Ask for Magic

Chapter 476 Immortal Soul!

This is the first time for him to get the memory of the latest chapter of the awakening super strange hand covering the sky without devouring the immortal soul!

As his memory woke up and knew his name, Su Ming closed his eyes. The undead souls around him slowly drifted away. Their consciousness was still confused, and they would not resist.

As for the undead soul scattered by Su Ming, some white fog emanating from his body, which surrounds Su Ming, as if eager to integrate into the latest chapter of the super biological empire in Su Ming's body.

But after a long time, when Su Ming opened his eyes, he looked at the white fog and walked out silently without absorbing it at all. In his memory, in addition to his name, it was still vague, but the feeling of desire to devour the immortal soul decreased with the killing.

In the gray in his eyes, there are also some more minds at this moment. Following the earth under his feet, Su Ming floats forward slowly. Time passes slowly, and it is half a year in a blink of an eye. In this half year, Su Ming has experienced several killings. He no longer absorbs those white fogs, often after seeing the unde Yes, he will rush away in silence.

If you don't absorb the white fog, it won't make him strong, so every time you kill, it's better if you encounter that kind of confusion and won't resist, but if you encounter someone who devours your companions, it will be very difficult.

But with the killing, although Su Ming was not strong, his memory had a new awakening. He remembered some of his magical powers...

He remembered Li Fengzhan, the art of Lei Man, and some inheritances of Hong Luo. With these means, Su Ming was in silence. Instead of choosing those immortal souls who will not resist, we are looking for those powerful souls to fight with them!

After fighting again and again, Su Ming gradually found many of his shortcomings, and he was not decisive enough. Too many flowers. It's not enough to kill. Even in the face of some crises, there will be mistakes in choice.

All of this, at the cost of his body's breakdown several times, and even he died twice...

Perhaps because he did not devour the immortal soul, Su Ming, who died twice, was very different from usual after waking up again. His memory was not blurred, and he was still kept at the moment before death, after each death. He will think about the reason for his failure, and then continue to kill.

He can clearly feel that he is slowly becoming stronger. This kind of strength is not the strength of devouring the immortal soul, but its own grasp of the battle, the understanding of magic, and the judgment of will.

His action. He has given up a lot of useless fancy, and his mind is decisive and resolute. Once he takes action and points directly to the goal, there will never be any laxity and relaxation.

Gradually, with the increase of killings, as Su Ming's continuous death and resurrection, and with his summary and improvement of every failure, the speed of his killing became faster and faster. He began to target the powerful souls in the large group of undead souls, rather than a small group of undead souls.

In this way, the number of powerful souls he has to face will be much more, and for him, the degree of danger will also increase, but this killing will bring Su Ming a continuous awakening in addition to the transformation of the battle.

He not only remembered his magic power, remembered his own name, and even remembered that this is... the immortal world of Zhu Jiuyin!

If that's all, it's all right. After dying dozens of times, after killing many immortal souls, and giving up the magnificent white fog, a scene appeared in his memory, everything about his last reincarnation!

He saw what he experienced in the last reincarnation, devouring the immortal soul, until the scene of death where the horn came from.

His memory paused here, and he couldn't think of more. Even in the last reincarnation, the scene on the snake dragon was just vague. He didn't know why he did this and why he carved a mark on the scales.

But he has a feeling that if he continues like this, one day he will remember everything. The killing has been continuing. Su Ming is wearing a black robe, and his hair is windless and automatic. The wind barbaric skill was changed by him in his own way. The same is true of the thunder barbaric skill. This change makes the lethality of this skill more decisive.

Such a little bit of time, ten years, fifty years, one hundred years...

Su Ming passed through a group of thousands of immortal souls. His feet did not pause at all. Where he passed, his right hand was often under one finger, and there was a strong wind roaring out of thin air. His left hand punched with thunder, forming a large burst of collapse.

Dozens of powerful souls in the group of immortal souls, after Su Ming passed by them, dissipated and turned into white fog, but Su Ming did not absorb it at all.

Such a fight can no longer satisfy Su Ming, and it is impossible for him to get more experience. This kind of killing is difficult for him to experience the crisis.

After a hundred years of killing, he died nearly a hundred times, but after each resurrection after death, Su Ming will think about the reason, change all the root causes of his death, and then transcend himself.

His will has experienced unimaginable training in the past hundred years. With his killing and the recovery of his memory, he remembered more reincarnations, and the past of each reincarnation was remembered by him one after another.

His expression gradually became numb, but this numbness compared with his previous reincarnation. It seemed to be the same, but in fact it was completely different. This numbness appeared due to habit and indifference, and the numbness in reincarnation. The internal root of it was confusion.

