Ask for Magic

Chapter 624 Thousand Water Valley

"Inner sect, foreign evil spirit disciples, elders, early this morning, the evil spirit sect made five efforts, and marched with Shen... Tibetan Dragon Sect!" Shen Dong's eyes swept over the ground, and there was a slight pause in the two-story attic where Su Ming meditated, and the words slowly came out. The words echoed the whole evil spirit sect, making all the people who heard it boil uncontrollably in their bodies one by one, and a breath of killing was suddenly detonated.

"The old rule, the people who are killed, 70% of everything belongs to those who kill them, and the things they rob, the same is true!"

Shen Dong's voice echoed outside the attic. Just now, the other party looked at the attic and seemed to touch Su Ming's eyes. When Su Ming's eyes shrank, the other party's eyes moved away.

"Shen Dong..." Su Ming narrowed his eyes. He underestimated the other party. Maybe he didn't really find himself at that glance, but he also saw some clues.

But the other party has been able to endure it until now. Although he has doubts, he has not made any excessive or check. Even the eyes just now have passed by and did not show hostility.

Su Ming has not had contact with Shen Dong, the elder of this evil spirit sect, but from the perspective of this matter, this person is deep and by no means idle.

"If you can become the top of a sect, your practice will be the best of the immortals, and you should indeed have such a scheming." Su Ming closed his eyes and continued to immerse himself in the practice.

With his cultivation at this moment, he can fight against Shendong without falling behind, so he doesn't care that the other party sees some clues. At worst... He can leave this evil spirit sect and go to other places to find a retreat, although there are some twists and turns.

As for Shen Dong reporting this matter to the people of the evil immortal sect, or telling Ji An, the strongest of the evil sect, Su Ming is also on guard against this matter. Let's not talk about whether Shen Dong will really report it before it is clear. Even if it really happens, Su Ming believes that with his own cultivation, Ji An will be killed. It's not that simple!

Especially at the critical moment of the emergence of the East Tower!

"The enemy of the enemy. You can become an ally..." Su Ming looked flat and continued to practice.

In the whole evil spirit sect, after Shen Dong's words, a series of adjustments began. The orders were sent from the inner sect one by one. The disciples of the inner sect who received orders one by one walked out of their respective residences at the designated time. Go to the designated place to gather.

It's a foreign place. It's the same. After all, most of the barbarians who change their bloodlines are in foreign countries, condensed at this moment. Many people have received orders.

Even Su Ming here, at night, with the return of Baoqiu. He handed Su Ming a jade slip.

"The lower peak handyman Qian Chen, who went out there, sent this jade slip to the prince. This is the summoning order of the foreign clan... Congratulations, the prince, you can be recalled by the foreign clan again." Baoqiu smiled softly.

Su Ming opened his eyes, and the jade Jane was put aside.

"It seems that I can go out with the prince this time, and I have also received a seal here. In the early morning of tonight, I will enter Qianshui Valley to destroy the branch mountain gate of the Tibetan Dragon Sect in the east of the Eastern Wilderness."

"I think several other evil sects have also received orders. During this period, we should completely destroy the immortal clans in the east of the eastern wilderness one by one. Baoqiu said, sitting opposite Su Ming, wisp his hair, and whispered.

"Foremininciples are all weak in cultivation. What role can the destruction of the branch mountain gates of the Tibetan Dragon Sect?" Su Ming frowned.

"It can be sacrificed by blood. The prince is obviously regarded as the object of the blood sacrifice. Baoqiu blinked and said with a smile. She thought it was very interesting. A strong man like Su Ming was actually remembered by foreigners as a blood sacrifice.

"But this is also a good thing. If you have time, you can go there. The Tibetan Dragon Sect is good at the art of elixir and is famous among the immortals... And 70% of my evil sect's income belongs to individuals. I have very little elixir here. These days, those have been distributed due to war preparedness.

With the prince's cultivation, no one must be aware of it, sweeping the branch gate of the Tibetan Dragon Sect... At that time, don't forget to look at the service of Baoqiu these days and share it with me. Baoqiu blinked, his smile was very sweet, his eyes flashed with expectation, and he was a little excited.

"And I can lead the way. I have visited the branch of the Tibetan Dragon Sect before..." Baoqiu said, sticking out her tongue and licking her lips. She looked beautiful, but now this action is even more attractive.

Su Ming pondered and nodded.

The acquisition of elixir is very useful to him. More importantly, there may be some herbs in the branch mountain gate of the Tibetan Dragon Sect. If more herbs can be accumulated, for Su Ming, when opening the debris space in the future, it will save a lot of twists and turns of searching for medicinal materials.

However, these are not the most important points. The point is that Su Ming's cultivation has recovered more than 80% at this moment, approaching 90%. At this moment, he has exceeded the peak of that year, and can barely use a secret skill in the inheritance of Hongluo.

