Ask for Magic

Chapter 546 Cold Sky Gate!

While the sound of the cold echoed around, Su Ming looked calm, but the feeling of calmness was more shocking than all evil spirit, and more trembling than the outbreak of cultivation. This kind of stillness contains the power that makes people almost suffocate after watching it.

The two long rainbows roared in the sky and went straight to the ninth peak, which was a hundred feet high on the sea, but before they approached, the people in the Changhong on the left immediately found something wrong.

He saw that what was sitting on the ninth peak was not Huzi, but a slightly familiar face, but the familiarity and strangeness of this face made him unable to remember where he had seen it for a while.

I also found that Su Ming existed, and there was another person in Changhong. The two of them floated on the canopy of the ninth peak in the air and looked down coldly.

"Are you?" One of them frowned, but his expression was still indifferent, with a sense of arrogance from Tianmen, but before his words could be said, Su Ming raised his head and raised his head. The moment his eyes opened, his eyes suddenly burst into a deep cold light.

In this cold six, the disciple of Tianmen, who was looking at Su Ming in the air, suddenly roared and his body trembled violently. His mind was thunderous at this moment. Su Ming's eyes felt like two sharp swords penetrating through his eyes and rushed into his mind, making his mind suddenly collapse. Entering his mind, he made his heart beat faster and directly reached the extreme speed.

even made his body. At this moment, there was a click, such as his body could not bear the will and pressure contained in Su Ming's eyes!

In addition, the supreme forgiveness of Tianmen also burst out in this eye, in the body of this Tianmen disciple.

The disciple of Tianmen's face was pale in an instant. His eyes first burst directly and shed blood. His body spatled out a big mouthful of blood. When this mouthful of blood spewed out, all his seven orifices overflowed with blood. His whole body screamed, his mind collapsed, and his mind collapsed. At this moment, He was depressed by Su Ming's calm and angry eyes, and directly extinguished his life!

With a bang, the little companion beside him was stunned, and the disciple of Tianmen fell into the sea.

If you look carefully, you can see that those shiny things are the jade buttons on the clothes of the dead Tianmen disciple.

"Waste, it's too wasteful. It's accumulated into a lot. If I accumulate like this, I will be rich sooner or later! The bald crane raised his head and stared at another disciple of Tianmen, looking forward to it.

Su Ming's eyes can't kill people, but if the pressure from Su Ming is integrated with his eyes and his consciousness, then he can kill people!!

At the moment when the disciple died, another disciple of Tianmen shivered all over his body. His face was directly pale. When he looked at Su Ming, he looked full of embarrassment. In his scream, he retreated in a hurry and was about to quickly return to Tianmen.

His mind is in chaos. He can't imagine what kind of cultivation he needs. With the pressure of a glance, he will kill his peers who are close to his cultivation.

At this moment, he has no arrogance as a disciple of Tianmen, no more indifference and disdain in the face of the tiger. Even the sound of screaming does not have coldness, but fear. The boundless fear drowns his mind like a tide. At this moment, the only idea in his mind is to escape and use the The speed escaped back to Tianmen.

"Those who hurt the ninth peak, grass and trees, kill!"

"Injure the ninth peak servant, kill!"

"Those who hurt the disciples of the ninth peak will be killed by all the barbarians!" Su Ming said to himself calmly, stood up from his cross-legged knees and took a step towards the sky. This step fell, and his body suddenly appeared in the sky.

"In the past, the ninth peak guarded me, and in the future, I will guard the ninth peak!

But before he could say his words for mercy, it was almost the moment when he knelt on the ground. Su Ming's right hand had swept over the heart of his eyebrows. When he walked to the sky, the disciple of Tianmen trembled, and his head cracked a gap from the center of his eyebrows, with his hair, half of his head in the The body fell into the sea together.

The same scene happened again. The bald crane roared a few times and rushed away quickly. When it came back, there was another storage bag and a few buttons on its claws.

"I'm rich, I'm rich. The more the little barbarian kills, the richer I will be. This... seems to be good to follow him!"

Poor disciple of Tianmen, his body was sinking in untidy clothes... Before he died, he was in this fear. In the last moment of his life, he suddenly thought of the root of his familiarity with Su Ming. He recognized the person in front of him, who was the fourth son of the ninth peak, the one who had disappeared for more than 20

His world became darkness when he recognized Su Ming. From then on, he never woke up again.

Huzi's snoring is still coming out. After being tired for several years, he will sleep for a long time with the help of Su Ming until his body recovers. Maybe when he wakes up, everything he sees will be different.

Su Ming stood in the air. The reason why he waited for the disciples of Tianmen to come was that he had swept the sky a few days ago, but there was no trace of the formation.

So he was waiting. Now the sky is distorted. After these two people appeared, Su Ming immediately noticed that there was a position in the empty sky and a point appeared.

Su Ming didn't know this point before he met Fang Canglan, but now, he can see at a glance that this point is exactly an empty pavilion boundary point!

At the moment of realizing this small occupation, Su Ming took the third step. At the moment of the third step, his body suddenly stepped on this spatial boundary.

When he stepped into this place, his eyes were instantly confused, but his divine consciousness was in all directions. He didn't need to look at it with his eyes. He could feel that after stepping into this point, he was like stepping on a certain transmission position.

When everything was clear in front of him, he stood on a huge formation on the left. Outside this formation, there were nine huge stone pillars carved with different strange beasts. At the top of the stone pillar, nine people sat cross-legged.

The sky is blue, there is no sun, but the light reflects the earth. From afar, the mountains on the ground are undulating. In the white clouds, there is a long rainbow flying.

The bird's language is fragrant, permeating all directions. The aura of this place is extremely strong, and many cherished medicinal herbs are planted, full of green eyes, so that people will have a sense of paradise after seeing all this.

Quiet, indifferent, full of this beautiful world. In the sky, you can see nine huge stones floating in the sky. The stones are conical. In the upper platform, there are different styles of palaces.

These nine huge palaces, like the supreme in the world, float high in the air, and most of those long rainbows shuttle through these nine palaces.

There is also the sound of flowing water, looming. It is a long rainbow that runs through the earth. With the sound of the river flowing, there is also the sound of this woman's playfulness. Occasionally, some birds that fly gracefully in the sky look extremely beautiful, not fierce beasts. The anti-nephew seems to be favored .

The sky is high and the clouds are light, forming a strong contrast with the outside world, which makes people feel in a trance.

In the center of the nine-small floating hall in the sky, there is a towering mountain, on which stands a huge stone tablet that can be seen far away.

The stone tablet is engraved with three golden characters, emitting endless light, so that everyone here can look up!

"Cold Sky Gate!"

This is the Tianmen of Tianhan Sect. Before stepping in, Su Ming was quite puzzled about the mystery of the Tianmen, but after stepping in at this moment, with his experience, he saw the so-called Tianmen at a glance, which was a broken space!

This is not Nanchen, but a place of space fragments that have been opened up or accidentally discovered.

But it is much weaker and not strong, far less than when the bronze sword left.

But all this is clearly revealed. This place should be a strange space between Yin Die and Hao Yang!

Su Ming's appearance, his body exuded dead air. Although the dead air was very light, it was incompatible with this empty world. In this way, at the moment he appeared in that formation, the dead gas on his body turned into black smoke. When he rolled, the black smoke rose directly into the air, which made a small part of the sky, Like ink, there was a black fog!