One is because of habit, the other is because of confusion, two kinds of numbness, such as the difference between heaven and earth.

Su Ming's body is also tired. This kind of fatigue of killing, this feeling of having to fight for the recovery of memory, makes him feel physically and mentally exhausted.

However, everything still needs to go on!

Until another hundred years later, he remembered his previous ten thousand reincarnations. He knows all the scope of this vast land and the immortal world.

The goal of his killing began to put on those undead souls of war like the red-haired men in those years. Only such a soul of war will make him fight with him. Feel the crisis of death.

"If there is a sky, there is an earth..." Su Ming took action, and on a sky, with a figure surrounded by black fog, was fighting a battle of life and death. The low roar from the black fog was shocking. Its movements are hot and cold. Ice and fire are superimposed.

"There are flames, there is ice water..." On the white ground, on a raised hillside, there is an old man who fought with Su Ming. The old man has white hair and numb eyes, but when he took action, it made Su Ming collapse and die many times...

But every time he wakes up, Su Ming will continue to fight!

"Collapse with pressure. It's about to absorb and swallow..." Su Ming was fighting with a three-foot man in heaven and earth. The man's fist had two different senses of lightness and weight. It's hard to bear. There are more roars in the roar. It's three words!

"Immortal soul!"

"The immortal world of Zhu Jiuyin. The immortality and immortality are the same..." Su Ming sat cross-legged on a raised peak on the white earth, looked at the gray sky and muttered to himself.

His memory has been restored to hundreds of thousands of reincarnations. Four hundred years have passed. In these four hundred years, he has not absorbed a trace of white fog. He relies on himself to fight in death and awakening again and again!

There are many people here, and he still can't win, such as the three-foot man, such as the old man, Su Ming has experienced many deaths on them.

"Everything here has both sides, such as pressing and grasping, sending out power to collapse everything, grasping is to absorb the fog and nourish the soul...

As fast and slow as that, as light and heavy, there are many more... all of them are two different areas. Su Ming closed his eyes, and his numbness contained thoughts.

"The immortal soul is what I looked like before reincarnation. It absorbs the fog here, nourishes the soul and finally becomes strong, but the immortal soul... It is the road I'm taking now, such as two extremes!

Immortal is that he will never really die. He can be resurrected every time, but the memory after resurrection will disappear, and there will be nothing left... If it is immortal, it means that my memory will never die. I can keep the original memory after countless deaths!

Perhaps this immortal world of Zhu Jiuyin is originally prepared for the immortal soul... It's just immortal. What is needed is a strong will. Without this will, it is difficult to persist until the end..." Su Ming raised his right hand and pointed to a very casual finger behind him. Under this finger, he immediately drilled into the emptiness behind him. There was a short man. His face was numb, and he opened his mouth and was about to devour, but Su Ming's fingers had already touched his eyebrows. There was no pop-up window in the full-scale war of the empire.

With a bang, the short body burst out and turned into white fog. With Su Ming's big sleeve, the fog dispersed into the distance. This matter was as ordinary as breathing for Su Ming, and it did not make his thinking pause at all.

"Looking for your own pros and downs, not heaven and earth, not ice and fire, not that one press and one, not light or heavy, also not fast and slow..." Su Ming's eyes opened, looking at the gray sky, in silence, in a trance.

Time passes slowly. For a hundred years, two hundred years, and three hundred years, Su Ming has always sat here. There is a large number of white fog around him. This group of white fogs are scattered by the immortal souls he killed here. And because of the existence of these white fogs, it is of great attraction to many immortal souls, and there are often Lin, after absorbing the white fog, he became strong, but at the moment he rushed to Su Ming, he was pointed at by Su Ming's eyebrows and collapsed and died.

This finger is Su Ming's seven hundred years, in this killing and thinking, combined with his wind barbarism, thunder barbarism, Yuan Ying's magic power, and all kinds of things in his countless reincarnation memories here, derived a one-style killing move!

This killing move is very simple, only one finger, but this finger has the speed of lightning, the power of wind and thunder, the strangeness of grasping and pressing, the root of light and heavy, the law of fast and slow, and the life and soul of Su Ming!

Until this day, in Su Ming's memory, in the countless reincarnations, there was a scene of his real first arrival in this world... He remembered why he came, the little snake, the old man in black, and the words that touched his heart during the war with Zhu Jiuyin.

"The fusion of heaven and earth, the fusion of ice and fire... fusion..." Su Ming's eyes opened for the first time in hundreds of years, and his eyes showed light.

"I understand..." (to be continued)