Ask for Magic

Chapter 545 Home Under the Sea--

Su Ming was silent. After a long time, his eyes were withdrawn from Huzi's back. The chill in his heart at this moment was already so great. Huzi's suffering, he would let people pay back a hundred times a thousand times!

If he doesn't do this, it's not enough to calm his heartache. If he doesn't do this, it's not enough to suppress his burning anger at this moment!

He was angry. This anger has reached the extreme and turned into the seemingly calm at this moment, but if the anger under this calm bursts out, it can burn the world.

Su Ming turned around silently and looked at the cave belonging to the master in front of him. His eyes swept around. It was empty. He had been here before. In that layer, there were a large number of collections left by the master.

But now, this layer is empty. Su Ming went to the next layer in silence until he walked through all the caves. His gloomy look, combined with his anger, formed a terrible fluctuation.

Master's cave is almost empty, and there are not many collections left, and the rest are no longer there.

Su Ming's heart was tingling. He silently walked out of the cave and stood outside the cave, looking at the heaven and earth in the distance. The voice of the tiger echoed in his ear. The master often stood here, looking at the direction of the witch clan with a gloomy look...

Master, I went to the witch clan to find him, but I couldn't find him.

"Master..." Su Ming stood there and closed his eyes. After a long time, when he opened his eyes, he followed the traces in his memory and walked down the mountain until the rolling sea water appeared in front of him, but Su Ming's footsteps did not stop. He walked into the sea. Under the sea, he saw the complete The ninth peak...

He looked sad, walking in the sea, walking on the stairs of the submerged ninth peak, which should have been covered with vegetation in the sea. Stepping on it, it should have been like stepping on the dust.

But as Su Ming saw, the steps are very clean. Obviously, Huzi often comes here to clean it up.

The scene of memory is clear in front of Su Ming's eyes. Overlapping with the desolation he sees now, his ears seemed to be faintly able to hear the sound of the ninth peak of the wind that year, and he seemed to see the second brother standing there, facing the sun on his side. Smile at yourself.

Su Ming looked more and more sad, and there was silence around him. In this silence, he walked silently and walked through Huzi's cave. I walked to the second brother's residence. The residence was very neat, but it was immersed in the sea water, and there was a wreckage in the medicine yard...

The smile of the second brother, the figure of the second brother. As well as his identity as a ghost, these appeared in Su Ming's heart when Su Ming was here. I stood silently for a long time...

There may be tears in his eyes. But these tears merge with the sea, and you can't see it.

"Second brother..."

Until Su Ming turned around, he saw a lot of flowers and plants that died in the sea along the way. Those... were the traces left by the second brother.

Until Su Ming came to the bottom of the ninth peak. The place where the eldest brother is closed is there. He followed his memory and came to the cave that is now submerged by the sea.

Looking at the familiar place, it seemed that the voice of the eldest brother came to his ear. The concern in the voice was still strong in Su Ming's heart at this moment.

"Big brother..." Su Ming muttered bitterly. Big brother was a taciturn person. He didn't want to say too much, but he had a deep love for several brothers and their masters.

After a long time, Su Ming left dimly.

He walked through all the positions of the ninth peak and all the rocks in his memory. The bits and pieces here carried the warmth and memory of his past. Finally, Su Ming came to his cave in those years, looked at the raised platform, and looked at the second brother above who still planted after he left, and now he is dead. He sat cross-legged on the platform silently.

A man, in the depths of the sea, on the ninth peak, sat there sadly and looked at the distance.

What he saw was the blur of the sea, but what he saw in his heart was the heaven, earth and ice and snow of that year.

The ninth peak is an iceberg, but in this iceberg, it is a real peak. It will not melt, never...!

Su Ming closed his eyes and sat here. His heart suddenly calmed down.

As in those years, it's just that around here, there is a lack of the master who often looks up to the sky and roars, the elder brother's closed mind, and the second brother's gentle smile is missing. After a lot, here... is it still the ninth peak?

"This is the ninth peak, and this is my home in Nanchen." Su Ming muttered that he was the only figure under the endless sea, and it was very clear on that platform.

But this is clear, but it is full of loneliness, missing, and a memory of the past.

What kind of missing will make a person guard the ninth peak desperately.

What kind of missing will make a person sit there silently at the bottom of this lonely sea, looking for traces.

"Master, I'm back... I'm back to the ninth peak, and I'm home." Su Ming sat on that platform, just like him in those years, with the passage of time, Su Ming was here, day by day...

On the third day, Su Ming opened his eyes. He raised his head and looked at the sea above. There was a terrible chill and murderousness in his eyes.

He stood up and walked along the original road. Gradually, his figure walked out of the sea, walked on the steps of the peak, and came to the top of the mountain. The tiger's snoring was still coming. Listening to this, Su Ming's face showed his first smile after entering the ninth peak of the seabed.

"Brother Huzi, have a good sleep, everything... have me!" Su Ming sat cross-legged outside the master's cave at the top of the mountain. His hair was blown by the sea breeze, and his clothes made the sound of blowing. He slowly looked indifferent and closed his eyes.

The bald crane is aside. It has always been here these days. It dares not leave due to the prohibition on its body. It is quite depressing in my heart. But now when I saw Su Ming return from the bottom of the sea and saw Su Ming sitting there silently cross-legged, it suddenly shivered.

He sensed the murder on Su Ming's body. The murder was so strong that it was beyond Moro Island, which made the bald crane tremble in his heart and dare not approach.

Even with its magic power, it can faintly see Su Ming's side at this moment, and even the nothingness is frozen.

In Su Ming's storage bag, the little snake came out and lay on Su Ming's shoulder. It was also aware of Su Ming's killing cold. At this moment, it spit out the core and stared at the sky coldly.

Time passed slowly. An hour later, an illusory twist suddenly appeared in the sky of the ninth peak. From the distortion, two long rainbows suddenly flew out and went straight to the ninth peak.

Before people get close, there is a cold sound.

"The deadline is up. Take out the tribute and meet Lord Sima with the two of us. After suffering the punishment of nine whips, you can guard the ninth peak for another month."

Su Ming opened his eyes, raised his head and looked at the sky.


Double seven days, the last few hours, devil friend, ask if there is a monthly ticket!