Ask for Magic

Chapter 818 Big Man

With the dissipation of the scroll, and as the surrounding heaven and earth turned into nothingness, towering stone tablets suddenly appeared in front of Su Ming. These stone tablets are of different in heights. Some are about hundreds of thousands of feet high, and some are only two or three thousand feet. At a glance, they are countless, more than 100,000.

Most of the colors are dim, and there are cracks on it, waiveting the ancient smell. At the same time, those cracks have penetrated, but now the blood has dried up.

Each stone tablet is engraved with a name. More than 100,000 stone tablets represent more than 100,000 names here.

"The old man's divine source can be obtained by all sentient beings, but... The law of the law of the law of the jungle, so only 100,000 stone tablets is left. For each person who comes, one person dies. This is one of the results of the old man's divine source.

"Those who pass 100,000 feet of the monument are candidates for the source of the old man's divine source. They can leave temporarily, give a thousand-year period, and return to this place within a thousand years, so that after the monument is over 200,000 feet, you can get another thousand-year limit, and so on.

Every thousand years, if you don't come, you will die by yourself. This is the second result of wanting to get my divine source.

"At one time, you can make your own stone tablet reach the height of a million feet, and you can directly get the source of the old man's divine power. All the remaining stone tablets are smashed, and the dust dissipates. This is the third result."

While the voice of Sui Chenzi echoed in Su Ming's mind, Su Ming immediately saw a stone tablet more than 80,000 feet high in front of him. The cracks on it spread widely, and blood kept flowing out of the cracks. Even Su Ming heard a sad scream and unwilling roar faintly.

"No, I don't want to. I've been trapped here for 23,000 years. Give me some more time. I can make the stone tablet reach 100,000 feet. I'm not willing!!"

The roar stopped abruptly, and the stone tablet in front of Su Ming was washed with blood. With the disappearance of the sound, the name that once existed on the stone tablet also disappeared. It hasn't been erased.

At the same time, the stone tablet has a soft light flashing, which is diffuse and slowly shrinks. Until it turned into 2,000 feet, the light on it dissipated, and the surface of the stone tablet was smooth. Like a mirror, when Su Ming looked at it, his figure was folded on it.

"Leave your name, inherit, and start." The old voice in Su Ming's mind echoed again. Su Ming was silent. He looked at the 100,000 stone tablets around him, and there was no way out.

The so-called three results are not to let people choose whether to accept it or not before inheritance, but when they just stepped into a different place. After the first choice, it is doomed to embark on the road of inheritance.

"Either die in the inheritance, even if you don't die, you will be permanently trapped here, unless the stone tablet can reach 100,000 feet, you can get a chance to go out for thousands of years...

Otherwise. Either die in the years, or after the arrival of others, they are replaced by the qualification, so that they will perish... Look at the way this is replaced by the qualification, it doesn't look like there is any rule. After all, there are not many people here who have reached 80,000 feet. In this way, this choice of replacement qualification... is arbitrary and irregular. Su Ming was silent.

He was very shocked by Sui Chenzi's arrangement. He knew that the more irregular it was, the more terrible it would be. He did not give people the opportunity to choose at all, but had been chosen all the time.

Maybe only a few people come here, which is nothing to those 100,000 people. This choice is to destroy one out of 100,000 people, and the possibility of falling on yourself is very small.

But... This place is open and anyone can step in. Even in the long years, there must be many periods. When a large number of monks come, if 10,000 people come, it is not one out of 100,000, but one out of ten!

If 50,000 people arrive, it will become one of the two choices. Similarly, just like 100,000 people arrive, then this is a ruthless elimination, and all the previous 100,000 people can be replaced in an instant.

Even if you have just obtained the qualification, you don't have much time to get the divine source, and death has come. This is unfair, but things in this world are already unfair.

Luct is the key to survival here!

Su Ming took a deep breath and understood this. Knowing that he had no way out, he stared at the stone tablet in front of him and suddenly waved his right hand on the stone tablet.

If a strong wind swept across, when it fell on the stone tablet and dissipated, a name appeared on it.


At the moment when the name appeared, the stone tablet roared, and the smooth surface immediately concave and convex, and gradually a picture was outlined. A moment later, when the picture was completely revealed, Su Ming saw himself standing in front of those ordinary people in a stormy and snowy world, in a village.

This was his original choice, and now it is revealed on this stone tablet.

Su Ming looked at the stone tablet. After a long time, he withdrew his eyes and looked further away. When he saw that among the many stone tablets, a thousand stone tablets had reached 100,000 feet, which means that there were a thousand people who had not died after being trapped for many years, and successfully stepped into the range of 100,000 feet and obtained a thousand-year limit.

The stone tablets reach 200,000 feet, with a total of 500. These 500 stone tablets stand in different positions in all directions, and their names emit a faint light.

