Ask for Magic

Chapter 475 Don't swallow

Another unknown year. Su Ming, dressed in a white robe, came step by step with a calm look and came to the back of the snake dragon to the place where the horn came, standing on a scale. At the moment of bowing his head, at the moment of his body returned, his expression changed from numbness to unbelievable...

Countless times, Su Ming stood on the scales of the mountain snake dragon with fatigue and a numb expression. He sat down cross-legged for a moment. He saw the handwriting on the scales. His expression shook violently. His right hand trembled and raised. Before his body dissipated, he engraved a line of handwriting...

Once, once, once...

Purs of cycle, constant reincarnation, every awakening, the end of the road taken is death, either in other immortal souls, or on this snake dragon statue...

The only thing he gained was the scales of the snake dragon, which became more and more. Each line of handwriting represented a death, until all the scales were full, until all the scales had more than five elements...

Every time you wake up after death, the memory is blurred, and there is nothing to leave, such as being completely erased, continue the cycle of the week. Without that line of handwriting, maybe Su Ming has really sunk... In this immortal world, it is difficult to wake up, immersed in the continuous reincarnation, from struggling, from roaring to a kind of inner numbness.

This is a cage. The bird feels that it has flown out again and again, but at the moment of death, it suddenly realizes that it is still in the cage.

Only every moment that dissipates on the snake dragon. Su Ming thought of everything, like an illusory dream. Only when he woke up, was he suddenly in a trance, just a moment of trance. Dreams are no longer...

Rely on that line of handwriting. Su Ming let himself not forget in repeated deaths. Let your will not be dissipated, and let yourself... persist, even if the direction of persistence is blurred, even if everything may not be [answer] case.

Until I don't know how many times, until one time, he came to Su Ming on the scales of the snake dragon. The scale where he was located was the place where the five elements of handwriting were engraved.

Look at the line of handwriting on it, and look at the handwriting of many years ago. What was left in a certain reincarnation, don't swallow any words of the immortal soul. Su Ming's heart was shocked. The moment his body dissipated, he looked up to the sky and let out an unwilling roar.

Under this roar, his right hand pressed sharply towards the scales of the earth before dissipating. This time, he did not leave any words, but drew a rune mark on the scales.

After recovering all his memory, he found a structure of the array in the inheritance magic power of Hongluo. The effect of this array can generate vibration, expand a certain sound infinitely, form an echo, and echo between the world.

According to the inheritance of Hongluo in Su Ming's memory, if this formation is unfolded in an empty place, the echo can last for a month. In this month, even if it is very far away, it can still be heard vaguely.

It's just that this array is relatively large. Su Ming's stroke has completed less than one hundred, which is far from the end of the whole structure of the array.

This time Su Ming only carved one of the hundred, but he still has the next time. With the passage of time, with the repeated arrival of Su Ming again and again, every awakening before death, he will complete the structure of the formation after thinking of everything.

There is a mistake in it. The scales on the knees are not in line with the formation structure, but in this immortal world, in the countless reincarnations and repetitions, there was finally a time when Su Ming came to the snake dragon and woke up before death, he engraved the last stroke of the formation!

After the formation was completely completed at this time, Su Ming opened the formation at the moment his body dissipated, and roared out a sentence with the strongest sound in his life.

"Don't swallow any immortal souls, don't swallow any of them..."

While the sound came out, at the moment when Su Ming's body dissipated, Su Ming tried countless times on the snake dragon, and finally constructed the formation, roaring, expanding Su Ming's words infinitely and transmitting them to all directions. The sound was like a wave, endlessly swirling in this world...

In the vast world, on a white land, the fog that breeds condensed Su Ming's figure again ten days after Su Ming's last death.

His figure gradually changed from illusion to substance. His gray eyes looked around blankly, and his memory was blank.

Looking at the gray sky, he had no thoughts in his mind, just like when he went to see the sky for the first time, he stared there. Around him, some fog slowly appeared, condensing some immortal souls. Su Ming, among many immortal souls, looked very ordinary, without any difference.

