Ask for Magic

Chapter 817 Secrets of Different Lands

"What is the secret of this place? It is almost rare for intruders to survive. Even if they survive and leave, they will never mention this place.

It's because they can't say it, or there are other reasons. Su Ming looked at the horse thieves getting closer and closer to the village. While the sound of horses' hoofs shook the ground, it also made the domestic dogs in the village who did not want to scream seem to be aware of the crisis. The almost sad dogs barked, making the lights that had been extinguished in the village light up at this moment.

At the same time, a cry and the sound of fear came from the village, and there were more baby crying, which was in chaos.

"I have observed this village for half a month, and there is no clue at all. It is completely a mortal village... It is not an illusion, then they are real."

"This village is built here. If there are often horse thieves here, how can they not guard against it, but I look at the inside and outside of the village without any protective fence."

"This group of horse thieves also came strangely. Why did I see it..." Su Ming narrowed his eyes. When he thought about it in his mind, he saw that the group of horse thieves had approached the village less than a hundred feet. The dogs in the village barked and sobbed, and the children were holding their mother in

The men in the village held any kind of weapon they could get in panic. Although they were afraid, they did not retreat, but roared wildly in despair.

In order to protect their families, in order to protect their homes, they can give their lives.

"Kill, slaughter the village, kill all the men, the elderly and children, and take away their food and women. Hurry up. After destroying this village, we need to get back as soon as possible. The strongest man among the horse thieves raised the machete in his hand with a ferocious smile, waved forward, and shouted that all the big men behind him went straight to the village with a fierce smile.

One hundred feet, eighty feet, sixty feet...

Su Ming is in the distance. Looking at this scene, he saw from a distance that the group of horse thieves were less than thirty feet away from the village. He looked at the fearful look in the village. Desperate people, looking at the fear in the innocent eyes of those children at this moment, and looking at why the men guard their homes without withdrawing half a step. Looking at all the women in tears, they hugged the child tightly and showed firmness in their eyes.

Su Ming suddenly understood.

"I'm hesitant..." Su Ming muttered.

"While I was hesitant, I fell into the choice. I chose to help the people in the village, to help the horse thieves to slaughter mortals, to be calm and let things go, or to kill everyone here. There may be other options, but...

This is not my will. This is my forced into the choice by the world, by the development of the surrounding environment and events. No matter what I do, I'm making a choice.

"This is a different place, an extremely dangerous place in the outside world, I understand!" Su Ming took a deep breath. He looked at the horse thief who was only ten feet away from the village. He understood everything in front of him. It's the world, this is the first choice for yourself.

"Just like this dead tree, there is only one trunk, but the higher it is, the more forked branches will appear. Even if you choose a branch, you will encounter a choice again, and you won't find out whether it is the end until you get to the end." Su Ming stood up and looked at the big tree beside him,

"Choice..." Su Ming's eyes flashed coldly, and his right hand raised and waved to the village not far away. At this moment, the horse thieves had rushed into the village. The current horse thief raised the machete in his hand with a ferocious smile and was cutting off at a middle- However, his body trembled suddenly, and the raised machete paused in the air, and the wind blew. The big man, together with his horse, became flying ash at this moment.

No blood, no crushed meat, his whole body directly became flying ash and disappeared in front of everyone. At the moment when everyone in the village was stunned, the rest of the horse thieves behind the big man were all in panic, motionless, all... became flying ash.

This strange scene immediately made everyone in the village almost stop breathing. They stared at the flying ash scattered in the wind and snow in front of them, with an unreal feeling, as if everything was a dream.

Until they saw Su Ming coming step by step from the wind and snow, all of them were retreating in trembling. Su Ming, wearing a white robe, came in the wind and snow until he stood in front of the mortals in the village, his eyes swept away from these people.

What he saw was fear, which was even stronger when his body trembled than when these people met horse thieves. Su Ming withdrew his eyes in silence. He couldn't turn around. When he chose to leave, the wind blew his hair up.

" are a legend!!" Suddenly, a trembling voice came from the crowd, and an old man quickly took a few steps. His face was full of wrinkles, like the end of the wind and candle. At this moment, he looked excited. He looked at Su Ming and his body was trembling.

"You are a legend, a legend of our village. You can't be wrong, you can't be wrong... I remember your portrait, you are a legend!"

Su Ming was stunned and turned to look at the mortal old man.

The old man's words were not clear in excitement. He couldn't explain it clearly in anxiety and quickly pointed to a house in the village.

