Ask for Magic

Chapter 623 Confidence

This generation of barbarian gods is really fierce. The east barren tower comes out, ninety-nine floors high, and the top layer is the treasure, which is enough to make the two immortals and barbarian families excited!

Twenty-six places can cause a bloody storm, and in order to prevent an uncontrollable situation. For example, these twenty-six people secretly draw up their own rankings under each other, and add the limit of thousands of miles of blood.

In this way, it is not as simple as a bloody storm, but a sea of blood!

If you don't have enough fairy killing, you can't step into this eastern barren tower. If you don't have the qualification to enter it, you can't get great creation! Therefore, when the words from a generation of barbarian gods echoed, Su Ming felt the fierceness of Lie Shan Xiu!

In the same way, all the immortals who have been heard also feel a deep coolness while longing for the treasure.

No one has doubted whether the east barren pagoda really exists those treasures as Lie Shan Xiu said, but most of the great powers that the immortals are good at pushing and looking for by the clans are true!

Coupled with the identity and cultivation of a generation of barbarian god Lieshan Xiu, since this matter has been said, it will never be false. Although the immortals hate Lieshan Xiu, they have to agree with it.

Su Ming withdrew his eyes and closed his eyes.

"The eastern barren tower built by a generation of barbarian gods is not a conspiracy, but a conspiracy... In this matter, the split of the emperor and the evil sect can obviously see that this is a situation of self-killing.

It needs enough fairy souls, and even... here, if there are people who want to get the qualification, they naturally need to fight hard... If it's alone. However, in the barbarian land, there are many tribes, and there are also some sects such as the Tianhan Sect.

These sects are more fanatical about the legacy of a generation of barbarian gods..."

"What a scheming trick, not only makes the immortals kill each other, but also attracts their barbarian people, and will also rise because of this. Go crazy to kill the immortals in exchange for the opportunity to get that great creation...

There is even a trend to form a union, in these thousands of days. The whole eastern wilderness continent will be bloody..." Su Ming opened his eyes and a trace of essence flashed in his eyes.

"In troubled times, it's coming..." Su Ming shook his sleeves. He stepped back a few steps and sat cross-legged on the ground again. He had a sense of crisis. He needed to fully recover his cultivation as soon as possible to get his place in this chaotic eastern wilderness.

"Twenty-six places... It should be twenty-seven places, but my quota, others... don't know!"

Baoqiu, who was beside him, calmed down at this moment and looked at Su Ming with awe and a trace of other charm in his eyes.

"Son, don't worry, what happened today. Baoqiu will never talk to others. If there is nothing else, Baoqiu will leave. Those who want to come to the sect will come one after another to explore the reason for the arrival of the mountain. Baoqiu bowed to Su Ming. The beautiful head lowered and retreated. She was about to leave the attic on the second floor and return to the first floor.

At the moment when Baoqiu was about to leave, Su Ming's eyes suddenly fell on the woman and looked at the beautiful face. Su Ming's posture is as calm as water.

"My blood can let you avoid the barbaric disaster. What do you think of this?"

Baoqiu paused after stepping back, and her body trembled slightly. She looked up at Su Ming, looking a little pity, a little confused, a little emotional, and all kinds of expressions made her face look very complicated.

"Nothing..." Baoqiu lowered his head, as if he didn't dare to look into Su Ming's eyes, and said softly.

"Have you ever seen fate?" Su Ming looked at Baoqiu and suddenly opened his mouth.

Hearing the word fate, Baoqiu's body trembled again, and he subconsciously stepped back a few steps, and his face immediately turned pale.

"I haven't seen it, I've heard of it... Don't force me, prince. Regarding fate, every comer will swear before coming to the barbarian mainland. Once he says it, he will be punished... What's more involved in the relatives of the fairy clan." Baoqiu raised his head and looked at Su Ming, with a plea in his eyes.

Su Ming was silent for a moment, and his face showed fatigue. He closed his eyes and stopped forcing him to ask about it.

Even if you know, what can you do? Even if you confirm your own guess, what can you do? In this place of death, you still don't know where your memory is, or don't know where the girl called her brother is.

"In the end, I still need myself... to break it. On this day, one day, I will blow it away, and I will go out!

This day is not far away. Su Ming said to himself silently at the moment he closed his eyes.

Baoqiu left. After the robbery, the evil spirit sect seemed to have returned to its previous appearance. Many people from the sect came to visit Baoqiu to inquire about the arrival of a mountain. These people did not notice the existence of Su Ming. Even the elder Shen Dong, if Su Ming wanted to avoid it, it was difficult for Su Ming to be

The immortal sects of the Donghuang Continent also seemed to be calm after the robbery, as if nothing had happened, except for the huge hole in the sky, except for the towering Donghuang pagoda that flattened the mountains and appeared in the center of the Donghuang Continent!