There are three hundred stone tablets, reaching 300,000 feet, and two hundred stone tablets are as high as 400,000 feet. As for the 500,000 feet of stone tablets, Su Ming saw 100 of the 100,000 stone tablets in these four weeks.

Sixty-thousand-foot stone tablets, there are twenty.

There are ten steles of 700,000 feet.

Su Ming only saw one of the 800,000-foot stone tablet. It stood in the distance, but it was the highest one in this place, which was a remarkable existence. When Su Ming looked at the stone tablet, he could faintly see the name on the stone tablet.


"Become the candidate of the old man's divine source, Shouyuan is no longer limited, and it can not be destroyed under my rules... But if you can't continue to let the stone tablet grow, in addition to being trapped forever, if someone else becomes a candidate, you will also be disqualified." In Su Ming's mind, the old voice echoed indifferently.

"The cruel elimination." Su Ming muttered, obviously, if someone makes his stone tablet 100,000 feet, then there will never be one hundred thousand feet of stone tablets, but one of the previous one thousand stone tablets will be erased, so that the number will remain one thousand forever.

Because of its irregularity and arbitrary erasure, even if the stone tablet reaches 199,000 feet, the probability of death is the same as that of 1001,000 feet.

Choose one out of a thousand.

"In the past and the present, there are many people who have come to this place for endless years... There is no restriction of longevity here, that is to say, there is an extremely ancient existence among the candidates here.

Once someone succeeds in obtaining the divine source, the rest of the people will die. The Red Fire Marquis once said that the ancestor of our underworld once entered a different place and walked out.

Although I don't know which of the four different places his ancestors entered, since he can get out, it means that he has become a candidate for that long-distance place, so is his final death because... in the place where he is, there is a person who really obtained the divine source? Su Ming was shocked, but he soon rejected the idea.

"The Red Fire Marquis said that in addition to the Shenyuan Star overseas, there were four in different places, but now there are still four, which shows that no one has succeeded in obtaining the divine source." Su Ming's eyes flashed, showing a look of meditation.

"Is it... the ancestor of the underworld, he... didn't die! But it coincided with a thousand years, and I had to return to the other place, and I'm still trapped? Su Ming frowned. There were many clues, but it was difficult to find the real reason. But in any case, the demise of the fifth real world in those years may be inextricably related to this different place.

Su Ming sighed that there was only one road in front of him, making his stone tablet reach 100,000 feet! He took a deep breath, took a step forward, and came to the stone tablet that represented him. Looking at the stone tablet, Su Ming raised his right hand. He had a feeling that as long as he pressed his hand on the stone tablet, he could fight for the life and death of the 100,000 people at another level.

At the moment when Su Ming's hand was about to press the stone tablet, a roar suddenly echoed. A stone tablet more than 30,000 feet high in the distance emitted a bright light. Its size rose sharply, from 30,000 feet to 40,000 feet. At the same time, under its light, a person came out of the stone tablet.

This man is a big man. His body is extremely burly, and he is full of strong power in the realm. His cultivation is actually in the late stage of the realm!

At this moment, when he walked out with a tired face, his expression was numb. He saw Su Ming, but he didn't care at all. Instead, he looked at another stone tablet about 20,000 feet high beside him. A trace of softness flashed in his tired eyes, as if the existence of the stone tablet was the only driving force for him to support

Su Ming glanced away, and he saw the name engraved on the stone tablet of the big man.

Zhou Kang.

As for the 20,000-foot stone tablet that the big man's eyes were softly looking for, Su Ming also saw a name called Sima Yue.

"Sima Yue should be the name of a woman. If these two are not good friends, they must be Taoist couples." Su Ming looked at the big man sitting cross-legged under his own stone tablet. He didn't care about his wait-and-see. He directly ignored it and closed his eyes and said nothing.

During the meditation, Su Ming simply did not immediately put his hand on the stone tablet. He stepped back a few steps and sat down cross-legged. Su Ming did not have much clues and experience in the inheritance of the divine source. If he could see some clues from this big man, he would be more confident.

As time went by, Su Ming and the big man were silent to each other. After a few hours, suddenly, Su Ming suddenly turned around and looked in the other direction.

In that direction, between the void and twists, there was a huge bloody crack. There was a roar in the crack, and then a person came out of the crack.

This man is an old man. After walking out, he looked at his surroundings blankly, with an unbelievable shock and shock in his confused look.

Obviously, this person, like Su Ming, came for the first time!

This scene immediately aroused Su Ming's attention. Even the big man opened his eyes in an instant and stared at the old man. His breathing was a little short. In the choice of death, the shadow of death must be someone in the 100,000 people after a moment, which suddenly enveloped Su Ming and the big man. RQ