Su Ming's eyes flashed. He looked at the house and walked away. After pushing open the door of the house, he stood at the door and was shocked. He did not step in, but stood there for a long time.

This house is an ancestral hall with many plaques in it. It is the place where the dead in the village are worshipped by descendants. There is a painting hanging on the wall behind the evil plaque.

In the picture, there is a man wearing a white gown with long gray hair. He leaned sideways in the wind and snow, as if he was turning around. The wind blew up his long hair. This scene was almost the same as when Su Ming turned around and was about to leave!

"This is a picture scroll worshipped all year round in our village. In those years..." After Su Ming, there was the old man's trembling and excited voice, but Su Ming didn't hear it, which was no longer important.

Importantly, Su Ming looked at this picture scroll, his long flying hair in the picture scroll, and the scattered snowflakes. He understood that this was not a picture scroll that existed many years ago, but... himself just now.

"A long place..." Su Ming muttered, raised his right hand and grabbed the scroll. Immediately, the scroll went straight to Su Ming. The moment Su Ming held it in his hand, suddenly a magnificent force came out of the scroll. After pouring directly into Su Ming's body, a sound of vicissitudes appeared in his mind.

This sound has an ancient breath, as if it came before the endless years. Because it is ancient, even if it is heard in the ear, it gives people a sense of decay.

"Old man... Sui Chenzi." The voice echoed Su Ming's mind, and there was an momentum in the vicissitudes of life that could make the starry sky stand still. What's more, at the moment when the sound spread, the wind and snow around Su Ming did not move, and all the people in the village had completely lost their lives. They all stood there, motionless.

The surrounding houses are rapidly decaying visible to the naked eye, and those who do not move are also rotten at this moment.

It's not only them, but also the snow on the earth, the wind in the sky, and even the whole sky are slowly dissipating at this moment, like decay.

Even the picture scroll in Su Ming's hand is dissipating, as if immersed in the passage of time for a moment, it is quickly decaying.

All the colors around here have receded at this moment, leaving only despair. Only Su Ming's body still maintains a complete color, which has become the only difference in this world.

"When I was born, the heavens and the earth were open, and the practice was lifeless. How long have you forgotten... The sky is nine days, and I enjoy one of them alone. The cultivation is exhausted. One thought of the sky is gone, and the other is the way of heaven.

One thought of all sentient beings is extinguished, one thought of all things are pregnant... The nine worlds of the sky, the heaven and the earth are divided at the beginning, and the old man has become one of them. If the old man is destroyed, the heaven and the earth will be lacking. If the old man dies, the heaven and the earth will be

Where the old man's intention comes, there is a disaster to breed. What I think is to pursue and practice for a lifetime. All the sentient beings in heaven and earth, and the creatures in my world practice everything, which are all my husband's thoughts.

However... Heaven and earth are damaged, irreversible, the sky is about to be destroyed, irresistible,... The eight of them have failed one by one and turned into ruins of dust, leaving only the old man struggling.

The nine worlds of the sky have been broken. What's the use of my struggle?

I want to reverse the sky. If I succeed, I will reopen the world. If I fail... In the heart of heaven and earth, my dust will appear. With the void of eight friends, I have no regrets.

Before I fall now, I want to set the law. I said... If the world falls and turns into the void of dust, the predestined person will come, and I can get the source of my god.

The divine source, the source of the nine realms born at the beginning of heaven and earth, only those who have the divine source can become one of the nine realms of the sky, and only by cultivating to the extreme, can the birth of... One world!

Predestined person, I don't know how many years have passed in the sky where you are now, but if you look at how many real worlds under the sky, you can know that in today's era, there are several Xuanzun like me!

You look at the heart of heaven and earth, the nine dust voids have disappeared in a few places, and you can know how many people have become Xuanzun!"

Su Ming's mind was shocked, which was the strongest shock since he was conscious. The sound echoed in his mind made him have a roar that subverted his cognition in a different place.

"If you want to get the old man's divine source, there are only three results. One is to perish, and the second is not qualified, but you can leave. You can't say a word, otherwise you will perish yourself. The third... melt the divine source and step into the road of Xuanzun!"

Su Ming's mind exploded like a million thunder at the same time, and his body trembled. At this moment, the heaven and earth around him were all rotten, the houses dissipated, everyone became flying ash, the sky disappeared, and the earth turned into nothingness. Su Ming was the only one left, standing there in a daunted.

The picture scroll in his hand has also dissipated at this moment. RQ