Maybe some people secretly explored the tower and didn't know what the result was. Su Ming didn't know, but Su Ming noticed some subtle changes in the whole evil spirit sect a month after the robbery.

Many people who have been closed for a long time have gone out of the customs one after another, and sometimes there will be strong fluctuations, which are revealed on this peak. The disciples of the foreign sect no longer go out one by one. Every day, there are many disciples who have gone out to practice before. They seem to have received a call and rushed back to the sect

A huge mountain protection array gradually enveloped the peak of the Evil Spirit Sect. While blocking it, the power of heaven and earth was largely sucked away, making the whole peak look more cloudy from a distance.

Even some foreign disciples who were driven to the lower peak because of punishment, many of them were recalled by the foreign sect, returned to the foreign sect, and began to make intensive preparations.

A tense atmosphere surrounds the whole evil spirit sect. This atmosphere is not strange to Su Ming. That is... preparing for war!

In Baoqiu, the elixir was sent every day, and the quality was getting better and better. From the words after his arrival, Su Ming clearly knew that his feeling was not wrong. This was indeed preparing for war. All this was on the third day after the barbaric disaster, a seal from the evil fairy sect.

In that seal, a bloody breath is clearly expressed, and there are only two sentences in it.

"Prepared for war, get together and ready to go!"

In this month, Su Ming's practice increased faster and faster due to the existence of those elixirs. According to his prediction, if it can continue, he can recover to 90% in another month. After half a year, he can fully recover and reach an unprecedented peak.

At that time, he can attack the barbarian soul realm. Once he succeeds, he can ignore all the barbarian souls!

This is his self-confidence!

"Half a year is a little long... It's nothing on weekdays, but at this moment, the thousand-day deadline of the Donghuang Tower requires me to reach the barbarian soul as soon as possible. It seems that I need to go out and experiment with the secret skills in the inheritance of Hongluo. Fortunately, my cultivation has recovered a lot now, This must be done.

Donghuang Tower... It won't be opened without blood, but from the words of a generation of barbarian gods, it seems to be a limit on the twenty-six qualified quota... There is no mention of me.

If there is a chance, you should go and see if there are such restrictions on me. If not..." Su Ming's eyes flashed and he continued to immerse himself in the practice.

In a blink of an eye, it was another half a month. At noon on this day, Su Ming's closed eyes in his knees suddenly opened, and the essence flashed inside. He raised his head, as if he could penetrate the attic and see the sky outside.

But from outside the mountain protection array of the evil spirit sect, three long rainbows are roaring at this moment. These three long rainbows are side by side, looking like meteors surrounded by black fog, sharp roaring and spinning. These three long rainbows are close to the mountain protection array. In a flash of black light, they directly penetrated the array and appeared

Their appearance immediately attracted everyone's attention, and their eyes condensed on the three people one after another.

"At the order of Lord Ji'an, Shendong, the evil spirit Sect, came forward to listen to Xuan!"

Almost at the same time as this sentence came out, a senseng voice came from the black smoke of the evil spirit sect.

"Shen Dong, I have seen three evil messengers."

The three people immediately held their fists and bowed to the place where Shen Dong's voice came from the black smoke. The current person took out a jade slip. After crushing it, a virtual shadow immediately appeared in front of him, between the void and twists.

The virtual shadow could not be seen clearly. I could only see a black robe wrapped around, covering its head and face. A cold breath immediately dispersed from the virtual shadow, directly covering the evil spirit sect, so that all the people who witnessed it were shocked. They bowed their heads and knelt down to worship.

The sky, when the cold breath dissipates, it immediately dims, as if it is covered by a layer of fog, which makes people unable to see clearly.

"Shen Dong." A deep voice came out of the virtual figure. Its voice did not contain any emotion. After listening to it, there would be a sense of coldness all over the body.

"Take your evil spirit sect and step on the Qianshui Valley. The goal is a branch mountain gate of the Tibetan Dragon Sect... Ten days, the goal is to completely destroy it!

There, build a line of defense for me and become one of the bases for my evil sect to invade the immortal clans!"

In the rolling black smoke, a man came out at this moment. This man was middle-aged, wearing a blue shirt, and bowed respectfully to the virtual shadow.

"Disciples obey!"

The virtual shadow did not open its mouth again, but gradually dispersed. The three evil spirits silently punched Shen Dong, and the two turned into a long rainbow, penetrated the mountain protection array, and galloped away.

After holding his fist, the remaining one stayed in place and said a word.