Those new immortal souls, after their bodies condensed, slowly raised their heads and looked at the gray sky, as if they were waiting for something.

Until the sobbing horn came from the sky, the sound came into Su Ming's mind, which made his body slowly lowered his head in the vibration. Like the group of undead souls around him, he drifted away to the place where the horn came.

Such an action, Su Ming doesn't know here. He has repeated it countless times...

But this time, Su Ming floated in the group of immortal souls for less than a day, in this vast world, in addition to the whimpering horn, a roar swirled violently in this world.

"Don't swallow any immortal souls, don't swallow any of them..."

The sound echoed, which came to Su Ming's ears and into the ears of the immortal souls. Su Ming's forward figure paused and looked up slightly at the sky. After a moment of hesitation, as if he had not heard it, he ignored the other immortal souls and continued to drift.

As time went by, another round of individual souls in this group of immortal souls roared in a low voice, rushed to the other companions around them, and began to devouring repeatedly.

This time, including Su Ming, his gray eyes showed madness. He suddenly turned around and rushed to a blank undead soul next to him. According to his instinct, he was ready to devour the moment to power himself. In the vast sky, it came again with an unwilling roar before death.

"Don't swallow any immortal souls, don't swallow any of them..." This voice has appeared many times these days, and slowly weakened a lot. At this moment, it echoed and fell into Su Ming's mind, making Su Ming ready to devour again.

His gray eyes showed a struggle. In his empty mind, there was nothing, but now the roaring words echoed. He grabbed the undead hand and slowly loosened it.

He doesn't know why he feels very familiar with the sound coming from the sky...

As he let go of the immortal soul, the other powerful souls around him were devoured. After being a little stronger, they looked up to the sky and roared.

The roar came to Su Ming's ear, which made him struggle again. This struggle took a long time until the end of his struggle. When he looked around, there was no undead soul around him.

Those undead souls bred with him have gone away in groups. Only Su Ming struggled there, and the lonely person stayed here. For other undead souls, they will not care about Su Ming's stay. They just follow the call of the horn and keep moving forward to that position.

In the vast land, Su Ming stood there alone, looking blank. After a long time, he lowered his head and drifted forward slowly.

The word probability expresses an accident and a change in calmness. Its appearance is often not man-made to control. Like the probability, in countless times of the same fluctuation, there will be a possibility of different fluctuations...

In this immortal world, it is the same. Su Ming doesn't know how many times he has been reincarnated, and even this problem does not exist in his mind.

Even if this is the hundreds of thousands of awakenings, in his opinion, this is his first awakening.

He couldn't notice the difference between waking up this time. Only when he saw his hundreds of thousands of deaths and those who woke up could he see that it was different this time.

This time, because of the sound, Su Ming did not devour other undead souls. He moved forward blankly until the sound no longer existed. Until half a month had passed, he was still drifting. On the way, he did not meet any other undead souls!

This is the first time that it has appeared in countless awakenings in countless years!

For half a month, the gray in Su Ming's eyes became thicker and thicker, and from the depths of his heart, there was a feeling of hunger and weakness. He sometimes looked around, looking for the source that made him no longer weak and hungry.

He has seen it, but every time he sees it, the sound that has dispersed in his mind will echo faintly, making Su Ming's struggle more and more fierce.

He is eager to devour, but the familiar voice does not allow him to devour. Even with the passage of time, he gradually has a feeling that he... can't devour other immortal souls.

Until his struggle reached the extreme, when he saw more than a dozen undead souls drifting away blankly on the white ground, Su Ming couldn't stand the kind of ** he wanted to devour, and he galloped away.

These more than ten undead souls are obviously new and have not been born at all. After one of them was close by Su Ming, the moment when he was about to be swallowed up, Su Ming showed a strong struggle. In his low roar, his eyes were no longer gray, but purple. He struggled to give up. He devoured, but raised his right hand and punched the head of the undead soul, scattering the body of the undead soul.

At the moment of the death of the immortal soul, there was a sudden roar in Su Ming's mind, and a burst of torn pain came. In that pain, Qingming appeared in the pupils of Su Ming's eyes.

"I'm Su Ming!"