Ask for Magic

Chapter 854 Unspeakable

The huge palm covered the boundless starry sky and surrounded the countless cracks in the western ring. At this moment, with the rapid grasp of the palm, Su Ming's eyes showed his understanding at the edge of a crack. He looked at the arrival of the five fingers and the whole sky was quickly replaced by the palm he was holding.

Surrounded by the roar, wherever the fingers pass, the starry sky seems to collapse, and the last word of the palm in the ear is still swirling, and a force enough to destroy all sentient beings continues to breed from the palm of this hand.

The starry sky shook and the sky dissipated. This powerful unimaginable power made Su Ming obsessed at this moment. He seemed to forget that he was in this crisis and forgot that with the palm of his hand, he would be destroyed from now on, even if... he had the split of purple heaven.

I can't tell whether the passage of time is fast or slow. It seems that at this moment, the law of time has disappeared here, as if it is a breath, and it seems to be endless years. The grip of the palm replaces nothingness, and it is almost completely together.

The sky bombarded, and this scene was extremely amazing from afar. The boundless palm held the West Ring in a different place. Even when I looked at it, the West Ring was no longer there. Only this huge palm in the starry sky was quickly turning into a fist.

Su Ming looked at the coming fingers above and saw ravines, plains, which were constantly getting bigger and coming to him quickly.

"The edge of the palm is born and destroyed..." Su Ming muttered, and at the moment when the palm of his fist was completely grasped, he retreated and stepped into the crack in the west ring.

The moment he stepped into his body, there was a muffled sound that seemed to smash the star domain. Suddenly it spread all over the world, which was... a squeezing sound after the palm was completely grasped.

That's the impact of the power that shatters all existence.

A ring-shaped ripple appeared out of thin air, from which the fist suddenly rolled around. Wherever it passed, it roared, and the ripple seemed to become a rolling wave, constantly spreading. In the boundless starry sky, there are ripple distortions, as if... the sky is about to die. It seems that all sentient beings will die.

But at this moment, a roar suddenly came out of the fist. This roar with a wave of domineering, with a stream of contempt for all sentient beings, and even higher majesty and domineering, as if it were the only one, and then spread.

"Get out!!"

At the moment when the roar came out, the huge fist suddenly shook. With its vibration, it seemed that a force burst out from the palm of his hand, which was so strong. It seems that the five fingers of the fist are about to be broken from the inside, as if... it is a soul that can't be killed by the palm of this hand.

"Get out of here!!" While the roar was still echoing, the second same roar immediately came out of the fist, and the voice was shrill. But although it is harsh, it still contains endless hegemony and majesty, as if all wills must give in under this voice, otherwise, it is disrespectful and needs to be erased.

In the appearance of this sound. The huge fist shook again, and it seemed that it could not continue to hold the firm position.

"Damn ant, dare to come here to offend me, get out of here, get out, get out!" The third roar came out immediately, causing a sensation in the sky and shaking the starry sky.

"What about the birth and death of the palm? A monk like you, dare to stretch out your palm in front of me and get out!" The fourth roar also roared.

The vibration of the palm became stronger and stronger, and the five fingers had to be raised in the trembling, and the roar became more and more. The fifth, sixth and even the seventh, at the same time, the roar opened.

"All sentient beings are ants, and heaven and earth are nothing. In the endless years, you are not the first person who dares to offend us, but you are the first madman who wants to destroy us."

"The fate of the world is born and dead, and there is no real world of your own. If you dare to come here, you are looking for death!"

"Get back to your sleeping place, this is not the place where you ant can destroy!"

The roar spread violently. During the echo of the seven roars, the huge fist was forced to loosen its five fingers, and even more in the trembling, there were signs of breaking, as if it could not resist under the seven wills represented by the seven roars.

"Hey hey, what's your little doll's name? You are not timid. Do you dare to tell me your name? I will remember the seal of your life. When I walk out, I will be the first to devour you." The eighth voice roared, and the collapse of the palm became stronger and stronger, and the five fingers had been completely opened.

"Those who offend the world, die!" The ninth voice, with endless madness and murder, roared out, and the palm of his hand suddenly split apart. There were three of the five fingers, separated from his palm and scattered into flying ashes.

"The fate of the palm is born and dead, you can chase me from the yin holy realm, but here... this is my star domain, you... don't break up!" The last voice belongs to Su Ming.

