.

"I found... three generations..."

At this time, in Su Ming's mind, the contact between the little snake and him also had an accident and was suddenly interrupted.

At the same time, in the fog outside the body of the candle, the man in black robe who followed all the way sat cross-legged in a corner at this moment. His eyes flashed, as if he was hesitating and hesitating, but after a moment, he raised his right hand and immediately saw a green jade slip in his hand.

"This is the last fatale left to me by the master's own hands..." The old man gritted his teeth and pressed the green jade slip on his eyebrows.

It was almost the moment when he pressed the jade slip in the middle of his eyebrows. His body trembled violently, and there was fog in his eyes. Gradually, a picture appeared in his pupil. The person in the picture was Su Ming in the candle Jiuyin [body]!