Extract the earth's gas and condense it into a soul!

It's just that what he wants to extract is not the earth's qi, but the spiritual vein, condensed into a strong force of heaven and earth. After swallowing, he can restore his cultivation and take a lot of steps in an instant.

This kind of thing, because the Evil Spirit Sect is his temporary shelter, it is inconvenient to unfold here, but the branch mountain gate that can be chosen by the Tibetan Dragon Sect is not without spiritual veins, so much, but with such absorption, it also has great benefits for Su Ming.

However, there are also drawbacks to this matter. This kind of forced devouring, because there is no time to absorb it slowly, will form a hidden danger and needs to be closed to make up for it in the future.

In fact, even if there was no evil spirit sect to destroy the branch mountain gate of the Tibetan Dragon Sect, Su Ming also thought about going out, so that his cultivation could not take half a year, but to reach the peak and attack the barbarian soul.

This is the most important thing for him today.

The early morning is coming, and the whole evil spirit sect is silent. In the square of the inner sect, there are more than 30 evil disciples waiting there silently. These people are the key cultivators of the evil spirit sect, among which the hatred of the Han Mountain is also among them.

A cold air surrounds this Neizong Square. The sky is dark and there is no moon tonight.

There is also a huge square in the foreign sect. At this moment, there are more than 200 people on it. Among these people are uneven, some are waiting silently, some are pale-faced and fearful, and some are hot-blooded murderers. All kinds of emotions exist in different people.

Su Ming stood in a corner. He now looks like a thirteen- or fourteen-year-old teenager. His face is very white and looks thin.

He was not alone. By his side, there was Qian Chen, who had just arrived from the crowd around him. Qian Chen shivered and looked at Su Ming with a flattering look.

"Senior must help me this time... I, I don't want to die there."

Similar words, and there are many flattering words. Qian Chen has just said a lot, and he did not expect it. He also received a seal to participate in this battle.

In fear, he put his hope on Su Ming, and subconsciously mobilized the power of his handyman for many years, and he also got a lot of promises of protection in this foreign sect.

But he still felt uneasy, returned to Su Ming and pleaded again.

Su Ming didn't open his mouth and closed his eyes. If he was in a fake night's night, it didn't take long. In Qian Chen's plea, the early morning came!

At this moment, the surroundings were quiet in an instant, but I saw the black smoke at the top of the peak of the evil spirit sect, which rarely disappeared. At the same time, nine figures suddenly flew out from the top of the peak. At present, one person is Shen Dong, the elder of the evil spirit sect!

Baoqiu is also among the nine people!

When Su Ming opened his eyes and looked calmly at the sky, Shen Dong's eyes swept over the earth. When he withdrew, he only said one sentence.

"The evil sect kills..."

"Do not leave a living mouth!!" There are many people from the inner sect and the outer sect. At the same time, the roaring voice echoed in this quiet night, and the sound was murderous and even more crazy.

This is the evil sect!

Shen Dong shook his body and galloped to the west. The eight people behind him followed closely, and then, from the square of the evil spirit sect, more than 30 long rainbows roared, and roared to the west after the eight people.

Then, on the edge of the square here, there were eight old people who had just been silent. They raised their hands one after another, waved and roared around. The whole square of the foreign religion was like a huge plate. Under the vibration, hundreds of people on it slowly rose into the air and moved suddenly, with more than 30 people in Neizong. After that, he galloped away.

The wind tore and blew on the body, so that hundreds of people on this square-like flying artifact immediately fell down and clasped the ground, as if they could not be buckled, as if they would be directly blown out of the magic weapon by the strong wind.

Fortunately, this feeling was only for a moment. After a moment, with the soft light curtain emerging around, the wind gradually disappeared, and everyone was relieved. They were pale one by one, and some of them were extremely weak, and they almost vomited.

Qian Chen was one of them. His body trembled and he muttered to himself in his pale face. Su Ming would not listen, but Qian Chen was beside him, and he couldn't help but hear some.

"All kinds of immortals, brothers, sisters, uncles, uncles, fathers and mothers... Bless me that there is no blood and light disaster this time, bless me to pick up the baby this time, bless me to catch a little woman this time, bless me this time..."

Su Ming closed his eyes and ignored Qian Chen's nagging all the way there. About half an hour later, a huge valley appeared in front of the night sky. There was a river under the valley. The sound of Juanjuan's flowing water faintly came out. There were hundreds of rivers, which were not connected to each other and flowed at the same

Here is Qianshui Valley.

Su Ming opened his eyes and looked calm, but there was a cold light in his eyes.

He saw that on both sides of the Thousand Water Valley, there was a suspension bridge, on both sides of the suspension bridge, the peak of the valley, and many exquisite buildings were built. In this dark night, a little light was shining.

It's dark, no moon, it's the night of the killing prey on fire!. RT