At the moment his voice came out, the palm of his hand was in collapse, and the last two fingers suddenly broke apart, revealing that he had just been wrapped in the West Ring. At the same time, all ten thoughts burst out from countless cracks in the other place, forming a powerful and indescribable impact, straight to the broken The palm of the hand went away.

This is not the will of Su Ming alone. This is the will of all Ecang in the West Ring. This is the soul of the ten Ecang. After detecting the crisis, it will explode with all its strength.

Here, they are invincible beings. Here, no life can destroy all ten of them at once. Here, they are the most powerful symbols of heaven and earth.

The roar spread, the deafening roar shook the sky, and the palm of his hand kept collapsing. There is no existence that can provoke Ecang. This is Ecang's pride. This is Ecang's dignity. They can devour each other, but... If there are external beings who want to destroy them, they will face their crazy counterattacks.

This is the reason why Su Ming dares to understand the birth and death of the other party's palm in the crisis. As long as he comes back here, as long as the other party still wants to kill him here, then the other party will face the full counterattack of the ten souls.

Under this counterattack... So what about the life and death of the palm!

The roar was so loud, and the palm of his hand broke up in a large area at this moment, revealing the complete West Ring, and even more revealing... A huge and endless giant tree with ten colors of light.

This tree is surrounded by colors, disting a breath that is enough to destroy all sentient beings. With a roar, the will of the ten souls did not have any magical power in the simplest way, but directly hit the palm of the collapse.


This palm spread from the guardian force of the Yinsheng Zhenjie. At this moment, it broke inch by inch, and the speed of fragmentation was so fast. In a blink of an eye, the part outside the West Ring Road has been shattered, and it has spread rapidly. If you can stand from the perspective of the starry sky in the whole West Under the continuous fragmentation and dissipation, half of it has disappeared at this moment.

is still going on... With its wide dissipation, the starry sky covered by this palm is revealed again, and the stars covered by it appear again. It is only a few breaths, and the collapse of this palm is close to the guarding forces of the yin holy world.

The huge and endless palm, there is only a small part left at this moment, but the collapse is still not over, until three breaths have passed, all parts of the palms extending in the Western Ring Star Domain have turned into flying ash, and this collapse finally spread into the scope of the yin holy realm.

The roar spread, the starry sky trembled, and the yin holy real world guarded the sky within the sphere of influence. The fragmentation of the palm directly spread to the base camp, the whirlpool. After smashing all the palms, the meaning of the ten souls seemed to be unfinished. When it was about to continue to destroy the whirlpool composed of countless stars, suddenly, three divine thoughts comparable to the ancient will that chase Su Ming suddenly burst out of the whirlpool.

"Enough, get out of here!"

"My four real worlds have no interference with you. Don't think that you really can't kill you!"

"You haven't recovered yet, broken body, if my four real worlds invite Xuanzun, you will still be destroyed!"

The three divine thoughts echoed at the same time, making the roar outside the whirlpool vibrate, and after a while, they gradually calmed down.

At the same time, in the depths of the camp, there is a continuous mountain range on a star full of black soil. The mountain range looks as usual, but if you look carefully, you can find that it is the shape of a person.

A man lying there!

When this man's eyes were slowly closing and roared all over the world, at the moment his eyes were completely closed, his right hand... shattered.

"The fate of fate is in the palm of the hand... However, how to hold it beyond the fate of life?" The muttering sound echoed in the stars.

"The fate of the palm is born and the end, and I have only cultivated one of the palms. The ups and downs of fate, I don't know if there is a time to step into this life... Not to mention the reincarnation of the world of life, and the sky of extinction.

The fate of the palm is born and died, the fate rises and falls, the heart is reincarnation, and the sky is destroyed. These are the four realms.

Taoism is boundless, one word, one flower, one leaf, one leaf, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word, one word There are also Xuan after the four realms, and after Xuan... It's unspeakable.

After unspeakable, is there anything else... there should be more, because... there is no end to practice. A sigh spread all over the stars.

In the world of 100,000 stone tablets, all the monks opened their eyes and woke up. Just now, they were all asleep and didn't know what had happened.

In the nothingness they can't see, now the ten souls of the sky are roaring at each other.

"Purple, you provoked all this."

"Purple, you first kill our tributes, and then lure the blue primary to offend off. What the hell are you going to do!" RQ